H. B. 2931
(By Delegates White and Campbell)
[Passed April 11, 2009; in effect ninety days from passage.]
AN ACT to amend and reenact §11-13A-3b of the Code of West
Virginia, 1931, as amended; and to amended and reenact
§11-13V-4 of said code, all relating to removing a severance
tax on timber for tax years 2010 through 2012, inclusive.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §11-13A-3b of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as
amended, be amended and reenacted; and that §11-13V-4 of said code
be amended and reenacted, all to read as follows:
§11-13A-3b. Imposition of tax on privilege of severing timber.
(a) Imposition of tax. -- For the privilege of engaging or
continuing within this state in the business of severing timber for
sale, profit or commercial use, there is hereby levied and shall be
collected from every person exercising such privilege an annual
privilege tax.
(b) Rate and measure of tax. -- The tax imposed in subsection
(a) of this section shall be three and twenty-two hundredths
percent of the gross value of the timber produced, as shown by the
gross proceeds derived from the sale thereof by the producer,
except as otherwise provided in this article: Provided, That as to
timber produced after December 31, 2006 the rate of the tax imposed
in subsection (a) of this section shall be one and twenty-two
hundredths percent of the gross value of the timber produced, as
shown by the gross proceeds derived from the sale thereof by the
producer, except as otherwise provided in this article.
(c) Tax in addition to other taxes. -- The tax imposed by this
section shall apply to all persons severing timber in this state
and shall be in addition to all other taxes imposed by law.
(d) Elimination of tax. -- Beginning in the tax year 2010 and
continuing for two consecutive tax years thereafter, the tax
imposed by this section is discontinued.
§11-13V-4. Imposition of tax.
(a) Imposition of additional tax on privilege of severing
coal. -- Upon every person exercising the privilege of engaging
within this state in severing, extracting, reducing to possession
or producing coal for sale, profit or commercial use, there is
hereby imposed an additional annual severance tax for exercising
the privilege after November 30, 2005. The tax shall be $.56 per ton and the measure of the tax is tons of clean coal severed or
produced in this state by the taxpayer after November 30, 2005, for
sale, profit or commercial use during the taxable year. When the
person mining the coal sells raw coal, the measure of tax shall be
ton of clean coal determined in accordance with rules promulgated
by the Tax Commissioner as provided in article three, chapter
twenty-nine-a of this code. If this rule is filed for public
comment before July 1, 2005, the rule may be promulgated as an
emergency legislative rule. This tax shall be in addition to all
taxes imposed with respect to the severance and production of coal
in this state including, but not limited to, the taxes imposed by
articles twelve-d and thirteen-a of this chapter and the taxes
imposed by sections eleven and thirty-two, article three, chapter
twenty-two of this code, if applicable.
(b) Imposition of additional tax on privilege of severing
natural gas. -- For the privilege of engaging or continuing within
this state in the business of severing natural gas for sale, profit
or commercial use, there is hereby levied and shall be collected
from every person exercising this privilege an additional annual
privilege tax. The rate of this additional tax shall be $.047 per
mcf of natural gas and the measure of the tax is natural gas
produced after November 30, 2005, determined at the point where the
production privilege ends for purposes of the tax imposed by
section three-a, article thirteen-a of this chapter, and with respect to which the tax imposed by section three-a of said article
thirteen-a is paid. The additional tax imposed by this subsection
shall be collected with respect to natural gas produced after
November 30, 2005.
(c) Imposition of additional tax on privilege of severing
timber. -- For the privilege of engaging or continuing within this
state in the business of severing timber for sale, profit or
commercial use, there is hereby levied and shall be collected from
every person exercising this privilege an additional annual
privilege tax equal to two and seventy-eight hundredths percent of
the gross value of the timber produced, determined at the point
where the production privilege ends for purposes of the tax imposed
by section three-b, article thirteen-a of this chapter and upon
which the tax imposed by section three-b of said article thirteen-a
is paid. The additional tax imposed by this subsection shall be
collected with respect to timber produced after November 30, 2005:
Provided, That during the period of discontinuance of the tax as
provided in subsection (d), section three-b, article thirteen-a of
this chapter, the additional tax imposed by this subsection shall
be determined as provided in this subsection in the same manner as
if the tax described under section three-b, article thirteen-a of
this chapter is being imposed and collected, subject to the
provisions of subsection (g) of this section.
(d) No pyramiding of tax burden. -- Each ton of coal and each mcf of natural gas severed in this state after the effective date
of the taxes imposed by this section shall be included in the
measure of a tax imposed by this section only one time.
(e) Effect on utility rates. -- The Public Service Commission
shall, upon the application of any public utility that, as of the
effective date of the taxes imposed by this section, is not
currently making periodic adjustments to its approved rates and
charges to reflect changes in its fuel costs because the mechanism
historically used to make such periodic adjustments is suspended by
an order of the commission, allow such utility to defer, for future
recovery from its customers, any increase in its costs attributable
to the taxes imposed by this section upon: Coal and natural gas
severed in this state and utilized in the production of electricity
generated or produced in this state and sold to customers in this
state; coal and natural gas severed in this state and utilized in
the production of electricity not generated or produced in this
state that is sold to customers in this state; and natural gas
severed in this state that is sold to customers in this state.
(f) Dedication of new taxes. -- The net amount of all moneys
received by the Tax Commissioner from collection of the taxes
imposed by this section, including any interest, additions to tax,
or penalties collected with respect to these taxes pursuant to
article ten, chapter eleven of this code, shall be deposited in the
Workers' Compensation Debt Reduction Fund created in article two-d, chapter twenty-three of this code. As used in this section, "net
amount of all taxes received by the Tax Commissioner" means the
gross amount received by the Tax Commissioner less the amount of
any refunds paid for overpayment of the taxes imposed by this
article, including the amount of any interest on the overpayment
amount due the taxpayer under the provisions of section fourteen,
article ten of this chapter.
(g) Sunset expiration date of taxes. -- The new taxes imposed
by this section shall expire and not be imposed with respect to
privileges exercised on and after the first day of the month
following the month in which the Governor certifies to the
Legislature that: (1) The revenue bonds issued pursuant to article
two-d, chapter twenty-three of this code, have been retired, or
payment of the debt service provided for; and (2) that an
independent certified actuary has determined that the unfunded
liability of the old fund, as defined in chapter twenty-three of
this code, has been paid or provided for in its entirety.
Expiration of the taxes imposed in this section as provided in this
subsection shall not relieve any person from payment of any tax
imposed with respect to privileges exercised before the expiration