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Senate Bills Introduced

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intro 02-08-2017


Thursday, February 16, 2017


SB329.    By Sen. Woelfel

Addressing increase of fentanyl, fentanyl derivatives and analogs in state

Judiciary then Health and Human Resources


SB330.    By Sen. Trump

Relating to WV Workplace Freedom Act



SB331.    By Sen. Sypolt and Smith

Exempting heating oil for residential use from motor fuel excise tax (FN)



SB332.    By Sen. Sypolt

Requiring DMV refuse motor vehicle registration renewal for failure to pay child support



SB333.    By Sen. Takubo

Requiring all DHHR-licensed facilities access WV Controlled Substances Monitoring Database

Health and Human Resources then Judiciary


SB334.    By Sen. Weld

Creating felony offense of aggravated cruelty to animals



SB335.    By Sen. Karnes, Carmichael (Mr. President), Maroney, Mullins, Maynard, Weld, Clements, Ferns, Cline, Smith, Sypolt, Rucker, Azinger, Swope, Blair, Gaunch, Takubo, Boso, Mann and Trump

Repealing consumers sales and service tax, use tax and personal income tax (FN)

Tax Reform then Finance




SB336.    By Sen. Trump

Increasing number of limited video lottery machines retailer may have

Judiciary then Finance


SB337.    By Sen. Blair

Hiring correctional officers without regard to placement on correctional officer register

Government Organization then Judiciary


SB338.    By Sen. Trump, Smith, Blair, Swope, Azinger, Mullins, Ferns and Weld

Relating to medical professional liability



SB339.    By Sen. Takubo

Creating legislative coalition on chronic pain management

Health and Human Resources then Government Organization


SCR16.    By Sen. Sypolt

Urging WV congressional delegation require DHHR renegotiate state Medicaid expansion contracts



SR14.    By Sen. Karnes

Designating February 16, 2017, as WV Homeschool Day




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