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Bill Status - 2002 Regular Session

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The search returned 30 bills introduced on 02/20/02:


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HB 4544 Prohibiting certain gasoline price discounting practices Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4545 Relating generally to licensing insurance producers, solicitors and excess lines Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4546 Creating a gypsy moth spray commission Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4547 Providing service credit in the public employees retirement system for all active time served in the armed forces Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4548 Regulating the release of fish, water animals and other aquatic organism into the waters of this state Pending  House A&N Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4549 Removing the teaching status preference in certification of athletic coaches in public schools Pending  House Education Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4550 Increasing supplemental benefits to certain teacher retirement annuitants Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4551 Relating to beneficial use of sludge and requiring promulgation of emergency and legislative rules Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4552 Establishing and implementing a statewide birth defects information system by the commissioner of the bureau for public health Pending  House Finance Committee  02/27/02 
HB 4553 Creating a special revenue account for the payment of architectural and associated costs for the veterans nursing home Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4554 Providing that two dollars of the fees collected by the sheriff for service of process is deposited in the West Virginia deputy sheriff retirement fund Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4555 Requiring a ten minute rest period for employees during each four hours of work Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/20/02 
HB 4556 Making the junior sportsman's hunting, fishing and trapping license the same for residents and nonresidents Pending  House Finance Committee  02/27/02 
HB 4557 Empowering the director of the division of natural resources to develop and implement a program whereby the historical integrity of the town of Cass may be preserved Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  03/04/02 
HB 4558 Relating to fees for articles of organization for limited liability companies and certificate of authority for foreign limited liability companies Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4559 Supplemental appropriation to the higher education policy commission Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/27/02 
HB 4560 Supplemental appropriation to the department of education and the arts Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4561 Providing that a student may receive an award from only one state-funded source Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/25/02 
HB 4562 Directing the higher education policy commission to conduct certain studies and report findings to certain legislative committees Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/25/02 
HB 4563 Relating to the licensing of charitable bingo or charitable raffle activities by charitable or public organizations Pending    Concurrence  03/09/02 
SB 702 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of health and human resources, division of human services, energy assistance Signed    Governor  04/24/02 
SB 703 Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to department of health and human resources, division of human services Signed    Governor  04/24/02 
SB 704 Expiring funds to unappropriated balance in general revenue from insurance commissioner, insurance commission fund Signed    Governor  04/24/02 
SB 705 Expiring funds to unappropriated balance in general revenue from public service commission Signed    Governor  04/24/02 
SB 706 Expiring funds to unappropriated balance in general revenue from board of risk and insurance management, premium tax savings fund Signed    Governor  04/24/02 
SB 707 Supplementing, amending, reducing and increasing items of existing appropriations from state road fund to department of transportation, division of highways Signed    Governor  04/24/02 
SB 708 Authorizing rules of development office relating to workforce development initiative Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/20/02 
SB 709 Relating to health sciences scholarship program Signed    Governor  04/24/02 
SB 710 Amending required qualifications for superintendent of schools Pending  House Education Committee  02/26/02 
SB 711 Relating to community corrections generally Signed    Governor  04/24/02 
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