Introduced Version Senate Bill 482 History

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Key: Green = existing Code. Red = new code to be enacted
Senate Bill No. 482

(By Senators Minard and Chafin)


[Introduced February 5, 2010; referred to the Committee on Health and Human Resources; and then to the Committee on Finance.]


A BILL to amend the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §16-5W-1, §16-5W-2 and §16-5W-3, all relating to creating the Long-Term Care Facility Safety Act; requiring the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources to propose legislative rules concerning access to long-term care facilities; identification of applicants subject to the Sex Offender Registration Act; and requiring that information about the sex offender registry be given to residents and their families upon admission to a long-term care facility.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended by adding thereto a new article, designated §16-5W-1, §16-5W-2 and §16-5W-3, all to read as follows:
§16-5W-1. Short title.
This article is known and may be cited as the "Long-Term Care Facility Safety Act."
§16-5W-2. Definitions.
"Long-term care facility" or "facility" means any private nursing home, state nursing home, nursing home operated by a hospital or assisted living facility regulated by the State of West Virginia.
§16-5W-3. Secretary to implement standards.
The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources, or the secretary's designee, shall propose legislative rules, pertaining to the safety of long-term care facilities which shall include:
(1) A policy governing access to long-term care facilities, which at minimum establishes an identification system that applies to all employees and visitors. The identification system shall require that:
(A) All staff inside a long-term care facility shall wear a color-coded photo identification tags that is indicative of that person's job responsibilities.
(B) Posters explaining the color-coded identification system shall be placed in a central location within the facility and in each resident's room.
(C) Any visitor to a long-term care facility shall sign in and receive a temporary visitor's pass that shall be returned at the time the visitor signs out and exits the facility;
(2) A formal process for licensed facilities to identify applicants for admission to the facility who are subject to the Sex Offender Registration Act governed by the provisions of article twelve, chapter fifteen of this code; and
(3) A method of providing information concerning the Sex Offender Registration Act to residents and their families at the time of admission. This method must include information or instruction on how to access the sex offender registry.

NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to require the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources to propose legislative rules regarding the safety of long-term care facilities.

This article is new; therefore, strike-throughs and underscoring have been omitted.
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