WEST virginia legislature
2017 regular session
Senate Bill 493
By Senators Mann, Cline, Mullins, Maroney and Romano
[Introduced March 1, 2017;
to the Committee on Natural Resources; and then to the Committee on Finance]
A BILL to amend and reenact §20-7-1a and §20-7-1c of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, all relating to providing an increase in compensation for conservation officers.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §20-7-1a and §20-7-1c of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted, all to read as follows:
§20-7-1a. Natural resources police officer salary increase based on length of service.
(a) Effective July 1,
2002, each natural resources police officer shall receive and be entitled to an
increase in salary based on length of service, including that heretofore and
hereafter served as a natural resources police officer as follows: For five
years of service with the division, a natural resources police officer shall
receive a salary increase of $600 per year payable during his or her next three
years of service and a like increase at three-year intervals thereafter, with these
increases to be cumulative Each Natural Resources Police Officer whose
salary is fixed and specified pursuant to section one-c of this article shall
receive, and is entitled to, an increase in salary over that set forth in said section,
for grade in rank, based on length of service, including that service served
before and after the effective date of this section as a Natural Resources Police
Officer as follows: At the end of two years of service as a Natural Resources Police
Officer, the officer shall receive a salary increase of $400 to be effective
during his or her next year of service and a like increase at yearly intervals
thereafter, with the increases to be cumulative. A salary increase shall be
based upon years of service as of July 1 of each year and may not be
recalculated until July 1 of the following year.
Conservation officers Natural Resources Police Officers in service
at the time the amendment to this section becomes effective shall be given
credit for prior service and shall be paid salaries as the same length of
service will entitle them to receive under the provisions hereof.
(b) This section does not apply to special or emergency Natural Resources Police Officers appointed under the authority of section one of this article.
§20-7-1c. Natural resources police officer, ranks, salary schedule, base pay, exceptions.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the ranks within the law-enforcement section of the Division of Natural Resources are colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, captain, lieutenant, sergeant, corporal, natural resources police officer first class, senior natural resources police officer, natural resources police officer and natural resources police officer-in-training. Each officer while in uniform shall wear the insignia of rank as provided by the chief natural resources police officer.
(b) Beginning on July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2011, Natural Resources Police Officers shall be paid the minimum annual salaries based on the following schedule:
Natural Resources Police Officer In Training (first year until end of probation)...... $26,337
Natural Resources Police Officer (second year)...................................................... $29,768
Natural Resources Police Officer (third year).......................................................... $30,140
Senior Natural Resources Police Officer (fourth and
fifth year)................................................................................................................... $30,440
Senior Natural Resources Police Officer First Class
(after fifth year)......................................................................................................... $32,528
Senior Natural Resources Police Officer (after
tenth year)................................................................................................................. $33,104
Senior Natural Resources Police Officer (after
fifteenth year)............................................................................................................ $33,528
Corporal (after sixteenth year).................................................................................. $36,704
Sergeant................................................................................................................... $40,880
First Sergeant........................................................................................................... $42,968
Lieutenant................................................................................................................. $47,144
Captain...................................................................................................................... $49,232
Major......................................................................................................................... $51,320
Lieutenant Colonel.................................................................................................... $53,408
Beginning July 1, 2011, and continuing thereafter, Natural Resources Police Officers shall be paid the minimum annual salaries based on the following schedule:
Natural Resources Police Officer in Training (first
year until end of probation)........................................................................................... $31,222
Natural Resources Police Officer (second year).......................................................... $34,881
Natural Resources Police Officer (third year)............................................................... $35,277
Senior Natural Resources Police Officer (fourth and
fifth year)........................................................................................................................ $35,601
Senior Natural Resources Police Officer First Class
(after fifth year).............................................................................................................. $37,797
Senior Natural Resources Police Officer (after tenth
year)............................................................................................................................... $38,397
Senior Natural Resources Police Officer (after
fifteenth year)................................................................................................................. $38,833
Corporal (after sixteenth year)...................................................................................... $42,105
Sergeant........................................................................................................................ $46,401
First Sergeant................................................................................................................ $48,549
Lieutenant...................................................................................................................... $52,857
Captain.......................................................................................................................... $55,005
Major.............................................................................................................................. $57,153
Lieutenant Colonel........................................................................................................ $59,301
Beginning July 1, 2017, and continuing thereafter, Natural Resources Police Officers shall be paid the minimum annual salaries based on the following schedule: Provided, That the director may increase the base pay for all ranks within the law-enforcement section:
Natural Resources Police Officer (In1-6 months)......................................................... $33,994
Natural Resources Police Officer (After Academy Through First Year) ...................... $41,258
Natural Resources Police Officer Second Year ........................................................... $42,266
Natural Resources Police Officer Third Year ............................................................... $42,649
Senior Natural Resources Police Officer (4th - 5th Year) ............................................ $43,048
Natural Resources Police Officer First Class (6th - 9th Year) ..................................... $43,654
Corporal (10+ years) .................................................................................................... $44,260
Sergeant ....................................................................................................................... $48,561
First Sergeant ............................................................................................................... $50,712
Lieutenant ..................................................................................................................... $52,862
Captain ......................................................................................................................... $57,164
Major ............................................................................................................................. $59,314
Lieutenant Colonel ....................................................................................................... $61,465
Colonel ......................................................................................................................... $70,000
Each Natural Resources Police Officer whose salary is fixed and specified in this annual salary schedule is entitled to the length of service increases set forth in subsection one-a of this article.
Natural resources police
officers in service at the time the amendment to this section becomes effective In applying the salary schedules set forth in this
section where salary increases are provided for length of service, Natural Resources
Police Officers in service at the time the schedules become effective shall
be given credit for prior service and shall be paid salaries the same length of
service entitles them to receive under the provisions of this section.
(c) This section does not apply to special or emergency Natural Resources Police Officers appointed under the authority of section one of this article.
(d) Nothing in this section prohibits other pay increases as provided under section two, article five, chapter five of this code: Provided, That any across-the-board pay increase granted by the Legislature or the Governor, and any increase in the base pay for the ranks within the law-enforcement section authorized by the director, will be added to, and reflected in, the minimum salaries set forth in this section; and that any merit increases granted to an officer over and above the annual salary schedule listed in subsection (b) of this section are retained by an officer when he or she advances from one rank to another: Provided, however, That any Natural Resources Police Officer who receives an increase in compensation pursuant to the amendment and reenactment of this section in 2011 shall not receive any across-the-board pay increase granted by the Legislature or the Governor in 2011.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to provide an increase in compensation for conservation officers.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.
On page four, section one-a, line sixty-eight, by striking out “$52,862” and inserting in lieu thereof “$55,013”.