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Delegate McCuskey sponsored 46 bills:


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HB 2588 Relating to requiring notification to foster parents Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2596 Establishing the West Virginia Right to Work Law Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2752 Exempting construction performed on behalf of educational authorities from prevailing wage requirements Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2817 Relating generally to use of alternative-fuel motor vehicles Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2950 Providing cable operators and satellite television providers a tax credit for offering consumers ala carte service Pending  House Finance Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2989 Creating a system for the bifurcation for trial of claims for compensatory and exemplary damages Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/14 
HB 2991 Providing that a wine retailer may be licensed as a retail dealer in nonintoxicating beer for the limited purpose of selling nonintoxicating beer at the same festival or fair Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3012 Relating to the nonpartisan election of justices to the Supreme Court of Appeals beginning in 2014 Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3033 Relating to taxes on motor fuels, aviation fuels and consumer sales and service Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3037 Relating to the form of trust deeds Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3052 Exempting from excise taxation the transfer of real property from an individual to a wholly-owned subsidiary Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3057 Establishing the offense of operating a motor vehicle using a wearable computer with a head-mounted display Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3077 Relating to the publication requirements of the administration of estates Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3111 Relating to computing local share of public education support Pending  House Education Committee  01/09/14 
HB 3141 Providing consistency for the location of the Alcohol Beverage Control Administration's appeal hearings Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/14 
HB 4226 Prohibiting damage to property of railroads, public utilities and certain production storage and distribution facilities Pending    3rd Reading  03/08/14 
HB 4230 Relating to the secondary schools athletic commission Pending  House Education Committee  01/20/14 
HB 4254 Providing that certain state employees may be granted a leave of absence with pay during a declared state of emergency Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 4277 Requiring registration and inventory of existing above-ground storage tanks Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/23/14 
HB 4294 Establishing standards for court reporters and entities that provide court reporting services Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
HB 4304 Providing rules for motor vehicles passing bicycles on roadways Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 3, 2014)
HB 4311 Preventing taxpayer subsidization of health insurance covering elective abortions Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/24/14 
HB 4399 Prohibiting a local levying body from holding a special election under certain circumstances Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/24/14 
HB 4413 Requiring that athletic trainers be licensed Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/05/14 
HB 4442 Adding law-enforcement officers' personal information to the list of FOIA exemptions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/07/14 
HB 4458 Establishing the Tax Reduction Fund in the State Treasury Pending  House Education Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4462 Authorizing a new court to be know as the Intermediate Court of Appeals Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4466 Requiring that the Legislative Auditor conduct audits of all spending units Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/14 
HB 4477 Relating to the practice of psychology Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4486 Relating to circumstances requiring a prescription to dispense drug products that contain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine and other precursors Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/12/14 
HB 4495 Authorizing the election of and specifying qualifications for nonappointed members of the West Virginia Board of Education Pending  House Education Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4496 Providing for the allocation of matching funds from future moneys deposited into the West Virginia Research Trust Fund Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
HB 4524 Creating within the State Police a methamphetamine registry Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/13/14 
HB 4527 Creating monitoring and testing requirements for public water utilities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4530 Adding additional requirements for notification relating to industrial facilities emergency event notification and access, and creating an aboveground storage tank registry, and an Industrial Accident Citizen's Protection Fund Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4544 Requiring the Board of Funeral Service Examiners to post notice on its website of any disciplinary action resulting in sanctions against a licensee Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4554 Adjusting penalties for willful failure to pay child support Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/14/14 
HB 4561 Relating to the rate of tax on personal income, including bonuses earned and increases on salary Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4563 Relating to health insurance exchange navigators and nonnavigator assisters Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4566 Relating to workers' compensation death and disability benefits Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4568 Relating to public higher education personnel Pending  House Education Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4571 Requiring the Commissioner of Labor to conduct a study on workplace accidents at construction sites Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4593 Women's Health Protection Act Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4596 Continuing the fraud control unit in the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4610 Relating to valuation and assessment of property for ad valorem property taxation Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/14 
HB 4615 Relating to wage payment and collection Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/17/14 
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