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House Calendar

Day 60 (04-08-2017)
Day 59 (04-07-2017)
Day 58 (04-06-2017)
Day 57 (04-05-2017)
Day 56 (04-04-2017)
Day 55 (04-03-2017)
Day 53 (04-01-2017)
Day 52 (03-31-2017)
Day 51 (03-30-2017)
Day 50 (03-29-2017)
Day 49 (03-28-2017)
Day 48 (03-27-2017)
Day 46 (03-25-2017)
Day 45 (03-24-2017)
Day 44 (03-23-2017)
Day 43 (03-22-2017)
Day 42 (03-21-2017)
Day 41 (03-20-2017)
Day 38 (03-17-2017)
Day 37 (03-16-2017)
Day 36 (03-15-2017)
Day 35 (03-14-2017)
Day 34 (03-13-2017)
Day 31 (03-10-2017)
Day 30 (03-09-2017)
Day 29 (03-08-2017)
Day 28 (03-07-2017)
Day 27 (03-06-2017)
Day 24 (03-03-2017)
Day 23 (03-02-2017)
Day 22 (03-01-2017)
Day 21 (02-28-2017)
Day 20 (02-27-2017)
Day 17 (02-24-2017)
Day 16 (02-23-2017)
Day 15 (02-22-2017)
Day 14 (02-21-2017)
Day 13 (02-20-2017)
Day 10 (02-17-2017)
Day 09 (02-16-2017)
Day 08 (02-15-2017)
Day 07 (02-14-2017)
Day 06 (02-13-2017)
Day 02 (02-09-2017)
Day 01 (02-08-2017)



Saturday, March 25, 2017

46th Day

8:30 A. M.



Com. Sub. for H. B. 2538 -     Relating to the licensure of physician assistants (Howell) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2871 -     Eliminating the mandated employer versus employee cost share of eighty percent employer, twenty percent employee for Public Employee Insurance Agency (Nelson) (Regular)


Com. Sub. for S. B. 347 -       Relating to modernization of Physician Assistant Practice Act (Ellington) (Regular) (Health and Human Resources Committee Amendment Pending)

H. B. 2500 -                             Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Human Services (Nelson) (Effective From Passage)

H. B. 2501 -                             Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Education, State Board of Education – School Lunch Program (Nelson) (Effective From Passage)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2794 -     Relating to the means of giving notice to a debt collector of a consumer’s representation by legal counsel (Shott) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2804 -     Removing chiropractors from the list of medical professions required to obtain continuing education on mental health conditions common to veterans and family members (Ellington) (Regular)

H. B. 2878 -                             Increasing amount of authorized Federal Grant Anticipation Notes for which Division of Highways may apply (Nelson) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2897 -     Raising the amount required for competitive bidding of construction contracts by the state and its subdivisions (Howell) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2941 -     Requiring the Commissioner of the Division of Highways to utilize the Attorney General for all legal assistance and services (Shott) (Regular)

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