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SB 1 Modifying controlled substances schedules and prescriptive authority Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
SB 2 Providing tax incentive to dental practitioners performing services to indigents Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 3 Creating Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
SB 4 Creating Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 5 Creating Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 6 Regulating sale of drug products used in manufacture of methamphetamine DSCH  CONF  03/08/14 
SB 7 Relating to composition of Joint Committee on Government and Finance Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 8 Prohibiting zone pricing of gasoline Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 9 Creating Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Commission Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 10 Requiring Medicaid dental coverage for certain mothers of newborns Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 11 Relating to cellular telephone communications and wiretapping evidentiary provisions in family court proceedings Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 12 Relating to expedited partner therapy treatment Vetoed  Vetoed
SB 13 Modifying Courthouse Facilities Improvement Authority funding assistance Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 14 Establishing child support insurance match program Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 15 Removing certain billing limitations for HIV or STD testing by public health agencies Pending  Committee  02/28/14 
SB 16 Requiring health insurance coverage of hearing aids for certain individuals Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 17 Allowing possession of opioid antagonist by certain public safety personnel Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 18 Redefining and renaming "obscene matter" Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 19 Increasing compensation caps for certain family court staff Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 20 Revising laws relating to regulation of fireworks Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 21 Reducing student-to-teacher ratio in public schools and increasing certain aides' pay Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 22 Relating to State Auditor's compliance regarding limitation of PERS post-retirement earnings Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 23 Relating to fetal death reporting Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 24 Relating to liability immunity for ski patrol rendering certain emergency care Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 25 Requiring Senate advise and consent for State Superintendent of Schools appointment Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 26 Creating emergency generator tax credit Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 27 Relating to minors obtaining tattoos Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 28 Prohibiting certain campaign contributions by lobbyists during legislative session Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 29 Clarifying requirements for certain motor vehicle searches Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 30 Exempting autocycles from license examination and safety equipment requirements Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
SB 31 Relating to appointment and removal of State Fire Marshal Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 32 Authorizing Legislative Auditor to collect sunrise application review fees Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 33 Increasing salaries of State Police forensic lab and civilian employees Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 34 Redistributing proceeds from excise tax on transfer of real property to counties for benefit of regional jails Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 35 Requiring filing fee for write-in candidates for public office Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 36 Relating to posting of property to prohibit hunting or trespassing Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 37 Creating personal income tax checkoff for Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 38 Reallocating certain oil and gas severance tax proceeds to counties of origin Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 39 Adding additional family court judge Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 40 Providing judges appoint public defender attorneys for eligible clients Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 41 Providing resident tuition rates for children of WV institution graduates Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 42 Providing for construction of Lou Tabit Freeway Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 43 Creating crossbow hunting license Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 44 Expanding hotel occupancy tax to include commercial campsites Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 45 Specifying certain residency requirements for majority of state-chartered banking institution directors Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 46 Creating informal dispute resolution process to certain behavioral health providers Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 47 Increasing minimum proof of financial responsibility in motor vehicle insurance coverage Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 48 Authorizing rural resort community as limited gaming facility Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 49 Relating to review of adverse determinations by insurance companies Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 50 Relating to organization of Physicians' Mutual Insurance Company Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 51 Requiring water-free urinals in public rest areas, institutions and schools Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 52 Creating pilot program incorporating Khan method of teaching mathematics Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 53 Authorizing state, county and local road construction improvements by private investors Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 54 Improving state emergency preparedness Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 55 Creating licensed school psychologist-pupil ratio Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 56 Creating pilot program for TANF recipients of academically achieving children Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 57 Implementing Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths outcome evaluation system Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 58 Relating to basis for voidable marriages and annulments Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
SB 59 Relating to claims against counties, school districts or municipalities Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 60 Providing only notice of county board of education financial statement availability be published Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 61 Increasing legal education credits required of court-appointed attorneys in juvenile cases Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 62 Relating to referral of drug court participants having co-occurring addiction and mental health issues Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
SB 63 Increasing salaries of State Police forensic lab and civilian employees Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 64 Providing automatic revocation of will upon legal separation Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 65 Prohibiting consideration of certain income-producing asset for purposes of spousal support Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 66 Terminating state's jurisdiction over certain reclaimed sites of bond-forfeited surface mining operations Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 67 Authorizing use of excess campaign contributions for repayment of previous campaign loans or debts Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 68 Limiting liability of participants in certain water pollution abatement projects Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 69 Clarifying period for determining property assessments for local share calculation Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 70 Conforming code to federal requirements for certain registered voters in presidential elections Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 71 Limiting landowner's civil liability for injuries occurring while hunting Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 72 Creating Intrastate Coal and Use Act Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 73 Exempting veterinary medications from sales tax Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 74 Redefining "low income" for senior citizens' homestead tax credit Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 75 Requiring equal membership from magisterial districts on county planning commission Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 76 Creating Firearms Freedom Act Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 77 Permitting escrow deposit by bond for mechanics' lien Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 78 Designating English as official state language Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 79 Changing number and method of jury strikes in felony cases Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 80 Permitting concealed weapons licensees to carry weapon on Capitol Complex with certain exception Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 81 Excluding veterans' disability income in determining spousal support and marital property division Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 82 Exempting homeowners' association dues, fees and assessments from consumers sales and service tax Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 83 Providing personal income tax deduction for spaying or neutering pets Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
SB 84 Relating to process of selecting state agency hearing examiners Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 85 Establishing driver's license restoration program Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 86 Expanding grandparents' rights Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 87 Providing salary increase for natural resources police officers Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 88 Relating to claims for total loss and debris removal proceeds under farmers' mutual fire insurance companies Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 89 Creating amnesty program for certain drivers with suspended licenses Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 90 Creating criminal offense for interfering or preventing call for assistance of emergency service personnel Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
SB 91 Requiring state uniforms be manufactured in US Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 92 Establishing Animal Abuse Registry Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 93 Amending public school support computation of local share Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 94 Requiring county commission be notified prior to employee discharge Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 95 Creating felony offense for DUI causing serious bodily injury Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
SB 96 Creating Creative Communities Development Act Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 97 Relating to funding of civil legal services to low-income persons Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 98 Relating to student-school nurse staffing ratio Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 99 Relating to compensation and expenses for attorneys appointed in child abuse and neglect proceedings Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 100 Authorizing operation of low-speed vehicles on certain municipal roads Pending  Committee  02/28/14 
SB 101 Authorizing Board of Chiropractic Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to regulation of chiropractic practice Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 102 Authorizing Board of Chiropractic Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to fees pertaining to practice of chiropractic Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 103 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to board Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 104 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to formation and approval of professional limited liability companies Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 105 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to fees established by board Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 106 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to formation and approval of dental corporations; dental practice ownership Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 107 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to dental advertising Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 108 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to practitioner requirements for accessing Controlled Substances Monitoring Program database Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 109 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to continuing education requirements Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 110 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to administration of anesthesia by dentists Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 111 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to expanded duties of dental hygienists and dental assistants Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 112 Authorizing Board of Dental Examiners promulgate legislative rule relating to mobile dental facilities and portable dental units Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 113 Authorizing Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses promulgate legislative rule relating to policies regulating licensure of licensed practical nurse Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 114 Authorizing Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses promulgate legislative rule relating to fees for services rendered by board and supplemental renewal fee for Center for Nursing Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 115 Authorizing Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses promulgate legislative rule relating to continuing competence Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 116 Authorizing Board of Pharmacy promulgate legislative rule relating to continuing education for licensure of pharmacists Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 117 Authorizing Board of Pharmacy promulgate legislative rule relating to controlled substances monitoring Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 118 Authorizing Board of Sanitarians promulgate legislative rule relating to practice of public health sanitation Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
SB 119 Authorizing Board of Professional Surveyors promulgate legislative rule relating to examination and licensing of professional surveyors Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 120 Authorizing Board of Veterinary Medicine promulgate legislative rule relating to registration of veterinary technicians Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 121 Authorizing Board of Veterinary Medicine promulgate legislative rule relating to certified animal euthanasia technicians Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 122 Authorizing Board of Veterinary Medicine promulgate legislative rule relating to schedule of fees Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 123 Authorizing Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology promulgate legislative rule relating to licensure of speech-language pathology and audiology Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 124 Authorizing Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology promulgate legislative rule relating to speech-language pathology and audiology assistants Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 125 Authorizing Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology promulgate legislative rule relating to disciplinary and complaint procedures for speech-language pathology and audiology Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 126 Authorizing Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology promulgate legislative rule relating to code of ethics Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 127 Authorizing Division of Labor promulgate legislative rule relating to Wage Payment and Collection Act Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 128 Authorizing Division of Labor promulgate legislative rule relating to employer wage bonds Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 129 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rule relating to ambient air quality standards Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 130 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rule relating to permits for construction and major modification of major stationary sources for prevention of significant deterioration of air quality Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 131 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rule relating to standards of performance for new stationary sources Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 132 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rule relating to control of air pollution from combustion of solid waste Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 133 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rules Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 134 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rule relating to control of air pollution from hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 135 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rule relating to emission standards for hazardous air pollutants Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 136 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements governing water quality standards Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 137 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rule relating to state certification of activities requiring federal licenses and permits Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 138 Authorizing Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training promulgate legislative rule relating to assessing health and safety violation penalties Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 139 Authorizing Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training promulgate legislative rule relating to program for sharing of information between employees Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 140 Authorizing Department of Commerce promulgate legislative rules Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 141 Authorizing DNR promulgate legislative rule relating to special motorboating Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 142 Authorizing DNR promulgate legislative rule relating to electronic registration of wildlife Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 143 Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rule relating to voluntary remediation and redevelopment Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 144 Authorizing Commissioner of Agriculture promulgate legislative rule relating to commercial feed Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 145 Authorizing Commissioner of Agriculture promulgate legislative rule relating to schedule of charges for inspection services: fruit Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 146 Authorizing Commissioner of Agriculture promulgate legislative rule relating to auctioneers Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 147 Authorizing Commissioner of Agriculture promulgate legislative rule relating to inspection of meat and poultry Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
SB 148 Authorizing DHHR promulgate legislative rule relating to clinical laboratory technician and technologist licensure and certification Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 149 Authorizing DHHR promulgate legislative rule relating to medication administration by unlicensed personnel Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
SB 150 Authorizing DHHR promulgate legislative rule relating to AIDS-related medical testing and confidentiality Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 151 Authorizing DHHR promulgate legislative rule relating to Cancer Registry Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 152 Authorizing DHHR promulgate legislative rule relating to Medical Examiner's rule for post-mortem inquiries Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
SB 153 Authorizing Health Care Authority promulgate legislative rule relating to Health Information Network Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
SB 154 Authorizing Bureau of Senior Services promulgate legislative rule relating to In-Home Care Worker Registry Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 155 Authorizing DHHR promulgate legislative rules Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 156 Authorizing Fire Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to State Fire Code Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 157 Authorizing Fire Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to certification of home inspectors Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
SB 158 Authorizing Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority promulgate legislative rule relating to determination of projected cost per day for inmates Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 159 Authorizing Bureau for Child Support Enforcement promulgate legislative rule relating to bureau Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 160 Authorizing Bureau for Child Support Enforcement promulgate legislative rule relating to obtaining support from federal and state tax refunds Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 161 Authorizing Bureau for Child Support Enforcement promulgate legislative rule relating to interstate income withholding Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 162 Authorizing Bureau for Child Support Enforcement promulgate legislative rule relating to support enforcement activities undertaken by bureau Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 163 Authorizing Bureau for Child Support Enforcement promulgate legislative rule relating to distribution of support payments Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 164 Authorizing State Fire Marshal promulgate legislative rule relating to certification of electrical inspectors Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
SB 165 Authorizing Department of Transportation promulgate legislative rules Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2014)
SB 166 Authorizing Tax Department promulgate legislative rule relating to municipal sales and service and use tax administration Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
SB 167 Authorizing Department of Revenue promulgate legislative rules Signed  Governor  04/14/14 
SB 168 Authorizing Tax Department promulgate legislative rule relating to withholding or denial of personal income tax refunds from taxpayers who owe municipal or magistrate court costs Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 169 Authorizing Treasurer's Office promulgate legislative rule relating to procedure for deposit of funds in Treasurer's Office by state agencies Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 170 Authorizing Treasurer's Office promulgate legislative rule relating to procedure for deposit of moneys with office by state agencies Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 171 Authorizing Treasurer's Office promulgate legislative rule relating to selection of state depositories for disbursement accounts through competitive bidding Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 172 Authorizing Treasurer's Office promulgate legislative rule relating to selection of state depositories for receipt accounts Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 173 Authorizing Treasurer's Office promulgate legislative rule relating to reporting of debt capacity Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 174 Authorizing Treasurer's Office promulgate legislative rule relating to reporting debt Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 175 Authorizing Treasurer's Office promulgate legislative rule relating to procedures for fees in collections by charge, credit or debit card or by electronic payment Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 176 Authorizing Treasurer's Office promulgate legislative rule relating to providing services to political subdivisions Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 177 Authorizing Insurance Commissioner promulgate legislative rule relating to utilization review and benefit determination Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
SB 178 Authorizing Insurance Commissioner promulgate legislative rule relating to health plan insurer internal grievance procedure Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
SB 179 Authorizing Insurance Commissioner promulgate legislative rule relating to external review of adverse health insurance determinations Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
SB 180 Authorizing Election Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to Supreme Court of Appeals Public Campaign Financing Pilot Program Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 181 Authorizing Department of Administration promulgate legislative rules Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 182 Authorizing Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction promulgate legislative rule relating to law-enforcement training and certification standards Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 183 Authorizing Commissioner of Highways promulgate legislative rule relating to transportation of hazardous wastes upon roads and highways Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 184 Authorizing Consolidated Public Retirement Board promulgate legislative rule relating to Public Employees Retirement System Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 185 Authorizing Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council promulgate legislative rule relating to council Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 186 Authorizing Real Estate Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements in licensing real estate brokers, associate brokers and salespersons and the conduct of brokerage business Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 187 Authorizing Real Estate Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to schedule of fees Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 188 Authorizing Alcohol Beverage Control Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to private club licensing Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 189 Authorizing Alcohol Beverage Control Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to farm wineries Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 190 Authorizing Alcohol Beverage Control Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to sale of wine Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 191 Authorizing Alcohol Beverage Control Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to nonintoxicating beer licensing and operations procedures Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 192 Authorizing Racing Commission promulgate legislative rule relating to thoroughbred racing Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 193 Authorizing Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements for licensure and certification Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 194 Authorizing Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board promulgate legislative rule relating to renewal of licensure or certification Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 195 Authorizing Massage Therapy Licensure Board promulgate legislative rule relating to schedule of fees Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 196 Authorizing Division of Rehabilitation Services promulgate legislative rule relating to Ron Yost Personal Assistance Services Board Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2014)
SB 197 Authorizing Municipal Pensions Oversight Board promulgate legislative rule relating to policemen's and firemen's pensions disability calculation Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 198 Protecting confidentiality of applications, permits and renewal application for deadly weapons permits Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 199 Allowing private property owner prohibit carrying firearms or deadly weapons on property Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 200 Authorizing circuit and magistrate courts collect bail bond surcharges to offset regional jail costs Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 201 Requiring minimum number of state troopers; providing certain salary increases Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 202 Creating Benefit Corporation Act Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
SB 203 Requiring State Police be compensated when on standby; housing stipend Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 204 Relating to crime victims compensation awards Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 205 Granting county commissions advice and consent authority in discharge of county employees Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 206 Redistributing certain net terminal income from racetrack video lottery Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 207 Transferring Division of Early Care and Education and Head Start State Collaborative to Department of Education and Arts Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 208 Relating to Rural Health Initiative Act Pending  Committee  03/04/14 
SB 209 Allowing special needs students to participate in graduation ceremonies Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014)
SB 210 Increasing membership of Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 211 Relating to alternative nicotine products Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 212 Expanding prescriptive authority of advanced nurse practitioners and certified nurse-midwives Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 213 Relating to residential solar energy tax credit Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 214 Creating Citizens Elected County Officials Compensation Commission Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
SB 215 Creating Intermediate Court of Appeals Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 216 Providing exemption allowing removal or burning of certain litter by county and municipal governments Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 217 Prohibiting public officials and employees from using public funds for self promotion Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 218 Requiring bartenders have alcohol server permits Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 219 Establishing public competitive learning academies Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 220 Allowing local option election permitting Sunday hunting on private property Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 221 Absolving landowner from civil liability for hunting injuries Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 222 Exempting certain motor vehicles from personal property tax; requiring antique licenses Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 223 Requiring all available fetal medical care following abortion Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 224 Relating to service credit transfers from PERS to EMS Retirement System Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 225 Relating to certain civil action filing fees Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 226 Providing elected county officials receive raise based on Consumer Price Index Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 227 Creating Higher Education Community School Law Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 228 Exempting all military retirement income from state income tax Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 229 Providing tax credit for fees paid for recycling residential household waste Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 230 Permitting Boards of Medicine, Dentistry and Osteopathy initiate disciplinary proceedings in certain circumstances Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 231 Mandating additional punishment for using minor in commission of crime Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 232 Providing for nonpartisan election of Supreme Court justices Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 233 Extending civil liability immunity to operators of parks and recreation districts Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 234 Requiring court conduct hearing at sentencing to determine defendant's ability to pay incarceration costs Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 235 Expanding counties covered by Rt. 2 and I-68 Authority Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 236 Exempting all military, National Guard and reserve income from state income taxes Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 237 Increasing personal income tax exemption on military, National Guard and reserve retirement income Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 238 Lowering threshold requiring low-bid government construction contractors submit subcontractor list Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 239 Requiring workers painting state bridges complete SSPC Coating Application Specialist Program Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 240 Relating to meeting and conference rights for members of municipal police or fire departments Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 241 Creating Keep Jobs in West Virginia Act Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 242 Creating State Labor Relations Act Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 243 Relating to Class C courtesy statewide hunting and fishing licenses for certain military personnel Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 244 Facilitating compilation and availability of birth parents' social and medical histories prior to adoption Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 245 Relating to Class C courtesy statewide hunting and fishing licenses for certain military personnel Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 246 Allowing real property co-owner become sole owner under certain circumstances Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 247 Removing statutory salary provision of Executive Director of Women's Commission Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 248 Creating Equal Pay Coordinator within Division of Personnel Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 249 Providing state park campground discounts for National Guard and reserve Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 250 Adopting several liability in tortious conduct actions Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 251 Implementing terms of Uniform Arbitration Act Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
SB 252 Allowing certain expelled students to return to school through Juvenile Drug Court Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 253 Clarifying code for Community-Based Pilot Demonstration Project to Improve Outcomes for At-Risk Youth Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 254 Regulating equine boarding facilities Pending  Committee  02/26/14 
SB 255 Increasing fire and casualty insurance policies surcharge to benefit fire departments Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
SB 256 Providing expiration date on lien instrument securing obligation payable on demand Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 257 Relating to real property possessor's liability for harm to trespassers Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 258 Prohibiting juveniles from manufacturing, possessing and distributing nude images of minors Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 259 Imposing telecommunications business tax benefitting outdoor activity promotion and maintenance Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 260 Relating to residential community waivers for salvage yard establishments Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 261 Transferring portion of Parkways Authority revenues to Turnpike counties Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 262 Prohibiting certain purchases by SNAP recipients Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 263 Clarifying continuous inactivity of demand, savings or time deposits under Uniform Unclaimed Property Act Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
SB 264 Authorizing issuance of ten-year Bronze Star Medal license plates Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 265 Creating misdemeanor offense of possession of burglar's tools Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 266 Criminalizing graffiti on real and personal property Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 267 Ensuring state courts' jurisdiction of fraudulent or unauthorized purchasing card use Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 268 Providing appraisal method for affordable multifamily rental housing property Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 269 Authorizing issuance of special license plates Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 270 Creating Jobs Impact Statement Act Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 271 Allowing CPRB set employer contribution rate for PERS and SPRS without legislative approval Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 272 Limiting health insurance coverage for elective abortions to supplemental policies Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 273 Prohibiting increases in certain real property assessments Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 274 Providing for college graduate tax credit Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 275 Expanding qualified military service credit for PERS benefit purposes Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 276 Providing salary increases for certain public school teachers and reading specialists Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 277 Relating to temporary reassignment of injured or ill school service personnel Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 278 Redefining "scrap metal" Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 279 Relating to abortions performed on unemancipated minors Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 280 Expanding Military Incentive Program to all economically disadvantaged veterans Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
SB 281 Creating felony offense of DUI causing injury or death Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 282 Decreasing number of jurors in municipal criminal matters Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 283 Prohibiting certain noncompetition clauses in broadcast industry employee contracts Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 284 Relating to county board of education employee personal leave accrual Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 285 Providing campsite rental discount to youth groups undertaking certain community service projects Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 286 Relating to used motor vehicle warranties Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 287 Relating to requirement of professional engineer serving on sanitary board Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 288 Clarifying individual is disqualified from unemployment benefits while on strike Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 289 Establishing comparative fault standard Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 290 Relating to Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 291 Increasing threshold of defendant's liability in tort action involving multiple defendants Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 292 Requiring prevailing hourly rates in public improvements construction Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 293 Limiting punitive damages awarded in personal injury or wrongful death cases Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 294 Relating to reduction in compensatory damages for collateral source payments Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 295 Extending time period for wage payments after termination Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 296 Relating to health insurance; benefits and services Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 297 Permitting certain state employees receive higher salary as appointive state officer Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 298 Clarifying distinction between hunters and shooters in the field Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 299 Creating loser-pays civil justice system Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 300 Creating Intermediate Court of Appeals Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 301 Relating to drug testing of legislators and public assistance recipients Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 302 Creating Tax Revenue Act Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 303 Providing salary increase for teachers Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 304 Limiting annual property reappraisal increase; exception Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 305 Requiring certain post-mining land use reclamation utilize Clements State Tree Nursery Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
SB 306 Budget Bill Signed  Effective from passage - (March 14, 2014)
SB 307 Relating to pretrial management of persons charged with committing crimes Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 12, 2014)
SB 308 Creating Shale Research, Education, Policy and Economic Development Center at WVU Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
SB 309 Redefining "eligible institutions" to receive PROMISE scholarship funds Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
SB 310 Adjusting penalties for willful failure to pay child support Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
SB 311 Transferring portion of Parkways Authority revenues to Turnpike counties Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
SB 312 Creating Project Launchpad Act Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 313 Requiring gubernatorial appointment of PSC Consumer Advocate Director to mirror Governor's term of office Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 314 Appropriating hotel occupancy tax proceeds to counties with no more than one hospital Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
SB 315 Clarifying use of certain funds under Military Authority Act Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 316 Relating to tolling with regard to civil actions Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
SB 317 Relating to municipal firearm laws Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 318 Setting fees for manufacture, distribution, dispensing and research of controlled substances Pending  Committee  02/28/14 
SB 319 Increasing membership of State Fire Commission Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 320 Relating to "state of preparedness" Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 321 Allowing Board of Public Works be represented by designees; proxy voting Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 322 Providing state compensate officials, officers and employees every two weeks with certain exceptions Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
SB 323 Relating to professional board licensure requirements for military and spouses Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 324 Requiring underground facilities operators participate in one-call system Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 325 Providing State Fire Marshal serve at will and pleasure of Fire Commission Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 326 Fixing technical error relating to motor fuel excise tax Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 327 Updating terms in Corporation Net Income Tax Act Signed  Effective from passage - (March 4, 2014)
SB 328 Terminating Strategic Research and Development Tax Credit Signed  Governor  04/14/14 
SB 329 Extending cessation period for deposits into Special Railroad and Intermodal Enhancement Fund Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 330 Creating Safe and Efficient Parkways Act Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 331 Requiring certain accelerated payment of consumers sales and service and use tax and employee withholding taxes Signed  Governor  04/14/14 
SB 332 Reducing certain allowances in computation of local share Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 333 Updating terms in Personal Income Tax Act Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 334 Suspending certain refundable consumer sales and service tax exemptions to State Road Fund Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 335 Requiring certain items purchased by state be manufactured in United States Pending  Committee  01/10/14 
SB 336 Relating to possession and administration of opioid antagonist Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
SB 337 Authorizing DOH increase gross weight limitations on certain Brooke County roads Pending  Committee  01/13/14 
SB 338 Relating to Tourism Development Act Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
SB 339 Adding tramadol and related salts and isomers to Schedule IV controlled substances Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
SB 340 Creating EMT-industrial certification Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
SB 341 Making supplementary appropriation from State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund to Division of Human Services Signed  Effective from passage - (February 5, 2014)
SB 342 Making supplementary appropriation of unappropriated moneys to DHHR, MAPS and Department of Veterans' Assistance Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
SB 343 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to Department of Commerce, Workforce Investment Act Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
SB 344 Expiring funds from State Fund, General Revenue, and making supplemental appropriations to various agencies Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 345 Expiring funds from State Fund, General Revenue, and making supplementary appropriations to MAPS Pending  RECD  03/08/14 
SB 346 Making supplementary appropriation from Lottery Net Profits to DNR and Bureau of Senior Services Signed  Effective from passage - (January 29, 2014)
SB 347 Making supplementary appropriation of unappropriated moneys to various accounts Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
SB 348 Supplementing, amending, decreasing and increasing appropriations from State Road Fund to DOH Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
SB 349 Prohibiting nonrenewal or cancellation of certain property insurance coverage policies Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
SB 350 Relating to Rural Rehabilitation Loan Program Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 351 Requiring thoroughbred licensees pay portion of purse to Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 352 Promoting development of corporate sponsorships for state parks and recreation areas Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 353 Relating to timber theft from state forests Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 354 Requiring Workforce Investment Council provide local boards information about certain male-dominated jobs Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 355 Amending Water Resources Protection and Management Act Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
SB 356 Relating to purchasing reform Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 357 Relating to Logging Sediment Control Act civil and criminal penalties Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
SB 358 Requiring Purchasing Director approve certain change orders Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 359 Reducing number of precincts for manual count in post-election canvass Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 360 Repealing article relating to wages for construction of public improvements Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 361 Relating to Office of Emergency Medical Services Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 362 Relating to time restaurants, private clubs and wineries can sell alcoholic beverages on Sundays Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 363 Repealing article allowing placement of roadside memorial markers Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 364 Permitting candidate signs on road or highway rights-of-way Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 365 Relating to administration of Conservation Agency programs Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 366 Transferring CHIP from Department of Administration to DHHR Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
SB 367 Correcting internal code reference regarding judges and prosecutors carrying firearms Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 368 Repealing article relating to unfair trade practices Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 369 Requiring state procurement by competitive bidding Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 370 Relating to sentencing and parole of juveniles treated as adults Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 371 Prohibiting possession of wild and exotic animals Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
SB 372 Permitting certain auxiliary lighting on motorcycles Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 373 Relating to water resources protection Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 374 Prohibiting special election by local levying body 180 days prior to scheduled election Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
SB 375 Excluding certain real and personal property from TIF assessment Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 376 Requiring certain construction workers complete OSHA safety program Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
SB 377 Creating Native American Tribes Unique Recognition, Authentication and Listing Act Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
SB 378 Relating to special speed limitations as to waste service vehicles Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
SB 379 Reclassifying counties Pending  RECD  03/08/14 
SB 380 Redefining "all-terrain and utility terrain vehicles" Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 381 Requiring CPR and care for conscious choking instruction in public schools Pending  Committee  02/28/14 
SB 382 Exempting certain veterans' and active duty military organizations from indoor smoking regulations Pending  Committee  01/20/14 
SB 383 Permitting certain residential real estate owners limited exemptions from licensing requirements for self-financed mortgages Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
SB 384 Prohibiting certain insurers require policyholders use mail-order pharmacy Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
SB 385 Reducing and redirecting lottery revenue distributions Pending  Committee  01/20/14 
SB 386 Revising laws relating to DHHR and Bureau of Medical Services Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 387 Clarifying duly authorized officers have legal custody of their prisoners while in WV Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 388 Creating Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 389 Regulating and legalizing sale of fireworks and imposing fee to benefit Veterans Program Fund Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 390 Creating criminal penalties for disseminating false information through automated phone calls during state of emergency Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 391 Providing salary increase for teachers and school service personnel Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
SB 392 Providing salary increase for members of State Police Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 393 Providing Governor may borrow revenue shortfall reserve funds prior to April 1, 2014 Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 394 Redesignating Health Sciences Scholarship Program as Health Sciences Service Program Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 395 Relating to operation and oversight of certain human services benefit programs Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 396 Eliminating certain unnecessary boards, councils, task forces and committees Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 397 Expanding scope of activities considered financial exploitation of elderly Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 398 Providing certain state public schools obtain impounded dogs and cats for curriculum furtherance Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 399 Providing mental hygiene commissioners are employees under PERS Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 400 Relating to air-ambulance service fees under PEIA Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
SB 401 Relating to "out-of-home" child placement system Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 402 Permitting Tax Commissioner recover financial institution charges and fees for all forms of payment Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 21, 2014)
SB 403 Regulating importation and possession of certain injurious aquatic species Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
SB 404 Allowing reciprocal use of hunting and fishing licenses with Kentucky on Big Sandy and Tug Fork rivers Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 405 Allowing presiding judge to release juror qualification forms after trial's conclusion Signed  Effective from passage - (March 5, 2014)
SB 406 Creating Native American Tribes Unique Recognition, Authentication and Listing Act Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 407 Providing renewal of lapsed managing general insurance agent licenses Pending  Committee  02/24/14 
SB 408 Relating to parole Signed  Effective from passage - (March 5, 2014)
SB 409 Relating to education reform Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 410 Requiring public school screening for dyslexia Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 411 Raising minimum wage Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 412 Defining "dyslexia" for education purposes Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 413 Requiring Department of Education provide professional development opportunities regarding dyslexia Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 414 Redirecting nonprobate appraisement filings Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
SB 415 Changing due date of certain county commission tax reports Pending  Committee  02/28/14 
SB 416 Relating to tentative appraisals of natural resources property Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
SB 417 Creating Source Water Protection Act Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
SB 418 Relating to medical and podiatry corporations Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 419 Creating Overdose Prevention Act Pending  RECD  03/08/14 
SB 420 Relating to data sharing in P-20W Longitudinal Data System Pending  Committee  03/06/14 
SB 421 Removing certain discounts from motor fuel excise tax Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 422 Expanding state aid for students of certain health professions Rejected    02/17/14 
SB 423 Relating to expungement of certain felony convictions Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
SB 424 Regulating unlicensed off-road motorcycles within Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Area Pending  Committee  03/03/14 
SB 425 Relating to licensure, supervision and regulation of physician assistants Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 426 Relating to appointments to certain higher education commissions, councils and boards Vetoed  Vetoed
SB 427 Relating to motor vehicle insurance Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 428 Creating Dangerous Wild Animals Act Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
SB 429 Relating to public school curricular standards and assessments Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
SB 430 Relating to receipting of state moneys Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 431 Relating to issuance and renewal of certain driver's licenses and federal ID cards Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
SB 432 Relating to calculating local share Tabled  3rd Reading  03/08/14 
SB 433 Exempting certain precious metal sales from consumers sales tax Pending  Committee  01/27/14 
SB 434 Eliminating revocation period for certain DUI offenders Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 435 Correcting code reference relating to handgun safety training for certain court personnel Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 436 Providing Prosecuting Attorneys Institute executive council establish salary of director Pending  Committee  01/27/14 
SB 437 Requiring mortgage brokers file certain reports with Division of Financial Institutions Pending  Committee  02/24/14 
SB 438 Revising regulatory structure of money transmitters Pending  Committee  01/27/14 
SB 439 Increasing acreage of Ohio County's Fort Henry Economic Opportunity Development District Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 440 Creating O. C. Spaulding Electronic Recording Act Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 441 Increasing limit on size of voting precincts Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
SB 442 Permitting certain firearms in motor vehicles on Capitol Complex grounds Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
SB 443 Relating to SPRS Signed  Governor  04/14/14 
SB 444 Relating to PERS Signed  Governor  04/14/14 
SB 445 Clarifying when person engaged in outdoor recreation may possess certain firearms Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
SB 446 Relating to public employee grievance procedure Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
SB 447 Authorizing additional circuit court judge Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
SB 448 Providing one-time supplement for certain PERS and STRS retirees Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
SB 449 Relating to power and authority of Secretary of Department of Veterans' Assistance Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 450 Relating to sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in certain outdoor settings Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 451 Relating to distribution of certain retirement benefits of deceased uniformed service officers under qualified domestic relations order Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
SB 452 Relating to TRS annuity calculation of member with reciprocal service credit Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 20, 2014)
SB 453 Relating to TRS Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 454 Defining dam "owner" Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 455 Creating Move to Improve Act Pending  Committee  02/28/14 
SB 456 Extending expiration date for health care provider tax on eligible acute care hospitals Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014)
SB 457 Requiring programs for temporarily detained inmates in regional jails Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 458 Dedicating certain circuit court fees to fund low-income persons' civil legal services Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
SB 459 Removing severance tax on timber Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
SB 460 Permitting School of Osteopathic Medicine invest certain moneys in its foundation Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
SB 461 Creating Future Fund Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 462 Providing surety relief of acting collateral upon securing bailpiece Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
SB 463 Requiring certain percentage of insurance claims be performed by resident adjuster Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
SB 464 Prohibiting law-enforcement officers or immediate family members from taking bonds for persons in custody Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
SB 465 Permitting counties to impose levy for public library funding Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
SB 466 Creating Storm Scammer Consumer Protection Act Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
SB 467 Updating code section relating to expungement of criminal convictions Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
SB 468 Providing for Veterans Medal and Service Cross Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
SB 469 Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 470 Providing completed grand jury questionnaires are confidential Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
SB 471 Relating to alternative and renewable energy portfolio standards Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 472 Prohibiting discrimination in housing or employment based on age or sexual orientation Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
SB 473 Providing undesirable highway property be offered for public utility use Pending  Committee  03/03/14 
SB 474 Allowing disposal of drill cuttings from well sites in commercial solid waste facilities Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
SB 475 Authorizing additional circuit court judge Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
SB 476 Providing standards for conversion and retrofits of alternative-fuel motor vehicles Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
SB 477 Providing teachers determine use of time during planning period Vetoed  Vetoed
SB 478 Permitting sale of raw milk Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
SB 479 Providing vocational certification, licensure or college credit for military training and experience Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 480 Expanding period during which certain motor vehicle liens are valid Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 481 Requiring DOT place signs honoring fallen veterans and Gold Star Families Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 482 Requiring food handler examinations and cards Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 483 Renaming administrative heads of Potomac campus of WVU and WVU Institute of Technology Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014)
SB 484 Changing experience requirements of members of Ethics Commission Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
SB 485 Exempting DOH from certain permitting requirements of Natural Streams Preservation Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 486 Establishing certain salary increases for State Police civilian and forensic lab employees Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 487 Authorizing municipal sales tax Pending  Committee  03/03/14 
SB 488 Establishing WV Voluntary Employee Retirement Accounts Program Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 489 Providing county employees may run for vacant office without resigning Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 490 Relating to noncovered insurance discounts by health care providers Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
SB 491 Exempting sales of motor fuel from unfair trade practices Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 492 Requiring State Board of Pharmacy develop specialty drugs list Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 493 Excluding suspension days in determining student truancy Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
SB 494 Authorizing additional methods of payment for lottery prizes Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 495 Increasing collections into Land Division special revenue account Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 496 Limiting health insurance coverage for elective abortions to supplemental policies; exceptions Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 497 Removing restrictions where certain lottery games may be played Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
SB 498 Permitting persons to possess certain firearms in vehicle without concealed deadly weapons permit Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 499 Making Prudent Investor Act primary standard of care for Investment Management Board Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 1, 2014)
SB 500 Requiring public buildings have at least one ADA-compliant restroom Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 501 Relating to auctioneers and apprentice auctioneers Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 502 Updating Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 503 Revising Child Welfare Act Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 504 Authorizing Auditor establish Debt Resolution Services Division Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 505 Requiring Office of Administrative Hearings receive appeal petitions Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 506 Clarifying term "agency" in code section relating to administrative hearings Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
SB 507 Relating to Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
SB 508 Establishing Volunteer Departments Loan Fund within Treasurer's Office Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
SB 509 Regulating pharmacy benefits managers Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
SB 510 Including state land grant institutions in Research Trust Fund Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 511 Specifying Legislative Auditor's performance reviews and audits include Board of Public Works and Legislature Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
SB 512 Providing for personal income tax checkoff for Cedar Lakes Foundation Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
SB 513 Relating to cost reimbursement of servicing high-cost/high-acuity special needs students Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 514 Eliminating expense of Meth lab cleanup from Crime Victims Compensation Act Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
SB 515 Repealing section relating to state aid for students of veterinary medicine Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 516 Modifying guidelines for medical treatment to injured workers Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 517 Providing liberal weighing of evidence for workers's compensation claims Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 518 Relating to workers' compensation benefits for firefighters; other provisions Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 519 Relating to workers' compensation benefits for occupational pneumoconiosis Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 520 Declaring remedial component of workers' compensation laws receive liberal construction Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 521 Relating to classification and criteria for disability benefits Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 522 Relating to delivery of medical benefits to injured workers Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 523 Providing for additional state veterans skilled nursing facility in Beckley Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 524 Requiring prompt payment of workers' compensation benefits Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 525 Exempting PERS and TRS pensions and annuities from state income tax Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 526 Giving railroad employees right to review and copy respective personnel files Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 527 Prohibiting beer and wine sales at self-scan registers Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 528 Requiring promulgation of legislative rule establishing level of capital project for certain higher education institutions Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 529 Redefining "recreational purposes" as to limiting landowners' liability Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 530 Regulating carbon dioxide emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired electric generating units Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 531 Relating to licensing of funeral directors Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 532 Allowing certain military firefighters to become civilian firefighters Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
SB 533 Updating commercial feed laws; setting fees by rule Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 534 Increasing excise tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
SB 535 Clarifying definition of "ginseng" Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 536 Granting in-state tuition to honorably discharged and injured veterans Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
SB 537 Providing state institutions may apply for alternative fee and tuition schedule Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
SB 538 Adopting federal definition of "disabled veteran" for civil service and state contract bidding Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 539 Providing certain law-enforcement officers employed as school security be allowed to carry firearms Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
SB 540 Requiring SSAC promulgate rules allowing college preparatory team recognition Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
SB 541 Ensuring tenants with right to sublet have remedies for wrongful occupation of residential rental property Pending  Committee  02/26/14 
SB 542 Requiring notice to DEP for release of fluids or chemicals into groundwater, surface water or subsurface soils Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 543 Creating Jobs Impact Statement Act Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 544 Allowing sharing of juvenile records under certain circumstances with reciprocal states Pending  Committee  02/26/14 
SB 545 Authorizing Division of Juvenile Services establish Juvenile Trustee Fund and Juvenile Benefit Fund Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 546 Granting in-state tuition to military eligible for Post-9/11 GI Bill Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 547 Relating to number of municipal wards or election districts and council members Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2014)
SB 548 Creating special one-day charitable event license to sell nonintoxicating beer Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 549 Relating to child support obligations and orders Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 550 Providing annual salary increase to Division of Corrections employees Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 551 Requiring municipal law-enforcement officers wear armored vests Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 552 Increasing penalty related to transporting illegal controlled substances into state Pending  Committee  02/26/14 
SB 553 Relating to certificates of nomination for elected office Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 554 Providing for employees' health and safety in dry cutting and grinding of masonry Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 555 Relating to appointment of counsel for alleged protected persons Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 556 Providing complimentary certified veterans' death certificates under certain circumstances Pending  Committee  02/26/14 
SB 557 Authorizing additional circuit court judge Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
SB 558 Finding and declaring certain claims against state Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014)
SB 559 Eliminating annual report late fees charged by Secretary of State Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
SB 560 Including WVSU in Research Trust Fund; other provisions Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 561 Clarifying authority and discretion of Dealer Recovery Board to hear claims Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 562 Relating to training and compensation of county board of education members serving on RESAs Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
SB 563 Authorizing issuance of Autism Awareness license plates Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 564 Providing consumer identity theft protection under Obamacare Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 565 Ensuring SWA Closure Cost Assistance Funds facilitate closure of certain county landfills Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 566 Relating to domestic violence victims' eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 567 Redesignating Division of Corrections as Department of Corrections Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 568 Providing affirmative defense against mechanic's liens related to residential construction Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 569 Eliminating notarization of articles of incorporation for cooperative associations Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 570 Exempting certain foreign corporations, companies and partnerships from SOS certificate of authority requirement Pending  Committee  02/26/14 
SB 571 Distributing portion of Greyhound Breeder Development Fund previously dedicated to training facility construction Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 572 Relating to financing statements covering as-extracted collateral or timber to be cut Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 573 Establishing cook-meal ratios for full-day and half-day school cooks Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
SB 574 Clarifying mobile home permanently attached to real estate is not personal property under certain conditions Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 575 Providing educational incentives and longevity pay for State Troopers Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 576 Providing for construction of statewide fiber optic broadband infrastructure network Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 577 Making Department of Corrections and DHHR subject to OSHA Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
SB 578 Providing for unitization of interests in horizontal oil and gas wells Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 579 Creating Land Reuse Agency Authorization Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 580 Permitting wine sales at certain college and university sports stadiums Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 581 Relating to equipment movement in underground coal mines Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 582 Providing for closure and sale of Clements State Tree Nursery Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 583 Permitting emergency rule-making authority to implement Spay Neuter Assistance Program Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 584 Relating to expiration and renewal of Board of Registration for Professional Engineers' certificates Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 585 Removing unconstitutional language regarding access to rail lines Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 586 Removing unconstitutional language regarding jurors and verdicts in certain civil litigation Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 587 Requiring licensing of athletic trainers by Board of Physical Therapy Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 588 Allowing law enforcement obtain DNA samples from certain arrestees Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 589 Authorizing issuance of Family of Fallen Hero license plates Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 590 Creating Clearance for Access: Registry and Employment Screening Act Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 591 Updating obsolete definitions of "solid waste" in DEP and solid waste management statutes Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 592 Creating felony offense of knowingly leaving crash scene resulting in serious bodily injury Pending  Committee  02/24/14 
SB 593 Authorizing issuance of limited lines travel insurance producer license Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 594 Allowing disposal of drill cuttings from well sites in commercial solid waste facilities Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 595 Including waste management facilities and timber operations in facilities with protection against property crimes Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 596 Modifying statute of limitations on demand note collections Pending  Committee  02/26/14 
SB 597 Clarifying regulation of nonintoxicating beer brewers and distributors Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
SB 598 Providing excess Courtesy Patrol funds revert to Tourism Promotion Fund Pending  Committee  02/24/14 
SB 599 Providing exemption from skilled nursing bed moratorium for speciality skilled nursing beds Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
SB 600 Relating to municipal ordinance compliance regarding dwellings unfit for habitation and vacant buildings and properties Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 601 Relating to property assessment appeals Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 602 Requiring health care providers wear ID badges Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 603 Relating to testing for presence of methane in underground mines Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 604 Creating Coal Employment Enhancement Act Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 605 Creating Water Sustainability Institute Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 606 Implementing exotic entertainment facility license surcharge Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 607 Providing act of domestic violence or sexual offense by strangling is aggravated felony Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 608 Relating to bicycle safety on roadways Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 609 Requiring court-appointed special advocate program Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 610 Requiring health insurance coverage for certain nonnarcotic pain relief systems Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 611 Increasing county solid waste assessment fee; exemption Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 612 Discontinuing moratorium on commercial rafting licenses on portion of New River Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 613 Expanding definition of "eligible safety property" in Innovative Mine Safety Technology Tax Credit Act Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
SB 614 Providing standard for determining when grandparent has standing for child custody Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 615 Creating flood zone homestead property tax exemption Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 616 Allowing receipt of gifts, donations and contributions by Division of Energy Pending  Committee  02/26/14 
SB 617 Terminating Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Technology Board of Examiners Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 618 Creating special class of taxicabs Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 619 Exempting certain critical access hospitals from certificate of need requirement Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 620 Authorizing State Police Superintendent to hire additional staff Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 621 Authorizing insurers offer flood insurance Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
SB 622 Creating Water Sustainability Institute Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 623 Requiring notification of certain substance abuse screening of mine personnel Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 624 Establishing substance abuse screening circumstances requiring miner certification suspension or revocation Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 625 Amending code relating to practice of psychology Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 626 Creating Elk River Spill Victims' Compensation Act of 2014 Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 627 Creating Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 628 Creating Healthy Children and Healthy Communities Act Pending  Committee  02/28/14 
SB 629 Creating misdemeanor offense for assault upon ABCC employee Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 630 Updating code relating to motor vehicle dealers, distributors, wholesalers and manufacturers Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
SB 631 Extending time for Fayetteville City Council to meet as levying body Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
HB 2001 Providing meetings and conference rights for members of municipal fire departments Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2002 Providing for the use of neck braces by football players Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2003 Providing an employee the right to decline to work more than forty hours in a workweek Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2004 Exempting nonprofit organizations from paying an annual motor vehicle registration fee Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2006 Permitting counties, county boards of education and municipalities to impose an additional levy Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2007 Establishing a program for reprogramming cellular telephones and distributing to seniors for making emergency calls Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2008 Protecting computer owners and users from computer spyware Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2009 Providing petitioners to referendums, elections or any other ballot issue be afforded the same privacy rights as voters Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2010 Prohibiting employers and labor unions from requiring employees to become or remain members of labor unions as a condition of employment Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2011 Establishing threshold quantities of certain controlled substances to trigger prima facie evidence of intent to deliver if possessed by an individual Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2012 Including a clearer definition of hazing within West Virginia's antihazing statute Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2013 Preventing a reduction in the annuity of a person who retires with disability retirement at age sixty-five Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2017 Providing nonsupervisory employees of the West Virginia State Board of Education with the same protections against summary dismissal as are applicable to employees of county boards of education Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2018 Requiring racetracks who are licensed to operate video lottery terminals pay a fee of one thousand dollars for each machine and that the revenue from these fees are to be transferred to the benefit fund of the Teachers Retirement System Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2019 Relating to elections Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2020 Relating to conditions of bond for defendants in cases of crimes between family or household members Pending  Committee  01/27/14 
HB 2021 Requiring the Mine Foreman Examiner review the employment history and certify that the applicant for the position of underground assistant mine foreman has met the requirements Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2022 Relating to minimum grab bar standards for hotel and motel rooms that are specifically designated or intended for use by handicapped or disabled guests Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2024 Allowing guidance counselors to compete equally for all guidance counselor positions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2025 Terminating tolls on the West Virginia Turnpike before 2020 Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2027 Relating to the nonpartisan elections of Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney General and Commissioner of Agriculture and justices of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2028 Relating to the employment and compensation of school service personnel Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2029 Requiring the reporting and publication of all compensation, including contingent compensation, paid to lobbyists for all lobbying activities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2031 Relating to certain members of the Legislature and certain service by members of the Legislature Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2032 Allowing political parties to obtain ballot access by expanding the scope of the definition of political party Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2033 Requiring an automatic home confinement sentence for certain nonviolent misdemeanors Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2034 Exempting children receiving an exemption from compulsory school attendance in favor of church school from standardized testing requirement Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2035 Providing full daily rate of pay for substitute teachers if they have in excess of ten instructional days in the same school year Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2036 Relating to itinerant status for school service personnel Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2037 Increasing the minimum sentence for maliciously assaults a government representative Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2038 Clarifying the notice and service requirements for a notice to redeem to be provided to the delinquent taxpayer at the mailing address for the subject property Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2039 Giving the Insurance Commissioner the power to regulate and penalize self-insured employers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2040 Providing that when a person from another state writes a worthless check in this state which results in a summons to appear in magistrate court but then fails to appear shall have his or her privilege to drive in this state revoked Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2041 Changing the time for periodic valuations and assessments of real and personal property Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2042 Providing for removal and election of Public Service Commissioners Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2044 Relating to air pollution control Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2045 Authorizing the Governor to appoint an additional member to the Surface Mine Board that represents the interest of labor Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2047 Verifying legal employment status of workers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2049 Eliminating eligibility for parole for certain criminal offenses Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2051 Requiring a preliminary breath analysis for the purpose of determining the blood alcohol content of a surviving driver Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2052 Prohibiting the naming of a publicly funded building, road, structure or project for a living elected public official Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2053 Requiring county boards of education to employ a certified library media specialist in each county school Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2054 The Healthy and Safe Workplace Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2055 Increasing the amount of mine subsidence insurance reinsured by the board of risk management Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2058 Providing for the temporary detention of criminal suspects by law-enforcement officers where probable cause appears to exist Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2059 Mandatory funding of community corrections programs Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2060 Increasing the soft drinks tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2061 Requiring operators to post a bond for each well and to condition the release of the bond Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2062 Studying the environmental and health impacts of shale gas development Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2064 Requiring a driller or owner of a natural gas well who contaminates a groundwater aquifer to remediate the aquifer until it meets the standards of the Clean Water Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2066 Requiring the posting of material data safety sheets and documentation of fracking fluid components Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2067 Providing misdemeanor criminal penalty for failing to comply with law regarding sale, lease or disposition of municipal property Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2068 Adding a special memorial day to celebrate the victory of democracy in the Cold War Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2070 Allowing the use of traffic law photo-monitoring devices Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2072 Creating an annual exemption for clothing, footwear and school supplies Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2073 Requiring that permanent and temporary battery charging stations in mines be ventilated directly to the return on a separate split of air Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2075 Increasing compensation of membership of the West Virginia State Police Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2076 Providing a ten percent discount to residents at state parks and forests Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2077 Providing a three percent cap on any increase in assessment on real property that is the primary residence Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2078 Prohibiting the use of a credit score in casualty insurance rate filings Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2080 Requiring community corrections performance measurement standards for agencies responsible for supervising individuals placed on probation, serving a period of parole Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2081 Making electronic payments subject to the same fees as are currently permitted for returned checks Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2082 Prohibiting a cheif deputy sheriff from engaging in certain political activities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2083 Relating to the care of aborted fetuses Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2084 Providing forensic evaluators with civil immunity for acts committed by the subject of the evaluation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2085 Exempting certain construction projects performed on behalf of county or municipal governments from the prevailing wage laws Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2086 Establishing a funding source and programs for persons with traumatic brain injury Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2087 Requiring regulated consumer lenders to provide a substantial benefit or a substantial benefit disclosure form for certain loans Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2090 Relating to redemption or repayment of PROMISE scholarship funds when a student drops or withdraws from classes Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2092 Adding certain sanctions for violations of probation and parole Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2093 Requiring the Commissioner of Highways to require bonds be posted in connection with major construction, mineral extraction and industrial projects that impact the roads Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2094 Allowing members of the West Virginia National Guard or its reserves to obtain free hunting and fishing licenses Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2095 Increasing salaries for state police forensic lab employees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2096 Relating to the remediation and disclosure of clandestine drug laboratories Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2097 Providing for career development and establishing a pay scale for Alcohol Beverage Commission inspectors, enforcement agents and supervisors Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2098 Exempting existing churches from paying tax on propane and other forms of heating oil Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2099 Increasing benefits of retired state personnel and retired teachers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2100 Adding one family court judge to the twenty-third family court circuit Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2103 Allowing a disabled veteran one additional license plate Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2104 Allowing quarterly payment of real and personal property taxes Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2106 Making English the official language of West Virginia Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2107 Exempting county school boards of education school buses from paying tolls for transit over the West Virginia Turnpike or any parkways authority project Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2109 Creative Communities Development Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2110 Providing that visitation to a grandparent shall consist of a minimum of one visit a month Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2111 Employing best available control technology to control air pollution Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2112 Prohibiting the use of prophylactic feeding of antibiotics to livestock Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2113 Establishing a two year pilot program on the disposal of unused pharmaceuticals Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2114 Relating to revocation of current and future horizontal well permits Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2115 Relating to the purchase and sale of dogs Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2116 Income tax deduction for gifts to West Virginia charities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2117 Income tax exemption for veterans who locate in West Virginia following separation from service Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2118 West Virginia Renewable Energy Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2119 Imposing an excise tax on the sale or rental of obscene materials Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2120 Prohibiting the publication of the consideration paid for the sale of real estate or the amount of any lien on the real property subject to the sale Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2121 Requiring elementary students to have access to a certified library media specialist, art specialist, music specialist and physical education specialist Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2122 Issuing a special "Family of an Officer Killed in the Line of Duty" license plate Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2123 Requiring the DHHR to annually review and adjust rates it pays to care providers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2126 Providing a clear zone in the event that a vehicle is stopped along a highway Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2127 Prohibiting the modification of mufflers resulting in excessive noise levels Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2128 Providing railroad employees have the right to review and copy the contents of their personnel file Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2130 Establishing prohibited acts relating to possession of controlled substances obtained from more than one health practitioner Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2132 Permitting the racing commission to regulate charity racing events Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2133 Requiring that State Police officers be compensated for time when they are required to be on standby Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2134 Allowing the school building authority to designate money for the building of playgrounds Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2135 Permitting those individuals who have been issued concealed weapons permits to keep loaded firearms in their motor vehicles on the State Capitol Complex grounds Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 2136 Providing landowners of property adjacent to proposed well sites copies of the application, the erosion and sediment control plan Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2137 Enacting zoning ordinances that regulate drilling and hydraulic fracturing activity Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2138 Permitting mineral owners and producers to negotiate a new lease under certain conditions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2141 Renewable Portfolio Standards Sustainable Energy Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2142 Providing a criminal penalty for transmitting bulk electronic mail messages which are unsolicited Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2143 Requiring liners in all new surface coal-waste impoundments and requiring regulations relating to the planning, constructing and maintenance of the liners Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2145 Creating the "Genetically Engineered Crop and Animal Farmer Protection Act" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2146 Relating to conduct and circumstances of child abuse Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2147 Establishing a minimum number of troopers to provide basic law enforcement services, and providing members of the West Virginia State Police a $580 salary increase at the end of two years of service Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2149 Extending the expiration of driver's licenses for active military members' spouses Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2150 Taxing of utility terrain vehicles Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2151 Requiring the West Virginia Commissioner of Highways to use recycled materials in construction or maintenance of roads and highways Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2152 Requiring flowback plans for all work on oil and gas wells Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2153 Creating the "Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2155 Making grants from state and other funds to provide civil legal services to low income persons Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2156 Providing criminal penalties for the intentional defacement of public and private property due to graffiti Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2157 Relating to signage for construction zones Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2161 Continuing education requirement of building code inspectors Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2162 Relating to educational benefits for dependents of deceased or disabled veterans Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2163 Adding $20 million to the West Virginia Research Trust Fund Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2164 Providing rehabilitation treatment programs to inmates imprisoned in any jail Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2165 Relating to death certificates of military veterans Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 2166 Modifying the bonding requirement for closing-out sales Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2167 Creating the misdemeanor offense for child neglect resulting in a substantial risk of bodily injury Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2168 Prohibiting insurance companies from discriminating against certain health care providers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2169 Relating to school service personnel classification and compensation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2170 Clarifying the law governing the duties of professional licensing boards Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2172 Redefining the term "public record" as it is used in the Freedom of Information Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2174 Reducing federal adjusted gross income for recent graduates of higher education institutions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2175 Requiring certain licensees to take continuing education in green building Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2176 Relating to interconnection and net-metering of customer-generators of renewable energy Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2177 Authorizing a responsible parent pilot project Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2178 Authorizing licensing boards to require applicants to submit to criminal background checks Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2179 Relating to absentee ballot fraud Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2180 Exempting from the sales and use tax special equipment installed in a motor vehicle for the use of a person with physical disabilities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2181 Creating a juvenile sex offender registration Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2182 Creating the West Virginia Innovation Free-Trade Business Technology Property Valuation Act and the West Virginia Innovation Free-Trade Tax Credit Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2183 Requiring all final actions by the Department of Environmental Protection regarding coal mine permits to be completed within six months Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2184 Requiring review and approval of final settlements of Workers' Compensation awards Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2185 Requiring insurance coverage of spouses and dependents for pregnancy and contraceptive services Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2186 Protecting academic speech of professional educators Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2189 Creating a magistrate court deputy clerk for Mineral county Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2190 Requiring the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission to propose legislative rules concerning concussions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2200 Energy Efficient Building Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2201 Relating to child abuse and neglect Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2202 Exempting income received by retired public employees and retired teachers through their state retirement systems from personal income taxes Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2203 Providing a one-time supplement to retired public employees and teachers seventy years of age or older Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2204 Allowing a credit against state personal income tax for the purchase of a new wood or pellet stove Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2205 Specifying that infrastructure projects providing broadband services facilities be included in infrastructure projects eligible for funding Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2206 Creating the "West Virginia Winner" program to promote healthy living Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2207 Creating the "Genetically Engineered Organism Liability Act" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2208 Prohibiting underground injection of coal slurry in new permits or modifications and renewals Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2210 Relating to energy efficiency for electric and gas utilities and their customers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2211 Imposing advanced recovery fees on consumers for the purchase of electronic devices Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2212 Adding a magistrate to Monongalia County Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2214 Intrastate Coal and Use Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2215 Requiring a voter to present an identifying document which contains the name, address and a photograph of that person Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2216 Preserving the rights of individuals guaranteed by the West Virginia Constitution and the United States Constitution when deciding the comity of a legal decision in a foreign country Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2217 Reducing the corporate net income tax rate to five point nine percent effective the first day of July, two thousand eleven Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2218 Restricting certain aid to the Armed Forces of the United States by West Virginia agencies Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2219 Providing that members of the Legislature whose income is limited to their legislative compensation may be covered at the same rate as government employees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2220 Prohibiting sex offenders from residing in certain areas and subjecting convicted sex offenders to global positional system monitoring Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2221 Decreasing the student to teacher ratio in kindergarten through sixth grades Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2223 Relating to compulsory school attendance Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2224 Providing paid childbirth leave for higher education personnel Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2225 Creating a procedure by which the Governor or other elected member of the Board of Public Works can declare themselves disabled or unavailable Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2226 Requiring that State Police officers be compensated for time when they are required to be on standby and providing a stipend for housing cost for certain officers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2227 Increasing the minimum number of magisterial districts in a county Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2228 Creating the Higher Education Merit Screening Advisory Committee Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2229 Exempting special fuel and propane used for home heating purposes from the motor fuel excise tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2231 Reducing the wholesale tax on heating fuel, off road fuels, kerosene and propane used for home heating purposes or off road use Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2232 Requiring the Superintendent of the State Police to implement a plan to increase the number of troopers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2233 Relating to the School Building Authority Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2234 Exempting nonprofit, tax exempt corporations or organizations affiliated with a church from consumer sales and service tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2235 Relating to restrictions on dispensing oxycontin extended release or fentanyl patches Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2236 Providing a salary supplement for providers of medicaid eligible services in the public schools Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2239 Requiring doctors and hospitals to bill patients within one year of when the goods and services were provided Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2240 Requiring physicians performing abortions take steps designed to save the life of any aborted live fetus Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2241 Adding pharmacist and pharmacy to the definition of "health care provider" as used in the Medical Professional Liability Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2242 Requiring abortion facilities to have certain written policies and procedures Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2243 Requiring that abortions be performed in hospitals or by physicians with admitting privileges to a hospital within the local service area Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2244 Providing that a plant based substance or biological organism determined to provide any potential medical benefit may not be designated or rescheduled as a Class I or II controlled substance Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2245 Requiring the use of helmets by skateboarders Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2246 Providing that a Class B resident fishing license and a Class F nonresident fishing license are effective one year from the date of purchase Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2247 Relating to residency requirements for persons appointed as campus police officers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2248 Establishing a program to promote veteran friendly communities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2249 Requiring spouse approval of election of annuity option Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2250 Providing a loan forgiveness program for nurses, social workers, dentists and hygienists Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2251 Providing for the payment of unemployment compensation when a person misses work due to domestic violence Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2252 Authorizing the equal pay commission to study the "glass ceiling" concept Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2254 Requiring an emergency, temporary and permanent water supply when gas and oil operations have resulted in contamination, diminution or interruption Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2255 Studying injection induced seismic activity associated with to horizontal well drilling and waste injection Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2256 Establishing a cradle to grave monitoring system for withdrawals of water used in the development of natural wells Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2257 Creating a publicly accessible database of information relevant to all horizontally drilled wells Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2258 Requiring the center of all new gas wells to be more than one thousand feet from water wells or six hundred twenty-five feet from the edge of the well pad Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2259 Requiring persons giving testimony or providing information to the Legislature to attest to the truthfulness of the testimony Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2260 Prohibiting the drilling of horizontal oil and gas wells beneath abandoned wells Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2261 Requiring hospitals and other medical service providers to bill Medicaid for eligible inmate hospital and professional services Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2262 Requiring operators of natural gas wells and surface owners to enter into surface use agreements Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2263 Permitting surface owners to receive a two percent royalty for minerals extracted Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2264 Disclosing to surface owners the impact the mineral extraction will have on the surface owner Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2266 Providing a one-time bonus payable in July of every year for retired public school teachers and state retirees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2267 Creating the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Fund Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2268 Increasing the maximum personal income tax exemption for persons over the age of sixty-five and for persons who are totally disabled Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2269 Making it a crime for preventing an individual from calling emergency service personnel Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2270 Increasing the effective period for domestic violence protective orders Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2271 Retaining nursing educators Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2273 Limiting the liability of military personnel who respond to local emergencies and calls for assistance Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2274 Raising the maximum personal income tax exemption for persons over the age of sixty-five and for persons who are totally disabled Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2275 Reinstating service credit to certain members of the Public Employees Retirement System Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2276 Providing a tax incentive to dental practitioners to perform dental services at no cost to indigent patients Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2279 Relating to towing companies notifying the DMV of abandoned vehicles Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2280 Requiring persons who are not members of the American Association of Professional Landmen to have two years or more of experience in contracting for oil and gas leases Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2281 Increasing the pay grade of cafeteria managers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2282 Prohibiting the use of a person's credit history in insurance transactions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2283 Providing that the amount of required acreage for bird hunting preserves may be one hundred acres for privately owned commercial shooting preserves Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2284 Exempting social security benefits from West Virginia personal income Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2285 Providing immunity from civil liability hospital volunteers who in good faith render emergency care at a hospital Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2286 Allowing the Division of Energy to develop an energy related public relations campaign focused on educating the Washington, D.C. area and the federal government about West Virginia coal Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2287 Increasing the jurisdictional amount in controversy in Magistrate Courts Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2289 Requiring that transportation to and from school be provided for each child that needs or desires transportation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2290 Requiring reports to the Governor from state agencies to be made available electronically via the internet Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2291 Relating to the denial of course credits for unexcused absences in school Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2292 Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to remediate any waste tire pile in the state consisting of more than twenty-five tires Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2293 Reducing from six months to three months the period of delinquency for failure to meet an obligation to pay support to a minor Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2295 Prohibiting project labor agreements on state-funded construction contracts Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2296 Establishing a bill of rights for children in foster care Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2297 Establishing a bill of rights for foster parents Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2298 Providing guidance for prosecuting attorneys in cases involving abused and neglected children Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2299 Requiring certain insurance companies to participate in information data matches with the Bureau of Child Support Enforcement Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2300 Regulating the use of the internet by children Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2301 Prohibiting declination or termination of property insurance based solely upon a home owner's possession of a certain breed of dog Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2302 Providing a personal income tax modification for certain retirees who are in long-term care facilities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2303 Requiring all high schools include in their health classes a course in fetal development Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2304 Adding oil and gas facilities, wells, pipelines and tanks to the coordinated statewide program of air pollution prevention Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2305 BPA-Free Kids Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2306 Clarifying that the Legislature is the sole authority regarding compulsory immunizations Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2307 Reducing the corporation net income tax rate Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2308 Relating to the excise tax on the privilege of transferring real property and using the tax to reimburse counties for regional jail fees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2310 Adding a circuit court judge for the 5th Judicial Circuit Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2311 Permitting the state to opt out of a federal statute that would otherwise not allow a state resident who has been convicted of a felony involving a controlled substance from receiving certain benefits Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2313 Permitting surface owners to purchase the mineral interests that lay below the property when the mineral interest becomes subject to a tax lien Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2315 Requiring automated external defibrillators in public schools Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2316 Awarding credits for use of alternative and renewable energy resources Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2317 Relating to the issuance of driver's licenses and disposition Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2318 Relating to competency and criminal responsibility of persons charged or convicted of a crime Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2319 Allowing state employees to take paid leave to attend parent-teacher conference for their children Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2320 Giving local authorities the authority to decrease the speed limit on streets and highways where school buses travel in its jurisdiction Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2322 Providing a mechanism whereby unused, unexpired nonnarcotic drugs previously owned by a deceased nursing home patient or resident may be donated to free health care clinics in the state Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2323 West Virginia Energy Efficiency Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2324 Increasing the minimum prison sentence for a parent or guardian or custodian who abuses a child Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2325 Authorizing immediate discharge and transportation to a regional jail for aggressive and violent behavior of persons committed to state hospitals Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2326 Relating to persons who do not qualify for professional certificates who are issued certificates to serve in the public schools as athletic coaches Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2327 Adding the county sheriff, or his or her designee, to those law-enforcement officials who are granted access to certain confidential pharmaceutical information Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2329 Relating to the use of personal leave days by a surviving spouse of a deceased employee of a school board Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2330 Permitting a retired police officer to be hired as a chief of police and continue to receive retirement benefits Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2332 Relating to confidential records Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2334 Repealing the one hundred forty day limitation that a retired school teacher may teach in public schools Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2335 Increasing compensation for conservation officers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2337 Creating the criminal offense of online impersonation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2338 Requiring a convicted sex offender who volunteers for an organization whose volunteers have contact with minors to inform that organization of his or her conviction Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2339 Removing the armed conflict requirement before state employees may receive credit for time served in the Armed Forces Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2340 Relating to teacher pay rate for work assignment outside regular school day or beyond a contracted employment period Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2341 Providing a cost-of-living provision for certain persons retired Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2342 Permitting the issuance of a barrister's certificate to teach course specific curricula in public schools Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2343 Increasing the educational increment for school service personnel Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2344 Relating to the State Teachers Retirement System Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2345 Authorizing the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue a special license plate for applicants who are hearing impaired Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2346 The Uniform Debt Management Services Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2347 Establishing a returnable beverage container deposit program Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2348 Creating and implementing a fund to encourage the development and use of renewable forms of energy Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2349 Increasing the number of child protective service workers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2353 Clarifying an exception that allow sheriffs to collect property taxes in more than two installments Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2356 Prohibiting the sale of beer and wine at self-scan registers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2358 Stopping accelerated rate recovery because of adverse effects of constructing transmission facilities and revising the definition of need Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2359 Relating to the Public Employees Retirement System and the Teachers Retirement System; and providing a one-time supplement for annuitants and survivor beneficiaries after being retired five consecutive years Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2362 Relating to water pollution control Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2363 Prohibiting fractional pricing in the retail sale of gasoline Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2364 The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 2367 Establishing a West Virginia State Trooper's Association leave donation program Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2369 Providing a personal income tax exemption for living organ donors Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2370 Providing that municipal employees may receive up to two years of retirement service credit for military service Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2371 Prohibiting the performance of any abortion when the woman seeking it is doing so solely on account of the gender of the fetus Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2372 Relating to disposition of the remains of a deceased military service member who dies while serving Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2373 Authorizing a refundable tax credit based upon the federal earned income tax credit Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2374 Eliminating eligibility for parole for the offenses of abuse, neglect or death of an incapacitated adult, murder of a child by a parent, guardian or custodian by refusal to supply necessities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2375 No State-Funded Transportation for Abortion Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2376 Increasing salary increments paid to principals and assistant principals Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2377 Increasing the amount of annual and incremental salary increases for eligible state employees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2379 Exempting disabled veterans from campground rental fees during certain times Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2380 Relating to meeting and conference rights for members of police or fire departments employed by political subdivisions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2382 Relating to the Fire Prevention and Control Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2384 Permitting unlicensed personnel to administer medications in certain circumstances Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2385 Relating to the requirements for and scope of practice for registered veterinary technicians Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2387 Relating to reasonable accommodations under the West Virginia Fair Housing Act for persons with disabilities who need assistive animals Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 2389 Requiring county commissions to adopt county farmland protection programs Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2392 Creating an equal pay coordinator within the Division of Personnel Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2394 Removing the statutory reference to the salary of the Executive Director of the Women's Commission Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2396 Eliminating the motor fuels tax on heating oil for residential use by eligible seniors Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2400 Relating to disclosure of sex offender registration to private elementary and secondary schools, and to higher education institutions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2401 Requiring the Department of Health and Human Resources to reimburse the circuit clerk of the county where involuntary commitment hearings are held for certain expenses Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2402 Exempting disabled veterans who have suffered a hundred percent total and permanent service-connected disability from state income tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2405 Redistricting of the House of Delegates into one hundred single member districts after the 2020 census Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2407 Eliminating the third offense conviction of shoplifting and its corresponding felony penalty Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2408 Requiring all state boards, commissions, committees or councils to be gender balanced and to have proportionate representation of minorities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2410 Prohibiting declination, cancellation or nonrenewal of a property insurance policy if the insured does not file a claim relating to the loss or damage to insured property Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2411 Relating to development of broadband infrastructure and broadband deployment in this state Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2412 Ensuring that borrowers are provided accurate notice of their right to cure a default on any installment or other secured obligation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2416 Authorizing the School Building Authority to award grants or moneys to county and local library boards in connection with public library construction projects Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2417 Creating a fund within the council for community and economic development to assist communities with strategic and feasibility plans Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2418 Requiring the Public Employees Insurance Agency and its contractors, under certain circumstances, to advertise that they are seeking bids prior to accepting bids Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2419 Relating to dual liner requirements Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2422 Providing an additional decreasing modification reducing federal adjusted gross income for income earned by certain military personnel and their spouses Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2423 Allowing county fire companies and departments to charge reasonable reimbursement fees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2424 Relating to automatic revocation of a will upon legal separation and excluding from the definition of "surviving spouse" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2425 Providing an increase to all annuitants of the Public Employees Retirement and Teachers Retirement Systems Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2427 West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2430 Exempting the construction or addition of active solar energy systems from real and personal property taxation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2435 Relating to severance taxes collected for privilege of producing oil or natural gas Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2436 Relating to liquefied petroleum gas-consuming equipment and appliances Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2437 Exempting of certain public safety training courses from payment of consumer sales tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2438 Certified Legal Assistant Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2439 Determining the value of a motor vehicle in a claim Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2440 Adopting guidelines to permit pharmacists to prescribe medications Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2442 Requiring every internment or grave to identify the decedents' identity Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2443 Exempting antique cars from taxation and fees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2444 Capping a property tax increase resulting from an increase from the three-year reappraisal Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2445 Providing permanent total disability recipients annual cost-of-living allowances Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2446 Creating the crime of soliciting a minor Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 2449 Requiring a landlord address issues of the accumulation of moisture and the growth of mold Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2450 Granting licensed real estate appraisers access to commercial or residential review documents Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2452 Relating to extended family visitation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2459 Permitting certain holders of concealed weapons permits to carry weapons of the grounds and buildings on the State Capitol Complex Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2464 Relating to assessment of personal property of transients Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2467 Requiring the county to reimburse a property owner of expenses incurred in contesting a reappraisal Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2472 Increasing the speed limit from 60 mph to 70 mph on a specific section of I-77 Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2473 Requiring all state activities and records to be in English Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2474 Authorizing tax credits for parents and legal guardians whose children are in a home schooling program Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2475 Requiring the DHHR to provide matching funds for trust income disbursed to support autistic minors Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2476 Encouraging public officials to display the national motto on all public property and public buildings Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2477 Permitting certain auxiliary lighting on motorcycles Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 2479 Relating to the nonpartisan elections of justices of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals and circuit court judges Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2481 Changing the way that the cost of incarcerating inmates in regional jails is collected Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2482 Prohibiting school employees from promoting abortion Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2483 Creating the felony offense of possession of one gram or more of cocaine Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2484 Exempting the first twenty thousand dollars of state pensions and social security benefits from West Virginia personal income tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2485 Requiring health care providers to release unemancipated minor's medical records for drug testing to a parent or legal guardian without written consent from minor Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2486 Limiting the amount a property reappraisal can increase Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2488 Real Property Transfer on Death Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2493 Relating to driver's licensing Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2495 Requiring participation in a drug treatment program for all drug offenders Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2496 West Virginia School Personnel Survivor Benefit Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2499 Eliminating good time for persons convicted of sex crimes involving minor children Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2500 Increasing the penalty for driving under the influence causing death Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2501 Creating the West Virginia Addictions Treatment and Recovery Fund Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2502 Including oral or written inquiry of a patient about possession, ownership or storage of firearms as a reason for invoking disciplinary proceedings against physicians Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2517 Permitting volunteer firefighters to automatically qualify for Promise Scholarships Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2522 Issuing a special "HATFIELD and MCCOY" license plate Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 2526 Allowing for the participation of home schooled students in certain secondary school activities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2527 Creating a drug testing program for applicants and recipients of temporary assistance for needy families cash benefits Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2528 Requiring holders of graduated driver's licenses to pass drug tests Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2529 Reducing the motor fuel excise tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2535 Creating the "Intrastate Coal and Use Act" and the "Intrastate Oil and Natural Gas and Use Act" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2537 Requiring retail establishments offering gasoline or other motor fuel to provide refueling assistance and refueling access to persons with a disability Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2545 Creating the Nonresident Medical Student Tuition Regularization Program Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2547 Repealing provisions establishing a system for the issuance of personal safety orders Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2551 Prohibiting insurers from increasing premiums following payment of a claim in certain circumstances Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2552 Providing an exception to magistrates and municipal court judges from the requirement of having a license to carry a concealed weapon Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2555 Electing members of county school boards on a nonpartisan basis in general elections only Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2556 Waiving the publication requirements of financial statements for Class IV municipalities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2557 Extending or clarifying protections under the state's Whistle-Blower Law Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2558 Removing the "grandfather" clause that excepts municipal ordinances limiting the purchase, possession, transfer, ownership, carrying, transporting, selling or storing of guns or ammunition Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2560 Providing exceptions to the prohibition of the possession of deadly weapons on premises of educational facilities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2564 Delaying implementation of the Alternative and Renewable Energy Portfolio Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2565 Providing official ballot status to a political party that received at least one per cent of the votes Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2568 Authorizing the Legislature to add a nonbinding advisory referendum ballot issue Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2572 Clarifying circumstances under which a person may possess certain firearms while afield hunting Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2574 Relating to the right of an owner of real estate to set aside a tax deed Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2575 Setting West Virginia prevailing wage rates by county Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2576 Repealing requirements that prevailing wages be paid in connection with the construction of public improvements Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2578 Creating the Good Jobs Internet Reporting Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2581 Requiring that a sum certain be deposited into the Education Improvement Fund for appropriation by the Legislature Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2584 Relating to licensing board accounts Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2588 Relating to requiring notification to foster parents Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2592 Establishing a Library Facilities Improvement Fund Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2594 Relating to required courses of school instruction generally Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2595 Relating to the death penalty for first degree murder Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2596 Establishing the West Virginia Right to Work Law Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2598 Exempting heating oil for residential use from the Motor Fuel Excise Tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2599 Prohibiting recipients of state assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program from purchasing sugary soft drinks Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2606 Permitting the State Rail Authority to set the salary of the executive director Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
HB 2609 Relating to the Alternative and Renewable Energy Portfolio Act Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 2719 Authorizing the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue special registration plates that read "In God We Trust" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2720 Requiring the closing hours of private clubs to be two o'clock a.m. Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2724 Relating to the Emergency Medical Services Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2728 Allowing a disabled veteran to park in a designated accessible parking space without placard Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2732 Freedom From Unwarranted Surveillance Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2736 Relating to elections and write-in candidates Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2737 Work/Incarceration Prison pilot program Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2739 Relating to the business and occupation tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2740 Restricting the use of "4-point mechanical restraints" on patients Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2741 Protecting academic freedom in higher education Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2742 Providing for the redistricting office of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to propose redistricting plans during census years Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2743 Consolidating purchasing by county boards of education Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2744 Allowing a tax deduction for all prepaid tuition contracts or college savings plan Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2745 Exempting undergraduate students attending state colleges or universities for the first two years postgraduation, from the payment of state income tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2746 Extending the Teachers' State Minimum Salary Schedule and equity supplements Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2748 Requiring the reporting and publication of all compensation, including the source of that compensation, paid to lobbyists Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2752 Exempting construction performed on behalf of educational authorities from prevailing wage requirements Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2753 Establishing prevailing hourly rates to be used in connection with the construction of public improvements Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2757 Private cause of action for the humane destruction of a dog Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 2760 Creating a uniform regulation of firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2766 Creating the "West Virginia Winner" program Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2768 Regulating tanning facilities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2771 Relating to elections Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2772 Permitting motorcyclists and bicyclists to safely proceed through a traffic light if they have waited a minimum of two minutes Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2773 Relating to state responsibilities for the protection and care of children Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2774 Relating to the effects of a criminal conviction and incarceration on a municipal officer Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2775 Abolishing the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2779 Relating to state recognition of Native American tribes Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 2785 Creating the "Safe and Efficient Parkways Act" (SEPA) Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2787 Permitting family court judges and magistrates to carry concealed handguns without a permit Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2788 Requiring that all attorneys employed by the State of West Virginia in legal positions paying $100,000 or more must have a license to practice law in the state Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2790 Relating to public service district board members Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2791 Exempting licensed surveyors from liability for defamation or slander of title Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2792 Creating a hunting license permitting crossbow hunting Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 2793 Relating to calculation of West Virginia adjusted gross income for personal income tax purposes Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2794 Prohibiting declination or termination of property insurance based solely upon a home owner's possession of a certain breed of dog Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2795 Reallocating and dedicating three percent of oil and gas severance tax revenues Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2796 Requiring lobbyists to disclose compensation agreements Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2797 Eliminating the requirement that health facilities receive a certificate of need before opening Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2798 Authorizing the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue a special "SECOND AMENDMENT" license plate Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2799 Allowing county commissions broad discretion in setting the salaries of county elected officials Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2801 Creating the "West Virginia Infrastructure Emergency Response Act of 2013" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2803 Requiring electric utilities to implement integrated resource plans Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 2804 Creating enhanced criminal penalties for assaults or batteries against pregnant women Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2807 Requiring the State Board of Education to pay annual bonuses of $5,000 to certain teachers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2808 Authorizing the establishment of charter schools Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2810 Clarifying the statutory restrictions placed on sex offenders Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2813 Relating generally to the purchasing division Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2817 Relating generally to use of alternative-fuel motor vehicles Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2820 Prohibiting a person convicted of a sexual offense against a child from being on school property without written permission Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2821 Relating to the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2823 Increasing the minimum proof of financial responsibility in motor vehicle insurance coverage Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2826 Relating to the state's jurisdiction over reclaimed sites of bond-forfeited surface mining operations Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2827 Modifying the funding ratio of school students to counselors Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2828 Relating to the crime of soliciting or attempting to solicit a child into a motor vehicle near a school Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2831 Relating to mandatory immunizations for school children Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2832 Creating the "Firearm Protection Act" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2834 Exempting valid nonprofit organizations from licensing requirements of the West Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority during certain events Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2839 Relating to payment of employees separated from payroll before paydays Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2841 Prohibiting the federal government from requiring state agencies to enforce the provisions of federal health care legislation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2846 Removing investment restrictions on foreign securities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2854 Relating to reentry into the Public Employees Retirement System by members of the Legislature Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2855 Permitting persons sixty years of age and older to hunt deer with a crossbow Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2856 Prohibiting discrimination based upon age or sexual orientation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2859 Authorizing the Commissioner to issue no more than ten additional special demonstration plates used by new and used dealers of larger commercial type vehicles Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2860 Providing that a municipality receive no more than $25 from speeding fines Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2862 Relating to informal conferences on surface mining permit applications Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2869 Providing for judges and magistrates of West Virginia Courts to carry concealed firearms Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2870 Providing a discount on state campground rentals for veterans Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2871 Providing that West Virginia will not participate in the REAL ID Act of 2005 Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2873 Requiring that public schools provide facilities for students of all faiths and religions to have a place of fellowship, prayer and worship Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2875 Relating to residential solar energy tax credits Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2876 Requiring that legislative rules be reviewed five years after initial approval by the Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee and the Legislative Auditor's Office Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2878 Clarifying that a valid West Virginia identification card is an acceptable form of ID to prove age and residency for purposes of obtaining a senior citizen campground rental discount Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2880 Relating to provide special outdoor recreational opportunities for eligible veterans Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2882 Creating the Budget Reform Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2885 Prohibiting the use of the name or likeness of elected or appointed officials on publicly-owned vehicles Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2887 Increasing compensation, after July 1, 2013, of elected county officials and county commissioners for each class of county Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2891 Relating to scholarships for dependent children of state troopers who die in performance of duty Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2892 Changing the number of strikes in jury selection in felony cases Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2893 Relating to preservation of cemeteries Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2894 Allowing the Division of Corrections and Regional Jail Authority employees who are authorized to carry a weapon to carry concealed weapons Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2895 Requiring display of POW/MIA flag on county courthouses and other government buildings Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
HB 2900 Requiring regional airport authority board members to include persons of area expertise Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2901 Relating to juvenile proceedings Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2903 Creating the Economic Fairness Act of 2013 Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2904 Creating a State Employee Ombudsman Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2905 Establishing anesthesia patient safety standards for office-based surgery Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2911 Exempting records of concealed weapon license applications and issuance from disclosure under the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
HB 2917 Making it an unfair trade practice to refuse to refill a propane gas tank Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2918 West Virginia Fair Health Insurance Act of 2013 Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2920 Making clear that the Pledge of Allegiance said each instructional day in West Virginia public schools shall include the phrase "one nation under God." Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2921 Providing an exemption on sales of motor vehicles using natural gas or dual purpose motor vehicles using a combination of gasoline and natural gas Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2922 Issuing of special veterans vanity registration plates for motorcycles Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2924 Authorizing counties to create urban growth boundaries Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2925 Relating to alternative fuel initiatives Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2926 Requiring health insurers to reimburse ambulance service providers directly for ambulance services covered under a person's health insurance policy Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2927 Relating to publication of list of delinquent real estate Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2935 Increasing certain penalties under the child pornography law to make them similar to those imposed under federal law Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2937 Authorizing a county school board to adopt a policy that allows an inspirational message Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2939 Modifying the definition of "battery" and "domestic battery" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2947 Permitting surface owners to purchase the mineral interests that lay below the property in certain circumstances Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2950 Providing cable operators and satellite television providers a tax credit for offering consumers ala carte service Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2952 Work Share West Virginia Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2953 Raising the minimum wage Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2954 Requiring that members of the Mine Safety Technology Task Force are paid the same compensation as members of the Legislature Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
HB 2955 Traumatic Brain Injury Services Commission Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2957 The County Home Rule Pilot Program Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2958 Permitting deed of trust or mortgage interest paid on taxpayers' personal residences to be used as a deduction for personal income tax purposes Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2959 Relating to workers' compensation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2963 Providing educators released time to serve on county commissions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2966 Relating to employment and privacy protection Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 2967 Prohibiting the publication of the identities of persons who have been issued licenses to carry a concealed deadly weapon Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2971 Creating the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2972 Providing for structured settlements for minors who are injured or otherwise suffer a loss Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2973 Allowing certain county boards of education to operate their schools on a four-day school week Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2974 Relating to a tax deduction allowed for capital expenditures from the corporate net income tax Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2976 Creating a fund for pothole repair contributed to by private businesses or entities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2977 Requiring insurers issuing group accident and sickness insurance policies to certain employers to furnish claims loss experience Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2981 Providing that historical reenactors are not violating the provision prohibiting unlawful military organizations Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 2982 Prohibiting the use of calculators for teaching purposes in grades K through eight Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2983 Requiring inclusion of science fiction reading material in certain existing middle school and high school courses Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2984 Relating to assessment of real property Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2985 Authorizing attorney fees and costs to the prevailing party in a court case in which adverse possession is asserted Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2988 Providing the West Virginia Courthouse Facilities Improvement Authority with the ability to issue bonds Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2989 Creating a system for the bifurcation for trial of claims for compensatory and exemplary damages Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2990 Relating to insurance or other security required for registration or operation of a motor vehicle Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2991 Providing that a wine retailer may be licensed as a retail dealer in nonintoxicating beer for the limited purpose of selling nonintoxicating beer at the same festival or fair Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2993 Allowing counties and municipalities to levy a sales tax on food and beverages sold at restaurants Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2995 Adding fifty new positions to the staff at the William R. Sharpe, Jr. Hospital Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2996 Relating to smoke detectors in one-and two-family dwellings Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2997 Prohibiting the use of unmanned aircraft Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2998 Requiring natural gas lessors to provide surface owners the ability to purchase gas from those wells Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2999 Prohibiting members of the state Athletic Commission from judging or refereeing any professional boxing, full contact boxing or mixed martial arts match Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3000 Changing the Martinsburg public library to the Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Library Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3001 Requiring a composite soil sampling and testing be performed on the ground area underneath a pit or impoundment after it has been drained Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3002 Requiring the Parkways Authority to provide free daily toll passes for veterans under certain circumstances Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3004 Increasing the percentage a liquor retail licensee must charge licensed clubs and the general public Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3005 Requiring any employer to retain a job for any veteran with a service-connected disability Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3006 Retaining jobs for certain disabled veterans Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3007 Relating to job retention for any veteran with a service-connected disability while seeking or receiving treatment Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3008 Requiring the three commissioners of the Public Service Commission be elected from the three congressional districts for six-year terms Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3009 Schoolchildren's Religious Liberties Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3010 Limiting the use of credit information in connection with the declination and termination of property insurance Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3011 Removing the provision that requires an applicant to meet federal requirements concerning the production, distribution and sale of industrial hemp prior to being licensed Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 3012 Relating to the nonpartisan election of justices to the Supreme Court of Appeals beginning in 2014 Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3014 Relating to pension benefits exempt from state income taxation Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3015 Providing an increase in compensation for natural resources police officers Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3016 Restroom Access Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3017 Requiring the State Fire Marshal to propose rules for legislative approval to set standards for minimum acceptable fire company on-duty staffing levels Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3019 Clarifying circumstances under which a person may possess certain firearms while afield hunting Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3029 Providing a procedure for West Virginia to select delegates to an Article V convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3030 Relating to Class XS senior resident lifetime licenses Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3033 Relating to taxes on motor fuels, aviation fuels and consumer sales and service Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3034 Requiring underground mines fire boss examinations include examining the air quantity Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3036 Improving program integrity for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3037 Relating to the form of trust deeds Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3039 Relating to the right of the landlord of commercial premises to terminate the lease under certain circumstances Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3040 Relating generally to the tax treatment of manufacturing entities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3042 Providing a teacher mentoring increment for classroom teachers with national board certification who teach and mentor at certain schools Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3045 Eliminating specific statutory restrictions on outdoor advertisement Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3046 Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to issue a procedural rule to allow surface owners a right to a hearing and appeal Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3048 Authorizing county commissions to hear actions for ejectment and other actions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3050 Relating to salary increases for teachers based on residential housing costs Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3051 Relating to fees charged for natural gas drilling waste fluids injected into underground injection control wells Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3052 Exempting from excise taxation the transfer of real property from an individual to a wholly-owned subsidiary Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3053 Relating to the labor-management relations act for the private sector Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3056 Providing a special method for valuation of certain wireless technology property for property taxes Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3057 Establishing the offense of operating a motor vehicle using a wearable computer with a head-mounted display Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3061 Relating to the right of a minor to nominate a guardian Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3064 Allowing the general public to use certain certified timberland for certain recreational purposes for that property to maintain its preferential tax status as managed timberland Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3067 Relating to limitations of actions and suits Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3068 Expanding the property appraisal provisions to include qualified capital additions to coal production facilities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3070 Relating to bail bond surcharge Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3071 Relating to civil penalties and civil administrative penalties for violations of the Water Pollution Control Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3072 West Virginia coal employment enhancement act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3073 Creating the "Health Care Choice Act" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3074 Increasing the criminal penalties for the offenses of driving under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs; "Andrea's Law" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3075 Permitting the disposal of drill cuttings and associated drilling mud generated from well sites in solid waste landfills Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3077 Relating to the publication requirements of the administration of estates Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3078 Raising the maximum personal income tax exemption for persons over the age of sixty-five and for persons who are totally disabled Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3080 Relating to alternative and renewable energy portfolio standards Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3081 Preventing taxpayer subsidization of health insurance covering elective abortions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3082 Providing a limit on consulting fees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3083 Relating to definitions used in the Public Employees Retirement System Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3084 Relating to restricted races at pari-mutuel thoroughbred horse race tracks Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3085 Requiring persons engaged in natural gas horizontal well drilling activities to annually submit a report to the Department of Labor identifying the state of residency Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3088 Prohibiting healthcare providers from discriminating against or refusing treatment of a patient regardless of how that person was injured or became ill Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3090 Relating to duties of the Chief Technology Officer with regard to security of government information Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3093 Relating to certification requirements for applicators who paint state bridges Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3094 Subjecting persons convicted of sexual crimes against a minor to "GPS" monitoring for life Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3095 Relating to discounts at state parks for elderly and disabled persons Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3096 Increasing the compensation caps for secretary-clerks and case coordinators in the family court system Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3097 Entitling natural resource producers to the economic opportunity tax credit Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3098 Relating to the accountability of a corporation's political activities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3101 Updating the Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3102 Raising the minimum wage Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3103 Making it illegal to transport a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion without written consent of both parents Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3105 Granting all public employees a $1,000 per year permanent pay increase Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3107 Requiring voters to present identifying documents, issued either by the State of West Virginia or the United States Government that contain the name, address and a photograph of the person desiring to vote Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3108 Relating to criminal background checks on applicants for employment by nursing homes Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 3109 Prohibiting a person from driving in the passing lane of a highway when not passing another vehicle under certain circumstances Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3111 Relating to computing local share of public education support Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3116 Relating to reimbursement for copies of medical records Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3117 Relating to voter photo identification Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3118 Requiring a change of venue in all criminal matters for which the sentence could be life without mercy and to allow for appeals by current inmates Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3121 "Parents' Bill of Rights" Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3129 Creating of the Verifiable Science Act Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3131 Providing that all persons have the right to be free from violence Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3132 Creating the offense of sexual battery Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3133 Relating to voting by absentees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3140 Providing a procedure for the reassessment and classification of Class III or IV real property transferred to persons to be used and occupied by the owner thereof exclusively for residential purpose Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3141 Providing consistency for the location of the Alcohol Beverage Control Administration's appeal hearings Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3142 Relating to eligibility for release on parole of inmates in regional jails that have been committed to prison Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3143 Creating an environmental awareness program in the West Virginia School system Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3144 Relating to supervision of works by a sanitary board Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3146 Implementing drug testing for recipients of federal-state and state assistance Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3147 Requiring health insurance coverage for eosinophilic disorders Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3149 Requiring the Commissioner of Corrections to keep a record of repeat offenses committed by persons convicted of sexual offenses against children Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3150 Relating generally to purchasing Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3153 Relating to retailer electronic waste collection Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3154 Relating to the expungement of certain felony convictions Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3155 Establishing a definition of "no significant additional fiscal burden" in the minimum criteria for certificate of need reviews Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3156 Granting a labor organization a privilege from being compelled to disclose any communication or information the labor organization or agent received or acquired in confidence from an employee Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 3164 Allowing part-time outside employment for full time prosecuting attorneys Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4001 Government Fraud Prevention Act Rejected    02/25/14 
HB 4002 Relating to the computation of local share for public school support purposes Pending  RECD  03/08/14 
HB 4003 Granting dual jurisdiction to counties where a student who lives in one county and attends school in another in order to enforce truancy policies Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
HB 4004 Relating to criminal offenses for child abuse Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4005 Relating to criminal offenses for child abuse and child neglect Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4006 Relating to the possession and distribution of child pornography Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4007 Prohibiting any state entity from forcing currently owner-occupied residences to be required to participate in a public sewer Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
HB 4008 Permitting a business that owns motor vehicles to have the value of those vehicles assessed in the tax district where the business has its primary base of operations Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
HB 4009 Permitting institutions of higher education to perform background checks Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
HB 4010 Creating the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4011 Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
HB 4012 Relating to the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
HB 4013 Increasing criminal penalties for the transportation of controlled substances Pending  Committee  01/08/14 
HB 4014 Increasing criminal penalties for littering Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4015 Budget Bill, making appropriations of public money out of the treasury in accordance with section fifty-one, article six of the Constitution Tabled  3rd Reading  03/08/14 
HB 4016 Legislative rule relating to state owned vehicles Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4017 Rule relating to the inspection of meat and poultry Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4018 Legislative rule relating to obtaining support from federal and state tax refunds Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4019 Rule relating to interstate income withholding Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4020 Board of Chiropractic Examiners, fees pertaining to the practice of chiropractic Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4021 Board of Dental Examiners, legislative rule relating to the Board Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4022 Board of Dental Examiners, continuing education requirements Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4023 Board of Dental Examiners, administration of anesthesia by dentists Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4024 Board of Dental Examiners, expanded duties of dental hygienists and dental assistants Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4025 Board of Dental Examiners, formation and approval of professional limited liability companies Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4026 Board of Dental Examiners, formation and approval of dental corporations; and dental practice ownership Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4027 Board of Dental Examiners, relating to dental advertising Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4028 Department of Environmental Protection, standards of performance for new stationary sources Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4029 Department of Environmental Protection, control of air pollution from the combustion of solid waste Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4030 Department of Environmental Protection, permits for construction and major modification of major stationary sources which cause or contribute to nonattainment areas Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4031 Department of Environmental Protection, control of air pollution from hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4032 Department of Environmental Protection, emission standards for hazardous air pollutants Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4033 Department of Environmental Protection, ambient air quality standards Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4034 Commissioner of Highways, transportation of hazardous wastes upon the roads and highways Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4035 Massage Therapy Licensure Board, schedule of fees Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4036 Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training, assessing health and safety violation penalties Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4037 Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training, program for the sharing of information between employees Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4038 Division of Natural Resources, relating to special motorboating Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4039 Authorizing miscellaneous boards and agencies to promulgate legislative rules Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
HB 4040 Bureau of Senior Services, In-home Care Worker Registry Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4041 Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, relating to a code of ethics Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4042 Board of Professional Surveyors, examination and licensing of professional surveyors in West Virginia Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4043 Treasurer's Office, procedure for deposit of funds in the Treasurer's Office by state agencies Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4044 Treasurer's Office, relating to reporting of debt capacity Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4045 Board of Veterinary Medicine, certified animal euthanasia technicians Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4046 Office of Administrative Hearings, appeal procedures Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4047 Commissioner of Agriculture, relating to auctioneers Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4048 Commissioner of Agriculture, commercial feed Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4049 Commissioner of Agriculture, schedule of charges for inspection services: fruit Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4050 Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, private club licensing Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4051 Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, farm wineries Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4052 Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, sale of wine Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4053 Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, nonintoxicating beer licensing and operations procedures Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4054 Bureau for Child Support Enforcement, rule relating to the Bureau Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4055 Bureau for Child Support Enforcement, support enforcement activities undertaken by the Bureau Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4056 Bureau for Child Support Enforcement, distribution of support payments Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4057 Board of Chiropractic Examiners, regulation of chiropractic practice Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4058 Consolidated Public Retirement Board, Public Employees Retirement System Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4059 Board of Dental Examiners, practitioner requirements for accessing the West Virginia controlled substances monitoring program database Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4060 Board of Dental Examiners, mobile dental facilities and portable dental units Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4061 Board of Dental Examiners, fees established by the Board Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4062 Department of Environmental Protection, permits for construction and major modification of major stationary sources Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4063 Department of Environmental Protection, voluntary remediation and redevelopment Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4064 Department of Environmental Protection, requirements governing water quality standards Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4065 Department of Environmental Protection, state certification of activities requiring federal licenses and permits Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4066 State Election Commission , West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Public Campaign Financing Pilot Program Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4067 Authorizing the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety to promulgate legislative rules Signed  Effective from passage - (March 5, 2014)
HB 4068 Fire Commission, certification of home inspectors Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4069 State Fire Marshal, certification of electrical inspectors Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4070 Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction, law enforcement training and certification standards Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4071 Department of Health and Human Resources, medication administration by unlicensed personnel Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4072 Department of Health and Human Resources, child care centers licensing Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4073 Health Care Authority, West Virginia Health Information Network Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4074 Department of Health and Human Resources, clinical laboratory technician and technologist licensure and certification Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4075 Department of Health and Human Resources, AIDs-related medical testing and confidentiality Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4076 Department of Health and Human Resources, Cancer Registry Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4077 Department of Health and Human Resources, Medical Examiner's rule for postmortem inquiries Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4078 Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the Council Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4079 Insurance Commissioner, utilization review and benefit determination Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4080 Insurance Commissioner, health plan issuer internal grievance procedure Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4081 Insurance Commissioner, external review of adverse health benefit plan determinations Pending  Committee  01/30/14 
HB 4082 Division of Labor, employer wage bonds Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4083 Division of Labor, the Wage Payment and Collection Act Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4084 State Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses, policies regulating licensure of the licensed practical nurse Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4085 State Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses, fees for services rendered by the Board and supplemental renewal fee for the Center for Nursing Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4086 State Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses, continuing competence Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4087 Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training, substance abuse screening, standards and procedure Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4088 Municipal Pensions Oversight Board, policemen's and firemen's pensions disability calculation Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4089 Division of Natural Resources, electronic registration of wildlife Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4090 Board of Pharmacy, continuing education for licensure of pharmacists Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4091 Board of Pharmacy, controlled substances monitoring Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4092 Racing Commission, thoroughbred racing Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4093 Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board, requirements for licensure and certification Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4094 Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board, renewal of licensure or certification Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4095 Real Estate Commission, requirements in licensing real estate brokers, associate brokers and salespersons and the conduct of a brokerage business Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4096 Real Estate Commission, schedule of fees Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4097 Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority, criteria and procedures for determination of projected cost per day for inmates Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4098 Division of Rehabilitation Services, the Ron Yost Personal Assistance Services Act Board Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4099 Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, licensure of speech-pathology and audiology Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4100 Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, speech-language pathology and audiology assistants Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4101 Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, disciplinary and complaint procedures for speech-language pathology and audiology Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4102 State Tax Department, municipal sales and service and use tax administration Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4103 State Tax Department, special reclamation tax credit Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4104 State Tax Department, withholding or denial of personal income tax refunds from taxpayers who owe municipal or magistrate court costs Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4105 Treasurer's Office, relating to reporting debt Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4106 Treasurer's Office, procedures for fees in collections by charge, credit or debit card or by electronic payment Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4107 Treasurer's Office, providing services to political subdivisions Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4108 Treasurer's Office, procedure for deposit of monies with the office by state agencies Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4109 Treasurer's Office, selection of state depositories for disbursement accounts through competitive bidding Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4110 Treasurer's Office, selection of state depositories for receipt accounts Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4111 Board of Veterinary Medicine, registration of veterinary technicians Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4112 Board of Veterinary Medicine, schedule of fees Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4113 Preventing a person who is convicted of sexual assault from obtaining custody of a child born as a result Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4114 Preventing rapists from obtaining custody of a child resulting from the rape Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4115 Preventing a person who is convicted of child molestation from obtaining custody Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4116 Permitting certain owners of residential real estate a limited exemption from certain licensing requirements Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4117 Eliminating eligibility for participation in the Public Employees Retirement System for those newly elected or appointed as members of the State Legislature Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4118 Redistricting of the Senate into thirty four single senatorial districts Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4119 Reducing compensation of state legislators Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4120 Requiring the State Superintendent of Schools to be elected on a nonpartisan basis Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4121 Requiring that the chairperson of the Public Service Commission be elected on a nonpartisan ballot Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4122 Permitting a court to take into consideration a parent's drug or alcohol abuse when implementing a parenting plan Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4123 Electing members of county school boards on a nonpartisan basis in general elections Pending  Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4124 Relating to required orientation sessions for state licensing boards Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4125 Providing for the collection of certain fees dedicated to pay civil legal fees for low income persons Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4126 Improving state emergency preparedness Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4127 Relating to appointment of Public Service Commissioners Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4128 Requiring boards of examination or registration to maintain a list of disciplinary actions on a public access website Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4129 Relating to the sale of real property by the Division of Highways Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4130 Creating the crime of prohibited sexual contact by a psychotherapist Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4131 Requiring certain boards of examination or registration to conduct a nationwide criminal background check on all applicants Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4132 Making it illegal for anyone to photograph a corpse except for certain legitimate purposes Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4133 Relating to calculation of West Virginia adjusted gross income for personal income tax purposes Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4134 Establishing the West Virginia Religious Freedom Restoration Act Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4135 Designating the first Thursday in May the West Virginia Day of Prayer Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4136 Educational Equality Act Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4137 Relating to more equitable distribution to county boards of reimbursement of the costs of serving certain special needs students Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
HB 4138 Relating to the usage restrictions for tobacco and tobacco products Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4139 Restricting parental rights of child custody and visitation when the child was conceived as a result of a sexual assault or sexual abuse Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4140 Authorizing an additional circuit court judge for the thirtieth judicial circuit Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4141 Relating to licenses to sell paraphernalia for use with controlled substances Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4142 Setting the maximum number of pupils per teacher in sixth through twelfth grade classrooms Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4143 Act to Stop Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4144 Increasing the salaries of state public employees, teachers and service personnel Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4145 Creating a hunting license permitting crossbow hunting Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4146 Creating the Governor's Committee on School Board Unification Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4147 Relating to emergency preparedness Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
HB 4148 Repealing the Strategic Research and Development Tax Credit Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4149 Allowing members of the Board of Public Works to be represented by designees and to vote by proxy Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4150 Allowing the state to pay its employees every two weeks instead of twice per month Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4151 Relating to military members and their spouses who obtain licensure through professional boards Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
HB 4152 Requiring all operators of the underground facilities in this state to participate in the one-call system Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4153 Providing that the State Fire Marshal shall serve at the will and pleasure of the fire commission Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4154 Fixing a technical error relating to the motor fuel excise tax Signed  Effective from passage - (March 5, 2014)
HB 4155 Suspending payments of the refundable exemption to the West Virginia consumers sales and service tax to the State Road Fund for fiscal years 2015 and 2016 Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4156 Electronic Toll Collection Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4157 Extending the cessation of deposits into the Special Railroad and Intermodal Enhancement Fund Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4158 Providing accelerated payment of consumers sales and service and use tax and employee withholding taxes Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4159 Updating the meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms Signed  Effective from passage - (March 5, 2014)
HB 4160 Reducing the amount deducted as an allowance for usual losses in collections for purposes of calculating local share Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4161 Allowing State Police, police, sheriffs and fire and emergency service personnel to possess Naloxone or other approved opioid antagonist Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4162 Relating to the Local Solution Dropout Prevention and Recovery Innovation Zone Act Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
HB 4163 Requiring outpatient surgical facilities to meet the same facility and surgical standards as ambulatory surgical facilities Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4164 Relating to professional licensure, certification or registration of persons and spouses of persons on military active duty outside this state Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4165 Authorizing the Public Service Commission to regulate broadband services Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4166 Exempting municipal court judges from fees for application and license to carry concealed weapons Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4167 Increasing the criminal penalties for damage to a cemetery or graveyard Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4168 Requiring materials, supplies, equipment and other items purchased by the state and its agencies to be made in the United States Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4169 Offer of Emergency Aid Medication to Patients Prescribed Opiates Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4170 Requiring a person convicted of a prior felony drug offense to have a valid prescription to purchase ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4171 Requiring local governmental bodies to approve rules promulgated by local boards of health Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4172 Reallocating and dedicating the coal severance tax revenues annually to the coal-producing counties of origin Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4173 Relating to a five-year suspension on rate hikes for all utilities Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4174 Updating the meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act Pending  Committee  01/14/14 
HB 4175 West Virginia Small Business Emergency Act Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014)
HB 4176 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Human Services Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4177 Making a supplementary appropriation to various agencies Signed  Effective from passage - (February 5, 2014)
HB 4178 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Commerce, WorkForce West Virginia Signed  Effective from passage - (March 4, 2014)
HB 4179 Expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance in the State Fund, General Revenue Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4180 Supplementing, amending, decreasing, adding a new item, and expiring items of appropriation in certain accounts Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4181 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Division of Natural Resources, and to the Bureau for Senior Services Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4182 Supplementing, amending, increasing, decreasing, and adding items of appropriations in various accounts Signed  Effective from passage - (February 5, 2014)
HB 4183 Supplementing, amending, decreasing, and increasing items of the existing appropriations from the State Road Fund to the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2014)
HB 4184 Relating to the West Virginia Tourism Development Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4185 Implementing purchasing reforms Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4186 Relating to the procedures for issuing a concealed weapon license Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
HB 4187 Dissolving the West Virginia Parkways, Economic Development and Tourism Authority and transfer its powers to the Secretary of the Department of Transportation Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4188 Updating the authority and responsibility of the Center for Nursing Signed  Effective from passage - (March 5, 2014)
HB 4189 Overdose Prevention Act Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4190 Relating to controlling methamphetamine Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4191 Increasing the excise tax on cigarettes and all other tobacco products Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4192 Tax Credit for residents of counties impacted by water emergency Pending  Committee  01/15/14 
HB 4193 Creating a new judicial circuit court for Upshur County Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4194 Relating to the adoption of rules for traffic control signals Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4195 Reducing the daily administrative time required of counselors Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4196 Requiring the Workforce Investment Council to provide information and guidance to local workforce investment boards that would enable them to better educate both women and men about higher paying jobs Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4197 Relating to the development of corporate sponsorships for state parks and recreational areas Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4198 Amending canvassing process to eliminate hand counting of electronic voting systems Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4199 Allowing the mandatory federal background check of registered professional nurses to be done by a name search Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4200 Relating to possession of concealed deadly weapons in certain buildings owned by the state Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4201 Relating to civil and criminal penalties for violations of the Logging Sediment Control Act Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4202 Defining timber theft, and to provide the Division of Forestry the authority to investigate and enforce violations Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4203 Allowing a grievant a reasonable time for a representative to be summoned and appear, and clarifying that participation in grievance proceedings is considered work time Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
HB 4204 Relating to the nonrenewal or cancellation of property insurance coverage policies in force for at least four years Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4205 Adding a second judge to the twenty-sixth judicial circuit Pending  Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4206 Providing that "van accessible" mobility impaired parking spaces may be used only by a van Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4207 Clarifying what evidence obtained by law-enforcement officers, with instruments using microwaves or reflected light, may be used to prove the speed of a motor vehicle Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4208 Banning synthetic hallucinogens Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4209 Domestic violence victims' eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4210 Juvenile sentencing reform Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4211 DUI vehicle seizure Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4212 Establishing a methamphetamine registry Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4213 Moving the Children's Health Insurance Program ("CHIP") from the Department of Administration to the Department of Health and Human Resources Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4214 Relating to persons being discharged from mental health facilities Pending  Committee  02/28/14 
HB 4215 Requiring the Director of the Purchasing Division's direct purchases be consistent with the other requirements of the purchasing process and best value contracting Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4216 Adding aircraft operations on private airstrips and farms to the definition of recreational purpose Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4217 Relating to Medicaid reports to the Legislature Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4218 Permitting counties to adopt certain ordinances relating to dogs and cats Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4219 Auditing the Division of Highways Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4220 Relating to waiver of jury trial in claims arising from consumer transactions Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4221 Permitting teachers under the State Teachers Retirement System to teach college level courses without loss of benefits Pending  Committee  03/03/14 
HB 4222 Providing the Parkways Authority with the power to issue $500 million worth of bonds Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4223 Requiring the issuance of a search warrant before a driver of a motor vehicle can be made to submit to a secondary blood test Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4224 Making changes to the definition of electrical contractor Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4225 Providing for emergency contact information on driver's license records with the Division of Motor Vehicles Pending  Committee  03/05/14 
HB 4226 Prohibiting damage to property of railroads, public utilities and certain production storage and distribution facilities Pending  3rd Reading  03/08/14 
HB 4227 Requiring certification of correctness as to design, construction and performance of domestic and commercial liquefied petroleum gas-consuming equipment Pending  Committee  01/17/14 
HB 4228 Repealing or removing certain portions of education-related statutes that have expired Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4229 Providing that all future federal, state and local statutes concerning firearms are invalid and unenforceable Pending  Committee  01/20/14 
HB 4230 Relating to the secondary schools athletic commission Pending  Committee  01/20/14 
HB 4231 Relating to the effect of adoption on grandparent visitation rights Pending  Committee  01/20/14 
HB 4232 Relating to minimum salary supplement and educational expense reimbursement for professional personnel Pending  Committee  01/20/14 
HB 4233 Relating to unattended motor vehicles Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4234 Adding jail time to penalties for certain types of criminal trespass Pending  Committee  01/20/14 
HB 4235 Creating new code sections which separate the executive departments Pending  Committee  01/20/14 
HB 4236 Sexual assault nurse examination network NETD  Not Enrolled Due to Technical Deficiency
HB 4237 Prohibiting the sale, distribution and use of electronic cigarettes, vapor products and other alternative nicotine products to persons under the age of eighteen Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4238 Providing a tax credit to coal producers who sell coal to taxpayers who increase their consumption of West Virginia coal Pending  Committee  01/30/14 
HB 4239 Relating to counties Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4240 Regulating synthetic marijuana and other synthetic drugs as Schedule I drugs Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4241 Requiring employers subject to the jurisdiction of the Office of Miner's Health, Safety and Training to implement an alcohol abuse policy and program Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4242 Increasing gross weight limitations on certain roads in Brooke County Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2014)
HB 4243 Including the resident grandchildren of bona fide resident landowners as persons who are not required to obtain licenses or permits to hunt, trap or fish Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4244 Requiring a person restraining a mentally ill or mentally challenged person in a "four point restraint" to administer sedation by injection at the time the patient is secured Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4245 Relating to anticipated retirement dates of certain health care professionals Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4246 Placing on the ballot of voters whether the municipality should hold its future municipal elections on a state general election day Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4247 Permitting the Ohio County Commission to levy a special district excise tax Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4248 Requiring a criminal penalty for all first offenses of driving under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4249 Allowing proceeds of a hotel occupancy tax not exceeding $200,000 per fiscal year to be expended for medical care and emergency services in certain counties Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
HB 4250 Relating to exceptions to prohibitions against carrying concealed handguns and reciprocity agreements for concealed carry Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4251 Prohibiting the ticketing of cars parked at broken meters Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4252 Changing the way counties pay for regional jail inmates Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4253 Authorizing the issuance of special "In God We Trust" registration plates Pending  Committee  01/21/14 
HB 4254 Providing that certain state employees may be granted a leave of absence with pay during a declared state of emergency Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 4255 Water Resources Protection and Management Act Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
HB 4256 Amending the annual salary schedule for members of the state police Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4257 Providing criminal penalties for the dissemination of false, misleading or deceptive information through automated telephone calls during a declared state of emergency Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4258 Creating a source water protection program and an industrial aboveground storage tank program to protect source water supplies and systems Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
HB 4259 Extending the time for the city council of the city of Sistersville, Tyler County, to meet as a levying body Signed  Effective from passage - (March 4, 2014)
HB 4260 Eliminating unnecessary boards Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
HB 4261 Relating to teacher and school service personnel salary increases Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
HB 4262 Authorizing the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue a special license plate for applicants who are deaf or hearing impaired Pending  Committee  01/22/14 
HB 4263 Providing for the transfer of ownership, operation and maintenance of certain assets of the West Virginia Parkways Authority to the Division of Highways Pending  Committee  01/30/14 
HB 4264 Creating the Compassionate Use Act for Medical Cannabis Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4265 Defining collector motor vehicle and a motor vehicle collector Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4266 Relating to the redirection of certain Lottery revenues to the State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4267 Legalizing and regulating the sale and use of fireworks and creating the West Virginia Veterans Program Fund Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4268 Relating to the administration of veterans' assistance Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4269 Creating a Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children within the Center for Professional Development Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4270 Relating to salaries of service employees of the state camp and conference center known as Cedar Lakes Conference Center Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
HB 4271 Relating to firearms and concealed firearms licenses Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4272 Exempting sales of precious metals from the sales tax Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4273 Permitting co-owners of cows to receive raw milk from those cows Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4274 Permitting the sale of raw milk Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4275 Making West Virginia's Water Pollution Control Act consistent with the federal Water Pollution Act Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4276 Providing a credit against personal income tax for classroom teachers for nonreimbursed costs of supplies Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4277 Requiring registration and inventory of existing above-ground storage tanks Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4278 Rewriting the procedure by which corporations may obtain authorization from the West Virginia Board of Medicine to practice medicine and surgery Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4279 Creating the Citizen Privacy and Internet Activity Act Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4280 Relating to the Department of Health and Human Resources Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4281 Relating to education reform Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4282 Relating to levels of funding to the Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund Pending  Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4283 Raising the minimum wage Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4284 Pregnant Workers' Fairness Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
HB 4285 Amending the Water Resources Protection and Management Act to incorporate recommendations from the state Water Resources Management Plan Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4286 Captive Cervid Farming Act Pending  RECD  03/08/14 
HB 4287 Administration of health maintenance tasks Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014)
HB 4288 Providing for the uniform regulation of firearms, ammunition and firearm accessories Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4289 Modernizing the licensure and regulation of physician assistants by the West Virginia Board of Medicine Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4290 Revising the regulatory structure of money transmitters and other entities Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
HB 4291 Relating to civil penalties and civil administrative penalties for violations of the Water Pollution Control Act by coal mining Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4292 Funding for substance abuse services through increased taxes on beer, wine and liquor Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4293 Regulating the importation and possession of certain injurious aquatic species Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4294 Establishing standards for court reporters and entities that provide court reporting services Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4295 Requiring uniform enforcement of environmental rules Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4296 Establishing the Health Sciences Service Program Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
HB 4297 Relating to the operation and oversight of certain benefit programs Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4298 Changing the experience requirements of the composition of the members of the West Virginia Ethics Commission Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4299 Removing the expiration date for the tax rate on eligible acute care hospitals Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4300 Creating a State Animal Abuse Registry Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4301 Allowing limited reciprocal use of hunting and fishing licenses with the Commonwealth of Kentucky Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
HB 4302 Relating to elections for public school purposes Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
HB 4303 Oil and Gas Drilling Workplace Safety Act Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4304 Providing rules for motor vehicles passing bicycles on roadways Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
HB 4305 Relating to the requirements of members of a building commission board be from the same political party Pending  Committee  03/04/14 
HB 4306 Discontinuing the moratorium on the issuance of commercial rafting licenses on a section of the New River Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4307 Relating to school celebrations, recognition programs and events Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4308 Relating to the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4309 Permitting a person to keep a firearm in his or her motor vehicle upon the grounds of the State Capitol Complex Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4310 Making gun permits and applications confidential except for law enforcement purposes Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4311 Preventing taxpayer subsidization of health insurance covering elective abortions Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4312 Creating a certification for emergency medical technician-industrial Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4313 Relating to powers and duties of the parole board Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4314 Providing a $500 credit for certain members of volunteer fire departments against state personal income tax Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4315 Relating to assessment of real property Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4316 Creating the student data accessability, transparency and accountability act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4317 Relating to state procurement Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4318 Continuing education of veterans mental health Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
HB 4319 Relating to the State Treasurer's office Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4320 Removing the severance tax on timber Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4321 Requiring written notice from public service boards to users of delinquency and date of termination and discontinuance of service Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4322 Establishing a retired teachers instant lottery scratch-off game Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4323 Establishing requirements for prior review of all privatization proposals Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4324 Clarifying how members of regional airport authority boards are to be allocated Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4325 Establishing the state parks instant lottery scratch-off game Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4326 Relating to nursing education faculty Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4327 Prohibiting health care practitioners from prescribing or administering drugs other than in a good faith, therapeutic manner Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4328 Requiring electric utilities to reimburse customers for expenses incurred resulting from outages caused by lack of appropriate line and easement maintenance Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4329 Authorizing county commissions to regulate parking on roads, ways, streets, avenues, drives and the like where it is needed in certain areas Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4330 Providing for the posting of unenclosed lands to prohibit hunting, trapping or fishing Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4331 Relating to location information of an electronic device Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4332 Extending the time that certain nonprofit community groups are exempt from the moratorium on creating new nursing home beds Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2014)
HB 4333 Relating to the redirection of certain Lottery revenues to the State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
HB 4334 Creating tax credits for small business economic impact Pending  Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4335 Relating to a child's right to nurse Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4336 Relating to state control of county schools Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4337 Providing that an act of domestic violence or a sexual offense by strangling is an aggravated felony offense Pending  Committee  01/27/14 
HB 4338 Requiring that inmates in a regional jail, but committed to the custody of the Commissioner of Corrections, have available the same classes and programs Pending  Committee  01/27/14 
HB 4339 Ensuring that moneys from the Solid Waste Authority Closure Cost Assistance Fund are available to facilitate the closure of the Elkins-Randolph County Landfill and the Webster County Landfill Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4340 Providing an exception to certain provisions of the West Virginia Ethics Act Pending  Committee  01/27/14 
HB 4341 Relating to cable television Pending  Committee  01/27/14 
HB 4342 Expanding prescriptive authority of advanced practice registered nurses and certified nurse-midwives Pending  Committee  01/27/14 
HB 4343 West Virginia Project Launchpad Act Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 4344 Amending the human trafficking statute Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4345 Relating to the West Virginia State Police Retirement System Tabled  3rd Reading  02/19/14 
HB 4346 Establishing separate standards of performance for carbon dioxide emissions Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4347 Relating to affirmative defenses against mechanics' liens Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4348 Enhancing civil legal services for the poor Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4349 Clarifying retirement dependent child scholarship and burial benefits under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4350 Providing for the awarding of a West Virginia Veterans Medal and ribbon, and a West Virginia Service Cross and ribbon to certain qualifying West Virginia Veterans Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 27, 2014)
HB 4351 Creating a review process for tax expenditures Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4352 Requiring entities that receive public moneys for the purpose of economic development to file an annual report Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4353 Requiring completion of an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) approved 10-hour construction safety program prior to beginning work Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4354 Requiring the reporting and publication of all compensation, including contingent compensation, paid to lobbyists Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4355 Prohibiting an employer from inquiring whether an applicant for employment has been convicted of a criminal offense Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4356 Creating a West Virginia personal income tax modification reducing federal adjusted gross income for persons who choose to spay or neuter their dogs or cats Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4357 Requiring the construction of new public buildings and when an entrance of an existing public building is renovated to be compliant with the federal Americans With Disabilities Act by having automatic doors Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4358 Requiring an agency to review rules every four years and, when necessary, provide revisions Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4359 Relating to licensure of managing general agents of insurers Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 25, 2014)
HB 4360 Relating to consumer credit protection Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4361 Allowing members of the Legislature who are away serving in the Armed Forces to participate and vote via electronic teleconferencing Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4362 Prohibiting smoking in a motor vehicle when a child is present Pending  Committee  01/28/14 
HB 4363 Creating an informal dispute resolution process available to behavioral health providers Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4364 Relating to the Public Employees Retirement System Tabled  3rd Reading  02/19/14 
HB 4365 Relating to employer remittance and reporting of Teachers Retirement System member contributions to the retirement board Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
HB 4366 Clarifying that the Teachers' Retirement System annuity calculation for a member with reciprocal service credit shall be based on the final average salary calculation Tabled  3rd Reading  02/19/14 
HB 4367 West Virginia Energy Efficiency Resource Act Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
HB 4368 Relating to issuance and renewal of driver's licenses Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
HB 4369 Providing that all future federal and local statutes, ordinances, laws, orders and rules concerning firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition and their accouterments are invalid Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
HB 4370 Requiring used vehicle dealers to provide vehicle history reports to prospective buyers of formerly recalled vehicles Pending  Committee  01/29/14 
HB 4371 Creating a crime for theft of a traffic sign or traffic signal Pending  2nd Reading  03/08/14 
HB 4372 Permitting the Commissioner of Financial Institutions to require the filing of certain reports, data or information directly with the Division of Financial Institutions Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 25, 2014)
HB 4373 Relating to driver education programs Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4374 Permitting purchases up to $100,000 without competitive bids Pending  Committee  01/30/14 
HB 4375 West Virginia Voluntary Employee Retirement Accounts Program Pending  Committee  03/03/14 
HB 4376 Changing from two to three percent of purse money paid to the local Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association Pending  Committee  01/30/14 
HB 4377 Relating to the participation in the Motor Vehicle Alcohol Test and Lock Program Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4378 Relating to permits to kill deer or other wildlife causing damage to cultivated crops Pending  Committee  01/30/14 
HB 4379 Authorizing the issuance of special "Family of Fallen Hero" registration plates Pending  Committee  01/30/14 
HB 4380 Making the Department of Corrections and the Department of Health, and their respective workplaces, subject to the Occupational Safety and Health Act Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4381 Establishing a four year pilot program to have social workers in public schools, from prekindergarten through the elementary school Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
HB 4382 Establishing the Legislative Oversight Commission on Energy Workers Safety Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
HB 4383 Relating to public school curricular standards and assessments Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
HB 4384 Requiring teachers of students with exceptional needs to either be present at an individualized education program meeting or to read and sign a copy of the individualized education program plan Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
HB 4385 Transferring to an adult correctional facility any juvenile whose sentence runs beyond his or her eighteenth birthday Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
HB 4386 Establishing seniority rights for public employees Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
HB 4387 Providing a $500 credit for certain members of volunteer fire departments against state personal income tax Pending  Committee  01/31/14 
HB 4388 Prohibiting certain political fund-raising activities for members of the Legislature during certain periods of time Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
HB 4389 Gas Deregulation and Free Market Competition Act of 2014 Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
HB 4390 Improving the education of West Virginia children by developing better education standards Pending  Committee  02/03/14 
HB 4391 Relating to Dealer Recovery Fund Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4392 Regulating persons who perform work on heating, ventilating and cooling systems and fire dampers Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
HB 4393 Creating the Dangerous Wild Animals Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
HB 4394 Relating to the filling of professional personnel positions in the public schools Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4395 Internet Service Provider Accountability Act Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
HB 4396 Relating to a trial suspension in certain border counties of the Motor Fuel Excise Tax Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
HB 4397 Relating to recovery of service charges and fees charged to the Tax Commissioner by financial institutions Tabled  3rd Reading  02/20/14 
HB 4398 Eliminating the filing of nonprobate inventory with the Tax Commissioner for certain decedents Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
HB 4399 Prohibiting a local levying body from holding a special election under certain circumstances Pending  Committee  02/24/14 
HB 4400 Allowing deputy assessors to be residents of a contiguous county in a contiguous state Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
HB 4401 Providing a court appointed special advocate (CASA) program in each judicial circuit and court appointed special advocates in each county for child abuse and neglect cases Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4402 Providing a procedure for the conditional discharge for first offense underage purchase, consumption, sale, service or possession of alcoholic liquor Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
HB 4403 Creating a tax credit for certain businesses that locate within a twenty-mile radius of a Hatfield-McCoy recreation area trail head Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
HB 4404 Permitting a salary increase for certain kindergarten aides and early childhood classroom assistant teachers Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
HB 4405 Increasing the cap for collections into the land division special revenue account of the Department of Agriculture Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4406 Relating to the accountability of a corporation's political activities Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
HB 4407 Establishing when it is permissible to operate a motor vehicle in the left lane on a controlled-access highway Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
HB 4408 Relating to salaries and raises for employees within the West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory Pending  Committee  02/04/14 
HB 4409 Creating the Valued Employee Retention program Pending  Committee  03/03/14 
HB 4410 Redefining auctioneer exceptions Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4411 Allowing the disposal of drill cuttings and associated drilling waste generated from well sites in commercial solid waste facilities Pending  Concurrence  03/08/14 
HB 4412 Relating to special one-day licenses for charitable events to sell nonintoxicating beer or wine Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4413 Requiring that athletic trainers be licensed Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
HB 4414 Relating to the solicitation of public employees by a candidate for an elective office Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4415 Relating to the collection of DNA samples from individuals arrested on a felony Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
HB 4416 Exempting certified professional estimator services from consumers sales tax Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4417 Relating to liens on vehicles Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4418 Career ladder for direct service workers Pending  Committee  02/05/14 
HB 4419 Creating the West Virginia Children with Autism Trust Fund Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4420 Renaming the administrative heads of the Potomac campus of West Virginia University and the West Virginia University Institute of Technology Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4421 Allowing the lottery to pay prizes utilizing other payment methods in addition to checks Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
HB 4422 Relating to copayments required in certain policies, provisions, contracts, plans or agreements to provide health care benefits Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4423 Relating to the Health Care Authority Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4424 Requiring all classic and antique motor vehicles be assessed at a flat rate of $1,000 Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4425 Giving the Superintendent of State Police authority to hire additional staff Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 4426 Relating to contested cases Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4427 Relating to hearings before the Office of Administrative Hearings Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4428 Providing that Mental Hygiene Commissioners are employees under the Public Employees Retirement System Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4429 Requiring that mining equipment being transported or trammed underground be done by qualified personnel under supervision of a certified foreman Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4430 Removing the compensation caps entirely for secretary-clerks and case coordinators Pending  Committee  02/19/14 
HB 4431 Clarifying that persons who possess firearms, hunting dogs or other indicia of hunting do not necessarily need to have a hunting license Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4432 Adopting Principle Based Reserving as the method by which life insurance company reserves are calculated Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4433 Implementing drug testing for recipients of federal-state and state assistance Pending  Committee  02/06/14 
HB 4434 Relating generally to bail bondsmen in criminal cases Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4435 Adding West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine to the list of state institutions of higher education that are permitted to invest certain moneys with its foundation Tabled  3rd Reading  02/26/14 
HB 4436 Providing exceptions to the definition of public place Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4437 Relating to the Division of Juvenile Services Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
HB 4438 Relating to comparative fault Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4439 Granting the Department of Agriculture the authority to create and maintain a program to encourage, support and develop West Virginia veterans into the field of agriculture Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4440 Relating to the filing of financial statements with the Secretary of State Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4441 Relating to dangerous weapons Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4442 Adding law-enforcement officers' personal information to the list of FOIA exemptions Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4443 Relating to expungement of certain criminal convictions Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4444 Increasing pay to teachers and service personnel by one percent a year, for three years Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4445 Modifying the definition of "battery" and "domestic battery" Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 12, 2014)
HB 4446 West Virginia Child Welfare Act Pending  Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4447 Relating to state procurement Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4448 Changing the composition of the State Athletic Commission Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4449 Including proximity detection systems and cameras used on continuous mining machines and underground haulage equipment for tax credit purposes Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
HB 4450 Relating to repurchasing prior service credit in the Public Employees Retirement System Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4451 Continuing the Office of Emergency Medical Services as an independent office within the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4452 Making it illegal for anyone to photograph a corpse except for certain legitimate purposes Pending  Committee  02/10/14 
HB 4453 Relating to the calculation of child support obligations Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
HB 4454 Relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sundays by private licensees Pending  Concurrence  03/07/14 
HB 4455 Relating to the sale of wine and alcoholic liquors by licensed wineries, farm wineries, distilleries and mini-distilleries Pending  RECD  03/08/14 
HB 4456 Relating to increasing sales and use taxes by one percent Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4457 Authorizing a legislative rule for the Council of Community and Technical College Education regarding WV EDGE program Signed  Effective from passage - (March 5, 2014)
HB 4458 Establishing the Tax Reduction Fund in the State Treasury Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4459 Allowing a tenant to terminate a residential lease in certain circumstances relating to domestic violence or sexual assault Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4460 Relating to violating provisions of the civil service law for paid fire departments Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4461 Relating to authorizing the issuance of special "Homeland Security and Emergency Management" registration plates Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4462 Authorizing a new court to be know as the Intermediate Court of Appeals Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4463 All relating to the disclosure of information on campaign contributions and spending Tabled  3rd Reading  02/27/14 
HB 4464 All relating to the Freedom of Information Act Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4465 Relating to the disqualification of persons convicted of treason, felony, or bribery from holding public office Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4466 Requiring that the Legislative Auditor conduct audits of all spending units Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4467 Relating to exempting individuals employed by a county board of education from plumbing licensing requirements while performing plumbing work on board of education property Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4468 Authorizing local units of government to adopt property assessed clean energy programs Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4469 Requiring the Director of the Division of Energy to develop an energy independence policy that ensures all oil, gas and coal produced in the state to be first used within the state before being exported Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4470 Relating to tentative appraisals of natural resources property by the Tax Commissioner for ad valorem property tax purposes Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4471 Relating to limiting health insurance coverage for elective abortions Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4472 Relating to the right to bear arms Pending  Committee  02/21/14 
HB 4473 Relating to establishing voting precincts and changing the composition of standard receiving boards Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4474 Relating to prohibition on higher copayments or coinsurance for certain providers Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4475 Relating generally to higher education capital spending projects Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4476 Allowing any person who was born in West Virginia to purchase a resident lifetime hunting, trapping or fishing license Pending  Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4477 Relating to the practice of psychology Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4478 Requiring a certificate of insurance to be in effect during the entire term of the vehicle registration period Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4479 Relating to voting procedures Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4480 Relating to investment of the Acid Mine Drainage Fund Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4481 Removing restrictions on where certain lottery games may be played Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4482 Relating to qualifications to practice speech-language pathology in public schools Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
HB 4483 Removing limitations on advertising and promotional activities by limited video lottery retailers Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4484 Establishing a maximum ratio of the number of employees of the West Virginia Department of Education to the number of students enrolled Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4485 Making it clear that municipalities have the power to both increase and decrease the number of voting wards and/or council members Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4486 Relating to circumstances requiring a prescription to dispense drug products that contain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine and other precursors Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4487 Relating to travel insurance limited lines producers Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4488 Eliminating the requirement for notarization of the articles of incorporation for cooperative associations Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
HB 4489 Preventing taxpayer subsidization of health insurance covering elective abortions Pending  Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4490 Attorney General Ethics and Accountability Act Pending  Committee  02/25/14 
HB 4491 Relating to where certificates of nomination are filed for municipal elections Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4492 Relating to investment of moneys by the West Virginia Investment Management Board Tabled  3rd Reading  02/26/14 
HB 4493 Repealing section of code that determines venue for certain suits and actions in claims due and against the state Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4494 Relating to Emergency Medical Technicians - Mining Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4495 Authorizing the election of and specifying qualifications for nonappointed members of the West Virginia Board of Education Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4496 Providing for the allocation of matching funds from future moneys deposited into the West Virginia Research Trust Fund Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
HB 4497 Relating to workers' compensation Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4498 Creating the Jobs Impact Statement Act Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4499 Updating the Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4500 Relating to requirements for business registration Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4501 Providing that law-enforcement officers employed as school security be allowed to carry firearms on school property under certain conditions Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4502 Relating to use of state road rights-of-way and adjacent areas Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4503 Declaring certain claims against the state and its agencies to be moral obligations of the state Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014)
HB 4504 Providing for sharing juvenile records in certain circumstances with another state Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 29, 2014)
HB 4505 Creating a new article relating to federal health care legislation Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4506 Relating to personal income tax rates Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4507 Providing that the identity of a lottery winner may not be publicly disclosed Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4508 Proposing changes to the state Administrative Act and rules Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4509 Authorizing an additional circuit court judge for the twenty-third judicial circuit Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4510 Relating to goals for the care of foster children Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4511 Distributing money that was set aside from the West Virginia Greyhound Breeder Development Fund Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4512 Regarding exemptions for businesses Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4513 Creating the College Degree Attainment Act Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4514 Creating the Office of Child Protection Ombudsman Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4515 Preventing and mitigating catastrophes involving toxic substances Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4516 Relating to multicounty regional educational service agencies Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4517 Relating to cancelling certificates of title for certain mobile and manufactured homes Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4518 Relating to penalties for underage tobacco use Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4519 Relating to grandparent's rights Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4520 Increasing the amount of annual and incremental salary increases for eligible state employees Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4521 Relating to financing statements covering as-extracted collateral or timber Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4522 Implementing drug testing for certain recipients of federal-state and state assistance Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4523 Relating to the West Virginia fertilizer law Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4524 Creating within the State Police a methamphetamine registry Pending  Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4525 Eliminating late fees charged by the Secretary of State Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4526 Extending and expanding economic development programs of the West Virginia Jobs Investment Trust Fund Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4527 Creating monitoring and testing requirements for public water utilities Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4528 Small Employer Business Advocate Act Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4529 Relating to the sale of wine Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4530 Adding additional requirements for notification relating to industrial facilities emergency event notification and access, and creating an aboveground storage tank registry, and an Industrial Accident Citizen's Protection Fund Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4531 Telemedicine for quality improvement and healthcare modernization act Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4532 Continuing the Rural Health Initiative Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4533 Providing a fee discount for certain nonresident hunting, fishing and trapping licenses for native nonresidents Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4534 Create a Historic Resort Hotel Employee Retirement Fund Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4535 Removing the requirement that home schooled students have to acquire a general equivalency degree (GED) in order to qualify for the promise scholarship Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4536 Retaining current West Virginia National Guard firefighters Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4537 West Virginia CARES Act Pending  Committee  03/04/14 
HB 4538 Relating to the Board of Dentistry Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4539 Requiring motor vehicles to stop when a public transportation vehicle is stopped and receiving or dropping off passengers Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4540 Relating to embalmer licenses Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4541 Relating to funeral service and embalming licenses Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
HB 4542 Changing certain dates related to requirements for funeral service licenses Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4543 Relating to the board of Funeral Service Examiners Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4544 Requiring the Board of Funeral Service Examiners to post notice on its website of any disciplinary action resulting in sanctions against a licensee Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4545 Relating to personal income tax Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4546 Relating to rural community access to municipal or public service district water supplies Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4547 Relating to elections for vacancies in county offices Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4548 Relating to requirements for PROMISE scholarships Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4549 Clarifying the regulation of nonintoxicating beer brewers and distributors, agreements, networks, products, brands and extensions of a line of brands Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4550 Providing educational incentives and longevity pay for state troopers Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4551 Relating to methane protections in underground mines Tabled  3rd Reading  02/26/14 
HB 4552 Relating to the court of claims Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4553 Authorizing the Secretary of State to prosecute election violations Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4554 Adjusting penalties for willful failure to pay child support Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4555 Requiring county boards of education to provide released time for professional educators and service personnel when serving in an elected municipal or county office Pending  Committee  02/27/14 
HB 4556 Relating to the valuation of antique motor vehicles and classic motor vehicles for purposes of ad valorem property taxes Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4557 Requiring that motor vehicles, except leased motor vehicles, used in a business be assessed for taxation in the tax district where the principal office for the business is located Pending  Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4558 Relating to oil and gas conservation Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4559 Taking back the surcharge on fire and casualty insurance policies to one percent Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4560 Relating to reimbursement for copies of medical records Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4561 Relating to the rate of tax on personal income, including bonuses earned and increases on salary Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4562 Changing the manner members are appointed to the Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport Authority Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4563 Relating to health insurance exchange navigators and nonnavigator assisters Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4564 Providing for the protection and privacy of persons seeking health insurance assisted by navigators and nonnavigator assisters under the federal Affordable Care Act Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4565 Requiring the circuit court , when appointing counsel for alleged protected persons, to make appointments from a listing of all interested and qualified attorneys in the circuit Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4566 Relating to workers' compensation death and disability benefits Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4567 Establishing a new class of property on utility rights-of- ways and easements for taxation purposes Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4568 Relating to public higher education personnel Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4569 Forfeiture Reporting Act Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4570 Relating to underground coal mines Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4571 Requiring the Commissioner of Labor to conduct a study on workplace accidents at construction sites Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4572 Creating the Citizen Enforcement of Clean Water Act Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4573 Relating to additional modification reducing federal adjusted gross income relating to tolls Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4574 Authorizing the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers to renew certificates on a biennial basis Pending  Committee  02/18/14 
HB 4575 Relating to the West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4576 Creating the Jobs Impact Statement Act Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4577 Relating to providing assistance to small businesses by the West Virginia Development office Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4578 Relating to the classification and criteria for disability benefits Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4579 Relating to workers' compensation Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4580 Removing immunity language and acknowledging the duty to act in good faith and fair dealing in the administration of insurance claims Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4581 Relating to deductions from sentence for good conduct Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4582 Relating to required physical education and program in physical fitness in the public schools Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4583 Relating to the regulation of dilapidated buildings Pending  Committee  02/20/14 
HB 4584 State Bank of West Virginia Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4585 Relating to drug screening for West Virginia Work Program applicants Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4586 Adding the taxable income or loss of any corporation that is a member of a unitary group and that is incorporated in certain jurisdictions Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4587 Relating to food handlers' licenses Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4588 Protecting unborn children who are capable of experiencing pain by prohibiting abortion after twenty weeks Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 4589 Relating to the West Virginia Diesel Equipment Commission Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4590 Relating to the Volunteer Fire Departments Workers' Compensation Subsidy Program and the Volunteer Fire Department Workers' Compensation Premium Subsidy Fund Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4591 Relating to the purchase, receipt, acquisition and possession for illicit purposes of substances containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4592 Exempting Social Security benefits and certain pension benefits from West Virginia personal income taxation Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4593 Women's Health Protection Act Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4594 Authorizing the issuance of a subpoena duces tecum to a law-enforcement agency for documents or objects in aid of a criminal investigation Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4595 Relating to forfeiture of contraband moneys Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4596 Continuing the fraud control unit in the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4597 Relating to the State Board of Education Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4598 Requiring the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals to maintain a searchable, criminal database containing copies of all arrests and convictions Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4599 Providing prompt benefits to the injured while off from work Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4600 Providing quick and efficient delivery of medical benefits to injured workers Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4601 Relating to fiscal management and regulation of publicly-owned utilities Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4602 Relating to the powers and authority of state and local law enforcement to enforce underage drinking laws at private clubs Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4603 Patient Injury Act Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4604 Providing discounted motor vehicle registration fees for members of volunteer fire departments Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4605 Relating to weighing of evidence during any part of a workers' compensation claim Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4606 Stating that injured workers should receive preeminent and efficient treatment Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4607 Relating to workers' compensation benefits and mode of payment to employees and dependents for occupational pneumoconiosis Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4608 Defining dyslexia and dyscalculia Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4609 Restricting swimming on Tygart Lake in the Pleasant Creek Wildlife Management Area to within fifty feet of the boat launch area Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4610 Relating to valuation and assessment of property for ad valorem property taxation Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4611 Updating and clarifying the article of the code relating to motor vehicle dealers, distributors, wholesalers and manufacturers Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4612 Providing that recess periods or other such time allocated for student physical activity during the regular class day may not be reduced Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4613 Creating the West Virginia Jobs Incentive Act Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4614 Establishing the West Virginia Sentencing Commission Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4615 Relating to wage payment and collection Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4616 Relating to excuses from jury service Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4617 Permitting a decrease in the number of dates required for a horse or dog race meeting license application when certain agreement exists Pending  Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4618 Establishing transformative system of support for early literacy Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
HB 4619 Authorizing innovation school districts Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4620 Relating to protection of consumers from price gouging and unfair trade practices Pending  3rd Reading  03/08/14 
HB 4621 Expiring funds to the Board of Risk and Insurance Management, Patient Injury Compensation Fund from the Board of Risk and Insurance Management Medical Liability Fund Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2014)
HB 4622 Expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance in the State Fund, General Revenue, and making supplementary appropriations to various accounts Pending  1st Reading  03/08/14 
HB 4623 Expiring funds into the unappropriated surplus balance in the state fund General Revenue, and making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Commerce, Division of Natural Resources Tabled  1st Reading  03/08/14 
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