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There are 69 Bills pending in Senate Government Organization




SB 31Relating to appointment and removal of State Fire Marshal01/08/14
SB 33Increasing salaries of State Police forensic lab and civilian employees01/08/14
SB 34Redistributing proceeds from excise tax on transfer of real property to counties for benefit of regional jails01/08/14
SB 38Reallocating certain oil and gas severance tax proceeds to counties of origin01/08/14
SB 44Expanding hotel occupancy tax to include commercial campsites01/08/14
SB 51Requiring water-free urinals in public rest areas, institutions and schools01/08/14
SB 63Increasing salaries of State Police forensic lab and civilian employees01/08/14
SB 75Requiring equal membership from magisterial districts on county planning commission01/08/14
SB 78Designating English as official state language01/08/14
SB 80Permitting concealed weapons licensees to carry weapon on Capitol Complex with certain exception01/08/14
SB 82Exempting homeowners' association dues, fees and assessments from consumers sales and service tax01/08/14
SB 201Requiring minimum number of state troopers; providing certain salary increases01/08/14
SB 203Requiring State Police be compensated when on standby; housing stipend01/08/14
SB 205Granting county commissions advice and consent authority in discharge of county employees01/08/14
SB 206Redistributing certain net terminal income from racetrack video lottery01/08/14
SB 210Increasing membership of Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses01/08/14
SB 217Prohibiting public officials and employees from using public funds for self promotion01/08/14
SB 226Providing elected county officials receive raise based on Consumer Price Index01/08/14
SB 230Permitting Boards of Medicine, Dentistry and Osteopathy initiate disciplinary proceedings in certain circumstances01/08/14
SB 232Providing for nonpartisan election of Supreme Court justices01/08/14
SB 247Removing statutory salary provision of Executive Director of Women's Commission01/08/14
SB 248Creating Equal Pay Coordinator within Division of Personnel01/08/14
SB 263Clarifying continuous inactivity of demand, savings or time deposits under Uniform Unclaimed Property Act02/11/14
SB 273Prohibiting increases in certain real property assessments01/08/14
SB 287Relating to requirement of professional engineer serving on sanitary board01/08/14
SB 290Relating to Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program01/08/14
SB 319Increasing membership of State Fire Commission01/10/14
SB 320Relating to "state of preparedness"01/10/14
SB 321Allowing Board of Public Works be represented by designees; proxy voting01/10/14
SB 323Relating to professional board licensure requirements for military and spouses01/22/14
SB 335Requiring certain items purchased by state be manufactured in United States01/10/14
SB 340Creating EMT-industrial certification01/31/14
SB 354Requiring Workforce Investment Council provide local boards information about certain male-dominated jobs01/22/14
SB 358Requiring Purchasing Director approve certain change orders01/16/14
SB 361Relating to Office of Emergency Medical Services01/16/14
SB 369Requiring state procurement by competitive bidding01/16/14
SB 374Prohibiting special election by local levying body 180 days prior to scheduled election01/17/14
SB 377Creating Native American Tribes Unique Recognition, Authentication and Listing Act01/17/14
SB 386Revising laws relating to DHHR and Bureau of Medical Services01/22/14
SB 392Providing salary increase for members of State Police01/21/14
SB 396Eliminating certain unnecessary boards, councils, task forces and committees 01/21/14
SB 407Providing renewal of lapsed managing general insurance agent licenses02/24/14
SB 441Increasing limit on size of voting precincts01/28/14
SB 442Permitting certain firearms in motor vehicles on Capitol Complex grounds01/28/14
SB 449Relating to power and authority of Secretary of Department of Veterans' Assistance02/12/14
SB 468Providing for Veterans Medal and Service Cross 02/25/14
SB 474Allowing disposal of drill cuttings from well sites in commercial solid waste facilities02/18/14
SB 484Changing experience requirements of members of Ethics Commission02/04/14
SB 489Providing county employees may run for vacant office without resigning02/05/14
SB 500Requiring public buildings have at least one ADA-compliant restroom02/06/14
SB 505Requiring Office of Administrative Hearings receive appeal petitions02/06/14
SB 506Clarifying term "agency" in code section relating to administrative hearings02/06/14
SB 508Establishing Volunteer Departments Loan Fund within Treasurer's Office02/07/14
SB 531Relating to licensing of funeral directors02/10/14
SB 532Allowing certain military firefighters to become civilian firefighters02/10/14
SB 550Providing annual salary increase to Division of Corrections employees02/12/14
SB 551Requiring municipal law-enforcement officers wear armored vests 02/12/14
SB 561Clarifying authority and discretion of Dealer Recovery Board to hear claims02/13/14
SB 565Ensuring SWA Closure Cost Assistance Funds facilitate closure of certain county landfills02/13/14
SB 567Redesignating Division of Corrections as Department of Corrections02/13/14
SB 575Providing educational incentives and longevity pay for State Troopers02/14/14
SB 587Requiring licensing of athletic trainers by Board of Physical Therapy02/14/14
SB 606Implementing exotic entertainment facility license surcharge02/17/14
SB 617Terminating Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Technology Board of Examiners02/17/14
SB 620Authorizing State Police Superintendent to hire additional staff02/17/14
SB 627Creating Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act 02/17/14
HB 2895Requiring display of POW/MIA flag on county courthouses and other government buildings02/18/14
HB 4168Requiring materials, supplies, equipment and other items purchased by the state and its agencies to be made in the United States02/27/14
HB 4399Prohibiting a local levying body from holding a special election under certain circumstances02/24/14
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