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There are 55 bill(s) regarding Governor -- Bills Requested By


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HB 4014 Budget Bill, making appropriations of public money out of the treasury in accordance with section fifty-one, article six of the Constitution Tabled    3rd Reading  03/07/08 
HB 4016 Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4017 Updating meaning of federal taxable income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4018 Renewing the West Virginia Small Business Linked Deposit Program Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4019 Relating to civil actions filed in the courts of the state Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4020 Authorizing the disclosure of certain mental health records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/15/08 
HB 4021 Revising mining safety equipment requirements and enhancing penalties for crimes against mining property Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4022 Relating to compensation and expenses of panel attorneys providing public defender services Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4023 Provide for the denial or suspension of a driver's license for any student who withdraws from school or fails to receive passing grades Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4033 Providing for a legislative rule requiring repayment of a PROMISE scholarship award under certain circumstances Pending  House Education Committee  01/11/08 
HB 4041 Relating to the regulation and treatment of the production of natural gas and coalbed methane Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4055 Authorizing an additional salary bonus for certain classroom teachers Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/08 
HB 4056 Requiring county board establishment of an additional supplemental salary schedule for classroom teachers in certain circumstances Pending  House Education Committee  01/16/08 
HB 4057 Joint Emergency Services Act of 2008 Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/16/08 
HB 4061 Senior Citizen Property Tax Payment Deferment Act Pending  House Finance Committee  01/17/08 
HB 4093 Special Aircraft Property Valuation Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/21/08 
HB 4094 Relating to reimbursement of compensation paid to certain state employees for job-related training, education or professional development Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4129 Revising licensing requirements for professional licensing boards, including authorizing a special volunteer license for health care professionals Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4130 Establishing the West Virginia Research Trust Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  02/20/08 
HB 4131 Authorizing the School Building Authority to issue certain revenue bonds from proceeds of the State Excess Lottery Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  02/20/08 
HB 4305 Providing an annual exemption from the consumers sales and service tax for purchases of certain energy efficient products Pending  House Finance Committee  01/28/08 
HB 4431 Increasing the compensation of the membership of the West Virginia State Police Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/08 
HB 4432 Increasing annual salaries of public school teachers, providing salary bonuses for classroom teachers, and increasing annual salaries for school service personnel Pending  House Education Committee  02/05/08 
HB 4496 Providing opportunities for members of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System ("TDC") to the State Teachers Retirement System ("TRS") Pending    CONF  03/06/08 
HB 4587 Making changes to the combined tax reporting requirements for the West Virginia corporate net income tax and business franchise tax and reducing the Corporation Net Income Tax rate Pending  House Finance Committee  02/15/08 
HB 4637 Relating to the deployment of broadband to the remaining unserved areas of the state Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
HB 4638 Relating to the recording of certain geologic information Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/08 
HB 4639 OxyContin Asset Forfeiture Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  02/18/08 
SB 150 Budget bill Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 182 Relating to coal mine health and safety generally Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/10/08 
SB 183 Updating meaning of certain terms used in WV Personal Income Tax Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/10/08 
SB 184 Updating meaning of certain terms used in WV Corporation Net Income Tax Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/10/08 
SB 185 Clarifying mental conditions which prohibit firearms' possession and creating state registry of such persons Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 186 Relating to Small Business Linked Deposit Program Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/31/08 
SB 200 Modifying certain civil actions Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/10/08 
SB 204 Creating Indigent Defense Commission Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/10/08 
SB 205 Establishing driver's license denial or suspension for students who fail or withdraw from school Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/10/08 
SB 213 Requiring Promise Scholarship repayments under certain circumstances Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/11/08 
SB 216 Eliminating certain coalbed methane tax exemptions under Severance and Business Privilege Tax Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/14/08 
SB 223 Creating Teacher Shortage Incentive Pilot Program Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/20/08 
SB 224 Authorizing Jefferson County commission to create joint emergency services agency Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 225 Establishing supplementary salary schedule for certain teachers Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/16/08 
SB 239 Creating Senior Citizen Property Tax Payment Deferment Act Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 264 Authorizing job-related training reimbursement for certain state employees Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/18/08 
SB 265 Creating Special Aircraft Property Valuation Act Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 278 Establishing special license for health care professionals volunteering services Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/15/08 
SB 287 Establishing West Virginia Research Trust Fund Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 297 Authorizing School Building Authority to issue revenue bonds from State Excess Lottery Fund Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 573 Increasing public school teachers' and service personnel annual salaries Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 574 Increasing State Police compensation Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 642 Allowing transfer of assets from Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System to State Teachers Retirement System Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  02/11/08 
SB 680 Relating to corporate net income tax and business franchise tax Signed    Governor  04/08/08 
SB 699 Establishing OxyContin Asset Forfeiture Fund RFSD    RECD  03/08/08 
SB 700 Requiring coal prospectors to record and report certain geological information Pending  Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee  02/18/08 
SB 701 Creating Broadband Deployment Council Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  02/18/08 
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