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Delegate Fragale sponsored 72 bills:


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HB 2005 Requiring schools to post and make available to the public the schedules of teachers and staff Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2044 Including Salem International University as an eligible institution and modifying provisions regarding eligible higher education institutions receiving PROMISE scholarship funds Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2052 Prohibiting a person convicted of any felony from holding public office Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2054 Providing a mechanism whereby unused, unexpired nonnarcotic drugs previously owned by a deceased nursing home patient or resident may be donated to free health care clinics in the state Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2059 Prohibiting certain sex offenders from loitering within one thousand feet of a school or child care facility, school bus stop, or other child safety zone Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2069 Increasing the faculty senate allotment for classroom teachers and librarians Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2126 Requiring that the State School Board ensure that no class size for grades seven through twelve be greater than twenty-five students to every one teacher Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2320 Providing for a modification to federal adjusted gross income for expenses incurred by organ donors Pending  House Finance Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2348 Requiring mandatory community service upon conviction of a misdemeanor offense of driving under the influence and creating a central registry Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2358 Including a tax checkoff option for Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp Pending  House Agriculture Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2366 Relating to fleeing from a law-enforcement officer Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2383 Prohibiting any person convicted of any felony from voting in an election of state and local officials Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2384 Allowing the State Superintendent of Schools to designate certain geographical areas as a "School Choice Zone" Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2436 Relating to the definition of "eligible veteran" for certain state training and employment preference benefits Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2452 Providing that a child born addicted to a controlled substance constitutes child abuse Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2456 Relating to child abuse and neglect Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2480 Exempting all military income from personal income taxes Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2499 Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to remediate any waste tire pile in the state consisting of more than twenty-five tires Pending  House Finance Committee  01/28/10 
HB 2563 Allowing state employees to take paid leave to attend parent-teacher conference for their children Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2598 Relating to parental notification requirements for abortions performed on unemancipated minors Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2609 Establishing criminal penalties for interfering with medical treatment of a railroad employee Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2624 Subtracting social security benefits from federal adjusted gross income to determine West Virginia adjusted gross income for purposes of personal income tax Pending  House Finance Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2640 Authorizing the Governor to appoint an additional member to the Surface Mine Board that represents the interest of labor Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2732 Requiring county boards of education to employ a certified library media specialist in each county school Pending  House Education Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2773 Increasing the monetary penalties for selling tobacco products to minors Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 11, 2010)
HB 2879 Increasing the minimum prison sentence for a parent or guardian or custodian who abuses a child Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2905 Increasing the distance required for surface mining activity in relation to cemeteries Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/13/10 
HB 2928 Clarifying procedures for protection of graves and burial sites Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3034 Giving county litter control officers the authority to issue citations for not having proof of proper disposal of garbage Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3067 Allowing certain owners of warehouses to store and to transport quantities of alcoholic liquors, wine, beer or nonintoxicating beer which are not intended or being stored for the purpose of sale or use within the state Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3070 Allowing nonprofit organizations to hold up to two charitable Texas hold'em tournaments per year Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3089 Designating December 7 of each year as "West Virginia Patriots of World War II" and making it a state holiday Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3102 Requiring sex offenders to pay a fee which is to be deposited into the State Police Retirement Fund Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3147 Allowing the legal sale of liquor and wine on Sunday to be the same hours as prescribed for the sale of beer on Sunday Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3212 Changing language about campaign finance reporting Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3214 Adding to the definition of private investigator Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3221 Allowing employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs and special agents within the Office of Inspector General to carry firearms while performing their duties Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 3317 Relating to public records management and preservation Pending  House Finance Committee  02/12/10 
HB 4014 Requiring qualifying law-enforcement officers employed by a West Virginia law-enforcement agency to receive certification to carry a concealed firearm nationwide Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/13/10 
HB 4016 Strengthening the Ethics Act financial disclosure filing requirements Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/10/10 
HB 4137 Using voter registration figures to determine the placement of political parties on the general election ballot Pending    3rd Reading  03/13/10 
HB 4207 Making it unlawful to send obscene, anonymous, harassing and threatening communications by computer, mobile phone, personal digital assistant or other mobile device Pending    CONF  03/13/10 
HB 4212 Requiring PSC update railroad walkway safety regulations Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  02/22/10 
HB 4332 Permitting certain part-time employees to be eligible for unemployment compensation benefits Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/10 
HB 4343 Labor History Week Act Pending  House Education Committee  02/04/10 
HB 4387 Flexible Leave Act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/03/10 
HB 4389 Exempting sales of personal tangible property and services by public and private schools from consumer sales tax and service Pending  House Finance Committee  02/10/10 
HB 4392 Requiring the Consolidated Public Retirement Board to deduct from monthly benefits to retirees sums to pay retiree association dues and to provide retiree associations or organizations lists of plan beneficiaries and addresses Pending  House Finance Committee  02/11/10 
HB 4398 Redefining planning periods for teachers Pending  House Education Committee  02/08/10 
HB 4399 Creating the Higher Education Merit Screening Advisory Committee Pending  House Education Committee  02/08/10 
HB 4412 Reducing from six months to three months the period of delinquency for failure to meet an obligation to pay support to a minor Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/10 
HB 4450 Relating to land surveyors Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2010)
HB 4454 Establishing the Office of Child Advocacy Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/10 
HB 4457 Relating to the access to and protection of cemeteries Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 9, 2010)
HB 4463 Imposing an additional levy on property within the county for the sole purpose of funding public libraries Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/12/10 
HB 4472 Prohibiting the use of a mobile communication device to engage in text messaging or additional technologies while operating a motor vehicle Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  02/12/10 
HB 4495 Relating to special demonstration professional development school projects Pending  House Education Committee  02/15/10 
HB 4497 Extending the maximum length of protective orders in domestic violence Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/15/10 
HB 4508 Increasing the allowable expense that may be paid for the clean-up of real property damage by a meth lab Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/10 
HB 4512 Relating to school bus operators Signed  Effective July 1, 2010
HB 4522 Relating to prescribing regulations governing the advertising of alcoholic liquors and nonintoxicating beers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/10 
HB 4542 Creating the Spay Neuter Assistance Fund Pending  House Agriculture Committee  02/18/10 
HB 4548 Providing a personal income tax exemption for living organ donors Pending  House Finance Committee  02/18/10 
HB 4556 Relating to an annual legislative audit of the Parkways Authority Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/18/10 
HB 4558 Making certain clarifications of the definition of the term employment as contained in this article Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/18/10 
HB 4583 Permitting municipalities and counties to use proceeds from the hotel occupancy tax to fund public libraries Pending  House Finance Committee  02/24/10 
HB 4588 Creating the 2010 West Virginia Job Promotion, Evaluation and Reporting Act Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/19/10 
HB 4591 Requiring health insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorders Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/19/10 
HB 4604 Increasing the criminal penalties for persons who obstruct, flee from or make false statements to law-enforcement officers Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 18, 2010)
HB 4638 Relating to air pollution control Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/22/10 
HB 4655 Relating to when notices of termination of an employment contract with school personnel, notices of transfer of school personnel and notices to probationary personnel of rehiring or nonrehiring are to be given Pending  House Education Committee  02/22/10 
HB 4659 Relating to the designation of a primary guardian for a minor child Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/10 
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