Senate Bill No. 450
(By Senators Helmick, Minard and Unger)
[Introduced February 2, 2010; referred to the Committee on
Banking and Insurance; and then to the Committee on Finance.]
A BILL to amend and reenact §5-16-22 of the Code of West Virginia,
1931, as amended, relating to exempting certain employers and
employees from the requirements of the insurance provisions of
chapter thirty-three of this code.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §5-16-22 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended,
be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§5-16-22. Permissive participation; exemptions.
The provisions of this article are not mandatory upon any
employee or employer who is not an employee of or is not the State
of West Virginia, its boards, agencies, commissions, departments,
institutions or spending units or a county board of education, and
nothing contained in this article shall be construed so as to
compel any employee or employer to enroll in or subscribe to any insurance plan authorized by the provisions of this article.
Those employees enrolled in the insurance program authorized
under the provisions of article two-b, chapter twenty-one-a of this
code shall not be required to enroll in or subscribe to an insurance
plan or plans authorized by the provisions of this article, and the
employees of any department which has an existing insurance program
for its employees to which the government of the United States
contributes any part or all of the premium or cost of the premium
may be exempted from the provisions of this article. Any employee
or employer exempted under the provisions of this paragraph may
enroll in any insurance program authorized by the provisions of this
article at any time, to the same extent as any other qualified
employee or employer, but employee or employer shall not remain
enrolled in both programs.
The provisions of articles fourteen,
fifteen and sixteen, chapter Chapter thirty-three of this code
relating to group life insurance, accident and sickness insurance,
and group accident and sickness insurance, are is not applicable to
the provisions of this article.
whenever the provisions of articles
fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, chapter thirty-three of this code are
in conflict with or contrary to any provision set forth in this
article or to any plan or plans established by the Public Employees
Insurance Agency
Employers, other than the State of West Virginia, its boards,
agencies, commissions, departments, institutions, spending units or
a county board of education are exempt from participating in the insurance program provided for by the provisions of this article
unless participation by the employer has been approved by a majority
vote of the employer's governing body. It is the duty of the clerk
or secretary of the governing body of an employer who by majority
vote becomes a participant in the insurance program to notify the
director not later than ten days after the vote.
Any employer, whether the employer participates in the Public
Employees Insurance Agency insurance program as a group or not,
which has retired employees, their dependents or surviving
dependents of deceased retired employees who participate in the
Public Employees Insurance Agency insurance program as authorized by
this article, shall pay to the agency the same contribution toward
the cost of coverage for its retired employees, their dependents or
surviving dependents of deceased retired employees as the State of
West Virginia, its boards, agencies, commissions, departments,
institutions, spending units or a county board of education pay for
their retired employees, their dependents and surviving dependents
of deceased retired employees, as determined by the finance board:
Provided, That after June 30, 1996, an employer is only required to
pay a contribution toward the cost of coverage for its retired
employees, their dependents or the surviving dependents of deceased
retired employees who elect coverage when the retired employee
participated in the plan as an active employee of the employer for
at least five years. Each employer is hereby authorized and
required to budget for and make such payments as are required by this section.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to exempt public employees
and public employers from the requirements of the insurance
provisions of chapter thirty-three of this code.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from
the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would
be added.