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There are 40 Bills pending in House Agriculture and Natural Resources




SB 254Regulating equine boarding facilities02/26/14
HB 2060Increasing the soft drinks tax01/09/14
HB 2076Providing a ten percent discount to residents at state parks and forests01/09/14
HB 2094Allowing members of the West Virginia National Guard or its reserves to obtain free hunting and fishing licenses01/09/14
HB 2112Prohibiting the use of prophylactic feeding of antibiotics to livestock01/09/14
HB 2115Relating to the purchase and sale of dogs01/09/14
HB 2145Creating the "Genetically Engineered Crop and Animal Farmer Protection Act"01/09/14
HB 2153Creating the "Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act"01/09/14
HB 2207Creating the "Genetically Engineered Organism Liability Act"01/09/14
HB 2246Providing that a Class B resident fishing license and a Class F nonresident fishing license are effective one year from the date of purchase01/09/14
HB 2267Creating the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Fund01/09/14
HB 2283Providing that the amount of required acreage for bird hunting preserves may be one hundred acres for privately owned commercial shooting preserves01/09/14
HB 2335Increasing compensation for conservation officers01/09/14
HB 2379Exempting disabled veterans from campground rental fees during certain times01/09/14
HB 2855Permitting persons sixty years of age and older to hunt deer with a crossbow01/09/14
HB 2870Providing a discount on state campground rentals for veterans01/09/14
HB 2878Clarifying that a valid West Virginia identification card is an acceptable form of ID to prove age and residency for purposes of obtaining a senior citizen campground rental discount01/09/14
HB 2880Relating to provide special outdoor recreational opportunities for eligible veterans01/09/14
HB 3015Providing an increase in compensation for natural resources police officers01/09/14
HB 3019Clarifying circumstances under which a person may possess certain firearms while afield hunting01/09/14
HB 3030Relating to Class XS senior resident lifetime licenses01/09/14
HB 3064Allowing the general public to use certain certified timberland for certain recreational purposes for that property to maintain its preferential tax status as managed timberland01/09/14
HB 3095Relating to discounts at state parks for elderly and disabled persons01/09/14
HB 4145Creating a hunting license permitting crossbow hunting01/14/14
HB 4197Relating to the development of corporate sponsorships for state parks and recreational areas01/16/14
HB 4201Relating to civil and criminal penalties for violations of the Logging Sediment Control Act01/16/14
HB 4202Defining timber theft, and to provide the Division of Forestry the authority to investigate and enforce violations01/16/14
HB 4243Including the resident grandchildren of bona fide resident landowners as persons who are not required to obtain licenses or permits to hunt, trap or fish01/21/14
HB 4274Permitting the sale of raw milk01/23/14
HB 4300Creating a State Animal Abuse Registry01/24/14
HB 4306Discontinuing the moratorium on the issuance of commercial rafting licenses on a section of the New River01/24/14
HB 4315Relating to assessment of real property01/24/14
HB 4325Establishing the state parks instant lottery scratch-off game01/24/14
HB 4330Providing for the posting of unenclosed lands to prohibit hunting, trapping or fishing01/24/14
HB 4340Providing an exception to certain provisions of the West Virginia Ethics Act01/27/14
HB 4356Creating a West Virginia personal income tax modification reducing federal adjusted gross income for persons who choose to spay or neuter their dogs or cats01/28/14
HB 4378Relating to permits to kill deer or other wildlife causing damage to cultivated crops01/30/14
HB 4476Allowing any person who was born in West Virginia to purchase a resident lifetime hunting, trapping or fishing license02/11/14
HB 4533Providing a fee discount for certain nonresident hunting, fishing and trapping licenses for native nonresidents02/14/14
HB 4609Restricting swimming on Tygart Lake in the Pleasant Creek Wildlife Management Area to within fifty feet of the boat launch area02/17/14
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