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Senator Carmichael sponsored 57 bills:


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SB 37 Creating personal income tax checkoff for Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/04/14 
SB 71 Limiting landowner's civil liability for injuries occurring while hunting Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  01/08/14 
SB 72 Creating Intrastate Coal and Use Act Pending  Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee  01/15/14 
SB 215 Creating Intermediate Court of Appeals Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 217 Prohibiting public officials and employees from using public funds for self promotion Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/08/14 
SB 232 Providing for nonpartisan election of Supreme Court justices Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/08/14 
SB 270 Creating Jobs Impact Statement Act Pending  Senate Economic Development Committee  01/15/14 
SB 286 Relating to used motor vehicle warranties Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  01/08/14 
SB 287 Relating to requirement of professional engineer serving on sanitary board Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/08/14 
SB 288 Clarifying individual is disqualified from unemployment benefits while on strike Pending  Senate Labor Committee  01/08/14 
SB 289 Establishing comparative fault standard Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 290 Relating to Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  01/08/14 
SB 291 Increasing threshold of defendant's liability in tort action involving multiple defendants Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 292 Requiring prevailing hourly rates in public improvements construction Pending  Senate Labor Committee  01/08/14 
SB 293 Limiting punitive damages awarded in personal injury or wrongful death cases Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 294 Relating to reduction in compensatory damages for collateral source payments Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 295 Extending time period for wage payments after termination Pending  Senate Labor Committee  01/08/14 
SB 299 Creating loser-pays civil justice system Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 300 Creating Intermediate Court of Appeals Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/08/14 
SB 301 Relating to drug testing of legislators and public assistance recipients Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  01/08/14 
SB 302 Creating Tax Revenue Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  01/08/14 
SB 359 Reducing number of precincts for manual count in post-election canvass Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 360 Repealing article relating to wages for construction of public improvements Pending  Senate Labor Committee  01/16/14 
SB 387 Clarifying duly authorized officers have legal custody of their prisoners while in WV Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 388 Creating Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/21/14 
SB 394 Redesignating Health Sciences Scholarship Program as Health Sciences Service Program Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 4, 2014)
SB 429 Relating to public school curricular standards and assessments Pending  Senate Education Committee  01/24/14 
SB 443 Relating to SPRS Signed    Governor  04/14/14 
SB 444 Relating to PERS Signed    Governor  04/14/14 
SB 448 Providing one-time supplement for certain PERS and STRS retirees Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  01/29/14 
SB 450 Relating to sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in certain outdoor settings Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2014)
SB 451 Relating to distribution of certain retirement benefits of deceased uniformed service officers under qualified domestic relations order Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/03/14 
SB 452 Relating to TRS annuity calculation of member with reciprocal service credit Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 20, 2014)
SB 453 Relating to TRS Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/14/14 
SB 465 Permitting counties to impose levy for public library funding Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/03/14 
SB 466 Creating Storm Scammer Consumer Protection Act Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  02/03/14 
SB 468 Providing for Veterans Medal and Service Cross Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/25/14 
SB 469 Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 475 Authorizing additional circuit court judge Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/03/14 
SB 496 Limiting health insurance coverage for elective abortions to supplemental policies; exceptions Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  02/05/14 
SB 498 Permitting persons to possess certain firearms in vehicle without concealed deadly weapons permit Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/06/14 
SB 499 Making Prudent Investor Act primary standard of care for Investment Management Board Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 1, 2014)
SB 511 Specifying Legislative Auditor's performance reviews and audits include Board of Public Works and Legislature Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/07/14 
SB 512 Providing for personal income tax checkoff for Cedar Lakes Foundation Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/07/14 
SB 514 Eliminating expense of Meth lab cleanup from Crime Victims Compensation Act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/07/14 
SB 523 Providing for additional state veterans skilled nursing facility in Beckley Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2014)
SB 525 Exempting PERS and TRS pensions and annuities from state income tax Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  02/10/14 
SB 529 Redefining "recreational purposes" as to limiting landowners' liability Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  02/10/14 
SB 536 Granting in-state tuition to honorably discharged and injured veterans Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/11/14 
SB 538 Adopting federal definition of "disabled veteran" for civil service and state contract bidding Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/14 
SB 539 Providing certain law-enforcement officers employed as school security be allowed to carry firearms Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/27/14 
SB 543 Creating Jobs Impact Statement Act Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/14 
SB 546 Granting in-state tuition to military eligible for Post-9/11 GI Bill Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/12/14 
SB 548 Creating special one-day charitable event license to sell nonintoxicating beer Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/12/14 
SB 550 Providing annual salary increase to Division of Corrections employees Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/12/14 
SB 564 Providing consumer identity theft protection under Obamacare Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  02/13/14 
SB 607 Providing act of domestic violence or sexual offense by strangling is aggravated felony Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/14 
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