By Senators Carmichael (Mr. President), Stollings, Plymale and Boso
[Introduced March 29, 2017]
Declaring the West Virginia Marching Band Invitational to be the state’s official Marching Band Championship event.
Whereas, The VH1 Save The Music Foundation program that places musical instrument in West Virginia public middle schools has increased participation in middle and high school bands; and
Whereas, public high schools of all sizes are enjoying a resurgence in band participation; and
Whereas, Until 2012, there was no statewide marching band championship open to all West Virginia secondary schools; and
Whereas, In that year the West Virginia Division of Culture and History hosted the first West Virginia Marching Band Invitational at Glenville State College; and
Whereas, There were 19 bands in the first competition which has grown to see as many as 37 bands participating at the University of Charleston’s Laidley Field; and
Whereas, The invitational may include as many as 2,400 students and 7,000 spectators who enjoy the day in Charleston; and
Whereas, This invitational provides a showcase for the state’s high school marching bands; and
Whereas, The students have the opportunity to see the WVU Pride of West Virginia perform; and
Whereas, This event highlights the value of arts education to encourage creativity, talent and self-discipline; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate:
That the Senate hereby declares the West Virginia Marching Band Invitational to be the state’s official Marching Band Championship event; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the appropriate officials with the West Virginia Marching Band Invitational.