Introduced Version House Resolution 10 History

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(By Delegates Ridenour, Martin, Marple, Butler, Longanacre, Dillon, and Mazzocchi)

[Introduced February 5, 2024; Referred

to the Committee on the Judiciary then Rules]

Requesting that the House of Delegates of West Virginia recognize that the District Court for the District of Columbia is a politicized court.

Whereas, The House of Delegates finds that a politicized judiciary is a direct and lethal threat to our Republic and to the state of West Virginia; and

Whereas, The House of Delegates finds that prosecutions initiated and conducted for political purposes are a threat to the integrity of our system of justice; and

Whereas, The House of Delegates finds that, as the direct representatives of the People of West Virginia, it has the authority and responsibility to determine whether an entity is conducting activities that threaten the State of West Virginia, and the integrity of our republican form of government; and

Whereas, The House of Delegates believes that many of the prosecutions initiated in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia consist of such biased prosecutions aided and abetted by politically biased federal ‘law enforcement’ investigators, prosecutors, and federal judges, acting contrary to their sworn obligations, and the presence of an overwhelmingly politically one-sided jury pool; and

Whereas, The House of Delegates finds that the United States Department of Justice has used this forum to conduct political prosecutions against political opponents of the current regime, including innocent Americans of all political stripes; and

Whereas, The politicized prosecutions in this District Court result in highly biased judicial rulings and unjust plea deals based upon overcharging minor offenses or no offense at all, with equally unjust convictions of individuals on fabricated or spurious charges, or both; and

Whereas, The District Court for the District of Columbia has usurped the proper role of a court and the judicial process, and is frequently engaged in illegal political persecution of generally innocent victims of these politicized prosecutions; therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Delegates:

That the District Court for the District of Columbia is a politicized court and thus many of its rulings are not only unconstitutional and invalid, but are a direct threat to the Republic and to the State of West Virginia; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the prosecuting attorneys of the State of West Virginia work with the Attorney General of the State of West Virginia to identify individuals in the District Court for the District of Columbia who have engaged in or facilitated these political prosecutions; and, be it

Further Resolved, That prosecuting attorneys, in coordination with the Attorney General, should initiate charges for any individual, including ‘law enforcement’ investigators who facilitate charges, prosecutors who bring politicized charges and engage in political prosecutions, federal judges who fail to properly rule in a politicized prosecution case, and jurors who unjustly convict an individual charged in a politicized prosecution case, or any individuals who have conducted or facilitated political prosecutions of citizens or residents of the State of West Virginia; and be it

Further Resolved, That prosecuting attorneys should work with the Attorney General to initiate extradition requests for any locations these individuals may be found or where they may travel to.  West Virginia law enforcement, including all Sheriffs and municipal law enforcement entities, will be provided with sufficient descriptions of these individuals in the event they are found in or travel to the State of West Virginia, and will arrest wanted individuals; and be it

Further Resolved, That this House requests that Congress immediately defund and disband the District Court for the District of Columbia; and invalidate any rulings deemed the result of political prosecutions; and be it

Further resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates shall forward a copy of this resolution to the Speaker and Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, and the members of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives of the State of West Virginia; and, to forward a copy of this resolution to the appropriate authorities in all of the several states requesting their assistance in termination of political prosecutions in general, and in the District Court for the District of Columbia in particular; and that the several states provide assistance in any extradition requests for individuals having facilitated these political prosecutions.

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