Monday, March 20, 2017
SB670. By Sen. Takubo |
Establishing WV Advisory Council on Rare Diseases |
Health and Human Resources then Government Organization |
SB671. By Sen. Mann |
Relating to WV Anatomical Board |
Government Organization |
SB672. By Sen. Stollings |
Prohibiting persons under 18 from using tanning device |
Health and Human Resources |
SB673. By Sen. Karnes |
Providing procedure for WV to select delegates to Article V convention |
Judiciary |
SB674. By Sen. Boso |
Relating to public school support |
Education |
SB675. By Sen. Takubo, Stollings, Carmichael (Mr. President), Azinger, Beach, Blair, Boley, Boso, Clements, Cline, Facemire, Ferns, Gaunch, Hall, Jeffries, Karnes, Mann, Maroney, Maynard, Miller, Ojeda, Palumbo, Plymale, Prezioso, Romano, Rucker, Smith, Swope, Sypolt, Trump, Unger, Weld and Woelfel |
Providing rule-making authority to Board of Licensed Practical Nurses |
Judiciary |
SB676. By Sen. Karnes |
Prohibiting counties from regulating sale and use of fireworks |
Government Organization |
SB677. By Sen. Takubo |
Increasing tax rate on cigarettes and e-cigarette liquid |
Finance |
SB678. By Sen. Miller |
Relating to tax on sales of e-cigarette liquid |
Finance |
SB679. By Sen. Smith, Blair, Facemire and Prezioso |
Defining "aboveground storage tanks" |
Energy, Industry and Mining |
SB680. By Sen. Sypolt |
Permitting surface owners seek damages from oil and gas operations |
Judiciary |
SB681. By Sen. Sypolt |
Requiring DEP work with Tax Commissioner, PSC and county assessors to develop system for verifying production information |
Government Organization |
SB682. By Sen. Blair |
Relating to state administration of local sales and use taxes |
Government Organization |
SB683. By Sen. Jeffries, Miller, Beach, Facemire, Ojeda, Plymale and Romano |
Increasing tax rate for higher earning businesses |
Finance |
SR42. By Sen. Carmichael (Mr. President) |
Designating March 20, 2017, as International Pageant Day |
SR43. By Sen. Gaunch, Ferns, Karnes, Romano, Cline, Sypolt and Swope |
Recognizing Homer Hickham |