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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
HB 4219 | Relating to childcare subsidies within DHHR, paid based on monthly enrollment | 01/10/24 |
HB 4234 | No guardian ad litem is needed on adoptions if both parents sign a relinquishment | 01/10/24 |
HB 4360 | A court has venue for adoption if it had jurisdiction over guardianships | 01/10/24 |
HB 4386 | Automatic CPS expungement if an individual is not found to have committed abuse and neglect by court order | 01/10/24 |
HB 4420 | Free range parenting is not classified as abuse and neglect | 01/10/24 |
HB 4445 | Allowing low income senior citizens to receive certain tax credits without filing a state income tax return | 01/10/24 |
HB 4506 | Establishing reimbursement rates for congregate and in-home meals | 01/10/24 |
HB 4590 | To allow for modification of a family court order involving drugs in certain circumstances | 01/10/24 |
HB 4607 | Relating to eligibility verification for applicants for public assistance | 01/11/24 |
HB 4609 | To ensure that the WV Judiciary remains neutral and detached in matters related to allocation of custodial responsibility and decision-making responsibility of children | 01/11/24 |
HB 4897 | Relating to changing circumstances for when a child may be removed from a foster home. | 01/18/24 |
HB 5036 | Creating the Parents' Bill of Rights | 01/23/24 |
HB 5181 | Requiring child protective services (“CPS”) workers to record, via audio, all interactions during CPS visits. | 01/25/24 |
HB 5185 | Provide tax credit incentive to businesses and individuals that donate to pregnancy/birth centers | 01/25/24 |
HB 5198 | Allow parents to file parenting plan in event the relationship ends | 01/25/24 |
HB 5206 | To choose to not vaccinate children does not amount to abuse and neglect | 01/26/24 |
HB 5256 | Relating to child care staffing ratios at child care facilities for child care providers | 01/29/24 |
HB 5506 | Creating the Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership | 02/07/24 |
HB 5556 | Comprehensive Services Act | 02/12/24 |
HB 5573 | To allow a $2,000 refundable child tax credit for all eligible for the federal tax credit | 02/12/24 |
HB 5574 | To allow a $1,000 refundable child tax credit for all eligible for the federal tax credit | 02/12/24 |
HB 5612 | Relating to including foster parents under the parental leave act | 02/12/24 |
HB 5620 | Relating to authorizing the installation of monitors in long-term care facilities | 02/12/24 |
HB 5689 | Relating to providing for the establishment of county daycares. | 02/13/24 |