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House Bills Introduced

3 - 17 - 2017
3 - 14 - 2017
3 - 13 - 2017
3 - 10 - 2017
3 - 09 - 2017
3 - 08 - 2017
3 - 07 - 2017
3 - 06 - 2017
3 - 03 - 2017
3 - 02 - 2017
3 - 01 - 2017
2 - 28 - 2017
2 - 27 - 2017
2 - 24 - 2017
2 - 23 - 2017
2 - 22 - 2017
2 - 21 - 2017
2 - 20 - 2017
2 - 17 - 2017
2 - 16 - 2017
2 - 15 - 2017
2 - 14 - 2017
2 - 13 - 2017
2 - 10 - 2017
2 - 09r - 2017 (Rule-Making)
2 - 09 - 2017
2 - 08 - 2017




Wednesday, February 8, 2017

2006.   By Del. Shott - Increasing the penalties for violating the Whistle-blower Law - To the Judiciary

2007.   By Del. Gearheart, Cooper, McGeehan, Hamrick and Westfall - Eliminating courtesy patrol programs (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2008.   By Del. Gearheart and Hamrick - Relating to the Dealer Recovery Program - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2009.   By Del. Gearheart and Cooper - Making changes to the definition of electrical contractor - To Industry and Labor then Government Organization

2010.   By Del. Folk and McGeehan - Requiring authorization from the Legislature before submitting an application for an MS-4 permit to the United States Environmental Protection Agency - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

2011.   By Del. Phillips - Prohibiting state agencies and departments from acting outside their statutory scopes of authority - To the Judiciary

2012.   By Del. Rodighiero - Reducing state income taxes for state and federal retirees by increasing the exemption on retirement income (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2013.   By Del. Rodighiero - Relating to replacing the present crime of burglary with the crime of home invasion (FN) - To the Judiciary

2014.   By Del. Rodighiero - Allowing parents or the school to serve sweets during the holidays if the school receives parental or guardian consent - To Education

2015.   By Del. Rodighiero - Establishing seniority rights for public employees - To Education then Finance

2016.   By Del. Rodighiero - Providing state health care services for all active and inactive duty military personnel (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Finance

2017.   By Del. Rodighiero - Relating to minimum wage and maximum hours standards for employers - To Industry and Labor then Finance

2019.   By Del. Rodighiero - Relating to salary increase for school personnel (FN) - To Education then Finance

2020.   By Del. Rodighiero - Freezing PEIA employee premiums for three years (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Finance

2021.   By Del. Sponaugle - Relating to penalties incurred from obstructing, fleeing from and making false statements to law-enforcement - To the Judiciary

2022.   By Del. Rodighiero - Relating to public health - To Health and Human Resources then Finance

2023.   By Del. Rodighiero - Changing the way that the costs of incarcerating inmates in regional jails is collected (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

2024.   By Del. Rodighiero - Creating a criminal felony offense of aggravated assault or battery of a child or a person who is mentally incapacitated (FN) - To the Judiciary

2025.   By Del. Rodighiero - Providing one-time supplements to all annuitants when they reach the age of seventy (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2026.   By Del. Rodighiero - Providing a maximum repair cost for insured owners of motor vehicles if a collision with a deer caused the damage - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

2027.   By Del. Gearheart - Providing for the transfer of ownership, operation and maintenance of certain assets of the West Virginia Parkways Authority to the Division of Highways (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2028.   By Del. Folk - Relating to the venue for suits and other actions against the state - To the Judiciary

2029.   By Del. Gearheart - Permitting counties to adopt certain ordinances relating to dogs and cats - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

2030.   By Del. Folk - Eliminating the requirement that proceedings against the State, a state agency or state officer be brought and prosecuted in the circuit court of Kanawha County - To the Judiciary

2031.   By Del. Folk - Eliminating requirements that state provide for professional training and development of teachers (FN) - To Education then Finance

2032.   By Del. Cowles - Prohibiting a chief deputy sheriff from engaging in certain political activities - To the Judiciary

2033.   By Del. Hamrick, Howell, Gearheart, Phillips and Folk - Permitting the resident lineal descendants of landowners to hunt, trap or fish on that resident landowner's property without a license (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance

2034.   By Del. McGeehan - Relating to county budget stabilization funds - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

2035.   By Del. Shott - Relating generally to purchasing - To Government Organization then the Judiciary

2036.   By Del. Shott - Allowing counties and municipalities to levy a sales tax on food and beverages sold at restaurants (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

2037.   By Del. Shott - Relating to juvenile proceedings (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

2038.   By Del. Rodighiero - Changing the way the cost of incarcerating inmates in regional jails is collected (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

2039.   By Del. Rodighiero - Establishing a tax credit for new businesses that locate in the state (FN) - To Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development then Finance

2040.   By Del. Ferro - Updating the Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act - To the Judiciary

2041.   By Del. Rowe - Providing a discount program for certain workers and students who purchase West Virginia EZ Pass transponders (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2042.   By Del. Caputo - Relating to pension benefits exempt from state income taxation (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2043.   By Del. Caputo - Placing penalty points on driver’s licenses for using electronic communications devices while operating a motor vehicle - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2044.   By Del. Moye - Relating to the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance

2045.   By Del. Caputo - Giving the Insurance Commissioner the power to regulate and penalize self-insured employers - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

2046.   By Del. Caputo - Requiring county boards of education to provide released time for professional educators and service personnel when serving in an elected municipal or county office (FN) - To Education then Finance

2047.   By Del. Caputo - Increasing compensation for conservation officers (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance

2048.   By Del. Caputo - Providing meetings and conference rights for members of municipal fire departments - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

2049.   By Del. Caputo - Providing for career development and establishing a pay scale for Alcohol Beverage Commission inspectors, enforcement agents and supervisors (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

2050.   By Del. Caputo - Allowing state employees to take paid leave to attend parent-teacher conference for their children - To Government Organization then Finance

2051.   By Del. Rodighiero - Authorizing insurance to married workers without children at reduced rates under the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Act (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Finance

2052.   By Del. Rodighiero - Increasing criminal penalties for the illegal killing, taking, or possessing of certain wildlife (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary

2053.   By Del. Rodighiero - Requiring facilities providing abortions to obtain parental notification or consent in writing - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2054.   By Del. Rodighiero - Relating to rules governing the operation of motorboats on lakes - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary

2055.   By Del. Rodighiero - Including volunteer firefighters within the Public Employees Insurance Act (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Finance

2056.   By Del. Caputo - Providing for the use of neck braces by football players (FN) - To Education then Finance

2057.   By Del. Caputo - Increasing benefits of retired state personnel and retired teachers (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2058.   By Del. Caputo - Prohibiting the use of a credit score in casualty insurance rate filings - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

2059.   By Del. Caputo - Providing a ten percent discount to residents at state parks and forests (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance

2060.   By Del. Shott - Relating to enhanced penalties for use of a firearm during commission of a felony - To the Judiciary

2061.   By Del. Upson - Relating to inspection of vehicles and providing that defects in windshields and windows that do not obscure vision are not unsafe conditions - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2062.   By Del. Rowan - Deaf Children’s Bill of Rights Act (FN) - To Education then Finance

2063.   By Del. Hamilton and Rowan - Extending the expiration of driver's licenses for active military members' spouses - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2064.   By Del. Fast - Defining the term minor boundary adjustment - To Political Subdivisions then Government Organization

2065.   By Del. Fast - Requiring all local special elections to be held on the days and hours of general, primary or state-wide elections (FN) - To the Judiciary

2066.   By Del. Cooper - Providing a fee discount for certain nonresident hunting, fishing and trapping licenses for native nonresidents (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance

2067.   By Del. McGeehan - Relating to the transfer of certain revenues derived from lottery activities generally, restoring distribution to the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund to 2013 rates and decreasing the funds available for grants therefrom (FN) - To Finance

2068.   By Del. Rohrbach - Operating and maintaining a fully interoperable statewide network to facilitate public and private use of health care information in the state (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then Finance

2069.   By Del. Rodighiero - Providing cost-of-living adjustments for certain current and former public employees (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2070.   By Del. Rodighiero - Prohibiting the establishment of methadone treatment programs and clinics in this state; providing exceptions (FN) - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then the Judiciary

2071.   By Del. Bates, Ellington and Fleischauer - Authorizing the medical use of cannabis based pharmaceutical products - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2072.   By Del. Rodighiero - Relating to qualifying children of state employees, receiving income of $25,000 per year or less, for the West Virginia Children's Health Insurance Program (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Finance

2073.   By Del. Rodighiero - Making available elective courses on the history of the old and new testaments of the bible - To Education then the Judiciary

2074.   By Del. Caputo - Establishing seniority rights for public employees (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

2075.   By Del. Hanshaw and Fleischauer - Providing the Auditor with greater oversight of advance allowance accounts - To Education then Finance

2076.   By Del. Caputo - Establishing the Legislative Oversight Commission on Energy Workers Safety - To Energy then the Judiciary

2077.   By Del. Rohrbach - West Virginia Native American Tribes Unique Recognition, Authentication and Listing Act (FN) - To Government Organization then the Judiciary

2078.   By Del. Hamrick - Making special registration plates for volunteer fire fighters (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2079.   By Del. Folk - Abolishing the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (FN) - To Education then Finance

2080.   By Del. Caputo - Increasing the amount of annual and incremental salary increases for eligible state employees (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

2081.   By Del. Rodighiero - Prohibiting the establishment of new methadone treatment programs and clinics; providing exceptions - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then the Judiciary

2082.   By Del. Rodighiero - Prohibiting state funding of abortions - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2083.   By Del. Rodighiero - Increasing the felony criminal penalties for exposing children to methamphetamine manufacturing (FN) - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then the Judiciary

2084.   By Del. Rodighiero - Requiring the assessor of each county to, within three months of a deed filing in the county clerk's office of each county, prepare a new property tax ticket - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

2085.   By Del. Rodighiero - Ensuring Patient Safety Act - To Health and Human Resources then Government Organization

2086.   By Del. Rodighiero - Allowing the Executive Director of the West Virginia Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority to establish a work program - To the Judiciary then Finance

2087.   By Del. Fleischauer and Pushkin - Prohibiting blasting within six hundred twenty-five feet of an occupied dwelling - To Energy then the Judiciary

2088.   By Del. Cowles - Establishing a bill of rights for children in foster care (FN) - To the Judiciary

2089.   By Del. Cowles - Establishing a bill of rights for foster parents (FN) - To the Judiciary

2090.   By Del. Cowles - Increasing the minimum number of magisterial districts in a county - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

2091.   By Del. Kessinger and Folk - Prohibiting contracting with a state agency unless business entity submits disclosure of interested parties - To the Judiciary

2092.   By Del. Overington, Frich, Folk and Sobonya - Creating an additional penalty for use of a firearm in furtherance of a drug offense (FN) - To the Judiciary

2093.   By Del. McGeehan and Wagner - Exempting personal income earned by individuals working as teachers at primary and secondary schools from personal income tax (FN) - To Education then Finance

2094.   By Del. McGeehan and Folk - Home Instruction Tax Relief Act (FN) - To Education then Finance

2095.   By Del. McGeehan and Folk - Relating to the rule-making authority of local boards of health - To Health and Human Resources then Government Organization

2096.   By Del. Hamrick and Folk - Exempting commercial airlines from obtaining licenses to serve liquor, beer or wine on flights - To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary

2097.   By Del. Ellington, E. Nelson, Hamrick and Cooper - Permitting community and technical colleges and universities to charge students half the cost of a credit for every credit taken over the fifteenth hour (FN) - To Education then Finance

2098.   By Del. Folk, Frich and Sobonya - Requiring the issuance of a search warrant before a driver of a motor vehicle can be made to submit to a secondary blood test - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2099.   By Del. McGeehan - Defining the act of leaving the scene of a crash involving death or serious bodily injury as a felony; Erin's Law (FN) - To the Judiciary

2100.   By Del. Pushkin, Folk, Blair and Fast - Recognizing those in active military service as residents for the purpose of obtaining concealed carry permits while stationed at a West Virginia military installation - To Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security then the Judiciary

2101.   By Del. Pushkin and Eldridge - Relating to the juvenile justice reform oversight committee - To the Judiciary then Finance

2102.   By Del. McGeehan and Sponaugle - Allowing a group of affiliated voters to become a recognized political party under certain criteria - To the Judiciary

2103.   By Del. Eldridge and Hicks - Making changes to the definition of contractor for purposes of the West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act - To Industry and Labor then Government Organization

2104.   By Del. Eldridge and Hicks - Requiring that public schools provide facilities for students of all faiths and religions to have a place of fellowship, prayer and worship (FN) - To Education then Finance

2105.   By Del. Eldridge and Hicks - Establishing the state parks instant lottery scratch-off game (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

2106.   By Del. Pushkin, Upson and Fleischauer - Creating a domestic violence registry - To the Judiciary

2107.   By Del. Pushkin, Sponaugle, Fluharty, Hornbuckle, Fleischauer and McGeehan - Creating the Second Chance for Employment Act - To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary

2108.   By Del. Rodighiero, Hicks and Eldridge - Requiring school bus aides, who are trained in preventing bullying and providing a safe environment for students while being transported on a school bus, to be present on school buses (FN) - To Education then Finance

2109.   By Del. Rohrbach and Hornbuckle - Relating to the West Virginia Land Reuse Agency Authorization Act - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

2110.   By Del. Rodighiero, Hicks and Eldridge - Increasing the amount of retirement income to be excluded from the gross income of individuals receiving retirement benefits under the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement System - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2111.   By Del. Miley - Exempting certified professional estimator services from consumer sales and service tax (FN) - To Industry and Labor then Finance

2112.   By Del. McGeehan and Pushkin - Exempting all monetary benefits derived from military retirement from personal income tax obligations (FN) - To Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance

2113.   By Del. Ellington, Summers and Rohrbach - Providing that the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources may not change the state Medicaid program plan - To Health and Human Resources then Finance

2114.   By Del. Overington, Gearheart, Frich, Howell and Sobonya - Providing a procedure for West Virginia to select delegates to an Article V convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America - To the Judiciary

2115.   By Del. Rowan and Sobonya - Prohibiting sexual offenders from residing within one thousand feet of a school or childcare facility (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

2116.   By Del. Howell, Frich and Hamilton - Establishing a policy for formal recognition of Indian tribes - To Government Organization then the Judiciary

2117.   By Del. Overington, Rohrbach, Upson, Frich and G. Foster - Removing the requirement that home schooled students have to acquire a general equivalency degree (GED) in order to qualify for the promise scholarship - To Education then Finance

2118.   By Del. Folk, McGeehan and Kelly - Abolishing the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education (FN) - To Education then Finance

2119.   By Del. Ellington and Summers - Repealing West Virginia Health Benefit Exchange Act - To Health and Human Resources then Finance

2120.   By Del. Ellington and Summers - Exempting managed care contracts from the bidding process - To Banking and Insurance then Health and Human Resources

2121.   By Del. Fleischauer, Pushkin, Hicks and Fluharty - West Virginia Residential Furniture and Children's Products Flame Retardants Act - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2122.   By Del. Byrd and Fleischauer - Providing a tax credit for first time home buyers (FN) - To Finance

2123.   By Del. Rowan, Mr. Speaker (Mr. Armstead), Cowles, Hamilton, Espinosa, O'Neal, Anderson and E. Nelson - Making the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind eligible to participate in any and all funding administered or distributed by the West Virginia School Building Authority - To Education then Finance

2124.   By Del. Overington, Shott, Hicks and E. Nelson - Providing that members of the House of Delegates in districts having more than one delegate be elected from numbered divisions - To the Judiciary

2125.   By Del. Hamilton - Reinstating service credit to certain members of the Public Employees Retirement System (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2126.   By Del. Westfall - Guaranteed Asset Protection Waiver Act - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

2127.   By Del. Sponaugle and Fluharty - Relating to personal income taxes (FN) - To Finance

2128.   By Del. Fleischauer and Folk - Requiring persons who are in the business of purchasing precious metals and precious gems to photograph those purchases and to transmit the photographs to law-enforcement (FN) - To Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development then the Judiciary

2129.   By Del. Fleischauer, Sobonya, Statler and Overington - Relating to the powers and authority of state and local law enforcement to enforce underage drinking laws at private clubs - To the Judiciary

2130.   By Del. Fluharty and Pushkin - Relating to drug testing of legislators - To the Judiciary then Finance

2131.   By Del. Folk and McGeehan - Prohibiting the state from requiring persons with oil or gas rights connected to deep oil or gas wells to involuntarily integrate their interests - To Energy then the Judiciary

2132.   By Del. Folk, McGeehan and Sobonya - Limiting able-bodied adults without dependents receipt of SNAP benefits to three months in a thirty-six month period - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2133.   By Del. Shott and Hamrick - Relating to assessment value of certain motor vehicles for purposes of ad valorem property taxes (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2134.   By Del. Hamilton and Westfall - Relating generally to workers’ compensation - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary

2135.   By Del. Kelly, Cooper, McGeehan and Sobonya - Permitting persons who are twenty-one years of age or older to operate or be a passenger on a motorcycle without a helmet (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2136.   By Del. Hamrick, G. Foster, Rowan and Westfall - Removing restrictions for hunting or trapping on private lands on Sundays - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary

2137.   By Del. Hamrick, Statler, Rowan and Frich - Making it a misdemeanor for a person to impersonate a veteran (FN) - To Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security then the Judiciary

2138.   By Del. McGeehan and Folk - Right to keep and bear arms (FN) - To the Judiciary

2139.   By Del. Fast - Providing an exemption from regulation by the Public Service Commission for motor vehicles used exclusively in the transportation of roll-off solid waste containers - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2140.   By Del. Fast and Frich - Modifying the definition of child abuse or neglect to exclude accidental injury - To the Judiciary

2141.   By Del. Cooper and Ambler - Expanding the authority of motor carrier inspectors - To the Judiciary

2142.   By Del. Cooper, Ambler and Rowan - Providing a salary increase for special education teachers (FN) - To Education then Finance

2143.   By Del. Ferro, Fluharty and Hornbuckle - Requiring reports to the Governor from state agencies to be made available electronically via the internet - To Government Organization

2144.   By Del. Fast - Relating to relocation or closure of state higher education institutions - To Education then the Judiciary

2145.   By Del. Fast - Repealing provision prohibiting employers from discriminating for use of tobacco products - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2146.   By Del. Fast - Allowing a home improvement transaction to be performed under an oral contract - To the Judiciary

2147.   By Del. Cooper and Ambler - Permitting county boards of education to accumulate instructional days and use them when needed (FN) - To Education

2148.   By Del. Byrd, Pushkin and Fleischauer - Providing taxpayers repaying their own student loans a modification reducing federal adjusted gross in the amount of the interest paid (FN) - To Education then Finance

2149.   By Del. Caputo - Establishing a minimum number of troopers to provide basic law enforcement services, and providing members of the West Virginia State Police a $580 salary increase at the end of two years of service (FN) - To Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance

2150.   By Del. McGeehan, Kelly and Folk - Relating to the hunting of coyotes - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary

2151.   By Del. Cooper, Ambler, Moye, Kelly, Wagner and Rowan - Prohibiting the use of the Smarter Balanced Assessment (FN) - To Education

2152.   By Del. Ambler, Cooper, Upson, Rowan and Eldridge - Removing restrictions for hunting or trapping on private lands on Sundays - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary

2153.   By Del. Rowe, Sobonya, Pushkin and Rohrbach - Relating to designation of social workers in the Department of Health and Human Services to promote better student school attendance (FN) - To Education then Finance

2154.   By Del. Moye, Rohrbach and Frich - Relating to sanctions for recipients of benefits from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program - To the Judiciary

2155.   By Del. Caputo, Hamilton, Hornbuckle and Fluharty - Relating to career progression of members of the State Police (FN) - To Government Organization then Finance

2156.   By Del. Hamilton, Frich and Folk - Relating to certain members of the Legislature and certain service by members of the Legislature (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2157.   By Del. Sponaugle, Phillips, Hamilton, Rowan and McGeehan - Relating to school calendar (FN) - To Education

2158.   By Del. Sponaugle, Eldridge, Caputo, Fluharty, Pushkin and Hicks - Prohibiting drilling units from being established without consent of all owners - To Energy then the Judiciary

2159.   By Del. Fleischauer, Caputo and Hornbuckle - The Healthy and Safe Workplace Act - To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary

2160.   By Del. Eldridge and Hicks - Providing that paid county or municipal fire departments and duly incorporated volunteer fire departments pay reduced workers' compensation premiums when not actively engaged in fire fighting (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Finance

2161.   By Del. Statler and Rohrbach - Relating to purchasing requirements for the Division of Highways - To Government Organization then Finance

2162.   By Del. McGeehan and Folk - Exempting motor vehicles from personal property tax (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2163.   By Del. McGeehan and Folk - Abolishing the Personal Income Tax (FN) - To Finance

2164.   By Del. Statler, Gearheart and G. Foster - Prohibiting the placement of the name or likeness of public officials on state road signs - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2165.   By Del. Statler, Rohrbach, Sobonya, Summers, Ellington, Frich and Fleischauer - Relating to out of state physicians and surgeons traveling with sports teams within this state - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2166.   By Del. Caputo and Rowan - Requiring county boards of education to employ a certified library media specialist in each county school (FN) - To Education then Finance

2167.   By Del. Storch - Creating a Silver Alert program for senior citizens - To Senior Citizen Issues

2168.   By Del. McGeehan, Hamrick and Folk - Prohibiting counties and municipalities from adopting ordinances or regulations that base restrictions on the breed of a dog - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

2169.   By Del. Fleischauer and Pushkin - Clarifying that the county or regional solid waste authority that may impose and collect an additional solid waste assessment fee is the county or region where the waste originates (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

2170.   By Del. Fleischauer and Pushkin - Relating generally to horizontal well control standards - To Energy then the Judiciary

2171.   By Del. Eldridge - Permitting contractors to perform work on a construction project without having a contractor’s license under certain circumstances (FN) - To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary

2172.   By Del. Rodighiero, Hicks, Marcum and Eldridge - Providing that school nutrition plans include take home meals for low income students (FN) - To Education then Finance

2173.   By Del. Rodighiero and Hicks - Providing benefits for those who have served in the military service - To Veterans' Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance

2174.   By Del. Rodighiero and Hicks - Granting all public employees, all teachers, all service employees, all public employee retirees, all teacher retirees and all service employee retirees a $1,000 per year permanent pay increase (FN) - To Education then Finance

2175.   By Del. Rodighiero and Hicks - Requiring recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program be issued a photo identification card (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

2176.   By Del. Rodighiero and Hicks - Prohibiting the number of inquiries reflected in a credit report, credit score report or CLUE report from adversely affecting an application for insurance (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Finance

2177.   By Del. Rodighiero and Marcum - Exempting all veterans of the Armed Forces or any reserve component thereof from having to obtain a hunting, trapping fishing license (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance

2178.   By Del. Rodighiero - Relating to quarterly payment of real and personal property taxes - To Finance

2179.   By Del. Rodighiero, Hornbuckle and Eldridge - Issuing a special registration plate for persons who are residents of this state and who have a family member diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2180.   By Del. Rodighiero and Marcum - Authorizing the issuance of special "In God We Trust" motor vehicle registration plates - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2181.   By Del. Caputo - Creating an additional magistrate court deputy clerk position for Marion County (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

2182.   By Del. McGeehan - Continuing personal income tax adjustment to gross income of certain retirees receiving pensions from defined pension plans (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2183.   By Del. Hamilton and Frich - Relating to appointment of Public Service Commissioners - To Government Organization then the Judiciary

2184.   By Del. Sponaugle - Permitting teachers under the State Teachers Retirement System to teach college level courses without loss of benefits (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2185.   By Del. Caputo - Giving local authorities the authority to decrease the speed limit on streets and highways where school buses travel in its jurisdiction - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2186.   By Del. Fleischauer, Shott, Hamilton and Sobonya - Relating generally to human trafficking (FN) - To the Judiciary

2187.   By Del. Rohrbach - Establishing an advisory council on rare diseases (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then Finance

2188.   By Del. Rowe, Pushkin, Sobonya, Fleischauer and Hornbuckle - Extending the length of time for the special Community-Based Pilot Demonstration Project to Improve Outcomes for At-Risk Youth - To the Judiciary

2189.   By Del. Moye - Exempting disabled veterans from campground rental fees during certain times (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance

2190.   By Del. Ferro, Hornbuckle and Fluharty - Creating the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act - To the Judiciary

2191.   By Del. Ferro, Hornbuckle, Fleischauer, Sponaugle and Fluharty - Relating to educational benefits for dependents of deceased or disabled veterans (FN) - To Education then Finance

2192.   By Del. Ferro - Adding pharmacist and pharmacy to the definition of "health care provider" as used in the Medical Professional Liability Act - To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

2193.   By Del. Folk - Relating to the West Virginia Future Fund - To Finance

2194.   By Del. Gearheart, Ambler, Cooper and Hamrick - Reducing personnel employed by the West Virginia Department of Education - To Education then Finance

2195.   By Del. Rohrbach, Cooper, Rowan, Hornbuckle, Ambler and Hicks - Relating to requiring comprehensive drug awareness and prevention program in all public schools - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then Education

2196.   By Del. Ellington, Gearheart and Overington - Relating to the secondary schools athletic commission - To Education

2197.   By Del. Caputo - Requiring retail establishments offering gasoline or other motor fuel to provide refueling assistance and refueling access to persons with a disability - To Roads and Transportation then the Judiciary

2198.   By Del. McGeehan and Folk - Redirecting certain funds of the West Virginia Department of Education (FN) - To Education then Finance

2199.   By Del. Kessinger - Creating a digital learning pilot project (FN) - To Education then Finance

2200.   By Del. Kessinger - Requiring that four members of the State Board of Education be elected on a nonpartisan basis - To Education then the Judiciary

2201.   By Del. McGeehan - Save the Hospitals Act (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then Finance

2202.   By Del. Fast - Requiring the Human Rights Commission, when investigating a complaint of discrimination, to specifically include an examination of the intent of the person - To the Judiciary

2203.   By Del. Ellington, Cooper, Shott and Folk - Reducing the motor fuel excise tax (FN) - To Roads and Transportation then Finance

2204.   By Del. Gearheart - Removing limitations on advertising and promotional activities by limited video lottery retailers - To the Judiciary

2205.   By Del. Gearheart, Cooper and Ambler - Exempting heating oil for residential use from the Motor Fuel Excise Tax (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

2206.   By Del. Gearheart - Work/Incarceration Prison pilot program - To the Judiciary then Finance

2207.   By Del. Hamilton and Sobonya - Relating to licenses to sell paraphernalia for use with controlled substances - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then the Judiciary

2208.   By Del. Fleischauer, Hamrick, Statler and Folk - Authorizing counties and municipalities to establish a joint airport hazard comprehensive plan - To Political Subdivisions then Government Organization

2209.   By Del. Phillips, Folk, Eldridge and Sobonya - Limiting the authority of municipalities to regulate the purchasing, possessing, transferring, owning, carrying, transporting, selling and storing of knives - To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

2210.   By Del. Ambler, Cooper, Wagner, Upson, Rowan and Moye - Increasing pay to teachers and service personnel (FN) - To Education then Finance

2211.   By Del. Kelly, Cooper, Wagner, Hamrick and Rohrbach - Increasing salaries for teachers - To Education then Finance

2212.   By Del. Howell and Hamilton - West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act (FN) - To the Judiciary

2213.   By Del. Gearheart - Relating to compulsory school attendance - To Education then the Judiciary

2214.   By Del. McGeehan and Folk - West Virginia Educational Restoration Act - To Education then Finance

2215.   By Del. Howell - Issuing identification documents to homeless individuals residing at homeless shelters (FN) - To the Judiciary then Finance

2216.   By Del. Phillips, Hamrick and Sobonya - Making individuals responsible for the costs relating to the filing of excessive false complaints (FN) - To the Judiciary

2217.   By Del. Moye, Hamilton and Marcum - Increasing the maximum personal income tax exemption for persons over the age of sixty-five and for persons who are totally disabled (FN) - To Senior Citizen Issues then Finance


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