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House Bills Introduced

3 - 17 - 2017
3 - 14 - 2017
3 - 13 - 2017
3 - 10 - 2017
3 - 09 - 2017
3 - 08 - 2017
3 - 07 - 2017
3 - 06 - 2017
3 - 03 - 2017
3 - 02 - 2017
3 - 01 - 2017
2 - 28 - 2017
2 - 27 - 2017
2 - 24 - 2017
2 - 23 - 2017
2 - 22 - 2017
2 - 21 - 2017
2 - 20 - 2017
2 - 17 - 2017
2 - 16 - 2017
2 - 15 - 2017
2 - 14 - 2017
2 - 13 - 2017
2 - 10 - 2017
2 - 09r - 2017 (Rule-Making)
2 - 09 - 2017
2 - 08 - 2017




Thursday, February 16, 2017

2488.   By Del. Gearheart, Storch, Butler, Folk, Frich, Householder, Howell and Ellington - Relating to the forfeiture of unencumbered funds in special revenue accounts (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

2489.   By Del. Gearheart, Storch, Butler, Folk, Frich, Householder, Howell and Ellington - Requiring a transfer from reappropriated revenue accounts to General Revenue Fund - To Finance

2490.   By Del. Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead) and Miley [By Request of the Executive] - Allowing a Constitutional officer to waive his or her salary for any calendar year - To the Judiciary then Finance

2491.   By Del. Cooper, Ambler, Rowan, Dean, Maynard, Wagner, Morgan, Westfall, Kelly, Zatezalo and R. Romine - Relating to school calendar and testing (FN) - To Education

2492.   By Del. Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead) and Miley [By Request of the Executive] - Creating the Fleet Management Office (FN) - To Government Organization then the Judiciary

2493.   By Del. Hollen, Criss, Cooper and Harshbarger - Granting a veteran with a hundred percent service-connected disability a $10,000 exemption from the assessed value for one vehicle (FN) - To Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance

2494.   By Del. Westfall, Statler, White, Atkinson and Higginbotham - Providing that statewide school report cards are only to be made available to custodial parents and guardians of students upon request - To Education then Government Organization

2495.   By Del. Westfall, White and Frich - Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of nonpublic personal information - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

2496.   By Del. Hollen, Criss, Sobonya and Harshbarger - Relating to exemptions from certificate of need - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2497.   By Del. Ellington, Criss and Rohrbach - Permitting medication administration by unlicensed personnel in nursing homes - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2498.   By Del. Lovejoy, Rohrbach, Caputo, Storch, Brewer, Walters, Canestraro, Pushkin, R. Miller, Robinson and Hicks - Creating a rebuttable presumption that development of certain cancers by professional or volunteer firefighters arose out of the course of employment - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2499.   By Del. Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead) and Miley [By Request of the Executive] - Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Commerce, Workforce West Virginia – Workforce Investment Act - To Finance

2500.   By Del. Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead) and Miley [By Request of the Executive] - Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Resources, Division of Human Services - To Finance

2501.   By Del. Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead) and Miley [By Request of the Executive] - Supplementary appropriation to the Department of Education, State Board of Education – School Lunch Program - To Finance

2502.   By Del. Ellington, Summers, Rohrbach and Criss - Relating to reciprocity of occupational licenses with other states - To Government Organization

2503.   By Del. Ellington, Summers, Dean, Rohrbach, Sobonya and Hollen - Relating to the rulemaking authority for Board of Osteopathic Medicine - To Government Organization

2504.   By Del. Hamrick, Howell, Storch, Frich, Atkinson, Ward, Higginbotham, Martin, Summers, Queen and Cowles - Prohibiting state nursing boards from limiting the number of students - To Health and Human Resources then Government Organization

2505.   By Del. Rowan, Arvon, Sobonya, Cooper, O'Neal, Shott, Storch, Gearheart and Ellington - Relating to Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act - To the Judiciary

2506.   By Del. Zatezalo, G. Foster, Kessinger, Summers, Atkinson, Ambler, Phillips, Westfall and Miley - Relating to the implementation of water quality standards for the protection of drinking water - To the Judiciary

2507.   By Del. Hollen, Criss, Cooper, Ward and Harshbarger - Relating to the West Virginia State Police (FN) - To Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance

2508.   By Del. Hicks - Creating tax credits for small businesses (FN) - To Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development then Finance

2509.   By Del. Ellington, Summers, Rowan, Sobonya and Atkinson - Relating to the practice of telemedicine - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2510.   By Del. Eldridge and Hicks - Permitting certain surface owners to purchase gas at market rates - To Energy then the Judiciary

2511.   By Del. Fleischauer, Pushkin and Hornbuckle - Establishing an industrial water extraction fee (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

2512.   By Del. McGeehan - Streamlining the process of abandoned mineral interests - To Energy then the Judiciary

2513.   By Del. Howell - Relating generally to the tax treatment of manufacturing entities (FN) - To Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development then Finance

2514.   By Del. Howell - Creating a special motor vehicle collector license plate (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2515.   By Del. Howell and Rohrbach - West Virginia Monument and Memorial Protection Act of 2017 - To Political Subdivisions then Government Organization

2516.   By Del. Byrd, Rohrbach, Fluharty and Fleischauer - Relating to substance abuse (FN) - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then the Judiciary

2517.   By Del. Fleischauer, Fast, Statler and Frich - Requiring licensees authorized to serve alcoholic liquors or nonintoxicating beer to have certain liability insurance coverage - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

2518.   By Del. Ellington, Summers, Rohrbach, Rowan, Hollen and Atkinson - Creating a legislative rule to permit a pharmacist or pharmacy intern to administer certain immunizations - To Health and Human Resources then Government Organization

2519.   By Del. Ellington, Summers, Rohrbach, Cooper, Hollen, Sobonya, Dean, Rowan and Longstreth - Medicaid program compact - To Health and Human Resources then Government Organization

2520.   By Del. Summers, Rohrbach, Criss, Atkinson, Higginbotham, Byrd, Lovejoy, Fleischauer and Rowan - Prohibiting the use of a tanning device by a person under the age of eighteen - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2521.   By Del. Summers, Ellington, Sobonya, Hollen, Rohrbach and Dean - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact - To Health and Human Resources

2522.   By Del. Ellington, Summers, Rohrbach, Sobonya, Dean, Cooper, Hollen and Rowan - Nurse licensure compact - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2523.   By Del. Folk, McGeehan, Paynter, Wilson, Gearheart, Overington, Walters, Phillips, Householder and Dean - Eliminating the certificate of need program (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2524.   By Del. Espinosa, Upson, Blair, Statler, E. Nelson, Shott, Howell, Ellington, Overington, Wilson and Householder - Improving the focus on school-level continuous improvement processes - To Education then Finance

2525.   By Del. Marcum, Phillips, Eldridge, Rodighiero, R. Miller, Hicks, Lynch, Folk, McGeehan, Zatezalo and Rohrbach - Relieving the county superintendent of schools of the duty of nominating personnel to be employed by the county board - To Education then Finance

2526.   By Del. Ellington, Summers, Sobonya and Rohrbach - Classifying additional drugs to Schedules I, II, IV and V of controlled substances (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2527.   By Del. Westfall and Cooper - Relating to public school support - To Education then Finance


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