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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Description | Date | Journal Page | |
Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 12, 2014) | |||
S | Chapter 38, Acts, Regular Session, 2014 | 04/14/14 | |
H | Approved by Governor 4/1/14 - House Journal | 03/14/14 | 2840 |
S | Approved by Governor 4/1/14 - Senate Journal | 03/14/14 | 58 |
S | Approved by Governor 4/1/14 | 04/01/14 | |
H | To Governor 3/27/14 - House Journal | 03/14/14 | 2802 |
S | To Governor 3/27/14 - Senate Journal | 03/14/14 | 46 |
S | To Governor 3/27/14 | 03/27/14 | |
S | House Message received | 03/14/14 | 33 |
H | Completed legislative action | 03/14/14 | |
H | Communicated to Senate | 03/14/14 | 2793 |
H | Repassed House to meet the objections of the Governor (Roll No. 503) | 03/14/14 | 2793 |
H | House concurred in Senate amendment (Voice vote) | 03/14/14 | 2784 |
H | House reconsidered its action | 03/14/14 | 2784 |
H | House received Senate message | 03/14/14 | 2784 |
S | Senate requests House to concur | 03/14/14 | 30 |
S | Senate amended, repassed bill as result of Governor's Veto (Roll No. 2) | 03/14/14 | 21-30 |
S | Senate reconsidered action (voice vote) | 03/14/14 | 21 |
H | Vetoed by Governor 3/14/14 - House Journal | 03/14/14 | 2783 |
S | Vetoed by Governor 3/14/14 | 03/14/14 | 20-21 |
H | To Governor 3/14/14 - House Journal | 03/14/14 | 2526 |
S | To Governor 3/14/14 | 03/14/14 | 19 |
S | House Message received | 03/08/14 | 426 |
H | Completed legislative action | 03/08/14 | |
H | Communicated to Senate | 03/08/14 | 2499 |
H | House concurred in Senate amendment and passed bill (Roll No. 493) | 03/08/14 | 2499 |
H | House received Senate message | 03/08/14 | 2497 |
S | Senate requests House to concur | 03/08/14 | 246 |
S | Senate amends House amendment and passed bill (Roll No. 57) | 03/08/14 | 245-246 |
S | House Message received | 03/08/14 | 228-244 |
H | Communicated to Senate | 03/08/14 | 2136 |
H | Title amendment adopted (Voice vote) | 03/08/14 | 2135 |
H | Passed House (Roll No. 380) | 03/08/14 | 2135 |
H | Read 3rd time | 03/08/14 | 2134 |
H | On 3rd reading, Daily Calendar | 03/08/14 | |
H | Committee amendment adopted (Voice vote) | 03/07/14 | 1802 |
H | Amendment to committee amendment adopted (voice) | 03/07/14 | 1786 |
H | Amendment withdrawn (Voice vote) | 03/07/14 | 1786 |
H | Amendments pending | 03/06/14 | 1540 |
H | Laid over on 2nd reading, Daily Calendar, until 3/7 | 03/06/14 | 1540 |
H | Read 2nd time | 03/06/14 | 1533 |
H | On 2nd reading, Daily Calendar | 03/06/14 | 1533 |
H | Laid over on 2nd reading, Daily Calendar, until 3/6 | 03/05/14 | 1336 |
H | On 2nd reading, Daily Calendar | 03/05/14 | |
H | Read 1st time | 03/04/14 | 1284 |
H | On 1st reading, Daily Calendar | 03/04/14 | |
H | Laid over on 1st reading, Daily Calendar, until 3/4 | 03/03/14 | 1241 |
H | On 1st reading, Daily Calendar | 03/03/14 | |
H | With amendment, do pass | 02/28/14 | 1142 |
H | To House Judiciary | 02/17/14 | 693 |
H | To Judiciary | 02/17/14 | |
H | Introduced in House | 02/17/14 | 692 |
S | Ordered to House | 02/14/14 | 35 |
S | Passed Senate (Roll No. 1) | 02/14/14 | 35 |
S | Read 3rd time | 02/14/14 | 35 |
S | On 3rd reading | 02/14/14 | |
S | Read 2nd time | 02/13/14 | 30 |
S | On 2nd reading | 02/13/14 | |
S | Read 1st time | 02/12/14 | 37 |
S | On 1st reading | 02/12/14 | |
S | Committee substitute reported | 02/11/14 | 4-5 |
S | To Judiciary | 02/06/14 | 8 |
S | Reported do pass, but first to Judiciary | 02/06/14 | 8 |
S | To Government Organization | 01/09/14 | 10 |
S | Introduced in Senate | 01/09/14 | 9 |
S | To Government Organization then Judiciary | 01/09/14 | |
S | Filed for introduction | 01/09/14 |