Introduced Version House Bill 3295 History

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Key: Green = existing Code. Red = new code to be enacted
H. B. 3295

(By Delegate White)

[Introduced March 23, 2009; referred to the

Committee on Education then Finance.]

A BILL to amend and reenact §18-30-6 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; to amend and reenact §36-8-13 of said code; and to amend and reenact §44-1-28 of said code, all relating to the West Virginia State Treasurer's Office; transferring a one time sum of $8 million from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund; setting $1 million as the amount to be transferred annually from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund until the actuary certifies there are sufficient funds to pay out all contracts; authorizing investment of the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund; and facilitating payments by the state where the owner has died.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That §18-30-6 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted; that §36-8-13 of said code be amended and
reenacted; and that §44-1-28 of said code be amended and reenacted, all to read as follows:


§18-30-6. West Virginia prepaid tuition trust.
(a) The "Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund" is continued within the accounts held by the State Treasurer for administration by the board.
(b) The Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund shall continue to receive all payments from account owners on behalf of beneficiaries of prepaid tuition contracts or from any other source, public or private. Earnings derived from the investment of moneys in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund shall remain in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund held in trust in the same manner as payments, except as refunded, applied for purposes of the beneficiaries, and applied for purposes of maintaining and administering the prepaid tuition plan.
(c) The corpus, assets and earnings of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund do not constitute public funds of the state and are available solely for carrying out the purposes of this article. Any contract entered into by or any obligation of the board on behalf of and for the benefit of the Prepaid Tuition Plan does not constitute a debt of the state, but is solely an obligation of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund. The state has no obligation to any designated beneficiary or any other person as a result of the Prepaid Tuition Plan. All amounts payable from the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund are limited to amounts available in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund.
(d) Nothing in this article or in any prepaid tuition contract is a promise or guarantee of admission to, continued enrollment in, or graduation from an eligible educational institution.
(e) The requirements of the provisions of chapter thirty-two of this code do not apply to the sale of a prepaid tuition contract by the board, its employees and agents.
(f) The Prepaid Tuition Plan and the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund shall continue in existence until terminated by the Legislature as it determines or by the board upon determining that continued operation is infeasible. Upon termination of the plan and after payment of all fees, charges, expenses and penalties, the assets of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund are paid to current account owners, to the extent possible, on a pro rata basis as their interests may appear, and any assets presumed abandoned are reported and remitted to the unclaimed property administrator in accordance with the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act in article eight, chapter thirty-six of this code. Any assets then remaining in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund shall revert to the State General Revenue Fund.
(g) Effective March 8, 2003, the prepaid tuition plan is closed to new contracts until the Legislature authorizes the plan to reopen. Closing the plan to new contracts shall does not mean the Prepaid Tuition Plan is closed and shall does not affect any Prepaid Tuition Plan contracts in effect on March 8, 2003. All contract owners shall continue to pay any amounts due, including without limitation monthly installments, penalties and fees. Earnings derived from the investment of moneys in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund shall continue to accrue to the fund until the fund is closed in accordance with this article.
(h) The board shall continue to have the actuarial soundness of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund evaluated annually.
(i)(1) On or before December 1, 2003, and each year thereafter, the chairman chairperson of the board shall submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Delegates, Joint Committee on Government and Finance and the unclaimed property administrator a report certified by an actuary of the actuarial status of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund at the end of the fiscal year immediately preceding the date of the report. In the event the report for fiscal year two thousand three states there is a projected unfunded liability in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, the report shall also state the amount needed for the next fiscal year to eliminate the projected unfunded liability in equal payments over a period of ten fiscal years, concluding the thirtieth day of June, two thousand thirteen. In the event the projected unfunded liability of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund increases in subsequent reports, the actuary shall calculate the amount needed, less any amount in the prepaid tuition trust escrow fund, to eliminate the projected unfunded liability over a period the actuary determines is fiscally responsible.
(2) The Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund is hereby created continued in the State Treasury to guarantee payment of Prepaid Tuition Plan contracts. The board shall invest the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund in accordance with the provisions of this article in fixed income securities, and all earnings of the escrow fund shall remain in accrue to the escrow fund and be available for expenditure in accordance with this section.
(3) In the event the actuary determines an unfunded liability exists in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, the report shall certify the amount of money needed for the next fiscal year to eliminate the projected unfunded liability pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (1) of this subsection. The certified amount may not exceed one million dollars each year.
(A) On July 1, 2009, the unclaimed property administrator shall transfer the amount of $8 million from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund.
(B) On or before December 15 in which the chairman submitted a report stating the amount needed for the next fiscal year to eliminate a projected unfunded liability of each fiscal year and continuing until the actuary certifies there are sufficient funds to pay out all contracts, the unclaimed property administrator shall transfer the amount requested, not to exceed of $1 million each year from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund.
(4) In the event the money in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund is insufficient to cover the amount of money needed to meet the current obligations of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, the board may withdraw from the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund the amount of money needed to meet current obligations of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund.
(5) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the Governor, after consultation with the Budget Office of the Department of Revenue, may request an appropriation to the board in the amount of the deficiency to meet the current obligations of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, in the budget presented to the next session of the Legislature for its consideration. The Legislature is not required to make any appropriation pursuant to this subsection, and the amount of the deficiency is not a debt or a liability of the state.
(6) As used in this section, "current obligations of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund" means amounts required for the payment of contract distributions or other obligations of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, the maintenance of the fund, and operating expenses for the current fiscal year.
(7) Nothing in this subsection creates an obligation of state general revenue funds or requires any level of funding by the Legislature.
(8) After the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund has been closed and all moneys paid in accordance with this section, any moneys remaining in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund and the account closed.
(j) To fulfill the charitable and public purpose of this article, neither the earnings nor the corpus of the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund is subject to taxation by the state or any of its political subdivisions.
(k) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, money in the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund is exempt from creditor process and not subject to attachment, garnishment or other process; is not available as security or collateral for any loan, or otherwise subject to alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance or charge; and is not subject to seizure, taking, appropriation or application by any legal or equitable process or operation of law to pay any debt or liability of any account owner, beneficiary or successor in interest.
(l) The provisions of this section may not be construed to interfere with the operation of the savings plan authorized under this article.

§36-8-13. Deposit of funds.
(a) The administrator shall record the name and last known address of each person appearing from the holders reports to be entitled to the property and the name and last known address of each insured person or annuitant and beneficiary and with respect to each policy or annuity listed in the report of an insurance company, its number, the name of the company and the amount due.
(b) The Unclaimed Property Fund is continued. The administrator shall deposit all funds received pursuant to this article in the Unclaimed Property Fund, including the proceeds from the sale of abandoned property under section twelve of this article. In addition to paying claims of unclaimed property duly allowed, the administrator may deduct the following expenses from the Unclaimed Property Fund:
(1) Expenses of the sale of abandoned property;
(2) Expenses incurred in returning the property to owners, including without limitation the costs of mailing and publication to locate owners;
(3) Reasonable service charge; and
(4) Expenses incurred in examining records of holders of property and in collecting the property from those holders.
(c) The Unclaimed Property Trust Fund is continued within the State Treasury. The administrator may invest the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund with the West Virginia Board of Treasury Investments and all earnings shall accrue to the fund and are available for expenditure in accordance with this article. After deducting the expenses specified in subsection (b) of this section and maintaining a sum of money from which to pay claims duly allowed, the administrator shall transfer the remaining moneys in the Unclaimed Property Fund to the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund.
(d) (1) On July 1, 2009, the unclaimed property administrator shall transfer the amount of $8 million from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund.
On or before December 15 of each year, and after receipt of a report from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the West Virginia College Prepaid Tuition and Savings Program stating the amount certified by an actuary in accordance with the provisions of section six, article thirty, chapter eighteen of this code, notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the administrator shall transfer the sum of money certified by the actuary $1 million from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the Prepaid Tuition Trust Escrow Fund, the amount transferred not to exceed one million dollars annually until the actuary certifies there are sufficient funds to pay out all contracts.
(e) On or before June 1, 2007, the unclaimed property administrator shall transfer the amount of $2 million from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the Deferred Compensation Matching Fund for operation of the deferred compensation matching program for state employees. On or before June 1, 2008, the unclaimed property administrator shall transfer the amount of $1 million from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the Deferred Compensation Matching Fund for operation of the matching program.
(f) After transferring any money required by subsections (d) and (e) of this section, the administrator shall transfer moneys remaining in the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund to the General Revenue Fund.

§44-1-28. Payment of small sums due employees to distributees of decedents upon whose estates there have been no qualifications.

(a) When there is due from the State of West Virginia, any of its political subdivisions, the United States or any employer as owes wages, salary, pension payments or money allowed for burial expenses or money, wages or salary due from any employer to a deceased employee to a decedent, upon whose estate there has been no qualification, a sum of and the amount owed does not exceeding one thousand dollars, it shall be lawful for exceed $5,000, the State of West Virginia, any of its political subdivisions, the United States or such the decedent's employer, after one hundred and twenty days from the death of said person to whom such money is due to the decedent, may pay said sum the amount owed to his or her the decedent's surviving consort spouse, if any; if none such and if no spouse survived the decedent, then to the distributees of the said decedent under the laws of the State of West Virginia. whose receipt therefor shall be a full discharge and acquittance to all persons whomsoever on account of such sum
(b) When the State Treasurer holds property in accordance with article eight, chapter thirty-six of this code on behalf of a decedent upon whose estate there has been no qualification, or is closed and the amount of the property is $5,000 or less, the Treasurer may remit the property to the surviving spouse of the decedent, if any; and if no spouse survives the decedent, then to the distributees of the decedent under the laws of the State of West Virginia. When the State Treasurer holds property in accordance with article eight, chapter thirty-six of this code on behalf of a decedent whose estate is closed or has no present qualification and a valid will or an affidavit naming the decedent's distributees has been filed with the appropriate probate jurisdiction, the Treasurer may remit the property to the distributees as reflected in the will, or in the absence of a will, as established by the affidavit, in accordance with the laws of descent and distribution.
(c) Payment in accordance with this section is in full discharge and acquittance to all persons whomsoever on account of the property.

NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to transfer a one time sum of $8 million from the unclaimed property trust fund to the prepaid tuition trust escrow fund to cover investment losses in the prepaid tuition trust fund and set $1 million as the amount to be transferred annually from the unclaimed property trust fund to the prepaid tuition trust fund until the actuary certifies there are sufficient funds to pay out all contracts. In addition, the bill
facilitates payments from the state where the owner has died.

Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.
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