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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Delegate Iaquinta sponsored 85 bills: |
Bill![]() |
Title |
Status |
Committee |
Step |
Last Action |
HB 2006 | Permitting counties, county boards of education and municipalities to impose an additional levy | Pending | House Political Subdivisions | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2007 | Establishing a program for reprogramming cellular telephones and distributing to seniors for making emergency calls | Pending | House Senior Citizen Issues | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2008 | Protecting computer owners and users from computer spyware | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2011 | Establishing threshold quantities of certain controlled substances to trigger prima facie evidence of intent to deliver if possessed by an individual | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2055 | Increasing the amount of mine subsidence insurance reinsured by the board of risk management | Pending | House Banking and Insurance | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2070 | Allowing the use of traffic law photo-monitoring devices | Pending | House Roads and Transportation | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2086 | Establishing a funding source and programs for persons with traumatic brain injury | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2094 | Allowing members of the West Virginia National Guard or its reserves to obtain free hunting and fishing licenses | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2103 | Allowing a disabled veteran one additional license plate | Pending | House Roads and Transportation | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2142 | Providing a criminal penalty for transmitting bulk electronic mail messages which are unsolicited | Pending | House SB | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2149 | Extending the expiration of driver's licenses for active military members' spouses | Pending | House Roads and Transportation | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2162 | Relating to educational benefits for dependents of deceased or disabled veterans | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2165 | Relating to death certificates of military veterans | Vetoed | Vetoed | ||
HB 2168 | Prohibiting insurance companies from discriminating against certain health care providers | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2206 | Creating the "West Virginia Winner" program to promote healthy living | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2245 | Requiring the use of helmets by skateboarders | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2248 | Establishing a program to promote veteran friendly communities | Pending | House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2269 | Making it a crime for preventing an individual from calling emergency service personnel | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2270 | Increasing the effective period for domestic violence protective orders | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2273 | Limiting the liability of military personnel who respond to local emergencies and calls for assistance | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2287 | Increasing the jurisdictional amount in controversy in Magistrate Courts | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2291 | Relating to the denial of course credits for unexcused absences in school | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2292 | Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to remediate any waste tire pile in the state consisting of more than twenty-five tires | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2293 | Reducing from six months to three months the period of delinquency for failure to meet an obligation to pay support to a minor | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2319 | Allowing state employees to take paid leave to attend parent-teacher conference for their children | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2322 | Providing a mechanism whereby unused, unexpired nonnarcotic drugs previously owned by a deceased nursing home patient or resident may be donated to free health care clinics in the state | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2324 | Increasing the minimum prison sentence for a parent or guardian or custodian who abuses a child | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2326 | Relating to persons who do not qualify for professional certificates who are issued certificates to serve in the public schools as athletic coaches | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2332 | Relating to confidential records | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2363 | Prohibiting fractional pricing in the retail sale of gasoline | Pending | House EN | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2369 | Providing a personal income tax exemption for living organ donors | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2370 | Providing that municipal employees may receive up to two years of retirement service credit for military service | Pending | House Pensions and Retirement | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2372 | Relating to disposition of the remains of a deceased military service member who dies while serving | Pending | House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2402 | Exempting disabled veterans who have suffered a hundred percent total and permanent service-connected disability from state income tax | Pending | House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2746 | Extending the Teachers' State Minimum Salary Schedule and equity supplements | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2766 | Creating the "West Virginia Winner" program | Pending | House Health and Human Resources | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2803 | Requiring electric utilities to implement integrated resource plans | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014) | ||
HB 2880 | Relating to provide special outdoor recreational opportunities for eligible veterans | Pending | House ANR | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2895 | Requiring display of POW/MIA flag on county courthouses and other government buildings | Pending | Senate Government Organization | Committee | 02/18/14 |
HB 2963 | Providing educators released time to serve on county commissions | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 2981 | Providing that historical reenactors are not violating the provision prohibiting unlawful military organizations | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/27/14 |
HB 3002 | Requiring the Parkways Authority to provide free daily toll passes for veterans under certain circumstances | Pending | House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 3105 | Granting all public employees a $1,000 per year permanent pay increase | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 3164 | Allowing part-time outside employment for full time prosecuting attorneys | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/09/14 |
HB 4013 | Increasing criminal penalties for the transportation of controlled substances | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/08/14 |
HB 4014 | Increasing criminal penalties for littering | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 01/21/14 |
HB 4141 | Relating to licenses to sell paraphernalia for use with controlled substances | Pending | Senate Health and Human Resources | Committee | 02/27/14 |
HB 4142 | Setting the maximum number of pupils per teacher in sixth through twelfth grade classrooms | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/14/14 |
HB 4144 | Increasing the salaries of state public employees, teachers and service personnel | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/14/14 |
HB 4146 | Creating the Governor's Committee on School Board Unification | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/14/14 |
HB 4164 | Relating to professional licensure, certification or registration of persons and spouses of persons on military active duty outside this state | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 01/14/14 |
HB 4167 | Increasing the criminal penalties for damage to a cemetery or graveyard | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 01/14/14 |
HB 4194 | Relating to the adoption of rules for traffic control signals | Pending | House Roads and Transportation | Committee | 01/16/14 |
HB 4199 | Allowing the mandatory federal background check of registered professional nurses to be done by a name search | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 01/16/14 |
HB 4206 | Providing that "van accessible" mobility impaired parking spaces may be used only by a van | Pending | House Roads and Transportation | Committee | 01/17/14 |
HB 4245 | Relating to anticipated retirement dates of certain health care professionals | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014) | ||
HB 4253 | Authorizing the issuance of special "In God We Trust" registration plates | Pending | House Roads and Transportation | Committee | 01/21/14 |
HB 4267 | Legalizing and regulating the sale and use of fireworks and creating the West Virginia Veterans Program Fund | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 02/27/14 |
HB 4268 | Relating to the administration of veterans' assistance | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014) | ||
HB 4305 | Relating to the requirements of members of a building commission board be from the same political party | Pending | Senate Judiciary | Committee | 03/04/14 |
HB 4314 | Providing a $500 credit for certain members of volunteer fire departments against state personal income tax | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/24/14 |
HB 4318 | Continuing education of veterans mental health | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014) | ||
HB 4319 | Relating to the State Treasurer's office | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 01/24/14 |
HB 4326 | Relating to nursing education faculty | Pending | House Education | Committee | 01/24/14 |
HB 4350 | Providing for the awarding of a West Virginia Veterans Medal and ribbon, and a West Virginia Service Cross and ribbon to certain qualifying West Virginia Veterans | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 27, 2014) | ||
HB 4374 | Permitting purchases up to $100,000 without competitive bids | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 01/30/14 |
HB 4379 | Authorizing the issuance of special "Family of Fallen Hero" registration plates | Pending | House Roads and Transportation | Committee | 01/30/14 |
HB 4404 | Permitting a salary increase for certain kindergarten aides and early childhood classroom assistant teachers | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/04/14 |
HB 4413 | Requiring that athletic trainers be licensed | Pending | House Government Organization | Committee | 02/05/14 |
HB 4416 | Exempting certified professional estimator services from consumers sales tax | Pending | Senate Finance | Committee | 02/27/14 |
HB 4434 | Relating generally to bail bondsmen in criminal cases | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/07/14 |
HB 4439 | Granting the Department of Agriculture the authority to create and maintain a program to encourage, support and develop West Virginia veterans into the field of agriculture | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/13/14 |
HB 4441 | Relating to dangerous weapons | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/07/14 |
HB 4460 | Relating to violating provisions of the civil service law for paid fire departments | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014) | ||
HB 4473 | Relating to establishing voting precincts and changing the composition of standard receiving boards | Signed | Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014) | ||
HB 4474 | Relating to prohibition on higher copayments or coinsurance for certain providers | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/20/14 |
HB 4503 | Declaring certain claims against the state and its agencies to be moral obligations of the state | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014) | ||
HB 4507 | Providing that the identity of a lottery winner may not be publicly disclosed | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/13/14 |
HB 4516 | Relating to multicounty regional educational service agencies | Pending | House Education | Committee | 02/13/14 |
HB 4539 | Requiring motor vehicles to stop when a public transportation vehicle is stopped and receiving or dropping off passengers | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/14/14 |
HB 4556 | Relating to the valuation of antique motor vehicles and classic motor vehicles for purposes of ad valorem property taxes | Pending | House Finance | Committee | 02/14/14 |
HB 4575 | Relating to the West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act | Pending | House Judiciary | Committee | 02/17/14 |
HB 4621 | Expiring funds to the Board of Risk and Insurance Management, Patient Injury Compensation Fund from the Board of Risk and Insurance Management Medical Liability Fund | Signed | Effective from passage - (March 7, 2014) | ||
HB 4622 | Expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance in the State Fund, General Revenue, and making supplementary appropriations to various accounts | Pending | 1st Reading | 03/08/14 | |
HB 4623 | Expiring funds into the unappropriated surplus balance in the state fund General Revenue, and making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Commerce, Division of Natural Resources | Tabled | 1st Reading | 03/08/14 |