Introduced Version
Senate Bill 631 History
Committee Substitute (1)
Enrolled Version - Final Version
Key: Green = existing Code. Red = new code to be enacted
Senate Bill No. 631
(By Senators Plymale, Wells and Browning)
[Introduced February 22, 2010; referred to the Committee on
A BILL to amend and reenact
§18-2A-2, §18-2A-3, §18-2A-4,
§18-2A-5, §18-2A-6,
§18-2A-8 and
of the
Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, all relating
generally to updating terms; process for approval and adoption
of instructional resources in public schools; replacing the
terms "textbooks", "instructional materials" and "learning
technologies" with "instructional resources" and modifying
affected code provisions accordingly; providing approval for
adoption cycles and listing of instructional resources on the
state multiple list; requiring a method for review and adding
new and substantially revised resources to the multiple list;
providing for county waivers of adoption cycles; providing
method for counties to select new or different resource before
end of a contract period; providing a method for vendor update of resources; revising the bidding, selection and approval
process; permitting the multiple list to be published in an
electronic format; requiring contracts to be filed pursuant to
the state board process; providing for review of electronic
instructional resources; providing for regional education
service agency level selection teams; and ensuring equity of
access to electronic instructional resources for all students.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
§18-2A-2, §18-2A-3, §18-2A-4, §18-2A-5, §18-2A-
§18-2A-8 and
of the Code of West Virginia,
1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted, all to read as follows:
§18-2A-1. Definition; adoption groups; adoption schedule.
"Textbooks" includes books, instructional materials and
learning technologies. "Instructional materials" means and
includes systems of instructional materials, or combinations of
books and supplementary materials which convey information to the
pupil. "Learning technologies" include, but are not limited to,
applications using computer software, computer assisted
instruction, interactive videodisc; other computer courseware and
magnetic media.
(a) "Instructional Resources" include print materials,
electronic resources and systems, or combinations of such instructional resources which convey information to the pupil.
Textbooks adopted (b) Instructional resources approved for
adoption and listed on the state multiple list must substantially
cover the required content and skills for the subject as approved
by the state board of Education. Adopted materials The adopted
resources must be current and the information presented accurately.
The resources may consist of a single resource, print or
electronic, or a compilation of resources, print or electronic,
that together cover the required criteria established for approval
as a primary instructional resource. The resources may be updated
or otherwise changed and improved on an ongoing basis to ensure
that they are current and accurate.
(c) On or before July 1, one thousand nine hundred ninety-two,
annually, the state board of Education shall classify the
elementary and secondary school subjects required to be taught in
the schools of our state into adoption groups by related subject
fields as nearly as possible. A schedule for the periods of
adoption, not to exceed six years, shall be determined by the state
board. of Education: Provided, That However, during the school
year beginning on July 1, 2010, the state board shall develop a
method by which newly developed and substantially revised
instructional materials submitted by vendors or available as open
resources may be reviewed for compliance with established criteria. When an instructional resource is found to be in compliance with
established criteria, it may be added to the official multiple list
and thereafter be available for adoption by a county board. County
instructional resources adoption committees may request a waiver of
the adoption cycles from the state board. Software, print and
electronic magazines, print and electronic newspapers and other
print and electronic periodicals and other licensed or
subscription-based instructional resources may be purchased by a
county board of education for classroom use to supplement those
items adopted on the state multiple list without having to comply
with the adoption procedures provided in this article. Provided,
however, That
(d) Software, print and electronic magazines, print and
electronic newspapers and print and electronic periodicals are
considered to be textbooks instructional resources for purposes of
special excess levies subject to the provisions of section sixteen,
article eight, chapter eleven of this code when the described
purpose under that section is for textbooks or instructional
. The state adoption cycle as to science and health
textbooks shall not exceed six years and the adoption cycle as to
all other textbooks shall not exceed eight years: Provided
further, That the county textbook adoption committees may request
a waiver of the maximum adoption cycles from the state Board of Education: And provided further, That during the school year
beginning on July 1, one thousand nine hundred ninety-three, the
state Board of Education shall make additional adoptions only in
the subject of science, and if the county boards of education make
additional adoptions and purchases, then those county boards may
make purchases only in the subjects of science and health.
(e) A county board that selects an electronic instructional
resource may, subject to the approval by the state board of its
request to do so, choose not to renew that option before the end of
the established contract period and select a new or different
instructional resource from the official multiple listing before
the end of the established contract period.
(f) The vendor of an adopted electronic resource, after notice
of explanation to the state board, may offer an update to the
navigational features or management system, or both, related to the
learning technology and may update the content of the learning
technology as needed to accurately reflect current knowledge or
information without change. Vendor changes to the electronic
resources should not require the purchase of a new operating system
during the established contract period. Vendors will continue to
provide support for the version adopted.
(g) The state board shall adopt guidelines and procedures for
updates and changes to electronic instructional resources submitted by vendors.
§18-2A-2. Request for samples and bids; deposit by bidder;
selection, approval and publication of multiple
(a) Prior to each adoption year, and not later than August 1,
the state board by written request or otherwise shall ask the
various vendors of textbooks, instructional materials resources,
print or electronic, learning technologies or any combination
thereof, to submit samples and prices on items deemed appropriate
by the state board of Education to teach the curriculum in the
public elementary and secondary schools of the state for the
current adoption period. The state board will also accept for
consideration newly developed and substantially revised
instructional resources for content areas not in the current
adoption cycle.
(b) All bids or proposals shall be under seal, and each bidder
shall deposit in the State Treasury such sum of money as the state
board may designate, such deposit to be not less than $1,000, and
not more than $3,000 and such deposit shall be forfeited to the
general school fund if such bidder shall fail or refuse to make and
execute such contract and bond as are herein required in case of
acceptance of all or part of the vendor's bid, and otherwise shall
be returned to such bidder after the contract has been made. The state board of Education reserves the right to set the sum of money
a vendor is required to deposit in the State Treasury upon
submitting a bid. Provided, That However, the vendor that has a
previous history of failure or refusal to execute contracts or
bonds with the State of West Virginia. The state board has the
authority to set and collect review fees from publishers and
vendors participating in the state instructional resources approval
and adoption process.
All bids shall be opened by the state board, or its designee,
in public session. After considering the subject matter, product
quality, general suitableness, and prices of items submitted, the
state board shall, prior to March 1 of each year in which adoptions
are made by the state Board of Education it, establish a committee
of teachers and other educational specialists, including a
sufficient number with experience with electronic instructional
resources, and with the aid of said committee, shall on or before
December 1, prior to county adoptions, select, approve and publish
a list of items in each subject and grade in the elementary and
secondary subjects required to be taught by said the state board.
The committee of teachers and other educational specialists shall
report their recommendations to the state board on or before
November 15, of the year preceding the adoption by the county
board. The state board may create a standing committee of teachers and other education specialists, including a sufficient number with
experience with electronic instructional resources, for each
subject and grade level to review all new or revised instructional
resources submitted after the initial adoption.
§18-2A-3. Disposition of and requests for samples.
Sample (a) Items to be reviewed in excess of the official
sample submitted to the state board for examination shall remain
the property of the vendor submitting them if claimed within thirty
days after state board adoption of
the multiple list. If not
claimed within that period, the items may be sold by the state
board and the money credited to the general school fund Department
of Education Instructional Resources Fund or items may be
distributed to state operated educational agencies.
(b) Sample items submitted to county boards of education or
regional education service agency selection committee members
remain the property of the vendor submitting them if claimed within
thirty days after the county board of education has formally
adopted its items instructional materials have been formally
adopted. Unclaimed items may be distributed free of charge by the
respective Board of Education county board or regional educational
service agency or local education agency to any school, library or
individual who may have need for the sample items.
(c) Vendors claiming samples within the thirty-day period shall notify the respective Board of Education at the time samples
are submitted for study of their intent to recall the samples. All
costs shall be borne by the vendors.
(d) No county or regional education service agency adoption
committee is entitled to request or receive more than eight free
samples of any multigrade program being considered for adoption.
Any single grade level subject area items used above grade six
shall be limited to five free samples per county selection
committee. Any individual requesting samples in excess of these
limits shall be billed by the vendor at the lowest wholesale price
plus shipping. In the case of electronic instructional resources,
it is sufficient for vendors to provide access for the purpose of
reviewing the resources via a user name and password to a web-based
resource or through on-line file transfer or download.
§18-2A-4. Execution of contracts; bond.
(a) When the selection and approval of the multiple list have
been properly made, it shall be the duty of the state board to
furnish contracts for the selected items with the vendors within
thirty days of the approval and adoption of the multiple list,
prepare a list of the adopted items resources on the multiple list
and publish same, and send a copy to each county superintendent and
vendors who submitted bids for the particular adoption group not
later than January fifteenth of the year of the county adoption it in electronic format and make the list available through a page on
the West Virginia Department of Education web page. Such The
contract for adoption shall run for a period of time as designated
by the State Board of Education.
(b) Each vendor awarded a contract by the state Department of
Education shall enter into a bond payable to the State of West
Virginia in the penal sum of not less than $2,000 and not more than
$10,000 to be approved by the state board of public works. The bond
shall such bond to be executed as surety by some a responsible
surety company authorized to carry on its business in West Virginia.
Such The contract shall be prepared by the Attorney General in
accordance with the terms and provisions of this article. Such The
contract shall be executed in triplicate, one copy to be held by the
vendor, one by the state board of Education and one attached to the
bond filed with the board of public works.
(c) Bonds required of successful vendors shall provide that:
(a) (1) The vendor will furnish any of the items resources on
the multiple list under vendors contract for the period of the
adoption, from the date of the bond, to any county school unit, a
dealer appointed by the county, or any state board approved
depository or depositories as defined in section seven of this
article, at the lowest wholesale price contained in the bids or
contracts made to any other county school unit, dealer, county, school or depository in any other state, like conditions prevailing.
The state board shall determine, from time to time, the terms of the
bids and contracts and may require the vendor to bear the costs of
shipping, mail or transportation or offer any other financial
benefit available in the highest amount paid by a vendor to any
other county school unit, dealer, county or depository in any other
state. Provided, That However, the state board of Education shall
decide whether from time to time bids and contracts for textbooks,
instructional materials and learning technologies or any combination
thereof instructional resources are to be for the delivery directly
to each county school unit, dealer appointed by the county, county
or to each depository or depositories, or any combination thereof,
under this section.
(b) (2) The vendor will automatically reduce such the prices
in West Virginia when prices are reduced anywhere in the United
States, so that no such item or items
shall at any time be sold in
West Virginia at a higher wholesale price than received for items
elsewhere in the United States, like conditions prevailing.
(c) (3) All items sold in West Virginia will be identical with
the official samples filed with submitted to the state board of
Education as regards quality standards, specifications, subject
matter, and other particulars which may affect the value of the
items. The state board of Education may, however, during the period of the contract approve revised editions of adopted items, which
will authorize a vendor to furnish such revisions. All contracts
and bonds shall be filed in accordance with the board of public
works appropriate state board process prior to July 1.
§18-2A-5. Selection by county boards; school curriculum teams.
(a) Vendors, upon requests of county superintendents, shall
furnish to county boards of education the requested sample copies
of items resources that were selected and placed on the state
multiple list by the state board of Education in accordance with the
provisions of section three of this article. In the case of
electronic instructional resources, it is sufficient for vendors to
provide access for the purpose of reviewing the resources via a web-
hosted online format.
(b) School curriculum teams shall make their curriculum and
instructional needs known to the county superintendent and selection
committees prior to the consideration of any adopted grouping in
accordance with the provisions of section three of this article.
The county board of education shall, upon recommendation of the
county superintendent with the aid of a committee of teachers and
not later than May 1 of the year following that in which the
multiple list for the group was made and approved, select from the
state multiple list one or more items resources to deliver
instruction for a period as provided for elsewhere in this article. Counties are authorized to include nonvoting advisors from the
general public in the adoption process, but shall require advisors
to provide their assessment of the items resources appropriate for
the subject before the voting committee commences the selection
(c) In order to avoid duplication and to maximize resources,
with agreement of all county superintendents within a regional
education service agency area and subsequent regional education
service agency actions, a regional education service agency
instructional resources selection team may be established to conduct
a review of selected resources placed on the state multiple list by
the state board. The membership of the selection team will be
established through agreement of the county superintendents with
representation of all counties, including any nonvoting advisors
from the general public. The resource selection team will provide
recommendations to each county superintendent for consideration,
review and adoption by each local school Board of Education.
(d) Districts adopting electronic instructional resources must
ensure equity of access for all students at school and must have a
plan to provide equity of access at home if necessary through
alternate avenues including, but not limited to, print, software,
and hardware support.
§18-2A-6. Retail prices; limitation on profit; violation; penalty.
It shall be the duty of the state board of Education to fix
prices at which the various books instructional resources adopted
shall be sold to patrons, the excess of which above contract price
shall represent the profit to the retailer; but in no case shall
such profit exceed twenty percent of the contract price. The state
board of Education shall notify each county superintendent of the
list of books adopted instructional resources on the state multiple
list and the prices at which they are to be sold, and any person
selling such books resources at a higher price than that fixed by
the state board of Education shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and,
upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $10 nor more
than $50.
§18-2A-7. Exchange privilege; use of supplementary items; state-
approved depositories authorized.
Contractors shall arrange for the exchange of items, allowing
pupils or boards of education an exchange price as liberal as
granted on the same items to any city, county, or state in the
United States, like conditions prevailing. The exchange privilege
shall extend through one entire school year. Nothing in this
article is to be construed as preventing the use of supplementary
books, instructional materials, or learning technologies
instructional resources, print or electronic, provided they do not
displace the adopted items resources, nor the use of more advanced items
in such schools as may be ready for the same. On or before
July 1, 1994 and thereafter, the state Board of Education is
authorized to approve any depository or depositories, either public
or private, to serve any county or several counties, whose purpose
includes, but is not limited to, offering the savings and services
generally associated with local distribution of textbooks,
instructional materials, or learning technologies instructional
or electronic instructional resources that are not web-
or any combination thereof, to counties and schools.
§18-2A-8. Instructional resources must be approved and listed;
when changes may be effected; rules.
No textbook, instructional materials, or learning technologies
shall instructional resource, print or electronic, may be used in
any public elementary or secondary school in West Virginia as the
primary source to deliver the instructional goals and objectives for
state required courses unless it has been approved and listed on the
state multiple list by the state board, of Education, except as
otherwise provided for in this section. Any changes of items
by the state board of Education shall become effective upon
approval. The state board of Education may upon request by a county
board of education and upon justification of that request, and
subsequent to the adoption by a county board of education, approve
the adoption of additional items to meet the needs of specific children which were not provided for in the original adoption, or
waive the requirement to adopt and utilize items resources
in a
particular school as provided for in section six, article five-a of
this chapter. Nothing in this section shall apply to the
supplementary items that are needed from time to time.
The state board of Education is authorized to may grant
permission to county boards of education for the continued use of
previously adopted items resources that are listed on the most
recently expired multiple list appropriate for the subject category
under consideration. The continued use shall not exceed a period as
designated by the state board. of Education. The state board may
make such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary and
expedient to carry out the provisions of this article.
§18-2A-9. Gifts and bribes to influence adoption of instructional
resources a felony; penalty.
Any member of the state board, of Education, any county
superintendent, any member of a county board of education or any
other person who shall receive, solicit, or accept any gift,
present, or thing of value to influence that individual in the vote
for the adoption of books, instructional materials or learning
technologies instructional resources
, print or electronic, or any
combination thereof, or any person who shall either directly or
indirectly give or offer to give any such gift, present, or thing of value to any person to influence that individual in voting for the
adoption of books, instructional materials or learning technologies
instructional resources
, print or electronic
, or any combination
thereof, shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof,
shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary confined in a
correctional facility for not less than one year nor more than three
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to update the process for the
adoption of textbooks and other instructional material and
technologies to enable county boards more flexibility in adopting
vendor updated print and electronic instructional resources. The
bill updates terms and the process for approval and adoption of
instructional resources in public schools and replaces the terms
"textbooks," "instructional materials" and "learning technologies"
with "instructional resources." The bill also modifies affected code
provisions accordingly, provides approval for adoption cycles and
listing of instructional resources on the state multiple list. The
bill requires a method for review and adding new and substantially
revised resources to the multiple list. The bill provides for county
waivers of adoption cycles and a method for counties to select new
or different resource before end of a contract period. The bill
provides a method for vendor update of resources and revises the
bidding, selection and approval process. The bill permits the
multiple list to be published in an electronic format. The bill
requires contracts to be filed pursuant to the state board process
and provides for review of electronic instructional resources. The
bill provides for RESA level selection teams and ensures equity of
access to electronic instructional resources for all students.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from
the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would
be added.