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The search returned 29 bills introduced on 01/16/14:


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HB 4193 Creating a new judicial circuit court for Upshur County Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4194 Relating to the adoption of rules for traffic control signals Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4195 Reducing the daily administrative time required of counselors Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4196 Requiring the Workforce Investment Council to provide information and guidance to local workforce investment boards that would enable them to better educate both women and men about higher paying jobs Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2014)
HB 4197 Relating to the development of corporate sponsorships for state parks and recreational areas Pending  House ANR Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4198 Amending canvassing process to eliminate hand counting of electronic voting systems Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4199 Allowing the mandatory federal background check of registered professional nurses to be done by a name search Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4200 Relating to possession of concealed deadly weapons in certain buildings owned by the state Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4201 Relating to civil and criminal penalties for violations of the Logging Sediment Control Act Pending  House ANR Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4202 Defining timber theft, and to provide the Division of Forestry the authority to investigate and enforce violations Pending  House ANR Committee  01/16/14 
HB 4203 Allowing a grievant a reasonable time for a representative to be summoned and appear, and clarifying that participation in grievance proceedings is considered work time Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/14 
HB 4204 Relating to the nonrenewal or cancellation of property insurance coverage policies in force for at least four years Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4205 Adding a second judge to the twenty-sixth judicial circuit Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/14 
SB 358 Requiring Purchasing Director approve certain change orders Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/16/14 
SB 359 Reducing number of precincts for manual count in post-election canvass Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 360 Repealing article relating to wages for construction of public improvements Pending  Senate Labor Committee  01/16/14 
SB 361 Relating to Office of Emergency Medical Services Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/16/14 
SB 362 Relating to time restaurants, private clubs and wineries can sell alcoholic beverages on Sundays Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/16/14 
SB 363 Repealing article allowing placement of roadside memorial markers Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  01/16/14 
SB 364 Permitting candidate signs on road or highway rights-of-way Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  01/16/14 
SB 365 Relating to administration of Conservation Agency programs Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 366 Transferring CHIP from Department of Administration to DHHR Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/25/14 
SB 367 Correcting internal code reference regarding judges and prosecutors carrying firearms Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/16/14 
SB 368 Repealing article relating to unfair trade practices Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/16/14 
SB 369 Requiring state procurement by competitive bidding Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/16/14 
SB 370 Relating to sentencing and parole of juveniles treated as adults Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/16/14 
SB 371 Prohibiting possession of wild and exotic animals Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  01/16/14 
SB 372 Permitting certain auxiliary lighting on motorcycles Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/22/14 
SB 373 Relating to water resources protection Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
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