Introduced Version Senate Concurrent Resolution 39 History

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(By Senators Gaunch, Beach and Stollings)

[Introduced March 15, 2017]


Requesting the Division of Highways to name McCorkle Road 14/3, beginning at a point where it intersects with Route 119 and ending at a point where it intersects with Route 214, (38.244866, -81.874752 to 38.224079, -81.835998) in Lincoln County, as the “U. S. Army PFC Kelva H. Justice Memorial Road”.

Whereas, Private Justice was born on March 25, 1935, in Ivaton, to Clayton and Lyda Zora (Pauley) Justice; and

Whereas, Private Justice attended Duval High School, Griffithsville; and

Whereas, Private Justice entered the United States Army on August 18, 1943, and received his basic training at Camp Adair, Oregon; and

Whereas, Private Justice sailed from the United States in March, 1944, and was stationed in England, France and Germany during World War II; and

Whereas, The last word received from Private Justice was his letter dated March 26, 1945, written while in Germany; and

Whereas, Private Justice’s mother, Lyda Z. Justice, was notified by Major General J. A. Ulio, Adjunct General of the Army, that her son was killed in action on April 14, 1945, in Germany; and

Whereas, A later War Department message dated May 1, 1945 stated Private Justice was killed in an ambush on April 14, 1945; and

Whereas, Private Justice was awarded the Silver Star and two Purple Hearts; and

Whereas, Private Justice was originally buried in the United States Military Cemetery in Holland; and

Whereas, Private Justice’s body was disinterred and his funeral was held on January 1, 1949, at the McCorkle Free Will Baptist Church in McCorkle. The funeral was officiated by the Reverend Meddie Graley, with a military service conducted by Boone County Veterans of Foreign Wars and he was buried in the Midkiff Cemetery in Sumerco in Lincoln County; and

Whereas, It is fitting that an enduring memorial be established to commemorate Private First Class Kelva H. Justice, a native son who served his state and his country with great honor and gave the ultimate sacrifice, by naming McCorkle Road 14/3, beginning at a point where it intersects with Route 119 and ending at a point where it intersects with Route 214, (38.244866, -81.874752 to 38.224079, -81.835998) in Lincoln County, the “U. S. Army PFC Kelva H. Justice Memorial Road”; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That the Division of Highways is hereby requested to name McCorkle Road 14/3, beginning at a point where it intersects with Route 119 and ending at a point where it intersects with Route 214, (38.244866, -81.874752 to 38.224079, -81.835998) in Lincoln County, as the “U. S. Army PFC Kelva H. Justice Memorial Road”; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of the Division of Highways is hereby requested to have made and be placed signs at both ends identifying the road as the “U. S. Army PFC Kelva H. Justice Memorial Road”; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Clerk of the Senate is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of the Division of Highways.

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