WEST virginia legislature
2017 regular session
Committee Substitute
House Bill 2722
By Mr. Speaker (Mr.
Armstead) and Delegate Miley
[By Request of the Executive]
[Originating in the Committee on Finance;
March 21, 2017]
A BILL to amend and reenact §17-2D-2 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to increasing the monetary amount that may be expended for projects using the design-build program for highway construction.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §17-2D-2 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§17-2D-2. Highway Design-Build Program.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the Commissioner of the West Virginia Division of Highways may expedite the construction of projects by combining the design and construction elements of a highway or bridge project into a single contract as provided in this article.
(b) The Division of Highways may expend no more than $50 million in each year in the program: Provided, That if any of the $50 million is unused in one year, the remaining amount may be applied to the following year's amount: Provided, however, That the total aggregate amount to be expended may not exceed $150 million in any one year: Provided further, That for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2017, the Division of Highways may expend no more than $100 million in each year in the program; And provided further, That for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2017, the total aggregate amount to be expended may not exceed $300 million in any one year.
(c) (b) A design-build project may be let to
contract only in accordance with the commissioner's established policies and
procedures concerning design-build projects.
(d) (c) Projects receiving funding above the
amount of federal core funding as appropriated to the state by formula in a
federal highway authorization, currently titled MAP-21, may utilize the
program, but shall not be included in expenditure limits provided by subsection
(b) of this section.