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The search returned 123 bills introduced on 01/26/15:


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HB 2276 Legislative rule relating to the inspection of meat and poultry Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2277 Consolidated Public Retirement Board, rule relating to the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2278 Consolidated Public Retirement Board, rule relating to refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and employer error interest factors Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2279 Consolidated Public Retirement Board to promulgate a rule relating to service credit for accrued and unused sick and annual leave Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2280 Board of Dental Examiners, formation and approval of professional limited liability companies Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/03/15 
HB 2281 Dental Examiners, formation and approval of dental corporations and dental practice ownership Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/03/15 
HB 2282 Department of Environmental Protection, permits for construction and major modification of major stationary sources for the prevention of significant deterioration of air quality Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2283 Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to promulgate legislative rules Signed  Effective from passage - (March 12, 2015)
HB 2284 Department of Environmental Protection, control of air pollution from hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2285 Department of Environmental Protection, requirements for operating permits Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2286 Department of Environmental Protection, emission standards for hazardous air pollutants Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2287 Department of Environmental Protection, awarding of WV Stream Partners Program Grants Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2288 Department of Environmental Protection, hazardous waste management system Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2289 Department of Environmental Protection, requirements governing water quality standards Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2290 Department of Environmental Protection to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the WV/NPDES rule for coal mining facilities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2291 Enterprise Resource Planning Board to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the enterprise resource planning system user fee Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/15 
HB 2292 State Fire Commission to promulgate a legislative rule relating to volunteer firefighters' training, equipment and operating standards Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/15 
HB 2293 Department of Health and Human Resources, chronic pain management clinic licensure Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2294 Insurance Commissioner, recognizing annuity mortality tables for use in determining reserve liabilities for annuities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2295 Division of Natural Resources, relating to special boating Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2296 Division of Natural Resources, defining the terms used in all hunting and trapping rules Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2297 Division of Natural Resources, lifetime hunting, trapping and fishing licenses Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2298 Division of Natural Resources, hunting, trapping and fishing license and stamp fees Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2299 Board of Osteopathy, fees for services rendered by the board Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/15 
HB 2300 Board of Physical Therapy, fees for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/15 
HB 2301 Racing Commission, relating to thoroughbred racing Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/15 
HB 2302 Department of Administration, Purchasing Division Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/15 
HB 2303 Department of Administration, state owned vehicles Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/03/15 
HB 2304 Department of Administration, state plan for the operation of the West Virginia State Agency for Surplus Property Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/15 
HB 2305 Office of Administrative Hearings, appeal procedures Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/15 
HB 2306 Commissioner of Agriculture, animal disease control Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2307 Commissioner of Agriculture, relating to auctioneers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2308 Commissioner of Agriculture, fee structure for the Pesticide Control Act of 1990 Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/15 
HB 2309 Commissioner of Agriculture, West Virginia Plant Pest Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2310 Commissioner of Agriculture, West Virginia Spay Neuter Assistance Program Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2311 Commissioner of Agriculture, industrial hemp Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2312 Commissioner of Agriculture, livestock care standards Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2313 Commissioner of Agriculture, equine rescue facilities Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2314 Commissioner of Agriculture, aquaculture importation Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2315 Commissioner of Agriculture, frozen desserts and imitation frozen desserts Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/15 
HB 2316 Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, private club licensing Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2317 Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, nonintoxicating beer licensing and operations procedures Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2318 Board of Dental Examiners to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the board Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/03/15 
HB 2319 Board of Dental Examiners, dental recovery networks Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/15 
HB 2320 Family Protection Services Board, operation of the board Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2321 Family Protection Services Board, domestic violence program licensure standards Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2322 Family Protection Services Board, perpetrator intervention programs licensure Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2323 Family Protection Services Board, Monitored Parenting and Exchange Program Certification Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2324 Family Protection Services Board, perpetrator intervention programs licensure for correctional institutions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2325 State Fire Marshal, legislative rule relating to supervision of fire protection work Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/15 
HB 2326 Division of Forestry, relating to ginseng Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2327 Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction, relating to law enforcement training and certification standards Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/15 
HB 2328 Department of Health and Human Resources, relating to nursing home licensure Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2329 Department of Health and Human Resources, medication administration and performance of health maintenance tasks by approved medication assistive personnel Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2330 Department of Health and Human Resource, relating to the nurse aid abuse and neglect registry Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2331 Department of Health and Human Resources, relating to the state-wide trauma/emergency care system Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2332 Department of Health and Human Resources, Fatality and Mortality Review Team Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2333 Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to public water systems Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2334 Insurance Commissioner, annuity disclosure Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2335 Division of Labor, Amusement Rides and Amusement Attractions Safety Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/15 
HB 2336 Division of Labor, relating to weights and measures calibration fees Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/15 
HB 2337 Division of Labor, verifying the legal employment status of workers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/15 
HB 2338 Division of Labor, supervision of plumbing work Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/15 
HB 2339 Division of Labor, heating, venting and cooling work Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/15 
HB 2340 Division of Labor, relating to child labor Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/13/15 
HB 2341 Board of Medicine, relating to licensure, disciplinary and complaint procedures; continuing education; and physician assistants Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2342 Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training, safety of those employed in and around quarries in West Virginia Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/13/15 
HB 2343 Division of Motor Vehicles, examination and issuance of driver's licenses Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/15 
HB 2344 Division of Natural Resources, commercial whitewater outfitters Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2345 Division of Natural Resources, wildlife damage control agents Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2346 Division of Natural Resources, general hunting Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2347 Office of Technology to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the procedures for sanitization, retirement and disposition of information technology equipment Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/03/15 
HB 2348 Board of Osteopathic Medicine to promulgate a legislative rule relating to osteopathic physician assistants Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/06/15 
HB 2349 Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to licensure and the practice of pharmacy Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2350 Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to immunizations administered by pharmacists Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2351 Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the registration of pharmacy technicians Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2352 Board of Pharmacy to promulgate a legislative rule relating to controlled substances monitoring Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/30/15 
HB 2353 Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board, requirements for registration and renewal of appraisal management companies Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/15 
HB 2354 Secretary of State, procedures for recount of election results Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/15 
HB 2355 Secretary of State, standards and guidelines for electronic notarization Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/15 
HB 2356 Secretary of State, relating to notaries public Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/15 
HB 2357 Secretary of State, relating to a schedule of fees for notaries public Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/15 
HB 2358 Conservation Committee, financial assistance programs Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2359 State Police, regulations and procedures pertaining to the West Virginia DNA databank Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2360 State Tax Department, appointment of special assessors by the State Tax Commissioner Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/16/15 
HB 2361 Commissioner of Agriculture, dangerous wild animals Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/15 
HB 2362 Commissioner of Agriculture, Rural Rehabilitation Loan Program Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2363 Department of Environmental Protection, waste management Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2364 Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, examination, licensure and practice for professional engineers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/12/15 
HB 2365 Relating to voting procedures Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2366 Relating generally to the solicitation of minors Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/14/15 
HB 2367 Permitting members of volunteer fire departments to participate in the state's public employees insurance plan Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2368 Relating to child welfare RQST    CONF  03/13/15 
HB 2369 Creating an additional magistrate court deputy clerk position for Marion County Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2370 Increasing the powers of regional councils for governance of regional education service agencies Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2015)
HB 2371 Relating to abortions performed on unemancipated minors Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2372 Relating to school calendars Pending  House Education Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2373 Prohibiting the establishment of new methadone treatment programs and clinics; providing exceptions Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2374 Providing benefits for those who have served in the military service Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2375 Providing civil service status for certain employees of the Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2376 Creating the Save the Hospitals Act Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2377 Authorizing State Board of Education to approve certain alternatives with respect to instructional time Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2015)
HB 2378 Prohibiting chairmen of state political parties during or up to one year after the termination of their employment as chairmen of those political parties from registering as lobbyists Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2379 Simplifying the process by which a bank may adjust the hours of operation for branch offices Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2380 Requiring the issuance of a search warrant before a driver of a motor vehicle can be made to submit to a secondary blood test Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/26/15 
HB 2381 Providing a teacher mentoring increment for classroom teachers with national board certification who teach and mentor at certain schools Signed  Effective July 1, 2015
HB 2382 Relating to the temporary assistance to needy families program Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/12/15 
SB 298 Clarifying funds within Public Employees Retirement Fund Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 21, 2015)
SB 299 Clarifying start date of State Police duty-related and nonduty related disability payments Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 24, 2015)
SB 300 Relating to military service credit for PERS members Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/15 
SB 301 Modifying definition of "member" in Municipal Police and Firefighters Retirement System Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/15 
SB 302 Relating to state retirement plans Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 21, 2015)
SB 303 Reducing sales tax proceeds dedicated to School Major Improvement Fund and School Construction Fund Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/26/15 
SB 304 Relating to farmers markets Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 12, 2015)
SB 305 Relating to state retirement system participation and concurrent employment provisions Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/15 
SB 306 Establishing Intermediate Court of Appeals Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/26/15 
SB 307 Creating Paycheck Protection Act Pending  Senate Labor Committee  01/26/15 
SB 308 Changing minimum interest rate paid on judgments or decrees Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/26/15 
SB 309 Authorizing Corrections Commissioner to enter into mutual aid agreements Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/06/15 
SB 310 Exempting nonprofit public utility companies from B&O tax Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 12, 2015)
SB 311 Changing Coopers Rock State Forest to Coopers Rock State Park Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  01/26/15 
SB 312 Relating to disqualification of general election nominees for failure to file campaign finance statements Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 12, 2015)
SB 313 Relating to delinquency proceedings of insurers Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/10/15 
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