Introduced Version
Senate Bill 612 History
Enrolled Version - Final Version
Key: Green = existing Code. Red = new code to be enacted
Senate Bill No. 612
(By Senators Plymale, Unger, Bowman, D. Facemire,
Minard, Snyder, Kessler, Wells, Yost, Jenkins and Prezioso)
[Introduced February 19, 2010; referred to the Committee on
Education; and then to the Committee on Finance.]
A BILL to amend and reenact §29-22-18 and §29-22-18a of the Code of
West Virginia, 1931, as amended; and to amend and reenact
§31-15-16a of said code, all relating to funding of higher
education capital projects; authorizing the Governor to
certify certain revised lists of capital improvement projects;
authorizing the Economic Development Authority to issue bonds
in certain amounts and for certain purposes; specifying that
the Economic Development Authority may grant second-in-
priority and third-in-priority liens on proceeds of the State
Lottery Fund up to a certain amount in favor of the bonds;
increasing the amount paid annually to the Higher Education
Improvement Fund from $10 million to $15 million; and making
other technical corrections.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §29-22-18 and §29-22-18a of the Code of West Virginia,
1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted; and that §31-15-16a of
said code be amended and reenacted, all to read as follows:
§29-22-18. State Lottery Fund; appropriations and deposits; not
part of general revenue; no transfer of state funds
after initial appropriation; use and repayment of
initial appropriation; allocation of fund for
prizes, net profit and expenses; surplus; State
Lottery Education Fund; State Lottery Senior
Citizens Fund; allocation and appropriation of net
(a) There is continued a Special Revenue Fund in the State
Treasury which shall be designated and known as the State Lottery
Fund. The fund consists of all appropriations to the fund and all
interest earned from investment of the fund and any gifts, grants
or contributions received by the fund. All revenues received from
the sale of lottery tickets, materials and games shall be deposited
with the State Treasurer and placed into the State Lottery Fund.
The revenue shall be disbursed in the manner provided in this
section for the purposes stated in this section and shall not be
treated by the Auditor and Treasurer as part of the general revenue of the state.
(b) No appropriation, loan or other transfer of state funds
may be made to the commission or Lottery Fund after the initial
(c) A minimum annual average of forty-five percent of the
gross amount received from each lottery shall be allocated and
disbursed as prizes.
(d) Not more than fifteen percent of the gross amount received
from each lottery may be allocated to and may be disbursed as
necessary for fund operation and administration expenses.
(e) The excess of the aggregate of the gross amount received
from all lotteries over the sum of the amounts allocated by
subsections (c) and (d) of this section shall be allocated as net
profit. In the event that the percentage allotted for operations
and administration generates a surplus, the surplus shall be
allowed to accumulate to an amount not to exceed $250,000. On a
monthly basis, the director shall report to the Joint Committee on
Government and Finance of the Legislature any surplus in excess of
$250,000 and remit to the State Treasurer the entire amount of
those surplus funds in excess of $250,000 which shall be allocated
as net profit.
(f) After first satisfying the requirements for funds
dedicated to the School Building Debt Service Fund in subsection (h) of this section to retire the bonds authorized to be issued
pursuant to section eight, article nine-d, chapter eighteen of this
code, then satisfying the requirements for funds dedicated to the
Education, Arts, Sciences and Tourism Debt Service Fund, in
subsection (i) of this section to retire the bonds authorized to be
issued pursuant to section eleven-a, article six, chapter five of
this code and section sixteen-a, article fifteen, chapter thirty-
one of this code, and then satisfying the requirements for funds
dedicated to the Community and Technical College Capital
Improvement Fund in subsection (j) of this section to retire the
bonds for community and technical college capital improvements
authorized to be issued pursuant to section eight, article ten,
chapter eighteen-b of this code, any and all remaining funds in the
State Lottery Fund shall be made available to pay debt service in
connection with any revenue bonds issued pursuant to section
eighteen-a of this article, if and to the extent needed for such
purpose from time to time. The Legislature shall annually
appropriate all of the remaining amounts allocated as net profits
in subsection (e) of this section, in such proportions as it
considers beneficial to the citizens of this state, to: (1) The
Lottery Education Fund created in subsection (g) of this section;
(2) the School Construction Fund created in section six, article
nine-d, chapter eighteen of this code; (3) the Lottery Senior Citizens Fund created in subsection (k) of this section; and (4)
the Division of Natural Resources created in section three, article
one, chapter twenty of this code and the West Virginia Development
Office as created in section one, article two, chapter five-b of
this code, in accordance with subsection (l) of this section. No
transfer to any account other than the School Building Debt Service
Fund, the Education, Arts, Sciences and Tourism Debt Service Fund,
the Community and Technical College Capital Improvement Fund, the
Economic Development Project Fund created under section eighteen-a,
article twenty-two, chapter twenty-nine of this code, or any fund
from which debt service is paid under subsection (c), section
eighteen-a of this article may be made in any period of time in
which a default exists in respect to debt service on bonds issued
by the School Building Authority, the State Building Commission,
the Higher Education Policy Commission, the Economic Development
Authority or which are otherwise secured by lottery proceeds. No
additional transfer may be made to any account other than the
School Building Debt Service Account and the Education, Arts,
Sciences and Tourism Debt Service Fund, and the Community and
Technical College Capital Improvement Fund, when net profits for
the preceding twelve months are not at least equal to one hundred
fifty percent of debt service on bonds issued by the School
Building Authority, the State Building Commission, and the Higher Education Policy Commission and the Economic Development Authority
which are secured by net profits.
(g) There is continued a special revenue fund in the State
Treasury which shall be designated and known as the Lottery
Education Fund. The fund shall consist of the amounts allocated
pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, which shall be
deposited into the Lottery Education Fund by the State Treasurer.
The Lottery Education Fund shall also consist of all interest
earned from investment of the Lottery Education Fund and any other
appropriations, gifts, grants, contributions or moneys received by
the Lottery Education Fund from any source. The revenues received
or earned by the Lottery Education Fund shall be disbursed in the
manner provided below and may not be treated by the Auditor and
Treasurer as part of the general revenue of the state. Annually,
the Legislature shall appropriate the revenues received or earned
by the Lottery Education Fund to the state system of public and
higher education for these educational programs it considers
beneficial to the citizens of this state.
(h) On or before the twenty-eighth day of each month, as long
as revenue bonds or refunding bonds are outstanding, the lottery
director shall allocate to the School Building Debt Service Fund
created pursuant to the provisions of section six, article nine-d,
chapter eighteen of this code, as a first priority from the net profits of the lottery for the preceding month, an amount equal to
one tenth of the projected annual principal, interest and coverage
ratio requirements on any and all revenue bonds and refunding bonds
issued, or to be issued, on or after April 1, 1994, as certified to
the lottery director in accordance with the provisions of section
six, article nine-d, chapter eighteen of this code. In no event
shall the monthly amount allocated exceed $1.8 million nor may the
total allocation of the net profits to be paid into the School
Building Debt Service Fund, as provided in this section, in any
fiscal year exceed the lesser of the principal and interest
requirements certified to the lottery director or $18 million. In
the event there are insufficient funds available in any month to
transfer the amount required to be transferred pursuant to this
subsection to the School Debt Service Fund, the deficiency shall be
added to the amount transferred in the next succeeding month in
which revenues are available to transfer the deficiency. A lien on
the proceeds of the State Lottery Fund up to a maximum amount equal
to the projected annual principal, interest and coverage ratio
requirements, not to exceed $27 million annually, may be granted by
the School Building Authority in favor of the bonds it issues which
are secured by the net lottery profits. When the school
improvement bonds, secured by profits from the lottery and
deposited in the School Debt Service Fund, mature, the profits shall become available for debt service on additional school
improvement bonds as a first priority from the net profits of the
lottery or may at the discretion of the authority be placed into
the School Construction Fund created pursuant to the provisions of
section six, article nine-d, chapter eighteen of this code.
(i) Beginning on or before July 28, 1996, and continuing on or
before the twenty-eighth day of each succeeding month thereafter,
as long as revenue bonds or refunding bonds issued in accordance
with section eleven-a, article six, chapter five or section
sixteen-a, article fifteen, chapter thirty-one of this code are
outstanding, the lottery director shall allocate to the Education,
Arts, Sciences and Tourism Debt Service Fund, created pursuant to
the provisions of section eleven-a, article six, chapter five of
this code, as a second priority from the net profits of the lottery
for the preceding month, an amount equal to one tenth of the
projected annual principal, interest and coverage ratio
requirements on any and all revenue bonds and refunding bonds
issued, or to be issued, on or after April 1, 1996, as certified to
the lottery director in accordance with the provisions of section
eleven-a, article six, chapter five or section sixteen-a, article
fifteen, chapter thirty-one of this code. In no event may the
monthly amount allocated exceed $1 million nor may the total
allocation paid into the Education, Arts, Sciences and Tourism Debt Service Fund, as provided in this section, in any fiscal year
exceed the lesser of the principal and interest requirements
certified to the lottery director or $10 million. In the event
there are insufficient funds available in any month to transfer the
amount required pursuant to this subsection to the Education, Arts,
Sciences and Tourism Debt Service Fund, the deficiency shall be
added to the amount transferred in the next succeeding month in
which revenues are available to transfer the deficiency. A second-
in-priority lien on the proceeds of the State Lottery Fund up to a
maximum amount equal to the projected annual principal, interest
and coverage ratio requirements, not to exceed $15 million
annually, may be granted by the State Building Commission or the
Economic Development Authority in favor of the bonds it issues
which are secured by the net lottery profits issued in accordance
with section eleven-a, article six, chapter five or section
sixteen-a, article fifteen, chapter thirty-one of this code.
(j) Beginning on or before July 28, 2008, and continuing on or
before the twenty-eighth day of each succeeding month thereafter,
as long as revenue bonds or refunding bonds are outstanding, the
lottery director shall allocate to the Community and Technical
College Capital Improvement Fund, created pursuant to section
eight, article ten, chapter eighteen-b of this code, as a third
priority from net profits of the lottery for the preceding month,
an amount equal to one tenth of the projected annual principal,
interest and coverage ratio requirements on any and all revenue bonds and refunding bonds issued or to be issued, on or after April
1, 2008, as certified by the lottery director in accordance with
the provisions of that section. In no event may the monthly amount
allocated exceed $500,000 nor may the total allocation paid to the
Community and Technical Capital Improvement Fund, as provided in
this section, in any fiscal year exceed the lesser of the principal
and interest requirements certified to the lottery director or $5
million. In the event there are insufficient funds available in
any month to transfer the amount required pursuant to this
subsection to the Community and Technical College Capital
Improvement Fund, the deficiency shall be added to the amount
transferred in the next succeeding month in which revenues are
available to transfer the deficiency.
(1) A third-in-priority lien on the proceeds of the State
Lottery Fund up to a maximum amount equal to the projected annual
principal, interest and coverage ratio requirements, not exceeding
$7.5 million annually, may be granted by the Higher Education
Policy Commission in favor of the bonds it issues which are secured
by the net lottery profits.
(2) When the community and technical college capital
improvement bonds secured by profits from the lottery and deposited
in the Community and Technical College Capital Improvement Fund
mature, the profits shall become available for debt service on
additional community and technical college capital improvement
bonds as a second third priority from the net profits of the lottery.
(3) The Council for Community and Technical College Education
shall approve all community and technical college capital
improvement plans projects prior to the distribution of bond
(4) Prior to the issuance of community and technical college
revenue bonds pursuant to this subsection, the lottery director
shall transfer $5 million to the Community and Technical College
Improvement Fund, less any amounts needed for initial debt service
payments, to be used on a cash basis for community and technical
college capital improvements and capital projects.
(k) There is continued a special revenue fund in the State
Treasury which shall be designated and known as the Lottery Senior
Citizens Fund. The fund shall consist of the amounts allocated
pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, which amounts shall be
deposited into the Lottery Senior Citizens Fund by the State
Treasurer. The Lottery Senior Citizens Fund shall also consist of
all interest earned from investment of the Lottery Senior Citizens
Fund and any other appropriations, gifts, grants, contributions or
moneys received by the Lottery Senior Citizens Fund from any
source. The revenues received or earned by the Lottery Senior
Citizens Fund shall be distributed in the manner provided below and
may not be treated by the Auditor or Treasurer as part of the
general revenue of the state. Annually, the Legislature shall
appropriate the revenues received or earned by the Lottery Senior Citizens Fund to any senior citizens medical care and other
programs it considers beneficial to the citizens of this state.
(l) The Division of Natural Resources and the West Virginia
Development Office, as appropriated by the Legislature, may use the
amounts allocated to them pursuant to subsection (f) of this
section for one or more of the following purposes: (1) The payment
of any or all of the costs incurred in the development,
construction, reconstruction, maintenance or repair of any project
or recreational facility, as these terms are defined in section
four, article five, chapter twenty of this code, pursuant to the
authority granted to it under article five, chapter twenty of this
code; (2) the payment, funding or refunding of the principal of,
interest on or redemption premiums on any bonds, security interests
or notes issued by the parks and recreation section of the Division
of Natural Resources under article five, chapter twenty of this
code; or (3) the payment of any advertising and marketing expenses
for the promotion and development of tourism or any tourist
facility or attraction in this state.
§29-22-18a. State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund.
(a) The State Lottery Fund in the State Treasury which is
designated and known as the State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund is
continued. The fund consists of all appropriations to the fund and
all interest earned from investment of the fund and any gifts,
grants or contributions received by the fund. All revenues
received under the provisions of sections ten-b and ten-c, article twenty-two-a of this chapter and under article twenty-two-b of this
chapter, except the amounts due the commission under subdivision
(1), subsection (a), section one thousand four hundred eight,
article twenty-two-b of this chapter, shall be deposited in the
State Treasury and placed into the State Excess Lottery Revenue
Fund. The revenue shall be disbursed in the manner provided in
this section for the purposes stated in this section and shall not
be treated by the State Auditor and the State Treasurer as part of
the general revenue of the state.
(b) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, the commission
shall deposit: (1) $65 million into the subaccount of the state
Excess Lottery Revenue Fund hereby created in the State Treasury to
be known as the General Purpose Account to be expended pursuant to
appropriation of the Legislature; (2) $10 million into the
Education Improvement Fund for appropriation by the Legislature to
the PROMISE Scholarship Fund created in section seven, article
seven, chapter eighteen-c of this code; (3) $19 million into the
Economic Development Project Fund created in subsection (e) of this
section for the issuance of revenue bonds and to be spent in
accordance with the provisions of said subsection; (4) $20 million
into the School Building Debt Service Fund created in section six,
article nine-d, chapter eighteen of this code for the issuance of
revenue bonds; (5) $40 million into the West Virginia
Infrastructure Fund created in section nine, article fifteen-a,
chapter thirty-one of this code to be spent in accordance with the provisions of said article; (6) $10 million into the Higher
Education Improvement Fund for Higher Education; and (7) $5 million
into the State Park Improvement Fund for Park Improvements. For
the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2003, the commission shall
deposit: (1) $65 million into the General Purpose Account to be
expended pursuant to appropriation of the Legislature; (2) $17
million into the Education Improvement Fund for appropriation by
the Legislature to the PROMISE Scholarship Fund created in section
seven, article seven, chapter eighteen-c of this code; (3) $19
million into the Economic Development Project Fund created in
subsection (e) of this section for the issuance of revenue bonds
and to be spent in accordance with the provisions of said
subsection; (4) $20 million into the School Building Debt Service
Fund created in section six, article nine-d, chapter eighteen of
this code for the issuance of revenue bonds; (5) $40 million into
the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund created in section nine,
article fifteen-a, chapter thirty-one of this code to be spent in
accordance with the provisions of said article; (6) $10 million
into the Higher Education Improvement Fund for Higher Education;
and (7) $7 million into the State Park Improvement Fund for Park
(c) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004, and subsequent
fiscal years through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, the
commission shall deposit: (1) $65 million into the General Purpose
Account to be expended pursuant to appropriation of the Legislature; (2) $27 million into the Education Improvement Fund
for appropriation by the Legislature to the PROMISE Scholarship
Fund created in section seven, article seven, chapter eighteen-c of
this code; (3) $19 million into the Economic Development Project
Fund created in subsection (e) of this section for the issuance of
revenue bonds and to be spent in accordance with the provisions of
said subsection; (4) $19 million into the School Building Debt
Service Fund created in section six, article nine-d, chapter
eighteen of this code for the issuance of revenue bonds: Provided,
That for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008, and subsequent
fiscal years, no moneys shall be deposited in the School Building
Debt Service Fund pursuant to this subsection and instead $19
million shall be deposited into the Excess Lottery School Building
Debt Service Fund; (5) $40 million into the West Virginia
Infrastructure Fund created in section nine, article fifteen-a,
chapter thirty-one of this code to be spent in accordance with the
provisions of said article; (6) $10 million into the Higher
Education Improvement Fund for Higher Education; and (7) $5 million
into the State Park Improvement Fund for Park Improvements. No
portion of the distributions made as provided in this subsection
and subsection (b) of this section, except distributions made in
connection with bonds issued under subsection (e) of this section,
may be used to pay debt service on bonded indebtedness until after
the Legislature expressly authorizes issuance of the bonds and
payment of debt service on the bonds through statutory enactment or the adoption of a concurrent resolution by both houses of the
Legislature. Until subsequent legislative enactment or adoption of
a resolution that expressly authorizes issuance of the bonds and
payment of debt service on the bonds with funds distributed under
this subsection and subsection (b) of this section, except
distributions made in connection with bonds issued under subsection
(d) of this section, the distributions may be used only to fund
capital improvements that are not financed by bonds and only
pursuant to appropriation of the Legislature.
(d) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009, and subsequent
fiscal years, the commission shall deposit: (1) $65 million into
the General Purpose Account to be expended pursuant to
appropriation of the Legislature; (2) $29 million into the
Education Improvement Fund for appropriation by the Legislature to
the PROMISE Scholarship Fund created in section seven, article
seven, chapter eighteen-c of this code; (3) $19 million into the
Economic Development Project Fund created in subsection (e) of this
section for the issuance of revenue bonds and to be spent in
accordance with the provisions of said subsection; (4) $19 million
into the Excess Lottery School Building Debt Service Fund created
in section six, article nine-d, chapter eighteen of this code; (5)
$40 million into the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund created in
section nine, article fifteen-a, chapter thirty-one of this code to
be spent in accordance with the provisions of said article; (6) $10
million into the Higher Education Improvement Fund for Higher Education; and (7) $5 million into the State Park Improvement Fund
for Park Improvements. The deposit of $10 million
into the Higher
Education Improvement Fund for Higher Education
set forth above is
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009, only. For
the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 2010, and subsequent fiscal years, the
commission shall d
$15 million into the Higher Education
Improvement Fund for Higher Education.
No portion of the
distributions made as provided in this subsection and subsection
(b) of this section, except distributions made in connection with
bonds issued under subsection (e) of this section, may be used to
pay debt service on bonded indebtedness until after the Legislature
expressly authorizes issuance of the bonds and payment of debt
service on the bonds through statutory enactment or the adoption of
a concurrent resolution by both houses of the Legislature. Until
subsequent legislative enactment or adoption of a resolution that
expressly authorizes issuance of the bonds and payment of debt
service on the bonds with funds distributed under this subsection
and subsection (b) of this section, except distributions made in
connection with bonds issued under subsection (e) of this section,
the distributions may be used only to fund capital improvements
that are not financed by bonds and only pursuant to appropriation
of the Legislature.
(e) The Legislature finds and declares that in order to
attract new business, commerce and industry to this state, to
retain existing business and industry providing the citizens of this state with economic security and to advance the business
prosperity of this state and the economic welfare of the citizens
of this state, it is necessary to provide public financial support
for constructing, equipping, improving and maintaining economic
development projects, capital improvement projects and
infrastructure which promote economic development in this state.
(1) The West Virginia Economic Development Authority created
and provided for in article fifteen, chapter thirty-one of this
code shall, by resolution, in accordance with the provisions of
this article and article fifteen, chapter thirty-one of this code,
and upon direction of the Governor, issue revenue bonds of the
Economic Development Authority in no more than two series to pay
for all or a portion of the cost of constructing, equipping,
improving or maintaining projects under this section or to refund
the bonds at the discretion of the authority. Any revenue bonds
issued on or after July 1, 2002, which are secured by state excess
lottery revenue proceeds shall mature at a time or times not
exceeding thirty years from their respective dates. The principal
of and the interest and redemption premium, if any, on the bonds
shall be payable solely from the special fund provided in this
section for the payment.
(2) The special revenue fund named the Economic Development
Project Fund into which shall be is deposited the amounts to be
deposited in the fund as specified in subsections (b), (c) and (d)
of this section is continued. The Economic Development Project Fund shall consist of all such moneys, all appropriations to the
fund, all interest earned from investment of the fund and any
gifts, grants or contributions received by the fund. All amounts
deposited in the fund shall be pledged to the repayment of the
principal, interest and redemption premium, if any, on any revenue
bonds or refunding revenue bonds authorized by this section,
including any and all commercially customary and reasonable costs
and expenses which may be incurred in connection with the issuance,
refunding, redemption or defeasance of the bonds. The West
Virginia Economic Development Authority may further provide in the
resolution and in the trust agreement for priorities on the
revenues paid into the Economic Development Project Fund that are
necessary for the protection of the prior rights of the holders of
bonds issued at different times under the provisions of this
section. The bonds issued pursuant to this subsection shall be
separate from all other bonds which may be or have been issued,
from time to time, under the provisions of this article.
(3) After the West Virginia Economic Development Authority has
issued bonds authorized by this section and after the requirements
of all funds have been satisfied, including any coverage and
reserve funds established in connection with the bonds issued
pursuant to this subsection, any balance remaining in the Economic
Development Project Fund may be used for the redemption of any of
the outstanding bonds issued under this subsection which, by their
terms, are then redeemable or for the purchase of the outstanding bonds at the market price, but not to exceed the price, if any, at
which redeemable, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall be
immediately canceled and shall not again be issued.
(4) Bonds issued under this subsection shall state on their
face that the bonds do not constitute a debt of the State of West
Virginia; that payment of the bonds, interest and charges thereon
cannot become an obligation of the State of West Virginia; and that
the bondholders' remedies are limited in all respects to the
Special Revenue Fund established in this subsection for the
liquidation of the bonds.
(5) The West Virginia Economic Development Authority shall
expend the bond proceeds from the revenue bond issues authorized
and directed by this section for projects certified under the
provision of this subsection: Provided, That the bond proceeds
shall be expended in accordance with the requirements and
provisions of article five-a, chapter twenty-one of this code and
either article twenty-two or twenty-two-a, chapter five of this
code, as the case may be: Provided, however, That if the bond
proceeds are expended pursuant to article twenty-two-a, chapter
five of this code and if the Design-Build Board created under said
article determines that the execution of a design-build contract in
connection with a project is appropriate pursuant to the criteria
set forth in said article and that a competitive bidding process
was used in selecting the design builder and awarding the contract,
the determination shall be conclusive for all purposes and shall be considered to satisfy all the requirements of said article.
(6) For the purpose of certifying the projects that will
receive funds from the bond proceeds, a committee is hereby
established and comprised of the Governor, or his or her designee,
the Secretary of the Department of Revenue, the Executive Director
of the West Virginia Development Office and six persons appointed
by the Governor: Provided, That at least one citizen member must
be from each of the state's three congressional districts. The
committee shall meet as often as necessary and make certifications
from bond proceeds in accordance with this subsection. The
committee shall meet within thirty days of the effective date of
this section.
(7) Applications for grants submitted on or before July 1,
2002, shall be considered refiled with the committee. Within ten
days from the effective date of this section as amended in the year
2003, the lead applicant shall file with the committee any
amendments to the original application that may be necessary to
properly reflect changes in facts and circumstances since the
application was originally filed with the committee.
(8) When determining whether or not to certify a project, the
committee shall take into consideration the following:
(A) The ability of the project to leverage other sources of
(B) Whether funding for the amount requested in the grant
application is or reasonably should be available from commercial sources;
(C) The ability of the project to create or retain jobs,
considering the number of jobs, the type of jobs, whether benefits
are or will be paid, the type of benefits involved and the
compensation reasonably anticipated to be paid persons filling new
jobs or the compensation currently paid to persons whose jobs would
be retained;
(D) Whether the project will promote economic development in
the region and the type of economic development that will be
(E) The type of capital investments to be made with bond
proceeds and the useful life of the capital investments; and
(F) Whether the project is in the best interest of the public.
(9) A grant may not be awarded to an individual or other
private person or entity. Grants may be awarded only to an agency,
instrumentality or political subdivision of this state or to an
agency or instrumentality of a political subdivision of this state.
The project of an individual or private person or entity may
be certified to receive a low-interest loan paid from bond
proceeds. The terms and conditions of the loan, including, but not
limited to, the rate of interest to be paid and the period of the
repayment, shall be determined by the Economic Development
Authority after considering all applicable facts and circumstances.
(10) Prior to making each certification, the committee shall
conduct at least one public hearing, which may be held outside of Kanawha County. Notice of the time, place, date and purpose of the
hearing shall be published in at least one newspaper in each of the
three congressional districts at least fourteen days prior to the
date of the public hearing.
(11) The committee may not certify a project unless the
committee finds that the project is in the public interest and the
grant will be used for a public purpose. For purposes of this
subsection, projects in the public interest and for a public
purpose include, but are not limited to:
(A) Sports arenas, fields, parks, stadiums and other sports
and sports-related facilities;
(B) Health clinics and other health facilities;
(C) Traditional infrastructure, such as water and wastewater
treatment facilities, pumping facilities and transmission lines;
(D) State-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure;
(E) Biotechnical incubators, development centers and
(F) Industrial parks, including construction of roads, sewer,
water, lighting and other facilities;
(G) Improvements at state parks, such as construction,
expansion or extensive renovation of lodges, cabins, conference
facilities and restaurants;
(H) Railroad bridges, switches and track extension or spurs on
public or private land necessary to retain existing businesses or
attract new businesses;
(I) Recreational facilities, such as amphitheaters, walking
and hiking trails, bike trails, picnic facilities, restrooms, boat
docking and fishing piers, basketball and tennis courts, and
baseball, football and soccer fields;
(J) State-owned buildings that are registered on the National
Register of Historic Places;
(K) Retail facilities, including related service, parking and
transportation facilities, appropriate lighting, landscaping and
security systems to revitalize decaying downtown areas; and
(L) Other facilities that promote or enhance economic
development, educational opportunities or tourism opportunities
thereby promoting the general welfare of this state and its
(12) Prior to the issuance of bonds under this subsection, the
committee shall certify to the Economic Development Authority a
list of those certified projects that will receive funds from the
proceeds of the bonds. Once certified, the list may not thereafter
be altered or amended other than by legislative enactment.
(13) If any proceeds from sale of bonds remain after paying
costs and making grants and loans as provided in this subsection,
the surplus may be deposited in an account in the State Treasury
known as the Economic Development Project Bridge Loan Fund
administered by the Economic Development Authority created in
article fifteen, chapter thirty-one of this code. Expenditures
from the fund are not authorized from collections but are to be made only in accordance with appropriation by the Legislature and
in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twelve
of this code and upon fulfillment of the provisions of article two,
chapter five-a of this code. Loan repayment amounts, including the
portion attributable to interest, shall be paid into the fund
created in this subdivision.
(f) If the commission receives revenues in an amount that is
not sufficient to fully comply with the requirements of subsections
(b), (c), (d) and (i) of this section, the commission shall first
make the distribution to the Economic Development Project Fund;
second, make the distribution or distributions to the other funds
from which debt service is to be paid; third, make the distribution
to the Education Improvement Fund for appropriation by the
Legislature to the PROMISE Scholarship Fund; and fourth, make the
distribution to the General Purpose Account: Provided, That,
subject to the provisions of this subsection, to the extent the
revenues are not pledged in support of revenue bonds which are or
may be issued, from time to time, under this section, the revenues
shall be distributed on a pro rata basis.
(g) Each fiscal year, the commission shall, after meeting the
requirements of subsections (b), (c), (d) and (i) of this section
and after transferring to the State Lottery Fund created under
section eighteen of this article an amount equal to any transfer
from the State Lottery Fund to the Excess Lottery Fund pursuant to
subsection (f), section eighteen of this article, deposit fifty percent of the amount by which annual gross revenue deposited in
the State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund exceeds $225 million in a
fiscal year in a separate account in the state Lottery Fund to be
available for appropriation by the Legislature.
(h) When bonds are issued for projects under subsection (d) or
(e) of this section or for the School Building Authority,
infrastructure, higher education or park improvement purposes
described in this section that are secured by profits from
lotteries deposited in the State Excess Lottery Revenue Fund, the
Lottery Director shall allocate first to the Economic Development
Project Fund an amount equal to one tenth of the projected annual
principal, interest and coverage requirements on any and all
revenue bonds issued, or to be issued as certified to the Lottery
Director; and second, to the fund or funds from which debt service
is paid on bonds issued under this section for the School Building
Authority, infrastructure, higher education and park improvements
an amount equal to one tenth of the projected annual principal,
interest and coverage requirements on any and all revenue bonds
issued, or to be issued as certified to the Lottery Director. In
the event there are insufficient funds available in any month to
transfer the amounts required pursuant to this subsection, the
deficiency shall be added to the amount transferred in the next
succeeding month in which revenues are available to transfer the
(i) Prior to the distributions provided in subsection (d) of this section, the Lottery Commission shall deposit into the General
Revenue Fund amounts necessary to provide reimbursement for the
refundable credit allowable under section twenty-one, article
twenty-one, chapter eleven of this code.
(j) (1) The Legislature considers the following as priorities
in the expenditure of any surplus revenue funds:
(A) Providing salary and/or increment increases for
professional educators and public employees;
(B) Providing adequate funding for the Public Employees
Insurance Agency; and
(C) Providing funding to help address the shortage of
qualified teachers and substitutes in areas of need, both in number
of teachers and in subject matter areas.
(2) The provisions of this subsection may not be construed by
any court to require any appropriation or any specific
appropriation or level of funding for the purposes set forth in
this subsection.
(k) The Legislature further directs the Governor to focus
resources on the creation of a prescription drug program for senior
citizens by pursuing a Medicaid waiver to offer prescription drug
services to senior citizens; by investigating the establishment of
purchasing agreements with other entities to reduce costs; by
providing discount prices or rebate programs for seniors; by
coordinating programs offered by pharmaceutical manufacturers that
provide reduced cost or free drugs; by coordinating a collaborative effort among all state agencies to ensure the most efficient and
cost-effective program possible for the senior citizens of this
state; and by working closely with the state's congressional
delegation to ensure that a national program is implemented. The
Legislature further directs that the Governor report his or her
progress back to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance on
an annual basis until a comprehensive program has been fully
§31-15-16a. Bonds for capital improvements at institutions of
higher education, state parks, the State Capitol
complex, other state facilities or tourism sites;
limitations; authority to issue revenue bonds; use
of funds to pay for projects.
(a)(1) The economic development authority shall, in accordance
with the provisions of this article, issue revenue bonds from time
to time, to pay for a portion of the cost of constructing,
equipping, improving or maintaining capital improvement projects
under this section or to refund the bonds, at the discretion of the
authority. The principal amount of the bonds issued under this
section shall not exceed, in the aggregate, $150 million an amount
that, in the opinion of the authority, is necessary to provide
sufficient funds for achievement of the purposes of this section and is within the limits of moneys pledged for the repayment of the
principal, interest and redemption premium, if any, on any revenue
bonds or refunding bonds authorized by this section. Any revenue
bonds issued on or after the effective date of this section which
are secured by lottery proceeds shall mature at a time or times not
exceeding thirty years from their respective dates. The principal
of, and the interest and redemption premium, if any, on the bonds
shall be payable solely from the Education, Arts, Sciences and
Tourism Debt Service Fund established in section eleven-a, article
six, chapter five and continued by this section.
(2) All amounts deposited in the fund shall be pledged to the
repayment of the principal, interest and redemption premium, if
any, on any revenue bonds or refunding revenue bonds authorized by
this section. The authority may further provide in the trust
agreement for priorities on the revenues paid into the Education,
Arts, Sciences and Tourism Debt Service Fund as may be necessary
for the protection of the prior rights of the holders of bonds
issued at different times under the provisions of this section or
section eleven-a, article six, chapter five of this code. The
bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be separate from all
other bonds which may be or have been issued from time to time
under the provisions of section eleven-a, article six, chapter five
of this code. The Education, Arts, Sciences and Tourism Debt
Service Fund shall be pledged solely for the repayment of bonds
issued pursuant to this section and section eleven-a, article six, chapter five of this code. On or prior to May 1 of each year,
commencing May 1, 2010, the authority shall certify to the state
lottery director the principal and interest and coverage ratio
requirements for the following fiscal year on any revenue bonds or
refunding revenue bonds issued pursuant to this section, and for
which moneys deposited in the Education, Arts, Sciences and Tourism
Debt Service Fund have been pledged, or will be pledged, for
repayment pursuant to this section.
(3) After the authority has issued bonds authorized by this
section, and after the requirements of all funds have been
satisfied, including coverage and reserve funds established in
connection with the bonds issued pursuant to this section, any
balance remaining in the Education, Arts, Sciences and Tourism Debt
Service Fund may be used for the redemption of any of the
outstanding bonds issued under this section which, by their terms,
are then redeemable or for the purchase of the outstanding bonds at
the market price, but not to exceed the price, if any, at which
redeemable, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall be
immediately canceled and shall not again be issued.
(b) The authority shall expend sixty percent of the bond
proceeds, net of issuance costs, reserve funds and refunding costs,
for certified capital improvement projects at state institutions of
higher education. The Higher Education Policy Commission shall
submit a proposed list of capital improvement projects which will
receive funds from the bond proceeds to the Governor on or before January 1, 2010. Thereafter, the Governor shall certify to the
authority on or before February 1, 2010, a list of those capital
improvement projects at state institutions of higher education
which that will receive funds from the proceeds of bonds issued
pursuant to this section.
Once certified, the list may not thereafter be altered or
amended other than by legislative enactment. At any time prior to
the issuance of bonds under this section, the Governor may certify
to the authority a revised list of capital improvement projects at
state institutions of higher education that will receive funds from
the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to this section. The
Governor shall consult with the Higher Education Policy Commission
prior to certifying a revised list of capital improvement projects
to the authority.
(c) The authority shall expend the balance of the bond
proceeds for certified projects at state parks, the capitol
complex, other state facilities or tourism sites.
(1) A committee comprised of the secretary of the Department
of Administration, the director of the Division of Natural
Resources, the director of the West Virginia Development Office and
a representative of the capitol building commission, other than the
secretary of the Department of Administration, who shall be
selected by the capitol building commission, shall submit a
proposed list of capital improvement projects which will receive
funds from the bond proceeds to the Governor on or before January 1, 2010. Thereafter, the Governor shall certify to the authority
on or before February 1, 2010, a list of those capital improvement
projects at state parks, the State Capitol complex, other state
facilities or tourism sites which that will receive funds from the
proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to this section. Once certified,
the list may not thereafter be altered or amended other than by
legislative enactment.
(2) At any time prior to the issuance of bonds under this
section, the Governor may certify to the authority a revised list
of capital improvement projects at state parks, the State Capitol
Complex, other state facilities or tourism sites that will receive
funds from the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to this section.
The Governor shall consult with the committee established by this
subsection prior to certifying a revised list of capital
improvement projects to the authority.
(NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to authorize the Governor
to certify a revised list of capital improvement projects that will
receive funding from the proceeds of bonds issued by the West
Virginia Economic Development Authority. The bill also increases
the amount deposited into the Higher Education Improvement Fund
annually from $10 million to $15 million and permits the Authority
to sell bonds in an amount that is necessary to accomplish the
purposes of the bonds and is within the limit of funds available
for debt service. The current limit on the amount of bonds that
may be issued by the Authority is $150 million. The bill clarifies
that the Authority may grant second-in-priority and third-in-
priority liens on State Lottery Fund moneys in favor of the bonds.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from
the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would
be added.)