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Senator Stollings sponsored 94 bills:


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SB 1 Modifying controlled substances schedules and prescriptive authority Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/29/14 
SB 2 Providing tax incentive to dental practitioners performing services to indigents Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/08/14 
SB 6 Regulating sale of drug products used in manufacture of methamphetamine DSCH    CONF  03/08/14 
SB 10 Requiring Medicaid dental coverage for certain mothers of newborns Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/08/14 
SB 11 Relating to cellular telephone communications and wiretapping evidentiary provisions in family court proceedings Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 12 Relating to expedited partner therapy treatment Vetoed  Vetoed
SB 13 Modifying Courthouse Facilities Improvement Authority funding assistance Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 14 Establishing child support insurance match program Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  01/08/14 
SB 15 Removing certain billing limitations for HIV or STD testing by public health agencies Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/28/14 
SB 16 Requiring health insurance coverage of hearing aids for certain individuals Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  01/08/14 
SB 17 Allowing possession of opioid antagonist by certain public safety personnel Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/08/14 
SB 85 Establishing driver's license restoration program Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  01/08/14 
SB 86 Expanding grandparents' rights Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 89 Creating amnesty program for certain drivers with suspended licenses Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  01/08/14 
SB 308 Creating Shale Research, Education, Policy and Economic Development Center at WVU Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/09/14 
SB 312 Creating Project Launchpad Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/06/14 
SB 317 Relating to municipal firearm laws Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 318 Setting fees for manufacture, distribution, dispensing and research of controlled substances Pending  House Finance Committee  02/28/14 
SB 336 Relating to possession and administration of opioid antagonist Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/14 
SB 339 Adding tramadol and related salts and isomers to Schedule IV controlled substances Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/14/14 
SB 350 Relating to Rural Rehabilitation Loan Program Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 351 Requiring thoroughbred licensees pay portion of purse to Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/15/14 
SB 352 Promoting development of corporate sponsorships for state parks and recreation areas Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  01/15/14 
SB 353 Relating to timber theft from state forests Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 355 Amending Water Resources Protection and Management Act Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  01/15/14 
SB 359 Reducing number of precincts for manual count in post-election canvass Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 369 Requiring state procurement by competitive bidding Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/16/14 
SB 371 Prohibiting possession of wild and exotic animals Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  01/16/14 
SB 373 Relating to water resources protection Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 379 Reclassifying counties Pending    RECD  03/08/14 
SB 380 Redefining "all-terrain and utility terrain vehicles" Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 381 Requiring CPR and care for conscious choking instruction in public schools Pending  House Education Committee  02/28/14 
SB 384 Prohibiting certain insurers require policyholders use mail-order pharmacy Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/18/14 
SB 386 Revising laws relating to DHHR and Bureau of Medical Services Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/22/14 
SB 394 Redesignating Health Sciences Scholarship Program as Health Sciences Service Program Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 397 Expanding scope of activities considered financial exploitation of elderly Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 418 Relating to medical and podiatry corporations Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/06/14 
SB 419 Creating Overdose Prevention Act Pending    RECD  03/08/14 
SB 420 Relating to data sharing in P-20W Longitudinal Data System Pending  House Finance Committee  03/06/14 
SB 422 Expanding state aid for students of certain health professions Rejected      02/17/14 
SB 424 Regulating unlicensed off-road motorcycles within Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Area Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/03/14 
SB 425 Relating to licensure, supervision and regulation of physician assistants Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 430 Relating to receipting of state moneys Pending    Concurrence  03/08/14 
SB 432 Relating to calculating local share Tabled    3rd Reading  03/08/14 
SB 436 Providing Prosecuting Attorneys Institute executive council establish salary of director Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/27/14 
SB 440 Creating O. C. Spaulding Electronic Recording Act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/05/14 
SB 447 Authorizing additional circuit court judge Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/29/14 
SB 448 Providing one-time supplement for certain PERS and STRS retirees Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  01/29/14 
SB 455 Creating Move to Improve Act Pending  House Education Committee  02/28/14 
SB 456 Extending expiration date for health care provider tax on eligible acute care hospitals Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014)
SB 458 Dedicating certain circuit court fees to fund low-income persons' civil legal services Signed  Effective July 1, 2014
SB 460 Permitting School of Osteopathic Medicine invest certain moneys in its foundation Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
SB 461 Creating Future Fund Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 466 Creating Storm Scammer Consumer Protection Act Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  02/03/14 
SB 469 Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 470 Providing completed grand jury questionnaires are confidential Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 2, 2014)
SB 471 Relating to alternative and renewable energy portfolio standards Pending  Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee  02/19/14 
SB 473 Providing undesirable highway property be offered for public utility use Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/03/14 
SB 477 Providing teachers determine use of time during planning period Vetoed  Vetoed
SB 479 Providing vocational certification, licensure or college credit for military training and experience Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/04/14 
SB 481 Requiring DOT place signs honoring fallen veterans and Gold Star Families Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  02/04/14 
SB 483 Renaming administrative heads of Potomac campus of WVU and WVU Institute of Technology Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2014)
SB 485 Exempting DOH from certain permitting requirements of Natural Streams Preservation Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 488 Establishing WV Voluntary Employee Retirement Accounts Program Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  02/05/14 
SB 492 Requiring State Board of Pharmacy develop specialty drugs list Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/12/14 
SB 498 Permitting persons to possess certain firearms in vehicle without concealed deadly weapons permit Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/06/14 
SB 503 Revising Child Welfare Act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/12/14 
SB 509 Regulating pharmacy benefits managers Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  02/07/14 
SB 510 Including state land grant institutions in Research Trust Fund Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/14/14 
SB 513 Relating to cost reimbursement of servicing high-cost/high-acuity special needs students Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/14/14 
SB 523 Providing for additional state veterans skilled nursing facility in Beckley Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 527 Prohibiting beer and wine sales at self-scan registers Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/10/14 
SB 531 Relating to licensing of funeral directors Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/10/14 
SB 532 Allowing certain military firefighters to become civilian firefighters Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/10/14 
SB 536 Granting in-state tuition to honorably discharged and injured veterans Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/11/14 
SB 539 Providing certain law-enforcement officers employed as school security be allowed to carry firearms Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/27/14 
SB 540 Requiring SSAC promulgate rules allowing college preparatory team recognition Pending  House Education Committee  02/20/14 
SB 548 Creating special one-day charitable event license to sell nonintoxicating beer Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/12/14 
SB 560 Including WVSU in Research Trust Fund; other provisions Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/13/14 
SB 571 Distributing portion of Greyhound Breeder Development Fund previously dedicated to training facility construction Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/14 
SB 573 Establishing cook-meal ratios for full-day and half-day school cooks Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/13/14 
SB 579 Creating Land Reuse Agency Authorization Act Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 580 Permitting wine sales at certain college and university sports stadiums Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/14 
SB 590 Creating Clearance for Access: Registry and Employment Screening Act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/14/14 
SB 595 Including waste management facilities and timber operations in facilities with protection against property crimes Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/14/14 
SB 599 Providing exemption from skilled nursing bed moratorium for speciality skilled nursing beds Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/18/14 
SB 602 Requiring health care providers wear ID badges Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 603 Relating to testing for presence of methane in underground mines Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 604 Creating Coal Employment Enhancement Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/14 
SB 612 Discontinuing moratorium on commercial rafting licenses on portion of New River Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  02/17/14 
SB 613 Expanding definition of "eligible safety property" in Innovative Mine Safety Technology Tax Credit Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/14 
SB 614 Providing standard for determining when grandparent has standing for child custody Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/14 
SB 617 Terminating Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Technology Board of Examiners Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/17/14 
SB 628 Creating Healthy Children and Healthy Communities Act Pending  House Finance Committee  02/28/14 
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