Introduced Version Senate Bill 12 History

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Senate Bill No. 12

(By Senators Jenkins, Williams, Barnes, D. Facemire, Wells, Chafin and White)


[Introduced February 11, 2009; referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; and then to the Committee on Finance.]


A BILL to amend and reenact §17A-3-16 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; and to amend and reenact §17A-10-3 of said code, all relating to registration fees for vehicles; allowing a registrant to register a Class G vehicle for a two-year period; requiring all registrations for at least one full year; and facilitating expiration date changes.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §17A-3-16 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted; and that §17A-10-3 of said code be amended and reenacted, all to read as follows:

§17A-3-16. Expiration of registration and certificates of title.

(a) Every vehicle registration under this chapter and every registration card and registration plate issued under this chapter expires at midnight on the last day of the month designated by the commissioner: Provided, That the commissioner may extend the period during which the registration plates may be used.
Certificates of title need not be renewed annually but remain valid until canceled by the division for cause or upon a transfer of any interest shown in the vehicle.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section or of any provision of this chapter, the commissioner shall adopt a staggered registration system whereby the registration of Class A motor vehicles is for a period of twelve consecutive calendar months, the expiration dates of the registrations to be staggered throughout the year: Provided, That on or after July 1, 1997, the commissioner shall also offer an optional two-year registration system whereby the registration of all vehicles shall be for a period of twenty-four consecutive calendar months, the expiration dates of the registrations to be staggered throughout the year. Under this option, all annual fees due at the time of registration shall be multiplied by two.
(1) On or after July 1, 1997, all Class A motor vehicles as defined in section one, article ten of this chapter shall be registered for a period of twelve or twenty-four consecutive calendar months. There hereby are established twelve registration periods, each of which shall start on the first day one of each calendar month of the year and shall end on the last day of the month twelve from date of beginning. The period ending on January 31 is designated the first period; that ending on February 28 or 29 is designated the second; that ending on March 31 is designated the third; that ending on April 30 is designated the fourth; that ending on May 31 is designated the fifth; that ending on June 30 is designated the sixth; that ending on July 31 is designated the seventh; that ending on August 31 is designated the eighth; that ending on September 30 is designated the ninth; that ending on October 31 is designated the tenth; that ending on November 30 is designated the eleventh; and that ending on December 31 is designated the twelfth.
(2) All Class A motor vehicles, which are operated for the first time upon the public highways of this state to and including the day fifteen of any given month are subject to registration and payment of the fee for the twelve- or 24-month period commencing the day one of the month of operation. All Class A motor vehicles operated for the first time upon the public highways of this state on and after the day sixteen of any given month are subject to registration and payment of fee for the twelve- or 24-month period commencing the day one of the month of the next following calendar month.
(c) On or before July 1, 1996, all Class T and Class R vehicles shall be registered for a maximum period of three years or portion thereof based on the number of years remaining in the three year period designated by the commissioner.
(d) On or before July 1, 2000, all Class C trailers shall be registered for the duration of the owner's interest in the trailer and shall not expire until either sold or otherwise permanently removed from the service of the owner.
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section or of any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, the commissioner shall on or before July 1, 2010, offer an optional two-year registration for Class G vehicles. The commissioner may offer extended prorated registration renewal cycles to accommodate changes in designated expiration dates.
§17A-10-3. Registration fees for vehicles equipped with pneumatic tires.

The following registration fees for the classes indicated shall be paid to the division for the registration of vehicles subject to registration under this chapter when equipped with pneumatic tires:
(a) Registration fees for the following classes shall be paid to the division annually:
(1) Class A. -- The registration fee for all motor vehicles of this class is $28.50: Provided, That the registration fees and any other fees required by this chapter for Class A vehicles under the optional biennial staggered registration system shall be multiplied by two and paid biennially to the division.
No license fee may be charged for vehicles owned by churches, or by trustees for churches, which are regularly used for transporting parishioners to and from church services. Notwithstanding the exemption, the certificate of registration and license plates shall be obtained the same as other cards and plates under this article.
(2) Class B. -- The registration fee for all motor vehicles of this class is as follows:
(A) For declared gross weights of eight thousand one pounds to sixteen thousand pounds -- $28 plus $5 for each one thousand pounds or fraction of one thousand pounds that the gross weight of the vehicle or combination of vehicles exceeds eight thousand pounds.
(B) For declared gross weights greater than sixteen thousand pounds, but less than fifty-five thousand pounds -- $78.50 plus $10 for each one thousand or fraction of one thousand pounds that the gross weight of the vehicle or combination of vehicles exceeds sixteen thousand pounds.
(C) For declared gross weights of fifty-five thousand pounds or more -- $737.50 plus $15.75 for each one thousand pounds or fraction of one thousand pounds that the gross weight of the vehicle or combination of vehicles exceeds fifty-five thousand pounds.
(3) Class G. -- The registration fee for each motorcycle or parking enforcement vehicle is $8: Provided, That the registration fee and any other fees required by this chapter for Class G vehicles shall be for at least one year and under an optional biennial registration system the annual fee shall be multiplied by two and paid biennially to the division.
(4) Class H. -- The registration fee for all vehicles for this class operating entirely within the state is $5; and for vehicles engaged in interstate transportation of persons, the registration fee is the amount of the fees provided by this section for Class B, reduced by the amount that the mileage of the vehicles operated in states other than West Virginia bears to the total mileage operated by the vehicles in all states under a formula to be established by the Division of Motor Vehicles.
(5) Class J. -- The registration fee for all motor vehicles of this class is $85. Ambulances and hearses used exclusively as ambulances and hearses are exempt from the special fees set forth in this section.
(6) Class M. -- The registration fee for all vehicles of this class is $70.50.
(7) Class farm truck. -- The registration fee for all motor vehicles of this class is as follows:
(A) For farm trucks of declared gross weights of eight thousand one pounds to sixteen thousand pounds -- $30.
(B) For farm trucks of declared gross weights of sixteen thousand one pounds to twenty-two thousand pounds -- $60.
(C) For farm trucks of declared gross weights of twenty-two thousand one pounds to twenty-eight thousand pounds -- $90.
(D) For farm trucks of declared gross weights of twenty-eight thousand one pounds to thirty-four thousand pounds -- $115.
(E) For farm trucks of declared gross weights of thirty-four thousand one pounds to forty-four thousand pounds -- $160.
(F) For farm trucks of declared gross weights of forty-four thousand one pounds to fifty-four thousand pounds -- $205.
(G) For farm trucks of declared gross weights of fifty-four thousand one pounds to eighty thousand pounds -- $250: Provided, That the provisions of subsection (a), section eight, article one, chapter seventeen-e of this code do not apply if the vehicle exceeds sixty-four thousand pounds and is a truck tractor or road tractor.
(b) Registration fees for the following classes shall be paid to the division for a maximum period of three years, or portion of a year based on the number of years remaining in the three-year period designated by the commissioner:
(1) Class R. -- The annual registration fee for all vehicles of this class is $12.
(2) Class T. -- The annual registration fee for all vehicles of this class is $8.
(c) The fees paid to the division for a multiyear registration provided by this chapter shall be the same as the annual registration fee established by this section and any other fee required by this chapter multiplied by the number of years for which the registration is issued.
(d) The registration fee for all Class C vehicles is $50. On or before July 1, 2000, all Class C trailers shall be registered for the duration of the owner's interest in the trailer and do not expire until either sold or otherwise permanently removed from the service of the owner: Provided, That a registrant may transfer a Class C registration plate from a trailer owned less than thirty days to another Class C trailer titled in the name of the registrant upon payment of the transfer fee prescribed in section ten of this article.

(NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to provide for an optional two-year registration period for motorcycles by collecting either one full year or two full years' fees. The bill also contains a provision to facilitate a change to expiration dates.

Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.)
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