Introduced Version House Resolution 24 History

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(By Delegate Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker))

On behalf of all the membership


March 11, 2023

Supporting the recommendation of the First Responders Honor Board that Medal of Valor nominee, James W. Spencer of the Charleston Fire Department, be awarded the West Virginia Medal of Valor.

Whereas, The Medal of Valor is awarded to firefighters, law-enforcement officers, and emergency medical services personnel who distinguish themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their lives above and beyond the call of duty in the performance of their duties; and

Whereas, The First Responders Honor Board has submitted to the the Speaker of the House of Delegates the following nominee for the Legislature’s consideration:

James W. Spencer of the Charleston Fire Department; and

Whereas, on January 30, 2022, while returning from a previous call, engine 458 of the Charleston Fire Department in Charleston, West Virginia, noticed smoke coming from a home at 603 Russell Street; and

Whereas, Working fire notifications were made upon arrival at the scene; and

Whereas, Bystanders notified crew members of engine 458 that two people were unable to escape the residence which was becoming engulfed in fire as they remained trapped inside the burning structure; and

Whereas, Despite the extreme risk to his own personal safety, due to the immediate interventions this rescue required, Firefighter Spencer used a ground ladder to enter the structure on the second floor; and

Whereas, During a primary search under heavy fire and smoke conditions due to the main body of the fire being adjacent to the room where the occupants remained entrapped, the rescue was successful; and

Whereas, the West Virginia Medal of Valor was established to recognize firefighters, law-enforcement officers, and emergency medical services personnel who distinguish themselves through actions above and beyond the call of duty; exhibiting exceptional courage, extraordinary decisiveness, and presence of mind; or an unusual swiftness of action, regardless of his or her personal safety, to save or protect human life; and

Whereas, James W.  Spencer’s heroic and expeditious actions to save the two individuals trapped inside a building engulfed in smoke and fire without regard to the risk of his own serious injury or death exhibited all the qualities of a first responder meriting the highest award for valor conferred by the State of West Virginia; therefore be it

Resolved by the House of Delegates:

That James W. Spencer of the Charleston Fire Department be honored for his unflinching bravery in the face of danger, and that he be awarded the West Virginia Medal of Valor; and be it

Further Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates is directed to forward a copy of this resolution to James W. Spencer and his family, as well as the Charleston Fire Department.

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