WEST virginia legislature
2024 regular session
Committee Substitute
House Bill 5540
By Delegates Stephens, Toney, Sheedy, Ellington, Barnhart, Hite, Willis, Rohrbach, Dittman, and Lewis
[Passed March 1, 2024; in effect ninety days from passage.]
AN ACT to amend the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §18-34-1, creating the Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Education Act; requiring annual education of public school students in grades 6-12; setting forth methods of instruction; and mandating start date of instruction.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
(a) The Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Education Act or “Laken’s Law” would help prevent overdose deaths in teens and young adults due to fentanyl and fentanyl components. This shall be accomplished through education of students in grades 6-12 in all public schools and be mandated annually using the following methods:
(1) Students will be taught about fentanyl, heroin, and opioids awareness, prevention, and abuse;
(2) Students will be instructed in the life-saving use of FDA-approved opioid reversal agents;
(3) Students will be instructed on the prevention of the abuse of and addiction to fentanyl;
(4) Students will be instructed on available state and community resources and organizations that work to prevent and reduce youth substance use; and
(5) Students will receive health education covering the issues of substance abuse and youth substance abuse in particular.
(b) This mandatory instruction will begin in the 2024-2025 school year.
The Clerk of the House of Delegates and the Clerk of the Senate hereby certify that the foregoing bill is correctly enrolled.
Clerk of the House of Delegates
Clerk of the Senate
Originated in the House of Delegates.
In effect ninety days from passage.
Speaker of the House of Delegates
President of the Senate
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Day of ..........................................................................................................., 2024.