WEST virginia
2017 regular session
to the Committee on Energy then the Judiciary.
A BILL to amend and
reenact §22C-9-7 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to
unitization of interests in drilling units connected to deep oil or gas wells, prohibiting
the state from requiring persons with oil or gas rights connected to deep oil
or gas wells to involuntarily integrate their interests in a drilling unit and
to require a surface owner’s consent for operations or disturbances to the
surface of the land in a drilling unit connected to deep oil or gas wells.
Be it enacted by the
Legislature of West Virginia:
That §22C-9-7 of the
Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted to read as
article 9. Oil and Gas Conservation.
§22C-9-7. Drilling units
and the pooling of interests in drilling units in connection with deep oil or
gas wells.
(a) Drilling units.
(1) After one discovery
deep well has been drilled establishing a pool, an application to establish
drilling units may be filed with the commission by the operator of such
discovery deep well or by the operator of any lands directly and immediately
affected by the drilling of such discovery deep well, or subsequent deep wells
in said pool. Each application shall contain such information as prescribed by
reasonable rules proposed by the commission in accordance with the provisions
of section five of this article.
(2) Upon the filing of an
application to establish drilling units, the commission shall provide notice to
all interested parties in accordance with this subsection. If the application
does not conform to the existing rules of the commission, then the commission
shall set a hearing and provide notice to all interested parties. If the
application conforms to the rules of the commission, the commission shall
provide notice of the filing of the application to all interested parties. Each
notice shall describe the area for which a spacing order is to be entered in
recognizable, narrative terms; contain such other information as is essential
to the giving of proper notice, including the time and date and place of a
hearing, if any; include a statement that any party has a right to a hearing
before the commission; and include a statement that any request for hearing
must be filed with the commission within fifteen days of receipt of notice. If
no request for hearing has been received within the fifteen days following
receipt of the notice, the commission may proceed to process the application.
If a request for hearing has been received by the commission, then the
commission shall set a hearing and provide notice to all interested parties.
(3) The commission shall
determine the area to be included in such spacing order and the acreage to be
contained by each drilling unit, the shape thereof, and the minimum distance
from the outside boundary of the unit at which a deep well may be drilled
thereon. The commission shall consider:
(A) The surface topography
and property lines of the lands underlaid by the pool to be included in such
(B) The plan of deep well
spacing then being employed or proposed in such pool for such lands;
(C) The depth at which
production from said pool has been found;
(D) The nature and
character of the producing formation or formations, and whether the substance
produced or sought to be produced is gas or oil or both;
(E) The maximum area which
may be drained efficiently and economically by one deep well; and
(F) Any other available
geological or scientific data pertaining to said pool which may be of probative
value to the commission in determining the proper deep well drilling units
If the commission determines that drilling
units should be established, the commission shall enter an order establishing
drilling units of a specified and approximately uniform size and shape for each
pool subject to the provisions of this section.
(4) When it is determined
that an oil or gas pool underlies an area for which a spacing order is to be
entered, the commission shall include in such order all lands determined or
believed to be underlaid by such pool and exclude all other lands.
(5) No drilling unit
established by the commission shall be smaller than the maximum area which can
be drained efficiently and economically by one deep well: Provided, That
if there is not sufficient evidence from which to determine the area which can
be drained efficiently and economically by one deep well, the commission may
enter an order establishing temporary drilling units for the orderly
development of the pool pending the obtaining of information necessary to
determine the ultimate spacing for such pool.
(6) An order establishing
drilling units shall specify the minimum distance from the nearest outside
boundary of the drilling unit at which a deep well may be drilled. The minimum
distance provided shall be the same in all drilling units established under
said order with necessary exceptions for deep wells drilled or being drilled at
the time of the filing of the application. If the commission finds that a deep well
to be drilled at or more than the specified minimum distance from the boundary
of a drilling unit would not be likely to produce in paying quantities or will
encounter surface conditions which would substantially add to the burden or
hazard of drilling such deep well, or that a location within the area permitted
by the order is prohibited by the lawful order of any state agency or court,
the commission is authorized after notice and hearing to make an order
permitting the deep well to be drilled at a location within the minimum
distance prescribed by the spacing order. In granting exceptions to the spacing
order, the commission may restrict the production from any such deep well so
that each person entitled thereto in such drilling unit shall not produce or
receive more than his or her just and equitable share of the production
from such pool.
(7) An order establishing
drilling units for a pool shall cover all lands determined or believed to be
underlaid by such pool, and may be modified by the commission from time to
time, to include additional lands determined to be underlaid by such pool or to
exclude lands determined not to be underlaid by such pool. An order
establishing drilling units may be modified by the commission to permit the
drilling of additional deep wells on a reasonably uniform pattern at a uniform
minimum distance from the nearest unit boundary as provided above. Any order
modifying a prior order shall be made only after application by an interested
operator and notice and hearing as prescribed herein for the original order:
Provided, That drilling units established by order shall not exceed one
hundred sixty acres for an oil well or six hundred forty acres for a gas well: Provided,
however, That the commission may exceed the acreage limitation by ten
percent if the applicant demonstrates that the area would be drained
efficiently and economically by a larger drilling unit.
(8) After the date an
application to establish drilling units has been filed with the commission, no
additional deep well shall be commenced for production from the pool until the
order establishing drilling units has been made, unless the commencement of the
deep well is authorized by order of the commission.
(9) The commission shall,
within forty-five days after the filing of an application to establish drilling
units for a pool subject to the provisions of this section, enter an order
establishing such drilling units, dismiss the application, or for good cause,
continue the application process.
(10) As part of the
order establishing a drilling unit, the commission shall prescribe just and
reasonable terms and conditions upon which the royalty interests in the unit
shall, in the absence of voluntary agreement, be deemed to be integrated
without the necessity of a subsequent order integrating the royalty interests
(11) (10) If a hearing has been held on an
application submitted pursuant to this subsection, the order shall be a final
order. If no hearing has been held, the commission shall issue a proposed order
and shall provide a copy of the proposed order, together with notice of the
right to appeal and request a hearing, to all interested parties. Any party
aggrieved by the proposed order may appeal the proposed order to the full
commission and request a hearing. Notice of appeal and request for hearing
shall be made in accordance with section ten of this article within fifteen
days of entry of the order. If no appeal and request for hearing has been
received within fifteen days, the proposed order shall become final.
(b) Pooling of interests in drilling units.
(1) When two or more
separately owned tracts are embraced within a drilling unit, or when there are
separately owned interests in all or a part of a drilling unit, the interested
persons may pool their tracts or interests for the development and operation of
the drilling unit. In the absence
of voluntary pooling and upon application of any operator having an interest in
the drilling unit, the commission shall set a hearing and provide notice to all
interested parties. Each notice shall describe the area for which an order is
to be entered in recognizable, narrative terms; contain such other information
as is essential to the giving of proper notice, including the time and date and
place of a hearing. After the hearing, the commission shall enter an order
pooling all tracts or interests in the drilling unit for the development and
operation thereof and for sharing production therefrom. Each such pooling order
shall be upon terms and conditions which are just and reasonable and in no
event shall drilling be initiated on the tract of an unleased owner without the
owner's written consent.
(2) All operations,
including, but not limited to, the commencement, drilling or operation of a
deep well, upon any portion of a drilling unit for which a pooling order has
been entered, shall be deemed for all purposes the conduct of such operations
upon each separately owned tract in the drilling unit by the several owners
thereof. That portion of the production allocated to a separately owned tract
included in a drilling unit shall, when produced, be deemed for all purposes to
have been actually produced from such tract by a deep well drilled thereon.
(3) Any pooling order
under the provisions of this subsection (b) shall authorize the drilling and
operation of a deep well for the production of oil or gas from the pooled
acreage; shall designate the operator to drill and operate such deep well;
shall prescribe the time and manner in which all owners of operating interests
in the pooled tracts or portions of tracts may elect to participate therein;
shall provide that all reasonable costs and expenses of drilling, completing,
equipping, operating, plugging and abandoning such deep well shall be borne,
and all production therefrom shared, by all owners of operating interests in
proportion to the net oil or gas acreage in the pooled tracts owned or under
lease to each owner; and shall make provisions for payment of all reasonable
costs thereof, including a reasonable charge for supervision and for interest
on past-due accounts, by all those who elect to participate therein.
(4) No drilling or
operation of a deep well for the production of oil or gas shall be permitted
upon or within any tract of land unless the operator shall have first obtained
the written consent and easement therefor, duly acknowledged and placed on
record in the office of the county clerk, for valuable consideration of all
owners of the surface of such tract of land, which consent shall describe with
reasonable certainty, the location upon such tract, of the location of such proposed
deep well, a certified copy of which consent and easement shall be submitted by
the operator to the commission.
(5) Upon request, any
such pooling order shall provide just and equitable alternatives whereby an
owner of an operating interest who does not elect to participate in the risk
and cost of the drilling of a deep well may elect:
(A) Option 1. To
surrender such interest or a portion thereof to the participating owners on a
reasonable basis and for a reasonable consideration, which, if not agreed upon,
shall be determined by the commission; or
(B) Option 2. To
participate in the drilling of the deep well on a limited or carried basis on
terms and conditions which, if not agreed upon, shall be determined by the
commission to be just and reasonable.
(6) In the event a
nonparticipating owner elects Option 2, and an owner of any operating interest
in any portion of the pooled tract shall drill and operate, or pay the costs of
drilling, completing, equipping and operating a deep well for the benefit of
such nonparticipating owner as provided in the pooling order, then such
operating owner shall be entitled to the share of production from the tracts or
portions thereof pooled accruing to the interest of such nonparticipating
owner, exclusive of any royalty or overriding royalty reserved in any leases,
assignments thereof or agreements relating thereto, of such tracts or portions
thereof, or exclusive of one eighth of the production attributable to all
unleased tracts or portions thereof, until the market value of such
nonparticipating owner's share of
the production, exclusive of such royalty, overriding royalty or one eighth of
production, equals double the share of such costs payable by or charged to the
interest of such nonparticipating owner.
(7) If a dispute shall
arise as to the costs of drilling, completing, equipping and operating a deep
well, the commission shall determine and apportion the costs, within ninety
days from the date of written notification to the commission of the existence
of such dispute.
(8) The commission
shall, within forty-five days after the filing of an application, enter an
order, dismiss the application, or for good cause, continue the application
(b) Notwithstanding any
other provision of this code, the owner or
lessor of subsurface oil or gas resources connected to a deep oil or gas well
may not be required or compelled to integrate or unitize his or her interest
with another owner's interest or be required to permit extraction of that
resource. No surface operations or disturbances to the surface of land
in a drilling unit connected to a deep oil or gas well may occur without the
written consent of the surface owner that approves the operations or
disturbances: Provided, That nothing
in this subsection may be applied retroactively to void a unitization agreement
or order entered prior to the enactment of the provisions in this subsection.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is
to prohibit the state from requiring persons with oil or gas rights connected
to deep oil or gas wells to involuntarily integrate their interests in a
drilling unit and to require a surface owner’s consent for operations or
disturbances to the surface of the land in a drilling unit.
Strike-throughs indicate language
that would be stricken from a heading or the present law, and underscoring
indicates new language that would be added.