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Bill Status - 2015 Regular Session

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There are 36 Bills pending in House Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business




HB 2012Relating to the payment of wages by employers and when final wages are required to be paid01/14/15
HB 2012Relating to the payment of wages by employers and when final wages are required to be paid01/14/15
HB 2019Requiring the mine foreman examiner to review the employment history and certify that the applicant01/14/15
HB 2019Requiring the mine foreman examiner to review the employment history and certify that the applicant01/14/15
HB 2041Establishing requirements for prior review of all privatization proposals01/14/15
HB 2041Establishing requirements for prior review of all privatization proposals01/14/15
HB 2052Relating to the labor-management relations act for the private sector01/14/15
HB 2052Relating to the labor-management relations act for the private sector01/14/15
HB 2061Establishing seniority rights for public employees01/15/15
HB 2061Establishing seniority rights for public employees01/15/15
HB 2062Establishing the Legislative Oversight Commission on Energy Workers Safety01/15/15
HB 2062Establishing the Legislative Oversight Commission on Energy Workers Safety01/15/15
HB 2126Relating to substance abuse screening of persons certified to perform a duty in the operation of a mine01/20/15
HB 2126Relating to substance abuse screening of persons certified to perform a duty in the operation of a mine01/20/15
HB 2195Making changes to the definition of electrical contractor01/21/15
HB 2195Making changes to the definition of electrical contractor01/21/15
HB 2206Repealing the requirement of paying prevailing hourly rate of wages for construction of public improvements01/22/15
HB 2206Repealing the requirement of paying prevailing hourly rate of wages for construction of public improvements01/22/15
HB 2243Relating to minimum wage and maximum hours standards for employers01/23/15
HB 2243Relating to minimum wage and maximum hours standards for employers01/23/15
HB 2273Relating to prevailing wages01/23/15
HB 2273Relating to prevailing wages01/23/15
HB 2784Requiring certification of correctness as to design, construction and performance of domestic and commercial liquefied petroleum gas-consuming equipment and appliances02/17/15
HB 2784Requiring certification of correctness as to design, construction and performance of domestic and commercial liquefied petroleum gas-consuming equipment and appliances02/17/15
HB 2794Making changes to the definition of contractor for purposes of the West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act02/17/15
HB 2794Making changes to the definition of contractor for purposes of the West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act02/17/15
HB 2869Making the Department of Corrections and the Division of Health, and their respective workplaces, subject to the Occupational Safety and Health Act02/20/15
HB 2869Making the Department of Corrections and the Division of Health, and their respective workplaces, subject to the Occupational Safety and Health Act02/20/15
HB 2874Creating the Earned Sick Time Act02/20/15
HB 2874Creating the Earned Sick Time Act02/20/15
HB 2883Requiring, for safety reasons, minimum personnel of two on certain trains02/23/15
HB 2883Requiring, for safety reasons, minimum personnel of two on certain trains02/23/15
HB 2896Prohibiting discrimination in the appointment, promotion, demotion or dismissal based upon sexual orientation02/24/15
HB 2896Prohibiting discrimination in the appointment, promotion, demotion or dismissal based upon sexual orientation02/24/15
HB 2900Exempting certified professional estimator services from consumer sales and service tax02/24/15
HB 2900Exempting certified professional estimator services from consumer sales and service tax02/24/15
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