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There are 21 Bills pending in House Pensions and Retirement




HB 2059Increasing benefits of retired state personnel and retired teachers01/13/16
HB 2067Relating to pension benefits exempt from state income taxation01/13/16
HB 2113Increasing the amount of retirement income to be excluded from the gross income of individuals receiving retirement benefits under the West Virginia Public Employees Retirement System01/13/16
HB 2154Providing a one-time bonus payable in July of every year for retired public school teachers and state retirees01/13/16
HB 2169Providing cost-of-living adjustments for certain current and former public employees01/13/16
HB 2198Permitting teachers under the State Teachers Retirement System to teach college level courses without loss of benefits01/13/16
HB 2253Reducing state income taxes for state and federal retirees by increasing the exemption on retirement income01/13/16
HB 2384Removing prohibition of municipalities that are participating in the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program to pass ordinances, acts, rules or regulations pertaining to municipal pension plans01/13/16
HB 2404Providing one-time supplements to all annuitants when they reach the age of seventy01/13/16
HB 2417Relating to the State Teachers Retirement System01/13/16
HB 2423Reinstating service credit to certain members of the Public Employees Retirement System01/13/16
HB 2437Providing a cost-of-living provision for certain persons retired01/13/16
HB 2522Exempting State Teachers Retirement System pension benefits from West Virginia personal income taxation01/13/16
HB 2560Relating to disqualification for public retirement plan benefits when a participant is determined to have rendered less than honorable service01/13/16
HB 2620Relating to definitions used in the Public Employees Retirement System01/13/16
HB 2656Establishing a retired teachers instant lottery scratch-off game01/13/16
HB 2791Increasing benefits of retired state personnel and retired teachers01/13/16
HB 2812Clarifying use of subsistence allowance in determining compensation for purposes of calculating pension benefits for natural resources police officers01/13/16
HB 4425Modifying the definition of “accrued benefit” by increasing the retirement benefit multiplier for certain EMSRS members02/05/16
HB 4474Continuing personal income tax adjustment to gross income of certain retirees receiving pensions from defined pension plans02/10/16
HB 4479Adding an annual annuity adjustment of one percent for eligible retirants or surviving spouses02/10/16
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