CHARLESTON – Senate President Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson, issued the following statement today about today’s April revenue collection numbers:
“West Virginia’s projected revenue collections for April 2018 are encouraging. Collections exceed estimates by more than $23 million, and the complete fiscal year is on track to meet or slightly exceed projections.
These results are a marked contrast with many prior years of budget deficits. In fact, last year, our state faced what some believed to be the greatest financial crisis in state history because of a projected deficit of more than $495 million.
To resolve this critical issue, many people – including a then-Democrat Governor – called for massive tax increases on the people and businesses of West Virginia. Had their proposals become law, it would have represented the largest tax increase in state history.
The Republican-led legislature took a different approach to solving our fiscal crisis. Rather than overtax the citizens and businesses of West Virginia, we cut the budget, controlled government spending, and enabled the people of West Virginia to keep more of their hard-earned money. Although a then-Democrat Governor placed cow dung upon the budget and allowed it to become law without his signature, this responsible budget, crafted by a Republican legislature, has resulted in fiscal success for West Virginia. Our state is not fully healed, but we have stopped the bleeding and begun the healing process.
Four years ago, the Republican legislature was hired by the people of West Virginia to take our state in a new direction. The fundamental reforms and difficult decisions that we implemented are transforming our state into a dynamic engine of growth. West Virginia has gained jobs, opportunities, and enhanced pay for citizens and employees. Our state has been recognized as among the fastest-growing economies in America. We have added more construction jobs than any other state. That does not happen by accident and it does not happen overnight. It happens through decisions that completely change the way a state welcomes jobs and opportunity. We are doing the job for which the citizens hired us.
Much work remains to ensure the long-term growth and fiscal stability of our state. Today’s revenue projections send the unmistakable message that West Virginia is a place of change and hope. Working together with the citizens of our great state and a newly revitalized, now-Republican Governor, we are optimistic that our best days are yet to come.”