
Member's Press Release

Release Date: 03/04/2015
Contact: Speaker Tim Armstead at (304) 340-3210

Tim Armstead

Veto Override of H.B. 2568 from Speaker Tim Armstead

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (March 4, 2015) – Today the West Virginia House of Delegates passed a veto override of H.B. 2568, the Pain Capable Unborn Protection Act by a vote of 77-16.

Speaker Tim Armstead (R-Kanawha) stated, “I am very pleased that the House has decided that this piece of legislation is important enough to take the historic step of overriding the Governor’s veto and am pleased with the overwhelming number of members that voted for the veto override.”

The West Virginia Constitution states that if the Legislature is still in session when the Governor vetoes a bill, a simple majority vote of the members of both legislative bodies is necessary to override the veto. This is the first time the House of Delegates has passed a veto override, since 1987.

“I am confident that the Senate will follow suit and that this will be law of West Virginia. I believe that the Pain Capable Unborn Protection Act is constitutional and will withstand any constitutional challenge,” added Armstead.

The original passage of the bill had broad bipartisan support with House passing on Feb. 11 by a vote of 87-12 and the Senate passing on Feb. 25 by a vote of 29-5. The Governor issued a veto on March 3.

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