WEST virginia Legislature
2016 regular session
House Bill 4623
By Delegate Walters
[Introduced February 19,
2016; Referred
to the Committee on Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary.]
A BILL to amend and reenact §46A-2-115 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to limits on charges a secured lender may recover from a consumer borrower upon default.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §46A-2-115 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§46A-2-115. Limitation on default charges.
(a) Except for reasonable expenses including costs and fees authorized by statute incurred in realizing on a security interest, the agreement with respect to a consumer credit sale or a consumer loan may not provide for charges as a result of default by the consumer other than those authorized by this chapter.
(b) A consumer loan
secured by real property: (1) Originated by a bank or savings and loan
association, or an affiliate, and not solicited by an unaffiliated broker; (2)
held by a federal home loan bank, the federal national mortgage association,
the federal home loan mortgage corporation, the government national mortgage
association, the West Virginia Housing Development Fund; or (3) insured or
guaranteed by the farmers home administration, the veteran's administration,
department of housing and urban development, which includes in the loan agreement
a reinstatement period beginning with the trustee notice of foreclosure and
ending prior to foreclosure sale, may, in addition to those authorized by this
chapter, permit the recovery of the following actual reasonable reinstatement
period expenses paid or owed to third parties: (i) Publication costs paid
to the publisher of the notice; (ii) appraisal fee when required by the
circumstances or by a regulatory authority and only after the loan has been
referred to a trustee for foreclosure; (iii) title check and lienholder
notification fee not to exceed $200, as adjusted from time to time by the
increase in the consumer price index for all consumers published by the United
States Department of Labor; and(iv) certified mailing costs With respect
to this subsection: (1) The phrase “consumer loan” means a consumer loan
secured by real property: (A) Originated by a bank or savings and loan
association, or an affiliate, not solicited by an unaffiliated broker; (B) Held
by a federal home loan bank, the federal National Mortgage Association, the
federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Government National Mortgage Association,
the West Virginia Housing Development Fund; or (C) Insured or guaranteed by the
Farmers Home Administration, the Veteran's Administration, or Department of Housing
and Urban Development.
(2) Except as provided in subdivision (3) of this subsection, the agreements that evidence a consumer loan may permit the recovery of the following charges: (A) Costs of publication; (B) an appraisal fee; (C) all costs incidental to a title examination including, without limitation, professional fees, fees and expenses incident to travel, and copies of real estate and tax records; (D) expenses incidental to notice made to lienholders and other parties and entities having an interest in the real property to be sold; (E) certified mailing costs; and (F) all costs, fees and expenses incurred by a trustee incident to a pending trustee’s sale of the real property securing the consumer loan.
(3) For purposes of the charges expressly authorized by this subsection, no charge may be assessed and collected from a consumer unless: (A) Each charge is reasonable in its amount; B) each charge is actually incurred by or on behalf of the holder of the consumer loan; (C) each charge is actually incurred after the last day allowed for cure of the consumer’s default, and before the consumer reinstates the consumer loan or otherwise cures the default; (D) the holder of the consumer loan and the consumer have agreed to cancel any pending trustee’s sale or other foreclosure on the real property securing the consumer loan; and (E) in the case of an appraisal fee, no appraisal fee has been charged to the consumer within the preceding six months.
(c) All amounts paid to a creditor
arising out of any consumer credit sale or consumer loan shall be credited upon
receipt against payments due: Provided, That amounts received and
applied during a cure period will not result in a duty to provide a new notice
of right to cure; and provided Provided however, That
further that partial amounts received during the reinstatement
period set forth in subsection (b)(3) of this section do not create an
automatic duty to reinstate and may be returned by the creditor. Default
charges shall be accounted for separately; those set forth in subsection (b)
arising during such a reinstatement the period prescribed
therein may be added to principal.
(d) At least once every twelve months, the holder or servicer of each consumer loan secured by real property against which the creditor assesses any default charge, and: (1) Not serviced by the originating lender or its affiliate or their successors by merger; (2) not held by a federal home loan bank, the federal National Mortgage Association, the federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Government National Mortgage Association, the West Virginia Housing Development Fund; or (3) not insured or guaranteed by the Farmers Home Administration, the Veteran's Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, shall transmit to the consumer an accounting of every default charge assessed within the previous twelve months, including the date, amount and nature of the cost.
For purposes of this This subsection this notice requirement
does not apply to delinquency charges permitted under sections one hundred
twelve and one hundred thirteen, article three of this chapter; credit
line over-the-limit fees; deferral charges permitted under section one hundred
fourteen, article three of this chapter; collateral protection insurance
permitted under section one hundred nine-a, article three of this chapter; and, advances
to pay taxes.
(e) A provision in violation of this section is unenforceable. The amendments to this section by Acts of the Legislature in the regular session of 2003 are a clarification of existing law and shall be retroactively applied to all agreements in effect on the date of passage of the amendments, except where controversies arising under those agreements are pending prior to the date of passage of the amendments.
(f) Nothing in this section limits the expenses incidental to a trustee’s sale of real property that are recoverable pursuant to section seven, article one, chapter thirty-eight of this code.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to clarify and expand the list of charges that are recoverable by a secured lender from a consumer borrower upon the borrower’s default.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.