Charleston, WV - The House of Delegates showed complete disregard for the rights of thousands of workers by hastily passing legislation that strips rights from the employees of all of our state’s universities, according to one Delegate.
“This is one of the most mean-spirited pieces of legislation I’ve seen in a long time,” Delegate Mike Caputo said. “People who have worked tirelessly at these universities for decades – people who maintain these facilities and keep them running smoothly – will lose standing protections when there are layoffs or salary changes. It’s an outrage.”
Advocates of House Bill 2452, which passed the House of Delegates today by a 61-38 vote mostly along party lines, claim that it is intended to give West Virginia University, Marshall and all other universities “flexibility in human resources and personnel.”
This bill makes it possible for seniority to no longer be considered in the event the universities choose to lay off personnel, and to add insult to injury, such seniority will also not be considered in any future recalls. The universities will be able to set their own rules for classification and compensation of employees.
During the House debate today, Caputo called attention to the motives of the universities’ administrations who pursued this legislation. “They’re trying to build an empire,” he said. “They should be ashamed of themselves.”
The legislation, House Bill 2452, now goes to the Senate for consideration. Delegate Caputo urges the employees of our state’s colleges and universities to contact their Senators to express their concerns.