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Delegate Robinson sponsored 30 bills:


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HB 2355 Repealing the West Virginia Workplace Freedom Act and restoring prior law Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/22/17 
HB 2372 Reestablishing prevailing wages for certain state government contracts Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/22/17 
HB 2386 Exempting recipients of the distinguished Purple Heart medal from payment of the vehicle registration fee Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  02/13/17 
HB 2419 Defining and establishing the crime of cyberbullying Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/14/17 
HB 2422 The Ryan Brown Addiction Prevention and Recovery Fund Act Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/17 
HB 2498 Creating a rebuttable presumption that development of certain cancers by professional or volunteer firefighters arose out of the course of employment Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/17/17 
HB 2548 Relating to the use of outside speakers by persons licensed to manufacture, sell, possess for sale, transport or distribute nonintoxicating beer Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 4, 2017)
HB 2574 Middle School Technical Education Program Act Pending  House Finance Committee  03/09/17 
HB 2615 Providing a tax credit for obtaining certain certifications by the United States Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design green building rating system Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/21/17 
HB 2623 Prohibiting discrimination based upon age or sexual orientation Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/21/17 
HB 2655 Defining and establishing the crime of cyberbullying Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/17 
HB 2687 Providing that military veterans with a one hundred percent service related disability are exempt from property taxation Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  02/23/17 
HB 2709 Authorizing the City of South Charleston to levy a special district excise tax Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 5, 2017)
HB 2727 Providing an identification card for released inmates who do not have a West Virginia identification card or driver’s license Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/17 
HB 2745 Adding the examination of Advanced Care Technician Pending    3rd Reading  04/08/17 
HB 2772 Requiring welders working in the State of West Virginia to meet certain certification requirements Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  03/01/17 
HB 2780 Clarifying existing language for those first responders who die as a direct result of their duties Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/02/17 
HB 2804 Removing chiropractors from the list of medical professions required to obtain continuing education on mental health conditions common to veterans and family members Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 7, 2017)
HB 2823 Establishing a statewide call-in center to receive assistance with healthcare Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  03/08/17 
HB 2829 Establishing a toll-free phone line for receipt of comments from the public about state programs and services Pending  House Government Organization Committee  03/08/17 
HB 2845 Establishing that the Division of Corrections is responsible for the costs of housing and maintaining an inmate the day following an inmate’s conviction Pending  House Finance Committee  03/16/17 
HB 2891 Including electronic communications to and from inmates with the types of communications that the Division of Corrections currently monitors and may record Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/09/17 
HB 2944 Requiring the Insurance Commissioner to regulate professional bondsmen Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/13/17 
HB 2974 Relating to public school education in dating violence, domestic abuse and sexual violence prevention Pending  House Education Committee  03/13/17 
HB 2981 Limiting the number of days members of the Legislature may receive compensation during an extended and extraordinary session Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/13/17 
HB 3018 Adding definition of correctional employee to the list of persons against whom an assault is a felony Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 7, 2017)
HB 3025 Authorizing by ordinance a vacant building registration program Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  03/14/17 
HB 3073 Relating generally to public service districts and their boards Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/21/17 
HB 3078 Establishing a merit-based Katherine Johnson Hope Scholarship program to provide tuition and fee payments for certain qualified students Pending  House Education Committee  03/14/17 
HB 3093 Establishing Broadband Enhancement and Expansion Policies Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 7, 2017)
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