WHAT: Press Conference on Insulin Caravan to Canada, bipartisan bus trip to purchase less expensive insulin in Canada (Niagara Falls).
WHEN: Press conference will take place at noon, Tuesday November 19, 2019. (Caravan scheduled for Sunday Dec. 8th. Caravan will meet at 6 am in Morgantown, return from Niagara Falls, Ontario on the same day. Niagara Falls is less than five hours, all interstate.)
WHERE: Room 252M, State Capitol, Charleston WV (Lew McManus Room).
WHY: Increase awareness about the astronomical price increases in the cost of insulin, and how that affects WV families, explain why caravan is needed to save on insulin costs.
WHO: Press conference will include statements from people harmed by the insulin affordability crisis as well as a pharmacist who will discuss dangers of rationing insulin, differences between Type 1 & Type 2 diabetics, and their insulin needs. Legislators will share information about potential savings from going on the caravan, how to reserve tickets, the need for & process to get a passport, how to make donations, etc. Those who don’t have a passport will need to get an EXPEDITED PASSPORT, we recommend a passport card., which is cheaper.
HOW TO PURCHASE TICKETS OR MAKE DONATIONS: https://insulincaravan.eventsmart.com/
See also attached fact sheet. http://www.wvlegislature.gov/legisdocs/misc/insulin-caravan-fact-sheet2.pdf