H. B. 2308
(By Delegates Morgan, Martin, Hartman, Hutchins,
Michael, D. Poling, Swartzmiller, Canterbury,
Cowles and Schoen)
[Introduced February 12, 2009 ; referred to the
Committee on Government Organization then Finance.]
A BILL to amend the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by
adding thereto a new article, designated §15-14-1, §15-14-2,
§15-14-3 and §15-14-4, all relating to the West Virginia
Partnership to Promote Community Well-Being; designating the
Partnership as the single state planning authority for
substance abuse prevention, intervention and recovery; setting
forth powers and duties; establishing a special revenue
account; and requesting authorization for Partnership
recommendations as to certain federal grants.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended
by adding thereto a new article, designated §15-14-1, §15-14-2,
§15-14-3 and §15-14-4, all to read as follows:
§15-14-1. Definition of partnership.
The "Partnership" means the West Virginia Partnership to
Promote Community Well-Being established by Executive Order No.
§15-14-2. Partnership designated as single state planning
authority for substance abuse prevention,
intervention and recovery.
The Legislature hereby designates the West Virginia
Partnership to Promote Community Well-Being established by
Executive Order No. 8-04 as the single state planning authority for
substance abuse prevention, intervention and recovery.
§15-14-3. Partnership powers and duties.
(a) The Partnership shall perform those duties assigned to it
by Executive Order No. 8-04, and shall:
(1) When requested by the Governor, establish grant
application processes, make recommendations to the Governor as to
grant recipients, and oversee the implementation of grants to be
expended from federal, state and other public or private funds;
(2) Establish a long-term strategic plan for substance abuse
prevention, intervention and recovery, and make recommendations to
the Governor and the Legislature for funding the plan;
(3) Establish a data-gathering system to monitor the social
and financial impact of substance abuse in West Virginia, compile
and analyze the data, make annual reports to the Governor and the
Legislature and disseminate the reports publicly by electronic and other means for state, regional and local level prevention,
intervention and recovery planning and evaluation; and
(4) Conduct a review of state laws and rules that control drug
and alcohol policies and make recommendations for legislation
corresponding to the long-term strategic plan.
(b) The Partnership may:
(1) Communicate with public bodies impacted by substance abuse
and its attendant problems, including, but not limited to, law
enforcement, corrections, courts, health care including mental and
behavioral health care, child welfare, education, family resource
networks, counseling services and the faith-based community;
(2) Review and evaluate substance abuse prevention,
intervention and recovery programs to determine comprehensive,
scientific strategies for data-driven planning and evidence-based
(3) Accept and receive donations, gifts, grants, bequests and
other funds in furtherance of its duties set forth in this article;
(4) Exercise all other powers necessary for the discharge of
its duties and the implementation of this article.
§15-14-4. Federal and other funds; special revenue account.
(a) There is established in the State Treasury a special
revenue account to be known as the "Partnership to Promote
Community Well-Being" account.
(b) The Partnership may receive federal grants, federally
forfeited funds, and grants, gifts and bequests from public and
private entities without limitation.
(c) The Legislature requests the Governor to authorize the
Partnership to make recommendations as to the use of that portion
of the Federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant
required by federal law (42 U.S.C. Chapter 6A, Subchapter XVII,
Part B, subpart ii, §300x-21) to be used for the development of
programs that support community-based substance abuse prevention
(d) The Partnership shall expend the funds received pursuant
to this section in accordance with the provisions of this article,
the by-laws adopted pursuant to this article and Executive Order
No. 8-04, and other applicable state and federal law.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to codify the West Virginia
Partnership to Promote Community Well-Being established by
Executive Order No. 8-04.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from
the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would
be added.