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The search returned 246 Bills ( 129 House Bills, 117 Senate Bills )


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HB 4715 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Department of Transportation Chapter 14, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4714 Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Commerce, Department of Education and the Arts-Division of Rehabilitation Services, Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety-Fire Marshal Chapter 13, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4713 Expiring funds to the balance of the Department of Health and Human Resources, Health Care Authority Chapter 12, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4712 Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Transportation-Division of Motor Vehicles Chapter 11, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4692 Permitting depositories of state, county, municipal and other public moneys to pool securities Chapter 180, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4684 Amending the West Virginia Film Industry Investment Act Chapter 107, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4677 Reducing the requirement that the Director of Personnel must have five years experience in personnel management Chapter 197, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4676 Continuing the permissible appropriation of Public Employees Insurance Reserve Fund moneys to the bureau for medical services Chapter 179, Acts, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
HB 4670 Authorizing the Public Employees Insurance Agency to charge interest to employers on amounts not paid on time Chapter 178, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4664 Clarifying the purpose of the Purchasing Division Chapter 4, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4644 Relating to the forfeiture of bail Chapter 59, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4637 Relating to the deployment of broadband to the remaining unserved areas of the state Chapter 36, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4636 Making changes to workers' compensation insurance Chapter 229, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4628 Providing a tax credit for new job creation by certain taxpayers Chapter 214, Acts, 2008 Effect January 1, 2009
HB 4624 Providing per diem pay for volunteers who drive veterans to hospitals Chapter 225, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4623 Relating to establishing minimum deductions Chapter 82, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4619 Collaborative Family Law Proceedings Chapter 63, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4617 Allowing e-notification by using e-certified cards for verification of certified mail acceptance to the court of origin for service of process Chapter 194, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4613 Increasing protection to beneficiaries of structured settlements as they relate to settlement transfers Chapter 39, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4607 Relating to special district excise tax authorization Chapter 45, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4588 Relating to public school support Chapter 71, Acts, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
HB 4570 Authorizing regional jail employees to carry a firearm after receiving appropriate certification Chapter 41, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4567 Attracting private investment for the financing, construction and operation of additional lodging units at Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park Chapter 155, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4557 Relating to continuing education for insurance producers Chapter 123, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4554 Testing school bus operators every other year Vetoed by Governor 3/28/08 Effective from passage
HB 4527 Allowing county commissions to regulate subdivisions and land development without adopting a plan Chapter 47, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4524 Relating generally to the ethical standards of public officers, employees and lobbyists Chapter 106, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4515 Relating to reports by health care providers of persons incompetent to drive an automobile Chapter 150, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4513 Relating to the reimbursement of costs for newborn screenings Chapter 115, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4512 Providing classifications of licensees to be licensed by the State Fire Marshal to engage in fire protection work Chapter 196, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4511 Relating to zoning ordinance adoption by election or otherwise Chapter 231, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4500 Providing qualified entities access to the West Virginia Central Abuse Registry Chapter 24, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4495 Limiting the use of the titles "registered nurse", "nurse practitioner", and "nurse" to certain qualified individuals Chapter 165, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4494 Relating to the regulation of the practice of accountancy Chapter 167, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4490 Finding and declaring certain claims against the state and its agencies to be moral obligations of the state Chapter 28, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4484 Relating to the criminal offense of stalking Chapter 56, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4478 Limiting the mid-year transfer of certain school employees working with students with exceptionalities Chapter 86, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4477 Relating to payment of GED exam fees Clerk's note: Enrolled bill not presented to Governor as passed by Legislature; bill is null and void Effective July 1, 2008
HB 4476 Public-Private Transportation Facilities Act Chapter 184, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4474 Relating to registered nurses required in operating rooms Chapter 166, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4472 Requiring a board of education to wait ten days before posting a new job opening following the death of an employee Chapter 85, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4471 Making certain changes to the West Virginia State Police Retirement System Chapter 201, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4465 Relating to fees charged by the Secretary of State Chapter 193, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4464 Adding more exemptions to the requirement that a foreign corporation obtain a certificate of authority before conducting affairs in the state Chapter 22, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4449 Allowing the Higher Education Policy Commission and WV Council for Community and Technical College Education to enter into lease-purchase agreements Chapter 88, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4438 Relating to air pollution control Chapter 6, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4434 Establishing a higher education energy and water savings revolving loan fund Chapter 89, Acts, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
HB 4433 Increasing the maximum amount of a medical student loan that may be cancelled Chapter 92, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4423 Ensuring that beer kegs are not considered scrap metal unless received directly from a beer manufacturer Chapter 19, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4421 Repealing the corporate license tax, and creating corporate license tax replacement fees Chapter 212, Acts, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
HB 4420 Imposing corporate net income tax on certain regulated investment companies and real estate investment trusts used as tax sheltering vehicles Chapter 222, Acts, 2008 Effective January 1, 2009
HB 4418 Establishing a statewide reporting system for hospitals to report their infection rates Chapter 114, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4407 Requiring automatic tire chains as standard equipment on all new school buses Vetoed by Governor 4/1/08 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4406 Relating to state board standards for the recommended duration of school bus transportation times for students to and from school Chapter 192, Acts, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
HB 4404 Discount Medical Plan Organizations and Discount Prescription Drug Plan Organizations Act Chapter 125, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4402 Relating to compulsive gambling Chapter 109, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4394 Restoring the licensure exemption for certain contractors of manufactured housing installation Chapter 130, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4389 Removing requirement that resident violators of traffic laws be required to sign citations Chapter 152, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4388 Authorizing the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals to maintain a domestic violence database Chapter 51, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4386 Authorizing municipalities to create an annual vacant property registration Chapter 154, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4383 Awarding service revolver upon retirement to state fire marshal Chapter 195, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4381 Relating to an assigned risk plan and guaranty association account for workers' compensation insurance Chapter 120, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4368 Reducing acts of student violence and disruptive behavior and increasing penalties for chronically disruptive students Chapter 77, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4364 Amending various requirements for motor vehicle dealers Chapter 148, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4357 Extending the Neighborhood Investment Program Act and eligibility for tax credits under the act Chapter 156, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4355 Allowing Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority to retain civil penalties imposed for violation of authority rules Chapter 158, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4348 Adding language to the code for fees for tests and certificates that were already imposed Chapter 30, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4344 Relating to the criminal offense of cruelty to animals Chapter 58, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4337 Authorizing the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists to increase fees for one year Chapter 169, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4331 Eliminating the requirement to send surrendered driver's licenses back to the original state of licensure Chapter 67, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4328 Excluding the service of a poll worker from being considered a prohibited political activity Chapter 177, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4327 Relating to charitable bingo and updating the maximum wage allowed to reflect changes in state minimum wage Chapter 25, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4307 Relating to bona fide residents wholly or solely owning greyhounds Vetoed by Governor 4/1/08 - House Journal Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4304 Revised Anatomical Gift Act Chapter 191, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4296 Relating to the rights of crime victims Chapter 53, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4290 Relating to electronic commerce Chapter 182, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4287 Clarifying that certain funds are authorized investments for funds of political subdivisions Chapter 183, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4255 Authorizing the Department of Commerce to promulgate legislative rules Chapter 141, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4244 Authorizing the Department of Transportation to promulgate legislative rules Chapter 139, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4209 Authorizing the Department of Administration to promulgate legislative rules Chapter 134, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4206 Authorizing the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety to promulgate legislative rules Chapter 137, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4157 Allowing insurers who have been suspended from writing new policies to continue to service existing policies Chapter 121, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4156 Permitting a governing body of a municipality to place a lien on property in an amount equal to the demolition and removal of a hazardous structure Chapter 153, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4150 Requiring the purchasing of American-made flags with state funds Chapter 108, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4147 Relating to the regulation of parking for state office buildings Chapter 132, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4144 Relating to physician assistants and updating language to conform to national changes Chapter 161, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4141 Providing that written status reports on civil actions brought against state government agencies are required only as requested by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House Chapter 2, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4139 Relating to licensing persons using bioptic telescopic devices to operate a motor vehicle Chapter 66, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4137 Clarifying that a municipality and county will be notified by an insurance company when a total loss to a structure occurs Chapter 126, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4129 Revising licensing requirements for professional licensing boards, including authorizing a special volunteer license for health care professionals Chapter 159, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4124 Adding CPR and First Aid training to the health education curriculum in secondary schools Chapter 74, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4121 Authorizing the participation of local governments in a purchasing card program to be administered by the Auditor Chapter 185, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4120 Prohibiting inclusion of specific dollar amounts or figures related to damages in complaints for personal injury or wrongful death actions Chapter 1, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4117 Expanding eligibility for state minimum salary supplements for classroom teachers achieving certain national certification Chapter 84, Acts, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
HB 4099 Allowing certain vehicles designated by the Secretary of the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety to use red flashing lights Chapter 151, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4094 Relating to reimbursement of compensation paid to certain state employees for job-related training, education or professional development Chapter 176, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4088 Allowing farm equipment dealers to calculate their inventory based on an average of their yearly sales Chapter 207, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4085 Relating to regulatory review of the West Virginia Acupuncture Board Chapter 172, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4082 Relating to the Public Employees Retirement System Chapter 187, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4080 Relating to funds held for charitable purposes by nonprofit, charitable institutions Chapter 105, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4079 Relating to Professional Employer Organizations Chapter 127, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4078 Relating to the termination of the Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park Commission Chapter 20, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4076 Relating to the compensation and expenses of legislators Chapter 142, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4075 Providing for a video recording device monitoring system during Amber Alert periods Chapter 8, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4073 Clarifying that the Board of Examinations in Counseling is subject to a regulatory board review Chapter 170, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4072 Clarifying that the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers is subject to a regulatory board review Chapter 168, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4069 Requiring vision screening for renewal of a driver's license Chapter 69, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4059 Relating to medical qualifications for school bus operators Chapter 83, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4041 Relating to the regulation and treatment of the production of natural gas and coalbed methane Chapter 213, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4038 Allowing the Division of Labor to promulgate Rules to license elevator workers Chapter 101, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4036 Granting the board of Respiratory Care Practitioners rulemaking authority and the issuance of temporary permits to students Chapter 171, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4032 Relating to payment of wages through a direct deposit system Chapter 129, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4028 Authorizing counties and municipalities to enter into contracts for energy-savings Chapter 43, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4023 Provide for the denial or suspension of a driver's license for any student who withdraws from school or fails to receive passing grades Chapter 68, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4022 Relating to compensation and expenses of panel attorneys providing public defender services Chapter 117, Acts, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
HB 4021 Revising mining safety equipment requirements and enhancing penalties for crimes against mining property Chapter 31, Acts, 2008 Effective April 1, 2008
HB 4019 Relating to civil actions filed in the courts of the state Chapter 3, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 4018 Renewing the West Virginia Small Business Linked Deposit Program Chapter 181, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4017 Updating meaning of federal taxable income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act Chapter 221, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 4016 Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act Chapter 219, Acts, 2008 Effective from passage
HB 4010 Removing the limitation on terms for members on the board of library directors Vetoed by Governor 3/28/08 - House Journal Effective from passage
HB 3215 Removing the administrative link between Shepherd University and Blue Ridge Community and Technical College Chapter 87, Acts, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
HB 3201 Authorizing the tax commissioner to refuse, revoke, suspend or refuse to renew a business registration certificate for a business that is the alter ego, nominee or instrumentality of a business in certain situations Chapter 210, Acts, 2008 Effect from passage
HB 3065 Relating to making false reports of child abuse, sexual abuse and domestic violence Chapter 64, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 3056 Authorizing pharmacists to administer immunizations Chapter 164, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 2967 Creating the "West Virginia Remembers Program" Chapter 75, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 2881 Providing that antique motor vehicles may be used for occasional recreational driving Chapter 149, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 2517 Providing that the Board of Banking and Financial Institutions have the authority to approve acquisitions of out-of-state banks by WV state banks Chapter 18, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
HB 2503 Authorizing the Division of Motor Vehicles to issue an identification card to West Virginia residents who already possess a valid driver's license Chapter 116, Acts, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 784 Relating to reforming, altering or modifying county government Chapter 42, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 781 Relating to service of suggestee execution and notice Chapter 143, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 780 Relating to Public Employees Grievance Procedure Chapter 175, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 778 Relating to veterans' benefits Chapter 226, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 775 Relating to state parks and state forests Chapter 157, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 751 Relating to Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act Chapter 103, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 746 Establishing takeback program for certain electronics Chapter 100, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 740 Reforming Berkeley County commission Chapter 232, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 736 Relating to real property sales for persons with legal disabilities Chapter 110, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 722 Granting regulatory power to certain Board of Pharmacy facilities Chapter 163, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 715 Defining certain Public Employees Insurance Agency eligibility Chapter 119, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 712 Authorizing Coalbed Methane Review Board to propose legislative rules Chapter 133, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 706 Providing for liner placement through mined-out coal horizons Chapter 104, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 704 Regulating viatical life insurance settlements Chapter 124, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 696 Providing appraisal methods for certain multifamily rental properties Vetoed by Governor 3/31/08 - Senate Journal Effective July 1, 2008
SB 682 Creating Community and Technical College Capital Improvement Fund Chapter 90, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 680 Relating to corporate net income tax and business franchise tax Chapter 215, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 674 Making supplementary appropriation to Department of Administration and Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety Chapter 16, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 673 Making supplementary appropriation to Department of Health and Human Resources Chapter 15, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 671 Increasing compensation of Court of Claims' judges Chapter 48, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 659 Increasing certain crime victims' benefits Chapter 54, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 657 Creating Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace Act Chapter 7, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 654 Finding and declaring certain claims against state Chapter 29, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 653 Permitting internet sales of life, accident and sickness insurance Chapter 122, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 650 Relating to Emergency Medical Services Retirement System Chapter 190, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 645 Exempting city and county hospitals from certain audit requirements Chapter 113, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 641 Creating Water Resources Protection and Management Act Chapter 228, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 638 Requiring information collection from catalytic converter purchasers Vetoed by Governor 3/31/08 - House Journal Effective ninety days from passage
SB 634 Creating Military Authority Act Chapter 146, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 622 Creating Voluntary Rural and Outdoor Heritage Conservation Act Chapter 38, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 619 Defining certain external defibrillators' user terms Chapter 112, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 606 Requiring hiring preference for summer school program positions Vetoed by Governor 3/28/08 - House Journal Effect from passage
SB 596 Relating to Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Chapter 218, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 595 Establishing education goals and objectives for 2020 Chapter 72, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 593 Transferring library funding obligation to excess levy Chapter 78, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 590 Protecting health care workers Chapter 57, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 580 Authorizing magistrate courts to accept unsigned citation payments Chapter 50, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 579 Appointing additional nonresident members to Bluefield's sanitary board Chapter 233, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 574 Increasing State Police compensation Chapter 199, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 573 Increasing public school teachers' and service personnel annual salaries Chapter 223, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 571 Relating to certain firefighters' workers' compensation benefits Chapter 230, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 570 Allowing county commissions' involvement in joint development efforts Chapter 44, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 565 Relating to increased real property assessment notice Chapter 205, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 564 Relating to higher education tuition and fee waivers Chapter 81, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 553 Creating Permitting and Licensing Information Act Chapter 5, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 552 Relating to prepaid wireless calling taxes, fees and charges Chapter 216, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 545 Relating to tax administration efficiency Chapter 211, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 541 Continuing personal income tax adjustment to certain retirees' gross income Chapter 220, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 536 Exempting Supreme Court probation officers' vehicles from certain registration requirements Chapter 147, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 535 Modifying certain penalties for DUI Chapter 70, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 519 Extending Hazardous Waste Material Management Fee Fund sunset provision Chapter 111, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 514 Permitting electronic mail absentee voting Chapter 97, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 512 Increasing number of Records Management and Preservation Board members Chapter 186, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 507 Clarifying voting procedures Chapter 93, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 505 Creating Veterans Cemetery Fund from lottery proceeds Chapter 227, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 504 Relating to child support enforcement Chapter 26, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 503 Requiring solid waste facility permit applicants furnish fingerprints for criminal background checks Chapter 102, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 501 Transferring Stream Partners Fund from Division of Natural Resources to Department of Environmental Protection Chapter 204, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 496 Protecting voter registration information Chapter 96, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 495 Requiring certain poll worker training Chapter 94, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 494 Providing voter verification through electronic poll book Chapter 98, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 493 Granting emergency election powers to Secretary of State Chapter 95, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 492 Eliminating part-time prosecutors Chapter 173, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 481 Authorizing physician assistants to conduct mental health hygiene process examinations Chapter 145, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 477 Increasing conservation officers' salaries and length of service Vetoed by Governor 3/20/08 - Senate Journal Effective July 1, 2008
SB 476 Creating State Employee Sick Leave Fund Chapter 174, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 474 Creating limited sales tax holiday for certain Energy Star appliance purchases Chapter 217, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 467 Reauthorizing Dam Safety Rehabilitation Revolving Fund Chapter 61, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 466 Authorizing Water Development Authority to administer Dam Safety Rehabilitation Revolving Fund Loan Program Chapter 203, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 459 Authorizing rules of School Building Authority and Higher Education Policy Commission Chapter 80, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 417 Authorizing Department of Revenue promulgate legislative rules Chapter 138, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 398 Authorizing Department of Health and Human Resources promulgate legislative rules Chapter 136, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 373 Authorizing Department of Environmental Protection promulgate legislative rules Chapter 135, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 349 Authorizing miscellaneous boards and agencies promulgate legislative rules Chapter 140, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 340 Requiring consumers' notification of information security breach Chapter 37, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 337 Eliminating obsolete language concerning Supreme Court clerk Vetoed by Governor 3/20/08 - Senate Journal Effective ninety days from passage
SB 325 Relating to state employee deferred compensation plan Chapter 62, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 323 Relating to stormwater systems generally Chapter 202, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 317 Updating physician and podiatrist licensing requirements Chapter 160, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 311 Allowing judges to order jurors from other counties in certain situations Chapter 128, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 309 Increasing Secretary of Transportation and Commissioner of Highways salary when one person serves as both Chapter 198, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 305 Clarifying procedures for seizing neglected or abused animals Chapter 9, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 297 Authorizing School Building Authority to issue revenue bonds from State Excess Lottery Fund Chapter 79, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 292 Allowing Commissioner of Banking issue bond claims to collect certain unpaid penalties and invoices Chapter 17, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 291 Appointing additional circuit court judge to Pendleton, Hardy, Hampshire, Mercer and Wayne counties Chapter 52, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 287 Establishing West Virginia Research Trust Fund Chapter 91, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 286 Providing adult and child protective services workers personal immunity from civil liability Chapter 27, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective from passage
SB 280 Relating to Municipal Economic Opportunity Development District Act Chapter 46, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 272 Clarifying "telemarketing solicitation" definition Chapter 224, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 271 Establishing grievance procedure for State Police Chapter 200, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 270 Eliminating provisions requiring circuit clerks handle and disburse inmate moneys Chapter 118, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 265 Creating Special Aircraft Property Valuation Act Chapter 208, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 263 Updating certain code provisions relating to Division of Corrections Chapter 40, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 262 Repealing outdated code provisions relating to Denmar State Hospital Chapter 35, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 258 Repealing outdated code provisions relating to Huttonsville Correctional Center Chapter 34, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 257 Repealing outdated penitentiary code provisions Chapter 33, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 253 Defining "survey foot" Chapter 131, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 242 Allowing point deduction for certain licensees attending defensive driving class Vetoed by Governor 3/28/08 - House Journal Effective ninety days from passage
SB 239 Creating Senior Citizen Property Tax Payment Deferment Act Chapter 209, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective July 1, 2008
SB 238 Increasing monetary limit to file circuit court suit Chapter 49, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 237 Repealing county officers' annual report requirement of certain expenditures Chapter 32, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 236 Eliminating obsolete election language Chapter 99, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 234 Creating Maternal Mortality Review Team Chapter 144, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 227 Relating to State Teachers Retirement System Vetoed by Governor 3/28/08 - House Journal Effective ninety days from passage
SB 224 Authorizing Jefferson County commission to create joint emergency services agency Chapter 234, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 217 Reducing compliance time for nonresident traffic violations Chapter 65, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 208 Clarifying all Consolidated Public Retirement Board systems are included in employer pick-up provisions Chapter 189, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 207 Relating to Deputy Sheriff Retirement System Act Vetoed by Governor 3/28/08 - House Journal Effective ninety days from passage
SB 201 Providing terms for certain public retirement benefits disqualification Chapter 188, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 185 Clarifying mental conditions which prohibit firearms' possession and creating state registry of such persons Chapter 55, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 150 Budget bill Chapter 10, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 145 Relating to reasonable force in defense of self, real and personal property Chapter 23, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effect from passage
SB 142 Relating to limited expungement of certain criminal records Chapter 60, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 101 Exempting nonprofit companies providing electricity from property tax Chapter 206, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 88 Creating brownfield economic development districts Chapter 21, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 13 Relating to Dental Practice Act generally Chapter 162, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
SB 9 Permitting hunter safety program in public schools Chapter 73, Acts, Regular Session, 2008 Effective ninety days from passage
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