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Delegate Spencer sponsored 40 bills:


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HB 2007 Reducing the federal adjusted gross income for motor fuel expenses incurred in commuting to and from one's occupation Pending  House Finance Committee  02/11/09 
HB 2119 Changing the compulsory school attendance for children in the state from sixteen to eighteen years of age Pending  House Education Committee  02/11/09 
HB 2252 Providing a tax credit to landlords who rent to parolees Pending  House Finance Committee  02/12/09 
HB 2260 Authorizing governing bodies of municipalities and county commissions to transfer early in-person voting ballots to precincts in the manner absentee ballots are delivered Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/12/09 
HB 2266 Creating a registry of convictions for operating a clandestine drug laboratory Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/12/09 
HB 2326 Allowing county school boards to establish a four-day school week and collect fees for use of school buildings on the fifth day Pending  House Education Committee  02/12/09 
HB 2330 Requiring that all decisions regarding certain reductions in full-time classified personnel workforce at state institutions of higher education be made on the basis of seniority Pending  House Education Committee  02/12/09 
HB 2367 Raising the state salary level to at least one hundred twenty-five percent above the Federal Poverty Guidelines Pending  House Finance Committee  02/13/09 
HB 2385 Relating to the Public Employees Retirement System and the Teachers Retirement System; and providing a one-time supplement for annuitants and survivor beneficiaries after being retired five consecutive years Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/13/09 
HB 2387 Establishing in the state treasury a targeted minority economic development fund to address economic issues of minorities and minority communities Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/13/09 
HB 2433 Increasing the amount of annual and incremental salary increases for eligible state employees Pending  House Finance Committee  02/16/09 
HB 2456 Relating to child abuse and neglect Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/09 
HB 2464 Authorizing county commissions to designate locations for early voting other than the county courthouse or annex Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 9, 2009)
HB 2618 Compensating state troopers for call-back time Pending  House Finance Committee  02/18/09 
HB 2639 Allowing for more teachers to be reimbursed for approved course work Pending  House Finance Committee  03/04/09 
HB 2642 Reverting the 911 fee on wireless telephones from three dollars to seventy-five cents Pending  House Finance Committee  02/18/09 
HB 2689 Dedicating a new surcharge on the policyholder of any fire insurance policy to defray costs incurred by volunteer fire companies that provide benefits under a qualified Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/20/09 
HB 2702 Relating to the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 6, 2009)
HB 2703 Relating to the State Teachers Retirement System Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 6, 2009)
HB 2710 Increasing criminal penalty to commit malicious assault, unlawful assault, battery or assault upon a child protective caseworker or a local adult protective services caseworker employee Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/09 
HB 2718 Authorizing public school teachers to purchase one personal computer and related devices per year from the state contract for use outside the classroom Pending  House Education Committee  02/20/09 
HB 2720 Genetic Information Privacy Act Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/20/09 
HB 2734 Relating to minimum guarantees provided to members who elected to transfer from the Teachers' Defined Contribution System to the Teachers' Retirement System Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 7, 2009)
HB 2770 Relating to the Emergency Medical Services Retirement System Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  04/02/09 
HB 2865 Exempting certain children from having to provide the otherwise appropriate written excuse from a physician or school nurse for a prolonged absence Pending  House Education Committee  02/27/09 
HB 2866 Allowing a license to carry deadly weapons to remain valid until the applicant receives notice the application for renewal has been issued or denied Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/27/09 
HB 2868 West Virginia Children with Autism Trust Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  04/07/09 
HB 2870 Extending the deadline of the buyback provision provided under the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System to the State Teachers Retirement System Signed  Effective from passage - (April 11, 2009)
HB 2888 Requiring the DHHR to provide matching funds for trust income disbursed to support autistic minors Pending  House Finance Committee  03/02/09 
HB 2914 Relating to West Virginia State Police receiving on-call and off-duty pay Pending  House Finance Committee  03/03/09 
HB 2924 Relating to qualified military service for public employees retirement benefits Pending    2nd Reading  04/11/09 
HB 2985 Providing information on the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind to the guardian of a child with a visual or auditory impairment Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/19/09 
HB 3004 Permitting individual taxpayers a modification to state income tax for medical expenses exceeding two percent of their federal adjusted gross income Pending  House Finance Committee  03/09/09 
HB 3022 Creating a medical home health care plan for uninsured adults Pending  Senate Finance Committee  04/08/09 
HB 3085 Allowing male teachers to use sick leave to attend prenatal care appointments with spouse Pending  House Education Committee  03/12/09 
HB 3092 Providing that certain beneficiaries in the State Teachers Retirement System receive an annuity when an eligible spouse has not redeemed the accumulated contributions Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  03/12/09 
HB 3136 Providing a modification to taxable income of up to $10, 000 for payment to a taxpayer from an employer as a result of a reduction in force for the taxable year 2009 Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  03/13/09 
HB 3183 Requiring all state boards, commissions, committees or councils to be gender balanced and to have proportionate representation of minorities Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/17/09 
HB 3190 Allowing the purchase of service credit for those emergency services officers who transferred into the Emergency Medical Services Retirement System from the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  04/02/09 
HB 3273 West Virginia Correctional Officer Retirement System Act Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  03/20/09 
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