WEST virginia legislature
2017 regular session
Committee Substitute
Senate Bill 549
By Senators Maynard and Cline
[Originating in the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; reported on March 22, 2017]
A BILL to amend and reenact §17C-15-44 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to allowing individuals at least twenty-one years of age to operate or ride a motorcycle without a helmet under specified conditions; and authorizing rulemaking.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §17C-15-44 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§17C-15-44. Safety
equipment and requirements for motorcyclists, motorcycles, motor-driven cycles
and mopeds; motorcycle safety standards and education committee; exemption;
(a) No person shall may
operate or be a passenger on any motorcycle or motor-driven cycle unless the
person is wearing securely fastened on his or her head by either a neck or chin
strap a protective helmet designed to deflect blows, resist penetration and
spread impact forces. Any helmet worn by an operator or passenger shall meet
the current performance specifications established by the American National
Standards Institute Standard, Z 90.1, the United States Department of
Transportation Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 218 or Snell Safety
Standards for Protective Headgear for Vehicle Users.
(b) No person shall may
operate or be a passenger on any motorcycle or motor-driven cycle unless the
person is wearing safety, shatter-resistant eyeglasses (excluding contact
lenses), or eyegoggles eye goggles
or face shield that complies with the performance specifications established by
the American National Standards Institute for Head, Eye and Respiratory
Protection, Z 2.1. In addition, if any motorcycle, motor-driven cycle or moped
is equipped with a windshield or windscreen, the windshield or windscreen shall
be constructed of safety, shatter-resistant material that complies with the
performance specifications established by Department of Transportation Federal
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205 and American National Standards
Institute, Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles Operated on Land
Highways, Standard Z 26.1.
(c) No person shall may
operate a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle or moped on which the handlebars or
grips are more than fifteen inches higher than the uppermost part of the
operator’s seat when the seat is not depressed in any manner.
(d) A person operating a
motorcycle, motor-driven cycle or moped shall ride in a seated position facing
forward and only upon a permanent operator’s seat attached to the vehicle. No
operator shall may carry any other person nor shall may
any other person ride on the vehicle unless the vehicle is designed to carry
more than one person, in which event a passenger may ride behind the operator
upon the permanent operator’s seat if it is designed for two persons, or upon
another seat firmly attached to the vehicle to the rear of the operator’s seat
and equipped with footrests designed and located for use by the passenger or in
a sidecar firmly attached to the vehicle. No person shall may
ride side saddle on a seat. An operator may carry as many passengers as there
are seats and footrests to accommodate those passengers. Additional passengers
may be carried in a factory produced sidecar provided that there is one
passenger per seat. Passengers riding in a sidecar shall be restrained by
safety belts.
(e) Every motorcycle,
motor-driven cycle and moped shall be equipped with a rearview mirror affixed
to the handlebars or fairings and adjusted so that the operator shall have
has a clear view of the road and condition of traffic behind him or
her for a distance of at least two hundred feet.
(f) There is hereby
created a six member motorcycle safety and education committee consisting of:
The Superintendent of the State Police or a designee; the Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles or a designee; the Director of the West Virginia Safety Council or a
designee; a licensed motorcycle operator; an owner of a motorcycle dealership;
and a supplier of aftermarket nonfranchised motorcycle supplies. The
nongovernmental representatives shall be appointed by the Governor with the
advice and consent of the Senate, shall serve without compensation, and the
terms shall be for three years, except that as to the members first appointed,
one shall be appointed for a term of one year, one shall be appointed for a
term of two years and one shall be appointed for a term of three years. Members
may be reappointed to the committee.
The committee shall
continue to exist pursuant to the provisions of article ten, chapter four of
this code until July 1, 1999, to allow for the completion of a preliminary
performance review by the joint committee on government operations.
The committee is hereby
authorized to recommend to the Superintendent of public safety types and makes
of protective helmets, eye protection devices and equipment offered for sale,
purchased or used by any person. The committee is authorized to make
recommendations to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles regarding the use of the
moneys in the Motorcycle Safety Fund created under section seven, article
one-d, chapter seventeen-b of this code.
Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, a person twenty-one years of age or older operating or riding on a motorcycle, as applicable, is not required to wear a helmet on his or her head if he or she:
(1) Has had a motorcycle license or a motorcycle endorsement on his or her operator’s or chauffeur’s license for at least two years or the person passes a motorcycle safety education program conducted under article one-d, chapter seventeen-b of this code; and
(2) Has in effect security for the first-party medical benefits payable if he or she is involved in a motorcycle accident; and
(3) Has in effect self-funded or self-purchased health care and accident insurance for which the total premium is either paid by the motorcycle operator, the motorcycle operator’s employer, or a combination of both the motorcycle operator and employer.
(g) The commissioner may propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code as needed to implement subsection (f) of this section, including any method a motorcycle operator or rider may use to prove he or she is eligible to operate or ride a motorcycle without a helmet.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to allow individuals at least twenty-one to operate a motorcycle without a helmet under specified conditions.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.