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Delegate Summers sponsored 36 bills:





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HB 2008 Auditing the Division of Highways Signed  Effective from passage - (February 20, 2015)
HB 2201 Requiring the Public Service Commission to adopt certain net metering and interconnection rules and standards Signed  Effective from passage - (February 28, 2015)
HB 2240 Providing that an act of domestic violence or sexual offense by strangling is an aggravated felony offense Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 2272 Relating to the authority of the Board of Pharmacy Signed    Governor  04/15/15 
HB 2368 Relating to child welfare RQST    CONF  03/13/15 
HB 2466 Exempting valid nonprofit organizations from licensing requirements of the West Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority during certain events Pending    Concurrence  03/13/15 
HB 2568 The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act PASS  Completed Legislation 04/15/15 
HB 2776 Relating to prescribing hydrocodone combination drugs for a duration of no more than three days Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 2590 Providing that residents sixty-five years of age or older are not required to have a license to hunt, trap or fish Pending  House ANR Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2242 Requiring health insurers to reimburse ambulance service providers directly for ambulance services covered under a person's health insurance policy Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/23/15 
HB 2444 Providing for the assignment of economic development office representatives to serve as Small Business Allies as facilitators to assist small business entities and individuals Pending  Senate Economic Development Committee  02/12/15 
HB 2394 Repealing the additional tax on the privilege of severing coal Pending  House ENG Committee  01/27/15 
HB 2236 Abolishing the West Virginia Diesel Equipment Commission Pending  House ENG Committee  01/22/15 
HB 2015 Requiring the Legislative Auditor to conduct performance reviews and audits for every government spending unit, including all members of the Board of Public Works and the Legislature Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/10/15 
HB 2675 Reducing certain severance taxes that are dedicated to the Workers' Compensation Debt Reduction Fund Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/04/15 
HB 2735 Changing the date the unemployment fund reaches a certain level to reduce the threshold wage Pending  House Finance Committee  02/13/15 
HB 2903 Providing a tax credit for first time home buyers Pending  House Finance Committee  02/24/15 
HB 2239 Creating a logistical advisory committee Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  03/04/15 
HB 2260 Prohibiting the Department of Health and Human Resources from expanding the managed care population without authorization from the Legislature Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/23/15 
HB 2215 Establishing certain protections for individuals seeking health care coverage through the WV Health Benefit Exchange Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/22/15 
HB 2450 Expanding prescriptive authority of advanced practice registered nurses and certified nurse-midwives Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/28/15 
HB 2829 Defining "midwife", "certified midwife" and "midwifery" Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  03/03/15 
HB 2806 Creating a methamphetamine registry Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/18/15 
HB 2734 Extending the Multi-State Real-Time Tracking System Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/13/15 
HB 2660 Relating to health insurance exchange navigators and nonnavigator assisters Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/09/15 
HB 2694 Requiring all local special elections to be held on the days and hours of general or primary elections Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/11/15 
HB 2727 Exempting certain health care professionals from licensure requirements while performing charity care Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/15 
HB 2729 Relating to welfare system integrity Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/13/15 
HB 2826 Requiring the Commissioner of the Division of Highways to approve points of access to and from state highways to real property used or to be used for commercial, industrial or mercantile purposes; "Sarah Nott's Law" Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/19/15 
HB 2781 Allowing a medical power of attorney representative or surrogate to waive the incapacitated person's right to a trial by jury Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/15 
HB 2566 Coal Jobs and Safety Act of 2015 Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/06/15 
HB 2501 Prohibiting sexual offenders from residing within one thousand feet of a school or childcare facility Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/29/15 
HB 2216 West Virginia Health Benefit Exchange Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/28/15 
HB 2009 Allowing State Police, police, sheriffs and fire and emergency service personnel to possess naloxone or other approved opioid antagonist Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/23/15 
HB 2561 Requiring the Commissioner of Highways to contract with private providers or contractors for necessary emergency maintenance operations Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  02/02/15 
HB 2695 Relating to gasoline and fuel excise tax Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  02/11/15 
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