Senate Bill No. 342
(By Senators Gaunch, Trump and Plymale)
[Introduced January 28, 2015; referred to the Committee on Pensions; and then to the Committee on Finance.]
A BILL to amend and reenact §5-10-44 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; to amend and reenact §7-14D-7a of said code; to amend and reenact §8-22A-8 of said code; to amend said code by adding thereto a new section, designated §8-22A-8a; to amend said code by adding thereto a new section, designated §15-2-54; to amend said code by adding thereto a new section, designated §15-2A-23; to amend and reenact §16-5V-8a of said code; to amend and reenact §18-7A-14c of said code; to amend and reenact §18-7B-21 of said code; and to amend said code by adding thereto a new section, designated §51-9-18, all relating to correction of errors under the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement System, the West Virginia Deputy Sheriff Retirement System, the West Virginia Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement System, the West Virginia Emergency Medical Services Retirement System, the State Teachers Retirement System, the Teachers’ Defined Contribution Retirement System, the West Virginia State Police Death, Disability and Retirement System, the West Virginia State Police Retirement System and the Judges’ Retirement System; and clarifying scope, application and requirements for error correction by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §5-10-44 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted; that §7-14D-7a of said code be amended and reenacted; that §8-22A-8 of said code be amended and reenacted; that said code be amended by adding thereto a new section, designated §8-22A-8a; that said code be amended by adding thereto a new section, designated §15-2-54; that said code be amended by adding thereto a new section, designated §15-2A-23; that §16-5V-8a of said code be amended and reenacted; that §18-7A-14c of said code be amended and reenacted; that §18-7B-21 of said code be amended and reenacted; and that said code be amended by adding thereto a new section, designated §51-9-18, all to read as follows:
§5-10-44. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.
(a) General rule: If any change or employer error in the records of any participating public employer or the retirement system results in any member, retirant or beneficiary receiving from the system more or less than he or she would have been entitled to receive had the records been correct, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after the effective retirement date of a retirant, and as far as is practicable, the board shall adjust the payment of the benefit in a manner that the actuarial equivalent of the benefit to which the retirant was correctly entitled shall be paid. The board shall correct errors of any kind involving the retirement system, including, but not limited to, errors resulting in under payments or overpayments to the retirement system, errors resulting in under payments or overpayments from the retirement system, and errors regarding an individual’s or entity’s eligibility to participate in or receive benefits from the retirement system as a member, retirant, beneficiary or participating public employer. The provisions of this section apply regardless of whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error. It is the intent of this section that the board correct errors in a manner that, as close as reasonably possible and consistent with the provisions of this section, places the retirement system and any affected individual or entity in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.
(b) Underpayments to the retirement system: Any error resulting in an underpayment to the retirement system of required contributions, may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or employee underpayment and the participating public employer remitting the required employer contribution or employer underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the Legislative Rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, and loan and correction of error interest factors and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment of required contributions to the retirement system will result in increased payments to a retirant, including increases to payments already made, any adjustments the retirement system correcting an erroneous underpayment from the retirement system, the correction of the underpayment from the retirement system shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.
(c) Overpayments to the retirement system: (1) When mistaken or excess employer contributions, including any or other employer overpayments have been made to the retirement system, by a participating public employer, due to error or other reason, the board shall credit the participating public employer with an amount equal to the erroneous contributions overpayment, to be offset against the participating public employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the system. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system, the board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited to the employer under any of the means used by the board for returning employer overpayments to the retirement system.
(2) When mistaken or excess employee contributions, including any or other employee overpayments, have been made to the retirement system, due to error or other reason, the board shall have sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the employee individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of Section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the board may require the participating public employer employing the individual to pay the employee individual the amounts as wages, with the board crediting the participating public employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system, the board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the employee individual shall not be considered compensation for any purposes of this article. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset, or credited under any of the means utilized used by the board for returning mistaken or excess employee contributions, including any overpayments to an employee.
(d) Overpayments from the retirement system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system more than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an overpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions, or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the retirement system shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the retirement system in any manner permitted by the board. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.
(e) Underpayments from the retirement system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the retirement system less than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an underpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.
(f) Eligibility errors: If the board determines that an individual or employer, or both, who has been participating in the retirement system was not eligible to so participate, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the retirement system. Any erroneous payments to the retirement system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsection (c), and any erroneous payments from the retirement system to such individual shall be returned to the retirement system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (d). Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the board determines that an individual or employer, or both, has not been participating in the retirement system, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the retirement system, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the retirement system as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the retirement system shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b), including interest.
§7-14D-7a. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.
(a) General rule: If any change or employer error in the records of any participating public employer or the plan results in any member, retirant or beneficiary receiving from the plan more or less than he or she would have been entitled to receive had the records been correct, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after the effective retirement date of a retirant, and as far as is practicable, the board shall adjust the payment of the benefit in a manner that the actuarial equivalent of the benefit to which the retirant was correctly entitled shall be paid. The board shall correct errors of any kind involving the plan, including, but not limited to, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments to the plan, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments from the plan, and errors regarding an individual’s or entity’s eligibility to participate in or receive benefits from the plan as a member, retirant, beneficiary or participating public employer. The provisions of this section shall apply regardless of whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error. It is the intent of this section that the board correct errors in a manner that, as close as reasonably possible and consistent with the provisions of this section, places the plan and any affected individual or entity in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.
(b) Underpayments to the plan: Any error resulting in an underpayment to the retirement system of required contributions plan may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or employee underpayment and the participating public employer remitting the required employer contribution or employer underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the Legislative Rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and employer correction of error interest factors and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment of required contributions to the retirement system plan will result in increased payments to a retirant, including increases to payments already made, any adjustments the plan correcting an erroneous underpayment from the plan, the correction of the underpayment from the plan shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.
(c) Overpayments to the plan: (1) When mistaken or excess employer contributions, including any or other employer overpayments, have been made to the retirement system by a participating public employer, due to error or other reason, plan, the board shall credit the participating public employer with an amount equal to the erroneous contributions overpayment, to be offset against the participating public employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the system plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the plan, the board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited to the employer under any of the means used by the board for returning employer overpayments to the plan.
(2) When mistaken or excess employee contributions including any or other employee overpayments have been made to the retirement system, due to error or other reason, plan, the board shall have sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the employee individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of Section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the board may require the participating public employer employing the individual to pay the employee individual the amounts as wages, with the board crediting the participating public employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the plan, the board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the employee individual shall not be considered compensation for any purposes under this article. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset, or credited under any of the means utilized by the board for returning mistaken or excess employee contributions, including any overpayments. to an employee.
(d) Overpayments from the plan: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system more than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an overpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions, or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the plan shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the plan in any manner permitted by the board. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the plan pursuant to this subsection.
(e) Underpayments from the plan: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the plan less than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an underpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the plan pursuant to this subsection.
(f) Eligibility errors: If the board determines that an individual or employer, or both, who has been participating in the plan was not eligible to so participate, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the plan. Any erroneous payments to the plan shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsection (c), and any erroneous payments from the plan to such individual shall be returned to the plan in accordance with the methods described in subsection (d). Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the board determines that an individual or employer, or both, has not been participating in the plan, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the plan, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the plan as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the plan shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b), including interest.
§8-22A-8. Members’ contributions; employer contributions; correction of errors.
(a)(1) There shall be deducted from the monthly salary of each member and paid into the fund an amount equal to eight and one-half percent (or ten and one-half percent, if applicable) of his or her monthly salary. An additional amount shall be paid to the fund by the municipality or municipal subdivision in which the member is employed in covered employment in an amount determined by the board: Provided, That in no year may the total of the employer contributions provided in this section, to be paid by the municipality or municipal subdivision, exceed ten and one-half percent of the total payroll for the members in the employ of the municipality or municipal subdivision. Any active member who has concurrent employment in an additional job or jobs and the additional employment requires the police officer or firefighter to be a member of another retirement system which is administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board pursuant to article ten-d, chapter five of this code shall contribute to the fund the sum of eight and one-half percent (or ten and one-half percent, if applicable) of his or her monthly salary earned as a municipal police officer or firefighter as well as the sum of eight and one-half percent (or ten and one-half percent, if applicable) of his or her monthly salary earned from any additional employment which additional employment requires the police officer or firefighter to be a member of another retirement system which is administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board pursuant to article ten-d, chapter five of this code. An additional amount as determined by the board, not to exceed ten and one-half percent of the monthly salary of each member, shall be paid to the fund by the concurrent employer by which the member is employed.
(2) The board may, on the recommendation of the board’s actuary, increase the employees’ contribution rate from eight and one-half percent to ten and one-half percent should the plan not be seventy percent funded by July 1, 2014. The board shall decrease the contribution rate to eight and one-half percent on July 1 following the acceptance by the board of an actuarial valuation determining that the plan is seventy-five percent funded. If the plan funding level at a later actuarial valuation date falls below seventy percent, the employee rate of contribution shall be increased to ten and one-half percent of salary until the seventy-five percent level of funding is achieved. The board shall change the employee contribution rate on July 1 following the board’s acceptance of the actuarial valuation. At no time may the rate of employee contribution exceed the rate of employer contribution.
(b) All required deposits shall be remitted to the board no later than fifteen days following the end of the calendar month for which the deposits are required. If the board on the recommendation of the board actuary finds that the benefits provided by this article can be actuarially funded with a lesser contribution, then the board shall reduce the required member and employer contributions proportionally. Any municipality or municipal subdivision which fails to make any payment due the Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement Fund by the fifteenth day following the end of each calendar month in which contributions are due may be required to pay the actuarial rate of interest lost on the total amount owed for each day the payment is delinquent. Accrual of the loss of earnings owed by the delinquent municipality or municipal subdivision commences after the fifteenth day following the end of the calendar month in which contributions are due and continues until receipt of the delinquent amount. Interest compounds daily and the minimum surcharge is $50.
(c) If any change or employer error in the records of any participating public employer or the retirement system results in any member or retirant receiving from the system more or less than he or she would have been entitled to receive had the records been correct, the board shall correct the error and as far as is practicable shall adjust the payment of the benefit in a manner that the actuarial equivalent of the benefit to which the member or retirant was correctly entitled shall be paid. Any employer error resulting in an underpayment to the retirement system may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution and the participating public employer remitting the required employer contribution. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the legislative rule 162 CSR 7 (retirement board reinstatement interest) and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions resulting from the employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred.
§8-22A-8a. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.
(a) General rule: The board shall correct errors of any kind involving the plan, including, but not limited to, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments to the plan, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments from the plan, and errors regarding an individual’s or entity’s eligibility to participate in or receive benefits from the plan as a member, retirant, beneficiary or participating public employer. The provisions of this section apply regardless of whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error. It is the intent of this section that the board correct errors in a manner that, as close as reasonably possible and consistent with the provisions of this section, places the plan and any affected individual or entity in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.
(b) Underpayments to the plan: Any error resulting in an underpayment to the plan may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or employee underpayment and the participating public employer remitting the required employer contribution or employer underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the Legislative Rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and correction of error interest factors, and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment to the plan will result in the plan correcting an erroneous underpayment from the plan, the correction of the underpayment from the plan shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.
(c) Overpayments to the plan: (1) When mistaken or excess employer contributions or other employer overpayments have been made to the plan, the board shall credit the employer with an amount equal to the overpayment, to be offset against the employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the plan, the board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited to the employer under any of the means used by the board for returning employer overpayments to the retirement system.
(2) When mistaken or excess employee contributions or other employee overpayments have been made to the plan, the board has sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of Section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the board may require the participating public employer employing the individual to pay the individual the amounts as wages, with the board crediting the participating public employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the plan, the board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the individual shall not be considered compensation for any purposes under this article. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset, or credited under any of the means utilized by the board for returning employee overpayments.
(d) Overpayments from the plan: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the plan more than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an overpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions, or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the plan shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the plan in any manner permitted by the board. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the plan pursuant to this subsection.
(e) Underpayments from the plan: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the plan less than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an underpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the plan pursuant to this subsection.
(f) Eligibility errors: If the board determines that an individual or employer, or both, who has been participating in the plan was not eligible to so participate, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the plan. Any erroneous payments to the retirement system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsection (c), and any erroneous payments from the retirement system to such individual shall be returned to the retirement system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (d). Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the board determines that an individual or employer, or both, has not been participating in the plan, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the plan, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the plan as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the plan shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b), including interest.
§15-2-54. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.
(a) General rule: The board shall correct errors of any kind involving the system, including, but not limited to, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments to the system, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments from the system, and errors regarding an individual’s eligibility to participate in or receive benefits from the system as a member, retirant, or beneficiary. The provisions of this section apply regardless of whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error. It is the intent of this section that the board correct errors in a manner that, as close as reasonably possible and consistent with the provisions of this section, places the system and any affected individual or entity in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.
(b) Underpayments to the system: Any error resulting in an underpayment to the system, may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or employee underpayment and the participating public employer remitting the required employer contribution or employer underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the Legislative Rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and correction of error interest factors and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error is the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment to the system will result in the system correcting an erroneous underpayment from the system, the correction of the underpayment from the system shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.
(c) Overpayments to the system: (1) When mistaken or excess employer contributions or other employer overpayments have been made to the system, the board shall credit the employer with an amount equal to the overpayment, to be offset against the employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the system. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the system, the board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited to the employer under any of the means used by the board for returning employer overpayments to the system. (2) When mistaken or excess employee contributions or other employee overpayments have been made to the system, the board has sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of Section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the board may require the participating public employer employing the individual to pay the individual the amounts as wages, with the board crediting the participating public employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the system, the board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the individual shall not be considered compensation for any purposes of this article. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited under any of the means used by the board for returning employee overpayments.
(d) Overpayments from the system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system more than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an overpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions, or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the system shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the system in any manner permitted by the board. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the system pursuant to this subsection.
(e) Underpayments from the system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system less than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an underpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the system pursuant to this subsection.
(f) Eligibility errors: If the board determines that an individual who has been participating in the system was not eligible to so participate, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the system. Any erroneous payments to the system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsection (c), and any erroneous payments from the system to such individual shall be returned to the system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (d). Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the board determines that an individual has not been participating in the system, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the system, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the system as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the system shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b), including interest.
§15-2A-23. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.
(a) General rule: The board shall correct errors of any kind involving the system, including, but not limited to, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments to the system, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments from the system, and errors regarding an individual’s eligibility to participate in or receive benefits from the system as a member, retirant, or beneficiary. The provisions of this section shall apply regardless of whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error. It is the intent of this section that the board correct errors in a manner that, as close as reasonably possible and consistent with the provisions of this section, places the system and any affected individual or entity in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.
(b) Underpayments to the system: Any error resulting in an underpayment to the system, may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or employee underpayment and the participating public employer remitting the required employer contribution or employer underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the Legislative Rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and correction of error interest factors and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment to the system will result in the system correcting an erroneous underpayment from the system, the correction of the underpayment from the system shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.
(c) Overpayments to the system: (1) When mistaken or excess employer contributions or other employer overpayments have been made to the system, the board shall credit the employer with an amount equal to the overpayment, to be offset against the employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the system. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the system, the board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited to the employer under any of the means used by the board for returning employer overpayments to the system. (2) When mistaken or excess employee contributions or other employee overpayments have been made to the system, the board shall have sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of Section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the board may require the participating public employer employing the individual to pay the individual the amounts as wages, with the board crediting the participating public employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the system, the board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the individual shall not be considered compensation for any purposes of this article. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited under any of the means used by the board for returning employee overpayments.
(d) Overpayments from the system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system more than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an overpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions, or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the system shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the system in any manner permitted by the board. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the system pursuant to this subsection.
(e) Underpayments from the system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system less than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an underpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the system pursuant to this subsection.
(f) Eligibility errors: If the board determines that an individual who has been participating in the system was not eligible to so participate, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the system. Any erroneous payments to the system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsection (c), and any erroneous payments from the system to such individual shall be returned to the system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (d). Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the board determines that an individual has not been participating in the system, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the system, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the system as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the system shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b), including interest.
§16-5V-8a. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.
(a) General rule: If any change or employer error in the records of any participating public employer or the plan results in any member, retirant or beneficiary receiving from the plan more or less than he or she would have been entitled to receive had the records been correct, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after the effective retirement date of a retirant, and as far as is practicable, the board shall adjust the payment of the benefit in a manner that the actuarial equivalent of the benefit to which the retirant was correctly entitled shall be paid. The board shall correct errors of any kind involving the plan, including, but not limited to, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments to the plan, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments from the plan, and errors regarding an individual’s or entity’s eligibility to participate in or receive benefits from the plan as a member, retirant, beneficiary or participating public employer. The provisions of this section shall apply regardless of whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error. It is the intent of this section that the board correct errors in a manner that, as close as reasonably possible and consistent with the provisions of this section, places the retirement system and any affected individual or entity in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.
(b) Underpayments to the plan: Any error resulting in an underpayment to the retirement system of required contributions plan may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or employee underpayment and the participating public employer remitting the required employer contribution or employer underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the Legislative Rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and employer correction of error interest factors and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment of required contributions to the retirement system plan will result in increased payments to a retirant, including increases to payments already made, any adjustments the plan correcting an erroneous underpayment from the plan, the correction of the underpayment from the plan shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.
(c) Overpayments from the plan: (1) When mistaken or excess employer contributions, including any or other employer overpayments have been made to the retirement system by a participating public employer, due to error or other reason, plan, the board shall credit the participating public employer with an amount equal to the erroneous contributions overpayment, to be offset against the participating public employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the system plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the plan, the board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited to the employer under any of the means used by the board for returning employer overpayments to the plan.
(2) When mistaken or excess employee contributions, including any or other employee overpayments have been made to the retirement system, due to error or other reason, plan, the board shall have sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the employee individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of Section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the board may require the participating public employer employing the individual to pay the employee individual the amounts as wages, with the board crediting the participating public employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the plan, the board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the employee individual shall not be considered compensation for any purposes under this article. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset, or credited under any of the means utilized by the board for returning mistaken or excess employee contributions, including any overpayments. to an employee.
(d) Overpayments from the plan: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system more than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an overpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions, or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the plan shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the plan in any manner permitted by the board. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the plan pursuant to this subsection.
(e) Underpayments from the plan: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the plan less than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an underpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the plan pursuant to this subsection.
(f) Eligibility errors: If the board determines that an individual or employer, or both, who has been participating in the plan was not eligible to so participate, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the plan. Any erroneous payments to the retirement system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsection (c), and any erroneous payments from the retirement system to such individual shall be returned to the retirement system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (d). Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the board determines that an individual or employer, or both, has not been participating in the plan, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the plan, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the plan as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the plan shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b), including interest.
§18-7A-14c. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.
(a) General rule: If any change or employer error in the records of any employer or the retirement system results in any member, retirant or beneficiary receiving from the plan more or less than he or she would have been entitled to receive had the records been correct, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after the effective retirement date of a retirant, and as far as is practicable, the retirement board shall adjust the payment of the benefit in a manner that the actuarial equivalent of the benefit to which the retirant was correctly entitled shall be paid. The retirement board shall correct errors of any kind involving the retirement system, including, but not limited to, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments to the retirement system, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments from the retirement system, and errors regarding an individual’s or entity’s eligibility to participate in or receive benefits from the retirement system as a member, retirant, beneficiary or participating public employer. The provisions of this section apply regardless of whether the individual, entity or retirement board was at fault for the error. It is the intent of this section that the retirement board correct errors in a manner that, as close as reasonably possible and consistent with the provisions of this section, places the retirement system and any affected individual or entity in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.
(b) Underpayments to the retirement system: Any error resulting in an underpayment to the retirement system of required contributions may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or employee underpayment and the employer remitting the required employer contribution or employer underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the Legislative Rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and employer correction of error interest factors and any accumulating interest owed on the member and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The employer may remit total payment and the member reimburse the employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment of required contributions to the retirement system will result in increased payments to a retirant, including increases to payments already made, any adjustments the plan correcting an erroneous underpayment from the plan, the correction of the underpayment from the plan shall be made only after the retirement board receives full payment of all required member and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.
(c) Overpayments to the retirement system: (1) When mistaken or excess employer contributions, including any or other employer overpayments, have been made to the retirement system by an employer, due to error or other reason, the retirement board shall credit the employer with an amount equal to the erroneous contributions overpayment, to be offset against the employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system, the retirement board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited to the employer under any of the means used by the retirement board for returning employer overpayments to the retirement system.
(2) When mistaken or excess member contributions, including any or other employee overpayments, have been made to the retirement system, due to error or other reason the retirement board shall have sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the member individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of Section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the retirement board may require the employer employing the individual to pay the member individual the amounts as wages, with the retirement board crediting the employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system, the retirement board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the member individual shall not be considered compensation for any purposes under this article. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset, or credited under any of the means used by the retirement board for returning mistaken or excess member contributions, including any overpayments. to a member.
(d) Overpayments from the retirement system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system more than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an overpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions, or a lump sum payment, the retirement board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the plan shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the retirement system in any manner permitted by the retirement board. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.
(e) Underpayments from the retirement system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the retirement system less than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an underpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions or a lump sum payment, the retirement board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the retirement board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the retirement board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.
(f) Eligibility errors: If the retirement board determines that an individual or employer, or both, who has been participating in the retirement system was not eligible to so participate, the retirement board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the retirement system. Any erroneous payments to the retirement system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsection (c), and any erroneous payments from the retirement system to such individual shall be returned to the retirement system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (d). Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the retirement board determines that an individual or employer, or both, has not been participating in the retirement system, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the retirement system, the retirement board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the retirement system as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the retirement system shall be granted only if the retirement board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b), including interest.
§18-7B-21. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments
(a) General rule: If any change or employer error in the records of any existing employer or the retirement system results in a member, retirant or beneficiary receiving from the system more or less than he or she would have been entitled to receive had the records been correct, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after retirement, the board shall adjust the payment of the benefit in an amount computed by the board to which the retirant was correctly entitled. The board shall correct errors of any kind involving the defined contribution system, including, but not limited to, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments to the defined contribution system, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments from the defined contribution system, and errors regarding an individual’s or entity’s eligibility to participate in or receive benefits from the defined contribution system as a member, retirant, beneficiary or existing employer. The provisions of this section apply regardless of whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error. It is the intent of this section that the board correct errors in a manner that, as close as reasonably possible and consistent with the provisions of this section, places the defined contribution system and any affected individual or entity in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.
(b) Underpayments to the defined contribution system: Any error resulting in an underpayment to the retirement defined contribution system of required contributions may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or employee underpayment and the existing employer remitting the required employer contribution or employer underpayment. Interest accumulates in accordance with the board’s Legislative Rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board Refund, Reinstatement, Retroactive Service, Loan and Employer Correction of Error Interest Factors 162 CSR 7, and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error is the responsibility of the participating public employer. The existing employer may remit total payment and the employee may reimburse the existing employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment of required contributions to the retirement defined contribution system will result in increased payments to a retirant, including increases to payments already made, any adjustments may the defined contribution system correcting an erroneous underpayment from the defined contribution system, the correction of the underpayment from the defined contribution system shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.
(c) Overpayments to the defined contribution system: (1) When mistaken or excess employer contributions including any or other employer overpayments have been made to the retirement defined contribution system by an existing employer, due to error or other reason, the board shall credit the existing employer with an amount computed by the board, to be offset against the existing employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the retirement defined contribution system. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the defined contribution system, the board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer.
(2) When mistaken or excess employee contributions including any or other employee overpayments have been made to the retirement system, due to error or other reason, the retirement board has sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the employee individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of Section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the retirement board may require the existing employer employing the individual to pay the employee individual the amounts as wages, with the board crediting the existing employer with an a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the retirement system, the retirement board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the member individual are not considered compensation for any purposes under this article.
(d) Overpayments from the retirement system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system more than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an overpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions, or a lump sum payment, the retirement board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the retirement board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the plan shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the retirement system in any manner permitted by the board. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.
(e) Underpayments from the retirement system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the retirement system less than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an underpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions or a lump sum payment, the retirement board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the retirement board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the retirement board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the retirement system pursuant to this subsection.
(f) Eligibility errors: If the retirement board determines that an individual or employer, or both, who has been participating in the retirement system was not eligible to so participate, the retirement board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the retirement system. Any erroneous payments to the retirement system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsection (c), and any erroneous payments from the retirement system to such individual shall be returned to the retirement system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (d). Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the retirement board determines that an individual or employer, or both, has not been participating in the retirement system, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the retirement system, the retirement board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the retirement system as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the retirement system shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b), including interest.
§51-9-18. Correction of errors; underpayments; overpayments.
(a) General rule: The board shall correct errors of any kind involving the system, including, but not limited to, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments to the system, errors resulting in underpayments or overpayments from the system, and errors regarding an individual’s eligibility to participate in or receive benefits from the system as a member, retirant, or beneficiary. The provisions of this section apply regardless of whether the individual, entity or board was at fault for the error. It is the intent of this section that the board correct errors in a manner that, as close as reasonably possible and consistent with the provisions of this section, places the system and any affected individual or entity in the position each would have been in had the error not occurred.
(b) Underpayments to the system: Any error resulting in an underpayment to the system, may be corrected by the member or retirant remitting the required employee contribution or employee underpayment and the participating public employer remitting the required employer contribution or employer underpayment. Interest shall accumulate in accordance with the Legislative Rule 162 CSR 7 concerning retirement board refund, reinstatement, retroactive service, loan and correction of error interest factors and any accumulating interest owed on the employee and employer contributions or underpayments resulting from an employer error shall be the responsibility of the participating public employer. The participating public employer may remit total payment and the employee reimburse the participating public employer through payroll deduction over a period equivalent to the time period during which the employer error occurred. If the correction of an error involving an underpayment to the system will result in the system correcting an erroneous underpayment from the system, the correction of the underpayment from the system shall be made only after the board receives full payment of all required employee and employer contributions or underpayments, including interest.
(c) Overpayments to the system: (1) When mistaken or excess employer contributions or other employer overpayments have been made to the system, the board shall credit the employer with an amount equal to the overpayment, to be offset against the employer’s future liability for employer contributions to the system. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the system, the board shall refund the erroneous contributions directly to the employer. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited to the employer under any of the means used by the board for returning employer overpayments to the system. (2) When mistaken or excess employee contributions or other employee overpayments have been made to the system, the board shall have sole authority for determining the means of return, offset or credit to or for the benefit of the individual making the mistaken or excess employee contribution of the amounts, and may use any means authorized or permitted under the provisions of Section 401(a), et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code and guidance issued thereunder applicable to governmental plans. Alternatively, in its full and complete discretion, the board may require the participating public employer employing the individual to pay the individual the amounts as wages, with the board crediting the participating public employer with a corresponding amount to offset against its future contributions to the plan. If the employer has no future liability for employer contributions to the system, the board shall refund said amount directly to the employer: Provided, That the wages paid to the individual shall not be considered compensation for any purposes of this article. Earnings or interest shall not be returned, offset or credited under any of the means used by the board for returning employee overpayments.
(d) Overpayments from the system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system more than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an overpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions, or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person who received the overpayment from the system shall repay the amount of any overpayment to the system in any manner permitted by the board. Interest shall not accumulate on any corrective payment made to the system pursuant to this subsection.
(e) Underpayments from the system: If any error results in any member, retirant, beneficiary, entity or other person receiving from the system less than he, she or it would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, including, but not limited to, an underpayment of one or more annuity payments, contributions or a lump sum payment, the board shall correct the error. If correction of the error occurs after annuity payments to a retirant or beneficiary have commenced, the board shall, as soon as practicable, prospectively adjust the payment of the benefit to the correct amount. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of such underpayment to the member, retirant, beneficiary or other person in a lump sum. Interest shall not be paid on any corrective payment made by the system pursuant to this subsection.
(f) Eligibility errors: If the board determines that an individual who has been participating in the system was not eligible to so participate, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and terminate participation in the system. Any erroneous payments to the system shall be returned to the employer and individual in accordance with the methods described in subsection (c), and any erroneous payments from the system to such individual shall be returned to the system in accordance with the methods described in subsection (d). Any erroneous service credited to the individual shall be removed. If the board determines that an individual has not been participating in the system, but was eligible to and required to be participating in the system, the board shall as soon as practicable notify the individual and his or her employer of the determination, and the individual and his or her employer shall prospectively commence participation in the system as soon as practicable. Service credit for service prior to the date on which the individual prospectively commences participation in the system shall be granted only if the board receives the required employer and employee contributions for such service, in accordance with subsection (b), including interest.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to clarify the scope, application and methods for error correction required by the CPR as it relates to PER, DRS, MPFRS, TRS, TDC Plan, State Police (Plan A), State Police (Plan B) and JRS.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.
§8-22A-8a, §15-2-54, §15-2A-23 and §51-9-18 are new; therefore, strike-throughs and underscoring have been omitted.