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House Bills Introduced

3 - 17 - 2017
3 - 14 - 2017
3 - 13 - 2017
3 - 10 - 2017
3 - 09 - 2017
3 - 08 - 2017
3 - 07 - 2017
3 - 06 - 2017
3 - 03 - 2017
3 - 02 - 2017
3 - 01 - 2017
2 - 28 - 2017
2 - 27 - 2017
2 - 24 - 2017
2 - 23 - 2017
2 - 22 - 2017
2 - 21 - 2017
2 - 20 - 2017
2 - 17 - 2017
2 - 16 - 2017
2 - 15 - 2017
2 - 14 - 2017
2 - 13 - 2017
2 - 10 - 2017
2 - 09r - 2017 (Rule-Making)
2 - 09 - 2017
2 - 08 - 2017




Tuesday, March 14, 2017

2983.   By Del. Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead), Ambler and Hanshaw - Granting priority to roadway construction, reconstruction and maintenance for roadways prone to recurring floods that hinder ingress and egress - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2984.   By Del. Hamrick - Occupational Board Reform Act (FN) - To Government Organization

2985.   By Del. Ward - Relating to taxes on beer and nonintoxicating beer (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

2986.   By Del. Shott, Frich and Hanshaw - Relating to involuntary custody of nonresidents for a mental hygiene examination - To the Judiciary

2987.   By Del. Frich, Ward, Ambler and Moye - Making PROMISE Scholarship funds available for use at community and technical colleges (FN) - To Education then Finance

2988.   By Del. R. Miller - Clarifying the penalties for embezzlement - To the Judiciary

2989.   By Del. Baldwin - Placing limitations on length of time that prescriptions may be issued for schedule II and III controlled substances - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2990.   By Del. Sypolt, Ward, Paynter and Lewis - Requiring continuous monitoring of air, noise, dust and particulates - To Energy then the Judiciary

2991.   By Del. Rowe, Frich, Caputo, Pyles and White - Requiring the Commissioner of Highways to develop a state hotline for travelers to identify road hazards (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Government Organization

2992.   By Del. Wilson, Moore, Dean, Wagner, A. Evans, R. Romine, Higginbotham and Martin - Relating to civil asset forfeiture - To the Judiciary

2993.   By Del. Wilson - Budget and Spending Transparency Act (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

2994.   By Del. Shott - Relating to public bidding thresholds - To Political Subdivisions then Government Organization

2995.   By Del. Overington, Paynter and Kessinger - Permitting certain animal euthanasia technicians who have been certified by other states be certified animal euthanasia technicians in West Virginia - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Government Organization

2996.   By Del. Shott - Requiring motor carrier vehicle transporting solid waste to be equipped and operated with truck tarpaulins - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2997.   By Del. Hanshaw - Relating generally to applied associate of science degrees that target workforce needs - To Education

2998.   By Del. Hanshaw - Providing tax credits for providing broadband service and wireless broadband service to unserved areas (FN) - To Finance

2999.   By Del. Rohrbach - Establishing a program for the licensing and regulation of out-patient substance abuse counseling programs (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then Government Organization

3000.   By Del. Howell, Arvon, Hill, Hamrick, Queen, Criss, Lewis, Paynter, Maynard, Ward and Atkinson - Authorizing a State Ombudsman position - To Government Organization then the Judiciary

3001.   By Del. Folk and McGeehan - Abolishing the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission - To Education then Finance

3002.   By Del. Hill, Martin, Caputo, Fleischauer, Statler and Hamilton - Relating to special licenses for the retail sale of wine at festivals or fairs (FN) - To the Judiciary

3003.   By Del. Hill, Kessinger, Arvon, Howell, Paynter, Maynard, Gearheart and Dean - Allocating disability or death benefits resulting from an occupational pneumoconiosis claim among the claimant’s employers on a proportional basis - To the Judiciary

3004.   By Del. Hill, Martin, Arvon, Howell, Kessinger, Statler, N. Foster, Shott, O'Neal, McGeehan and Espinosa - Relating to filling vacancies in offices of state officials, United States Senators, Justices, judges, and magistrates - To the Judiciary

3005.   By Del. Fast, Hanshaw, Overington, Kessinger, Lovejoy, Gearheart, Arvon and Hollen - Relating to regulation of unmanned aircraft systems (FN) - To the Judiciary

3006.   By Del. Hornbuckle, C. Miller, Rohrbach, Fleischauer, Sobonya and Fluharty - Exempting certain contracts between the Department of Health and Human Resources and West Virginia University or Marshall University from state purchasing requirements - To Education

3007.   By Del. Rowe - Requiring paving contracts for state highways to have special requirements to prevent potholes - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

3008.   By Del. Walters - Relating to eliminating county school systems and creating ten school districts - To Education then Finance

3009.   By Del. Summers - Relating to access by the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification to the Controlled Substances Monitoring Program database - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

3010.   By Del. Sypolt, Ward, Paynter, Frich, Rowan, Lewis and Sobonya - Making it a felony to knowingly expose another individual to HIV - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

3011.   By Del. Ward, Caputo, McGeehan and Folk - Changing the determination of just compensation to be paid to the landowner when eminent domain is used for a pipeline - To Energy then the Judiciary

3012.   By Del. Fleischauer, Fluharty, Pethtel, Longstreth, Pushkin, Caputo, Pyles, Hornbuckle, Diserio, Love and Iaquinta - Family Protection Act - To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary

3013.   By Del. Hamrick, Howell, Butler, Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead), Blair, Gearheart, Westfall, Queen, Maynard, C. Miller and Storch - Requiring an inspection or inspections of any building prior to purchase or major renovation by the state - To Government Organization then Finance

3014.   By Del. Rowan, Rohrbach, Sypolt, Lewis, Lynch, Pyles and Kelly - Prohibiting a person appointed agent under a power of attorney from exerting undue influence over the principal - To the Judiciary

3015.   By Del. Kelly, Lane, Frich, Pyles, Williams, Fleischauer and Hollen - Requiring all commercial and professional drivers  be fingerprinted and undergo a background check (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

3016.   By Del. Walters, Ambler, Cooper and Harshbarger - Relating to domestic violence victims' eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

3017.   By Del. Hornbuckle, Canestraro and Fleischauer - Providing that a person when being attacked in a place that is not his or her home should retreat instead of using deadly force - To the Judiciary

3018.   By Del. Isner, Canestraro, Sobonya, Summers, Boggs, Fast, Kessinger, R. Miller, Capito and Robinson - Adding definition of correctional employee to the list of persons against whom an assault is a felony - To the Judiciary

3019.   By Del. McGeehan and Folk - Relating to the West Virginia Contraband Forfeiture Act - To the Judiciary

3020.   By Del. Harshbarger, Howell, Cowles, Ambler, Boggs, Paynter, Atkinson, Kessinger, Eldridge and Statler - Relating to criminal penalties for the offenses of hunting, trapping or fishing on the lands of another person - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary

3021.   By Del. Hornbuckle, Longstreth, Fleischauer, Lovejoy, Rowan, Lynch, C. Miller and Sobonya - Relating to insurance coverage for breast cancer screening (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Health and Human Resources

3022.   By Del. Shott - Relating to the reporting of fraud, misappropriation of moneys, and other violations of law to the commission on special investigations - To the Judiciary

3023.   By Del. Barrett, Hornbuckle, Cooper, Rohrbach, Rowan, Moye, Baldwin, Westfall, E. Evans, Rowe and R. Romine - Relating to public school education assessment of students for dyslexia and dyscalculia - To Education then Finance

3024.   By Del. Rohrbach, Sobonya, C. Miller and C. Romine - Limiting recoverable damages when a patient has been transferred from health care facility to another health care facility - To the Judiciary

3025.   By Del. Lane, White, Rowe, Robinson, Byrd, Pushkin, Ward and Westfall - Authorizing by ordinance a vacant building registration program (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

3026.   By Del. Lane - Providing that a vehicle driver who injures a “vulnerable road user” is guilty of reckless driving (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

3027.   By Del. Sponaugle and A. Evans - Imposing a tax on cattle which is to be used to help fund the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services Fund (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance

3028.   By Del. Miley [By Request of the Executive] - Relating to the Comprehensive Substance Use Reduction Act - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then Health and Human Resources

3029.   By Del. Phillips, Zatezalo and G. Foster - Relating generally to coal mining, coal mining safety and environmental protection - To Energy then the Judiciary

3030.   By Del. Shott and Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead) - Relating to appeals as a matter of right in the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals - To the Judiciary

3031.   By Del. Miley, Summers, Iaquinta, Pethtel, Hamrick, Longstreth, Ward, Caputo, R. Romine, Wagner and Queen - Creating a state program allowing high school students advance to getting a college degree or technical training while in high school (FN) - To Education then Finance

3032.   By Del. Summers - Relating to the practice of acupuncture - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then Health and Human Resources

3033.   By Del. Sponaugle, Barrett, McGeehan and Folk - Relating to the procedures for driver’s license suspension and revocation in criminal proceedings for driving under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

3034.   By Del. Atkinson and Ward - Exempting military retirement income from personal income tax after specified date (FN) - To Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance

3035.   By Del. Hornbuckle - Relating to the legalization of marijuana (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

3036.   By Del. Walters - Allowing county boards of education to hire retired teachers - To Education then Finance

3037.   By Del. Anderson - Removing the Division of Energy as an independent agency - To Energy then Government Organization

3038.   By Del. Walters - Clarifying that merged care organizations are not exempt from payment of insurance premium taxes (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

3039.   By Del. Sponaugle - Allowing municipalities to cancel elections when only one person is running for each office - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

3040.   By Del. C. Miller - Creating a new court to be known as West Virginia Intermediate Court of Appeals (FN) - To the Judiciary

3041.   By Del. Walters - Relating to the classification plans for employees in the classified and classified-exempt service - To Government Organization then the Judiciary

3042.   By Del. Walters - Clarifying the intent of gas royalty leases which required not less than 1/8th (12.5%) of the total amount paid to, received by or delivered to the owner - To Energy then the Judiciary

3043.   By Del. Rowe - Increasing the corporation net income tax (FN) - To Finance

3044.   By Del. Longstreth, Westfall, Bates, Fleischauer, Lane, R. Miller, Baldwin, Byrd, Hamilton and Hornbuckle - Relating to the tax on soft drinks (FN) - To Finance

3045.   By Del. Hornbuckle - Modifying the tax on soft drinks to only cover sugary drinks (FN) - To Finance

3046.   By Del. Rowe - Imposing an additional excise tax on soft drinks (FN) - To Finance

3047.   By Del. Eldridge - Extending the time that teachers may pay into the State Teachers Retirement System (FN) - To Education then Finance

3048.   By Del. R. Miller, Marcum, Caputo and Phillips - Relating to collection of Tier II fees for chemical inventories (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

3049.   By Del. Maynard - West Virginia Counseling Protection Act - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

3050.   By Del. Maynard - Creating a special revenue account for each county in the State of West Virginia for coal severance taxes (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

3051.   By Del. Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead) - Appropriation Supremacy Act of 2017 - To the Judiciary then Finance

3052.   By Del. Arvon, Kessinger, Upson, Sobonya, Rowan, C. Miller, Blair, Sypolt, N. Foster and Frich - Prohibiting state funding of abortions - To the Judiciary

3053.   By Del. Howell, Dean, Maynard, Blair, N. Foster, G. Foster, Harshbarger, Hill, McGeehan, Paynter and Queen - Relating to motor vehicle lighting - To Government Organization

3054.   By Del. Sponaugle, Williams, Hartman and Lynch - Relating to a five percent bid preference on certain state contracts for businesses owned fifty-one percent by honorably discharged resident veterans (FN) - To Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance

3055.   By Del. Howell, Walters, Hamrick, Householder, Criss, Arvon and Storch - Relating to the preparation of a comprehensive annual financial report - To Government Organization then Finance

3056.   By Del. Overington, Rohrbach, Upson, Frich, G. Foster, Statler, C. Miller, Paynter, Moore, N. Foster and Sobonya - Relating to Promise scholarship program requirements for home schooled students - To Education then the Judiciary

3057.   By Del. Fluharty, Fleischauer, Bates, Baldwin, Lovejoy, Ferro, Canestraro, Barrett and Williams - Prohibiting use of a person's credit history in certain insurance transactions - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

3058.   By Del. Rowe - Raising the insurance premium tax for two years (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Finance

3059.   By Del. Lane, Hanshaw, Butler and Byrd - Providing for the voluntary valuation of water and sewer systems for ratemaking purposes - To Government Organization then the Judiciary

3060.   By Del. Rowe - Increasing the business and occupation tax on generating electricity for two years (FN) - To Energy then Finance

3061.   By Del. Upson, Espinosa, Westfall, Statler, Cooper, Rowan, R. Romine and Higginbotham - Encouraging mastery-based education through the Innovation In Schools program - To Education

3062.   By Del. Shott - The state Settlement and Recovered Funds Accountability Act (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

3063.   By Del. Rowe - Raising the tax on providers of inpatient and outpatient hospital services for two years (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then Finance

3064.   By Del. Atkinson, Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead), Hill and Sobonya - Allowing vehicles of a size and weight exceeding certain specifications to operate over specified routes (FN) - To the Judiciary

3065.   By Del. Butler - Adding the classification and base salaries of certain civilian employees of the West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

3066.   By Del. Sobonya, Overington, Shott, Hamrick, Gearheart, C. Miller and Kessinger - Redirecting certain racing and gaming revenues (FN) - To Finance

3067.   By Del. Fluharty, Hornbuckle, Pushkin, Canestraro and Bates - Legalizing interactive gaming - To the Judiciary then Finance

3068.   By Del. Fluharty, Pushkin, Canestraro, Hornbuckle, Williams, Barrett, Baldwin and Rowe - Stay in State tax credit - To Education then Finance

3069.   By Del. Eldridge, Ferro and Pethtel - Permitting persons who voluntarily enroll in a drug rehabilitation program to be included in an existing pilot program (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

3070.   By Del. Eldridge, Hornbuckle, R. Miller, Rodighiero, Atkinson, Baldwin, Zatezalo, Maynard, Queen and Frich - Permitting parents to petition the court for visitation on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day - To the Judiciary

3071.   By Del. Summers - Relating to indigent burial - To Finance

3072.   By Del. Gearheart - Relating to ending transfers to the Licensed Racetrack Modernization Fund - To the Judiciary then Finance

3073.   By Del. Rowe - Relating generally to public service districts and their boards (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

3074.   By Del. Walters, Ambler, Wilson, Maynard, Paynter and Rowe - Increasing the volume of alcohol that nonintoxicating beer and nonintoxicating craft beer may contain - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

3075.   By Del. Criss, Iaquinta, Williams, Pyles, Higginbotham, Dean, Hartman, Blair, Westfall and Butler - Licensing the practice of athletic training - To Government Organization then the Judiciary

3076.   By Del. Westfall - Relating to immunity from liability to uninsured motorists - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

3077.   By Del. Walters, Fleischauer, Kessinger, Paynter, E. Evans, Storch, Fluharty, Longstreth, Pushkin, Lane and Rowe - Preventing discrimination on the basis of sex or marital status by a financial institution or person - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

3078.   By Del. Rowe, Miley, Espinosa, Cooper, Baldwin, Pushkin, Wagner, Fleischauer, Rowan, Hornbuckle and Robinson - Establishing a merit-based Katherine Johnson Hope Scholarship program to provide tuition and fee payments for certain qualified students - To Education then Finance

3079.   By Del. O'Neal, Upson, Householder, Hanshaw and Sobonya - Relating to records of charitable institutions - To the Judiciary

3080.   By Del. Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead), Maynard, Cooper, Overington and Moye - Requiring instruction in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution (FN) - To Education

3081.   By Del. Walters, Boggs, Bates, Westfall, Caputo, Howell, R. Romine, Phillips, Lane, Byrd and Anderson - Conducting a study to determine the amount of revenue to be derived from instituting tolls on I-70 and I-81 - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

3082.   By Del. Walters - Establishing a different amount of annual leave for state employees (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

3083.   By Del. Walters - Replacing annual and sick leave for state employees with personal leave (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

3084.   By Del. Barrett, Householder and Walters - Repealing the article of the code related to unfair trade practices - To the Judiciary

3085.   By Del. Ellington - Relating to the tax on bottled soft drinks (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then Finance

3086.   By Del. Walters, Frich, Rohrbach, Lovejoy and Rowe - Relating to the West Virginia Economic Development Authority - To Government Organization then Finance

3087.   By Del. Rowe - Economic and Community Development Task Force - To Government Organization then Finance

3088.   By Del. Espinosa, Statler, Higginbotham and Dean - Relating generally to teacher-pupil ratios (FN) - To Education

3089.   By Del. Espinosa, Statler, Higginbotham, Upson, Cooper, Rowan, Harshbarger and Dean - Relating to the adoption of instructional resources for use in the public schools - To Education

3090.   By Del. Walters, Frich and Rowe - Relating to the maximum licensed school psychologist-pupil ratio (FN) - To Education then Finance

3091.   By Del. Nelson and Boggs - Relating generally to employer withholding taxes (FN) - To Finance

3092.   By Del. Phillips - Relating to the valuation of oil and gas producing property (FN) - To Energy then Finance

3093.   By Del. Hanshaw, Shott and Capito - Establishing Broadband Enhancement and Expansion Polices - To the Judiciary

3094.   By Del. Anderson - Cotenancy and Lease Integration Act - To Energy then the Judiciary

3095.   By Del. Espinosa - Allowing retired teachers to be employed by a higher education institution - To Education

3096.   By Del. Espinosa - Relating to operation and regulation of certain water and sewer utilities owned or operated by political subdivisions of the state (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

3097.   By Del. Butler, Kessinger and Arvon - Codifying the application of the compelling interest test and strict scrutiny standard involving rights enumerated under the First Amendment - To the Judiciary

3098.   By Del. G. Foster - Relating to the crime of defrauding drug and alcohol screening tests and its penalties (FN) - To the Judiciary

3099.   By Del. Kelly, Zatezalo, Hollen, Maynard, Sypolt and Higginbotham - Providing counties the power to establish a county sales tax under certain circumstances - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

The following bill is introduced pursuant to House Rule 92:

3100.   By Del. Marcum, Maynard, Dean, Wilson, Paynter, Phillips, R. Miller, Hicks, Thompson, Eldridge and Westfall - Increasing penalties for public school employees that embezzle public funds - To Education then the Judiciary


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