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Delegate Armstead sponsored 48 bills:






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HB 4034 Authorizing any municipality to enact by ordinance a vacant property registration program Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2010)
HB 4035 Relating to electronic filing of tax returns and electronic funds transfers in payment of taxes Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 8, 2010)
HB 4036 Establishing the Judicial Vacancy Advisory Commission Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 11, 2010)
HB 4037 Relating generally to federal subsidy bonds and bond financing Signed  Effective from passage - (February 25, 2010)
HB 4038 Imposing a statutory lien on fire insurance proceeds in the event of a total loss to real property Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 9, 2010)
HB 4040 Requiring county boards to adopt contingency plans designed to guarantee one hundred eighty separate days of instruction for students Signed  Effective July 1, 2010
HB 4031 Providing flexibility in the West Virginia public school support plan for funding regional education service agencies Signed  Effective July 1, 2010
HB 4130 Creating the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Public Campaign Financing Pilot Program Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 11, 2010)
HB 4604 Increasing the criminal penalties for persons who obstruct, flee from or make false statements to law-enforcement officers Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 18, 2010)
HB 4025 Budget Bill, making appropriations of public money out of the treasury in accordance with section fifty-one, article six of the Constitution Tabled    3rd Reading  03/12/10 
HB 4323 Prohibiting use of turning lanes for through traffic under certain circumstances Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  03/04/10 
HB 4609 Exempting veterans' organizations from consumers sales and service tax Pending  House Finance Committee  02/22/10 
HB 4611 Abolishing joint liability and establishing the principle of comparative fault Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/10 
HB 4619 Authorizing a new court to be known as the Intermediate Court of Appeals and delineating the structure and duties thereof Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/10 
HB 4654 Limiting storage of methyl isocyanate Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/22/10 
HB 4661 Relating to registration of state-owned or leased cellular phones Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/10 
HB 4592 Relating to volunteer and part volunteer fire companies and departments Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/19/10 
HB 4488 Prohibiting cloning human embryos in state medical schools, colleges or universities Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/12/10 
HB 4279 Renaming the West Virginia Parkways, Economic Development and Tourism Authority Pending  House Finance Committee  02/02/10 
HB 4282 Creating the "Health Care Choice Act" Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/02/10 
HB 4287 Providing that a person convicted of a crime, under the provisions of the West Virginia Computer Crime and Abuse Act, against a minor is denied Internet access as part of punishment and penalty Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/02/10 
HB 4296 Authorizing the Division of Motor Vehicles to create and issue special registration plates bearing the inscription "Support Coal Miners" Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  02/02/10 
HB 4183 Requiring a study of the telecommunications tax Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/26/10 
HB 4041 Authorizing the School Building Authority to issue bonds in the maximum aggregate amount of $500 million outstanding at any time Pending  House Finance Committee  01/22/10 
HB 4042 Relating to ethical standards for elected and appointed officials and public employees Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/15/10 
HB 4032 Relating to accelerated parole eligibility for certain inmates Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/14/10 
HB 4033 Relating to the management of motor vehicles and aircraft owned or possessed by the state Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/14/10 
HB 4028 Updating the meaning of federal taxable income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act Pending  House Finance Committee  01/14/10 
HB 4029 Establishing crimes of malicious assault, unlawful assault, battery and assault on volunteer firefighters, emergency medical technicians and emergency medical service employees Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/14/10 
HB 4030 Updating the meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act Pending  House Finance Committee  01/14/10 
HB 2319 Creating a Sentencing Commission Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2363 Jobs Impact Statement Act Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2551 Instituting a "Celebrate Freedom Week" and requiring the instruction in the study of the Declaration of Independence and other American historical documents Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2554 Abolishing the business and franchise tax Pending  House Finance Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2556 Prohibiting lottery form using minors in advertising during school hours Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2559 Directing the State Board of Education to determine what principal and teacher reports are unnecessary Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2610 Prohibiting state funding of abortions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2615 Providing discounted motor registration fees for members of volunteer fire departments Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2629 Providing an exemption from estate taxes and the Consumers Sales and Service Tax for certain expenses of any infant who dies before reaching one year of age Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2634 Relating to limitations for certain asbestos exposure claims Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2945 Encouraging public officials to display the national motto on all public property and public buildings Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3081 Coal-to-Liquid Act of 2009 Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3091 Budget and Spending Transparency Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3215 Eliminating the start and the end date of the instructional term for public schools and increasing the number of instructional days Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3249 Preventing vehicles from driving more than seventy-five feet in a center lane designated for left turns Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3260 Requiring the accumulation of one and one-half years of instruction in the study of the Declaration of Independence and other founding American historical documents, including the Bill of Rights, before high school graduation Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3286 The Eustace Frederick Preengineering and Technology Education Programs Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3316 Decreasing the corporate income tax rate beginning in the year 2012 Pending  House Finance Committee  01/13/10 
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